Plus Size Barbies - Week 1



  • missdobbs
    I know I'm a tad late, but I'd like to join anyway!

    My name is Emily, and I'm 27 yrs old. I'm a work-at-home mom. I have two kids, 3 and 7, and I joined this group because I feel like I need the help and encouragement to lose weight and get healthy. I'd like to be able to keep up with my kids.

    My goals:
    Starting weight: 225lbs
    Current weight: 225lbs
    Goal weight: 165 lbs by June 2011 (my wedding)
    Ultimate goal weight: 145 lbs
    Starting sizes as of today: Pants/Jeans: 18-20, Shirt 1x-2x
    Goal sizes: Pants/Jeans: 13, Shirt: med-large

    Things I want to change:
    -be able to run
    -be able to wear a bathing suit without feeling self conscious
    -be more energetic
    -feel healthy
    -stop putting off housework
    -whiter teeth
    -learn how to do my hair

    I'll take pics soon!

    This week's daily challenge: I love my red hair!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Not a very great Day 1 for me. It was a hard weekend for dieting, spent it all on a roadtrip with my best friend. Basically no exercise, not enough food/ crappy food. And today was my first day of classes for the new term at the college. Basically went a little bit over all of my food categories. Not feeling too good. :P

    Don't let it keep you down! We are all going to have sucky days. For instance, I'm traveling for work again this week. Ate McDonalds for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch, and haven't had dinner. :embarassed: Trying to turn a negative into a positive I found a Curves nearby my hotel and was able to get in a workout after work. I'm lucky enough to have a fridge in my hotel so I'm going to go grocery shopping tonight to stock up on healthy snacks.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Happy Birthday Ruth!

    Today and yesterday have been good days and under calories. I lost 0.8 since yesterday.

    I have a weekly goal of a 3500 calorie burn and yesterday I did slim in 6 and elliptical and burned 713 calories and today did slim in 6 and went for a walk with a calorie burn of 569.

    Does anyone have a HRM and would like to join me in burning at least 3500 calories (1lb of fat) per week?
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I think my trainer was trying to kill me today with the cardio blasts between sets. I hate the elpticall and she made me do level 8 at 8mph for a min. I had to do that 3 times and the 4th time it was at a level 12 at 9mph for 30 seconds. This was between sets of weights for shoulder, chest and triceps. I am sure I will be feeling in tomorrow.
  • kelkie11
    kelkie11 Posts: 18
    Hi everybody,

    My name is Kelly and I need some motivation so that is why I am joining this group. I would like to lose about 100 pounds. I have been overweight my whole life and it is about time that I make some healthier changes in my lifestyle.

    I would like to lose at least 2 pounds a week. I would like to be down 60-75 pounds by Christmas this year. I would like to become a more active person and experience things that I would never ever try being this bungie jumping, white water rafting etc.

    I definatley want to change my eating habits- I have a really hard time at night. I live alone and tend to Binge eat while I am alone. I would like to make it so I don't eat anything after 8.00pm unless it is a piece of fruit or veggies. I would like to change my sleeping habits and only get 6-8 hours a day. I work shifts at a hospital and on my time off sometimes I sleep well into the afternoon, which we all know is not good. I would also like to take time and make my appearance better. I tend to slack off on make up and hair because i figure, I am fat and feel like garbage so why bother trying to look better.

    I will definatley take some before pictures this week and post them.

    I currently wear size 24-26 pants, and 3X and 4X shirts. I would like to be a size 8-10 when all is said and done.

    People always tell me that I have nice eyes and a very pretty face...soooooo you know what they really mean... U have a pretty face for a fat girl.

    Highest weight: 276
    Goal Weight : 150
    P.S.B start weight: 257
    Week 1 Goal - 254
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Hey yall well this is my day 2...It went just the way I wanted it to...I got my before pics up!!!
  • joyfulmom4him
    Hi Barbies, Happy belated birthday Ruth! Good job ladies we are getting closer to reaching our goals. I logged my food and did 30 minutes of Walk Away th Pounds. I am trying to ease back into working out. I used to lift light weights and that did wonders for my body. I am recovering from a c/section still (6th one to be exact) so I don't know if I am ready to try ab stuff yet. One day at a time sweet Jesus...... Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
  • 30by30girl
    wow you girls are motivating me, I walked for 8 minutes around my house today and was huffing and puffing! Can't wait till I can post that I walked for 30. Today has been a good day for me! Yeah!

    Go Barbies!
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Okay so it is the end of the day. I did not work out today but I worked out twice yeaterday. I will work out tomorrow. I try to get a min of 2 hours a week in. Usually 4 days at 30 min. I am also "saving" cals this week cause I know Easter is comming. So I know I will be over that day so I want to even it out for the week. I think I will go to the gym after church on Easter and before hitting my mom's house.

    Today was a good day eating wise and work wise. I am so glad that you gals are here cause I know I will need you for the crappy days to come. The crapy days always come eventually. I am just learning how to not eat through the pain, stress etc.

