Any runners who were not good runners before?



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Every runner starts off barely able to run a mile. You just keep at it. I'll go run 10 miles like it's a stroll in the park now... but I'm still a "bad" runner... nobody cares... it's something you learn to love and do for yourself regardless of performance... or it's just not your sport.
  • SeasonedVett
    SeasonedVett Posts: 3 Member
    For me, most definitely that's the way it worked...gradually:smile: 3 years ago when I was over 250lbs and just starting my weight loss journey it was horrible for me to even get out and walk, it'd take me like 25mins to walk a mile and I hated every step lol I found Zumba fitness, (I'm now an instructor), and really gained a passion for all fitness in general so I kept up the walking also and made small goals. I started speed walking small stretches, then I'd challenge myself to jog to an upcoming tree, then maybe to the length of song. Once I got jogging a mile down, I got my speed up 12min/mi, then 10min/mi, 9min/ my best I could run a 5k(3.1mi) at an avg of 8.5 min/mi. I didquite a few 5ks and even placed 1st in my age division in one lol Running is so therapeutic and if you love music, even better! I've been slacking, I still get in about 4 miles a week, but one of my fitness goals is to be getting in at least 15 running miles/wk by 2013!
  • take it slow and easy. there's nothing wrong with intervals (run/walk/jog). you aren't in a race (yet) and it doesn't really matter how you look. find good music to listen to that help you keep a steady pace (regardless of how fast or slow) and for goodness sake it should feel more good-er than bad-er! sore is okay but pain isn't.
  • Couch to 5k made me a runner
  • acm130
    acm130 Posts: 100 Member
    I love, love, love this thread! There's just something that fills you with pride when you can say "I'm a runner." I've been a runner since junior high (I'm in my 30s) was a sprinter/mile relay/hurdles so my runs were like 3-4 miles for many years. I always come back to it because there's just something about the commitment & mental fortitude of running and TRAINING. Half Marathons are do-able for me now, never done a full (yet:smile: ) but setting a goal and training is so rewarding for me. I've used PodRunner (on i-tunes) for the last few years, it's so helpful for increasing stamina & endurance. My joke is running is like being in a codependent relationship sometimes, you HATE it at times (that first 2-3 miles before you find your stride, the injuries strains/sprains) but you LOVE it so much, the endorphins, the meditative experience. I don't care if I'm the best, or the fastest, I only care about being part of the "I'm a runner" club:smile:
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Started off not being able to run for 60 seconds in June, I completed C25K which I credit with making me into a runner (use that term loosely as I still wouldn't call myself a 'real' runner). I ran my first race, a 5K in September in 35minutes, and now my 5K PB is 29minutes. I'm still slow but I'm getting there, now working on running a 10K in the New Year.

    When I started it was taking me over 45 minutes to do a mile, now I can run 4 in that time. Stick with it, take it slowly and keep working at it, you will get better, your breathing will improve and it will become a little easier. Just don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Running was and is a real challenge for me. I have changed the way I run and I enjoy it now and look forward to it. But I am not a runner by nature. My 5 km time has decreased from 29 mins to 20 I have improved a lot, but I won't call myself a good runner. Faster, fitter, stronger as a person, but not great at running...
  • I have started running last April 2012 ..I could not run a mile and always felt like I was going to die..I set up a really big goal and entered for the Istanbul Marathon in November 2012. Download a Hal Higon Novelty Training Programme and completed my first marathon a month ago in 5 hours 16 minutes.

    I am here because while I was training for the marathon I have gain 6kg ( a stone). I am hoping to loose weight on my next marathon which is Edinburgh in May 2013 and Venice Marathon in Oct 2013
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE hates it at first. The only people that have always loved it played sports as a kid and never quit, or are liars. And even the sport-as-kids people (myself included) generally have an injury or life circumstance that puts them out of the game for a while, and hates it at first when they get back to it.

    There's no reason to sugarcoat the facts- it's hard as *kitten* when you start. You have to push yourself through it, and every fiber of your body will scream "QUIT!", but you WILL get past that with determination. And then you'll feel an unbelievable sense of accomplishment, worth every miserable mile. Even once you get past the hurdle, you'll have occasional bad days....but they end up making the good ones feel THAT much more awesome. Just keep at it, and you will get past the hurdle. I promise, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.

    I would try C25k. I've never tried it, but I have heard wonderful things from people like yourself. Now lace up and get going! :drinker:

    ^ I love this! :flowerforyou:
  • I want to get into running but first I'm trying to build up my endurance and cardio; that way, I can last a little longer and not get discouraged. Before I start though, I want to learn the proper form to run. I know there's a good way and a bad way. If we don't run properly, we won't last as long.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I want to get into running but first I'm trying to build up my endurance and cardio; that way, I can last a little longer and not get discouraged. Before I start though, I want to learn the proper form to run. I know there's a good way and a bad way. If we don't run properly, we won't last as long.

    Here's a good starter overview: