Should I lose fat before weight training?



  • KeriAnn06
    KeriAnn06 Posts: 49 Member
    The more muscle you have on your body the more fat you will burn. I think cardio is useless without combing weight training to be honest... If you want to lose weight before you start training then I would say since it's 80% diet you start in your kitchen. You could strictly lift weights and eat healthily and attain the body you want without even doing cardio,.
  • KeriAnn06
    KeriAnn06 Posts: 49 Member
    I would say if your'e going to do any cardio the best kind would be H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training). That would give you your best results in the shortest amount of time!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I see no reason to wait. I do cardio 3x a week and full body strength 2x a week. I have cardio and strength goals so this has worked for me. I'm too sore if I lift more days than that, plus cardio burns more calories for me so I like the more frequent higher calorie burn. Do what you can and work up from'll get there!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Most of the info you have gotten so far is right on. You do not have to wait to start weightlifting/strength training. You can eat at a deficit AND lift and lose body fat. Cardio is optional.

    Here is my cut and paste advice.

    Losing fat anywhere on the body is more to do with a calorie deficit than any particular exercise. With that said the fat will burn off from wherever the body decides. You cannot control this and it usually comes off in the reverse order it went on.

    To lose "weight" put your calories in a moderate deficit. Notice I said "weight". To make sure the majority of your weight loss comes from "body fat" you will need to do resistance training. Muscle is very expensive to maintain calorie wise. If you do not convince your body that the muscle is necessary it will get rid of it. This can look great on the scale but is terrible for body composition. This site is full of people who reach their weight loss goals and are not happy with the way their bodies look. This is usually do to large calorie deficit (from severe dieting or excessive cardio) and no resistance training (lifting relatively heavy weights). Strength training should be started as soon as possible. I recommend picking a premade program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. Any will get you results for quite awhile.

    Is cardio necessary for fat loss? Nope. You can lose weight just with diet alone or diet with strength training combined to maximize fat loss.

    Should you do cardio anyways? Yep. Many benefits of doing cardio but I recommend high intensity cardio. 20-30 minutes as hard as you can go. Try HIIT training at first. Do that about 3 times per week. Spending hours on a treadmill will burn calories but is so inefficient that I think its a waste of time. I do not recommend trying to turn you weightlifting into cardio with circuit training. Just add cardio afterward and keep them separate or do the strength training first and then do the circuit training as your cardio.

    Read this and the attached study but do not lower your calories that low:

    Watch this video for setting up calorie goals and macros (protein, fats, carbs)

    Watch this video to decide what kind of cardio you might want to do.

    Well said
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    you will lose fat while weight training. Do it all, cardio, weights and anything else active that you can think of :-)
  • KeriAnn06
    KeriAnn06 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, It depends on what you want. I prefer to lose the weight then tone up. I know a lot of people who are overweight and hit the gym- they not only lose weight but gain muscle too. Don't over do the weights - you don't want to look masculine !

    This is ridiculous. Women don't have enough testosterone to look "masculine" by lifting weights. Unless you're shooting hormones, this isn't a problem.

    This makes me laugh as well... I find it amusing that women think they can just get big like men!!! The women who are huge muscular things are taking testosterone to get that way!
  • Combine weight lifting with cardio. Start with 10-12 mins of "warm-up" cardio, then weight lifting. Try hit 15-18 reps/set on maximum rest of 15 secs. Do a fast walking cardio after weight lifting for around 40-60 minutes for burn as much fat possible. If you don't weight lift you will lose lean muscle fiber and you dont' want this. This combo helps burn fat lot faster and keep your lean muscle and also improve.
  • Muscle burns fat :) whatever you do though be sure to stay hydrated and ask someone at the gym for proper guidence. If you don't approach weights properly not only will you gain NOTHING from them but you can really hurt yourself. Trust me it is worth taking your time. You will build more muscle faster if you do it right. Good luck! I hope you have fun and find huge successes.
  • SlimSharonSlim
    SlimSharonSlim Posts: 85 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!
    Hello Pot, meet Kettle.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Greetings !

    You've gotten some excellent advice relative to going ahead now with the weight lifting. I absolutely agree!

    With that said, what is your goal? I would assume to LOOK great, FEEL great, be stronger, be leaner and to in my words: Be BAMtastic ? The goal isn't to merely have a smaller # on the scale - correct?