    Good night and have an AWESOME day!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    So, I'm starting a two times a week 80 minute water aerobics class on Thursday at the college! Can anybody here tell me what those are like? I looked it up on the exercise log and it says I'd burn about 550 calories in 80 minutes...WOW! True??
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Hi i am just bumping this to fill out when i get home from work.

    hope you will all still have me :)
  • BridgetE
    BridgetE Posts: 10
    So good day for me yesterday. Logged my food and exercise. Had a major headache from cutting out the diet soda. Made the switch to water. I don't have anything against water, but for some reason would always drink the diet coke.

    I'm at work already this morning. Realized last night that my son is off from school and I didn't arrange for a babysitter! Duh! Now I have to leave early.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Sweetie I took water aeroboics in college too. I wasn't keeping track of the calories then but it sure can work your *kitten*. I had that and jogging on opposite days and I was loosing weight. I lost at least 15 lbs just by doing that and switching from soda to crystal light. That was the smallest I have been in my adult life. Since it is going to be all college age people the instructor will work you harder then if you take it at a gym were there are a lot of older people. Be prepared to be able to bicep curls with half full milk jugs. It is a fun class though.
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    1. Hi I am Lee-Anne, I live in Perth Australia, I have to admit I just really liked then name, I have been using MFP since mid January, and havent joined a group before I guess I just wanted to give it a try. I go to a personal trainer with my neighbour which has been great and helps me to afford it we go twice a week, and i do log my calories every day.

    2. Set Goals (Let us know what your weight loss goals are)

    I have a few goals and they are firstly to loose 10kg (22 pounds) and am almost there 500grams to go
    I have another goal to be 80 kilos this summer (December is summer in australia and that would be a total of 27kg in 11 months so just slightly more than an average of half a kilo or just over a pound a week) 2 of my good friends are getting married and i want to look good for a change and also my best mate is coming home from canada for a visit and I think it would be good to have someone that hasnt seen me in the process to see how they react. and finally (this may take 2 or 3 years i guess) to get to a healthy weight range and just live a better life.

    3. Things you wanna change I realy want to be able to never say no to something cause i dont think i am going to be physically able (like skiing for example not being sure i could find gear that would fit let along actually do it)

    4. Take Before Pictures - not done yet i have photos from the weeks before i started in january i will post some of those

    5. Get starting sizes was a 22 pant and a 20 top - i now wear a belt so 18-20 pant and 16-18 top so dropped one dress size and close to 2

    ***THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: I like that I have a lot of very good friends, and i like that i try very hard to be an honest and truthful person;
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    So, I'm starting a two times a week 80 minute water aerobics class on Thursday at the college! Can anybody here tell me what those are like? I looked it up on the exercise log and it says I'd burn about 550 calories in 80 minutes...WOW! True??

    it really depends like everything what you put into it, with the aqua its all about resitance so do everything with vigour dont just float and glide to get the most out of it - if you can try deep water aqua class for an extra hard work out
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    I have a confession! LOL. I've been bad, and I need to be forgiven.

    So my weigh in # that I posted is from Friday morning. (That's when I weigh in.) An amazing 192.

    Wellllllll, let's just say I had a very beer and food filled weekend. Sunday night I stepped on the scale 199. EEEEEK! Usually by Wednesday the scale is back to normal after a naughty weekend. Not this time. I'm up at 196 this morning. I'm so mad at myself. I knew better, but I did it any way.

    My "official" weigh in day isn't until Friday, but I don't see a loss AT ALL. More than likely a gain. (GR!) To make matters worse, I haven't been getting my workouts in due to the fact that I hurt my foot 2 weeks ago. I did manage to get a walk in yesterday with my kiddo, I'm hoping to do it again today.... but dang.

    I feel fat. :o(

    I just needed to vent.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey Barbies,

    Hope u all have a great day today!! I ate way too much yesterday! but i am all planned for today so i am hoping to have a much better day! I am going to start planning my meals for the whole week so that i don't have a chance to mess up! One day at a time right! :flowerforyou:
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Today is my 80th day logging into MyFitnessPal~~~ Wow, I can honestly say I have never stuck with something this long! :blushing: I walked for 3 days in a row.....I am on a mission ladies. There is no stopping me this time. I am in it to win it, no joke. :bigsmile: I want to see some major results on Saturday, which I know most will be water weight, but I will take what I can get! :laugh: Let's go Plus Size Barbies.....we got this shyt~ :tongue:
  • meljones
    meljones Posts: 36 Member
    80 days!! That is awesome, I can't seem to get past around 50 days and then I don't log in for a day or so. Sucks to see that number start over again! Keep it up, you are a great motivation!
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Today is my 80th day logging into MyFitnessPal~~~ Wow, I can honestly say I have never stuck with something this long! :blushing: I walked for 3 days in a row.....I am on a mission ladies. There is no stopping me this time. I am in it to win it, no joke. :bigsmile: I want to see some major results on Saturday, which I know most will be water weight, but I will take what I can get! :laugh: Let's go Plus Size Barbies.....we got this shyt~ :tongue:

    i just hit 80 days as well .... i am also in the same boat that i have never done something so long .... yay for us