Internet dating- applicants are too fat



  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    "Atleast to get themselves laid once in a while cause at the moment I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be happening."

    Who are you to assume? Im sure there are plenty of overweight men and women on this site that get laid plenty.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Also its super sketchy asking this on MYFITNESSPAL HELLO!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    What's that old saying? "No one is completely useless because they can always serve as a bad example." Seems to fit here.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Wow, these replies are ridiculous. Every single one of you is essentially saying that you are willing to date someone that you don't find attractive? I highly doubt that. Just because an overweight body type doesn't hold any attraction for OP doesn't make him a bad person.

    Let's be real, when dating most of it goes by first impression (looks). I'll freely admit that I am not interested in dating someone who is overweight because that is not what I find myself attracted to. Anyone who says looks don't matter is lying. It's WHAT kind of looks you find attractive that make a difference.

    Step off your soapboxes, everyone. Smh

    Edit to add: Yes, his tone and word usage is less than desirable but the message is still there.
  • Just a question....if you found your perfect girl and she gained a lot of weight after...would you split or would you force her to lose weight? .....just curious...

    Wow 2 pages. Anyway I would suggest she trimmed up and give her a chance first. If I'm not attrracted to her we might as well just be friends.
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    I do the same. Fat=no answer. I never expected good looking people to message me when I was fat.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Wow, these replies are ridiculous. Every single one of you is essentially saying that you are willing to date someone that you don't find attractive? I highly doubt that. Just because an overweight body type doesn't hold any attraction for OP doesn't make him a bad person.

    Let's be real, when dating most of it goes by first impression (looks). I'll freely admit that I am not interested in dating someone who is overweight because that is not what I find myself attracted to. Anyone who says looks don't matter is lying. It's WHAT kind of looks you find attractive that make a difference.

    Step off your soapboxes, everyone. Smh

    Not all of us are saying that.. hes entitled to his opinion but what good is it to hurt peoples feelings. If he isnt attracted to them, fine.. dont talk to them.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Wow, these replies are ridiculous. Every single one of you is essentially saying that you are willing to date someone that you don't find attractive? I highly doubt that. Just because an overweight body type doesn't hold any attraction for OP doesn't make him a bad person.

    Let's be real, when dating most of it goes by first impression (looks). I'll freely admit that I am not interested in dating someone who is overweight because that is not what I find myself attracted to. Anyone who says looks don't matter is lying. It's WHAT kind of looks you find attractive that make a difference.

    Step off your soapboxes, everyone. Smh

    I think it is more of the fat bashing that is getting him all the hate. Since this website has many users that are obese and morbidly obese. The comments about fat girls not being able to get laid and such were incredibly uncalled for

    I do agree with you though. Looks are important. Everyone has a preference
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm not sexually attracted to any girl who has rolls of any kind right. This is the first line of compatibility in my brain. I have however found myself liking a lot of girls who aren't the ideal body type, particularly on MFP lol. But you know, that is my problem, not theirs. Don't ever message them saying it's because they are too fat. Have some respect dude. Just think about that for a second. You want to cry them into submission? Super **** move.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    This post made me sad. Dude, beauty is ONLY skin deep. Maybe one of these women would be your perfect match. Yes there must be attraction, but you just utterly right them off due to their weight? My momma always said if you look you can find the beauty in everyone. I think that is mainly true (Hitler being the exception, dang Hitler!). We all get older and parts of us sag, we get wrinkly, etc. Personality pretty much always stays the same!
    Oh the irony. 99% of the people on this site are trying to look "good".

    The trolling is epic in this one.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I gotta be honest: troll or not I don't see a problem with this. not everyone is attracted to overweight people and yeah, personality is great but physical attraction, for me any way, is a must too. You could be the nicest, sweetest person out there but if I am not physically attracted to you then you'll be a friend only.

    OP: is there a way to put on your profile that they need to be height/weight proportionate? This could eliminate your issue.

  • This is all true, and I totally agree. Looks are certainly not everything. There is beauty in everyone, BUT!!

    a woman (and man!) should love and take care of themselves and their bodies before they should expect to find somebody else to love and care for them, in my opinion. He said all the women who contacted him were morbidly obese, not just a little round. Now, if he was saying "non-supermodels need not apply", then yeah, that would be shallow and wrong. But these women are unhealthy from the sound of it. What's worse: not being attracted to somebody who doesn't take care of their body, or someone who due to health carelessness dies on their SO at an early age?

    Ah the first person to actually read what I wrote

    Yeah they are obese/ morbidly obese. One of them even said she worked in healthcare. Now I'm pretty against taking your work home with you, but it wouldn't be such a bad idea in this profession.

    As for people thinking this is trolling, IDGAF. Sounds like people on here wouldn't want a response with the honesty in it. I'm all up for communicating in a relationship. If we can't communicate before we're even in one what's the point.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Trolling troll is trollering.. Pam pam!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    We all have our types. I am married and don't have to worry about this sort of thing, but if I were single, I don't think I would be whining about my poor luck with online dating on my fitness site.

    Just saying.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    This post made me sad. Dude, beauty is ONLY skin deep. Maybe one of these women would be your perfect match. Yes there must be attraction, but you just utterly right them off due to their weight? My momma always said if you look you can find the beauty in everyone. I think that is mainly true (Hitler being the exception, dang Hitler!). We all get older and parts of us sag, we get wrinkly, etc. Personality pretty much always stays the same!

    This is all true, and I totally agree. Looks are certainly not everything. There is beauty in everyone, BUT!!

    a woman (and man!) should love and take care of themselves and their bodies before they should expect to find somebody else to love and care for them, in my opinion. He said all the women who contacted him were morbidly obese, not just a little round. Now, if he was saying "non-supermodels need not apply", then yeah, that would be shallow and wrong. But these women are unhealthy from the sound of it. What's worse: not being attracted to somebody who doesn't take care of their body, or someone who due to health carelessness dies on their SO at an early age?

    I agree with the anonymous hottie.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member

    Trollhole FOR THE WIN! Best word I've heard all day!
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    Just don't respond to them lol, it's pretty easy I'm sure.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member

    This is all true, and I totally agree. Looks are certainly not everything. There is beauty in everyone, BUT!!

    a woman (and man!) should love and take care of themselves and their bodies before they should expect to find somebody else to love and care for them, in my opinion. He said all the women who contacted him were morbidly obese, not just a little round. Now, if he was saying "non-supermodels need not apply", then yeah, that would be shallow and wrong. But these women are unhealthy from the sound of it. What's worse: not being attracted to somebody who doesn't take care of their body, or someone who due to health carelessness dies on their SO at an early age?

    Ah the first person to actually read what I wrote

    Yeah they are obese/ morbidly obese. One of them even said she worked in healthcare. Now I'm pretty against taking your work home with you, but it wouldn't be such a bad idea in this profession.

    As for people thinking this is trolling, IDGAF. Sounds like people on here wouldn't want a response with the honesty in it. I'm all up for communicating in a relationship. If we can't communicate before we're even in one what's the point.

    I am someone who is technically in the obese category AND works in health care.. have you ever considered if your posts might be offensive to anyone?
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    People cry troll way too quickly on this site.

    Many people have this opinion, just don't always share it
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