    I've lost weight, body fat, and am 5 sizes smaller than when I started my nutrition and fitness journey. The majority of this I've done with weight training. Very little cardio. I started lifting when I was 225, size 18. I'm now a size 8 with 28% BF. I'm still working on reducing BF and would like to fit into size 6 jeans. I"m doing that by increasing the intensity of my workouts - heavier weights and eating at TDEE. From a cardio standpoint, I do Tabata style workouts with ropes, kettlebells, medicine ball and a tractor tire. My resting heartrate is 48. I deadlift 215. I am definitely NOT bulky. I am definitely shaping my body, getting stronger and I"m well conditioned. Oh . and I eat.

    I've lost and gained the same 50 lbs many times in my life. THIS time is different. The difference maker? WEIGHTS.

    I blog here and on my own website if you are interested. I urge you to pick weights -- I think you will be VERY glad you did.

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    THIS IS A REPLY TO - MMAPAGS - This poor girl wanted advice about going to the GYM!

    She should work out - get rid of the weight - then hit weights.

    Women should never over do it on the weights, women should always look feminine!'re....something else. First off, women 'should always look' however they want. Secondly, math/science dictates that weights won't make you turn into a bulk beast on a calorie deficit. Perhaps you should read a book before you lie to a bunch of people on the internet.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!
    Hello Pot, meet Kettle.
    bump haha
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What are you 12? Lets see your results. Because I have yet to see a woman here that looks like a man.

    I eat like a man. Sweat like a man. Sometimes I smell like a man. Even swear like a man.

    But I'm pretty sure I still look like a woman.

    /checks pants...

    Nope. No penis.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!


    People agreeing with you = 0
    People disagreeing with you = 30

    Number of posts from you deleted by the mods = 2
    Number of other people's posts deleted by the mods = 0

    Who is the troll exactly?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!

    Have you taken a moment to look at the pictures of any of the women who have posted in this thread who do weight training? If you have, you would realize they all look very feminine and not "bulky" or masculine at all. Also, please do take the time to research what happens when women do weight training and what happens from a physiological point of view.

    The only person I see trolling for an argument here is you.
  • The more muscle you build the HIGHER your metabolism will be= easier to burn more fat. The ONLY way you could bulk up (which is a HUGE myth) is if you go Heavy weight training, i.e barbel concentration curls with 20 pounds or more doing very minimal repetitions and eating a LOT of protein.... Woman have very strong legs so yes you will see your quads sorta fast tighten up BUT This is good! YES the best way to lose weight in a healthy manner is to practice the 3 things together, good eating habits, cardio and weight training. Light weight training is ideal for faster weight loss and do NOT freak out with numbers in the scale. Good luck!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!

    Have you taken a moment to look at the pictures of any of the women who have posted in this thread who do weight training? If you have, you would realize they all look very feminine and not "bulky" or masculine at all. Also, please do take the time to research what happens when women do weight training and what happens from a physiological point of view.

    The only person I see trolling for an argument here is you.

    Take for example, this women who is obviously insanely huge since she lifts:

    see video of a different huge girl (115 lbs) lifting 225 lbs.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Stop trolling the internet looking for an argument !!!

    Have you taken a moment to look at the pictures of any of the women who have posted in this thread who do weight training? If you have, you would realize they all look very feminine and not "bulky" or masculine at all. Also, please do take the time to research what happens when women do weight training and what happens from a physiological point of view.

    The only person I see trolling for an argument here is you.

    Take for example, this women who is obviously insanely huge since she lifts:

    see video of a different huge girl (115 lbs) lifting 225 lbs.

    Great pics Coder. As those who practice weight training know: strength =/= bulk. You can train for size but even then, women, who don't naturally posses much testosterone, find that a slow a tedious process. Just plain strength training delivers exactly what it says: strength! A wonderful by-products is burning fat and getting a great looking body.
  • Wow I didn't realise this topic was active again!

    Thanks for all the extra information. I am now in my 3rd week of strength training :) My instructor was VERY helpful and I do a full body workout at least 3 times a week. I am currently using machines however after another 3 weeks or so I will be moving onto free weights and I am very excited! I already feel a lot better and stronger and I love the gym!

    I am wanting to lift to look better and be stronger. I was told by a few MFPers "Lose weight to look good - Lift weight to look good naked" haha.

    Also for those of you who are interested -

    I am 6ft

    The heaviest weight I could do before starting training was 220lbs on the Leg Press Machine.
    I can chest press 60lbs and curl even less! My arms are definitely my weakest point - oh and my back!

    I cannot wait to see these numbers go up :)