False complimenters... RANT



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Omg, I love your skirt! Where'd you get it?
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,342 Member
    False compliments?? Are you kidding me? Seriously, you do not appreciate a compliment from your Mother-in-law! I NEVER had one of those. I wonder what they are like.

    Take the compliments and bask in them. Because you are looking great! :flowerforyou:
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    Id prefer they didn't use the word Journey

    ^ This. MFP and Glee ruined the Journey for me...
    even Steve Perry is annoyed by the overuse of Journey on this site

    and the last fake compliment I heard was....
    ermahgerd....that is sooooo fetch!! \m/
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    i also know when i hear a false compliment. it grates against my nerves because the complimenter uses a really high voice, like i'm a baby or a small dog. WHO'S LOSING WEIGHT? WHO'S LOSING WEIGHT? YOU ARE THAT'S RIGHT!
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    Some people are built to affirm others with their words, as long as there is not an alternative motive behind the compliments they are just trying to build you up and show you they care for you. A compliment is just a verbal gift would you turn away card with $20 in it? I know I wouldn't... Accept the compliment in the form it is said, knowing you are doing great and thank them for their support.
  • I just hate it when people tell me I look good. Those jerks.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Wow, really?

    Are people sometimes fake? Yep - you probably are sometimes too. I know I am.

    Are people a lot of times sincere? Yep. I know I am.

    Are people quite often akward (especially about weight) so things don't sound quite right when they say it, even if they are well intentioned? Uh, yes. I know I am.

    My advice? Get over it and be thankful that you have people that care about you enough to try and encourage you.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    This post absolutely does not make me want to kick you in the face.

    Where's your upbeat and positive attitude?

    I like people.
  • celamantia
    celamantia Posts: 6 Member
    Some people do look great even in jammy pants. I will sometimes compliment someone who then tells me they just threw themselves together, aren't wearing makeup, etc. that doesn't mean my compliment wasn't sincere.

    On the other hand, I have a lot of difficulty taking compliments. I rarely ever got them before, so maybe I just don't know how to deal with them. I have lost almost 73 pounds but some days I just don't/can't see it. I'll get on the scale and see that I've lost weight and be ecstatic, then see myself in the mirror and feel crushed. We are often our own worst self-critic.

    In the end, whether they truly see what they are saying or not, the compliments are coming from the right place.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I like it when people tell me I look like ****
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Some of what people say they really do mean, but there are times when they say things that are not true, or at least a big streeeeetch of the truth. I have lost a lot of weight, and I am proud of how far I have come. But I have people tell me "Look how skinny you are getting" or "You are going to blow away". I weigh 226 pounds right this second, there is no way I am skinny or fixing to blow away!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Id prefer they didn't use the word Journey

    How can you diss the Journey!?!? Don't stop believin'
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    LOL....... oh dear
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    Honestly, it's not an issue. People are just being nice. If you don't like the comps, tell them to stop, but I bet you won't. Lol.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    you know the people... the ones who will ALWAYS tell you how wonderful your hair or clothes are (even if you just threw on some jammy pants and met them in the store)

    one of mine is my mother in law... after 10 pounds lost and only 40 more to go, she tells me I am "shrinking away to nothing," because she thinks that is what I want to hear.

    or a co worker who always pulls me aside to tell me how "fabulous" I look.

    I am very vocal about my healthier lifestyle and my workout program (it keeps me accountable)
    I guess what what I would like to hear rather than false, exaggerated compliments are an Occasional "you are looking good today" or "you look healthy"

    what would you prefer to hear people say to you in your journey to a happier, healthier you?
    First: congratulations on your Journey
    Secondly: Don't stop believing. The compliments may be genuine and not false. Be good to yourself.
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm going to step forward and say that I do give false compliments - not sarcastic compliments - but we have all seen people are who are just deflated or you can tell they might be off that day or you can tell they are really working hard at something and I really think a compliment goes a long way.

    I don't go so far as to lie to someone's face, but I know sometimes a compliment can completely turn my day around, so I give it back if I know someone is in need or just to make someone smile and maybe turn their day around.


    Just me.

  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    I am very vocal about my healthier lifestyle and my workout program (it keeps me accountable)

    Are you really being vocal because it keeps you accountable or because you're wanting people to notice?

    Take the compliments as they are meant to be...compliments.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    ... are you kidding?

    If somebody compliments me (false or not), I take it for what it is - an attempt to be nice. I don't spit in the face of a gift horse.

    The more compliments the better! Since you don't like yours, I'll take them. Thank you.
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    False or not, they are taking the time to say something nice to you. That should make you happy in and of itself that you have people like that in your life that care enough to compliment you and keep you motivated.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    Say thank you
    move on