How will you tell your kids?



  • I won't be bringing this up with my kids but will answer questions if they ask. They are only 4 and 6.

    I agree. I don't see a reason to discuss it and scare them if they don't bring it up. They are 5 and 7. They are well aware there are bad people out there. It's not sheltering them from it, just preserving their awe and wonder.

    It's just like I am not discussing the injustice and wars around the world with them either unless they ask.

    I want them to be cautious in life, but not afraid of life.
    I believe you need to aware your kids of the world.... EXAMPLE today.. What does an innocent child do with out guidance ?
  • All I want is all the protection I as a parent can give MY KIDS!!! No shame, no hide.. JUST LIFE>>> Message me for fight's because I will be on my phone from here on out and cant view FORUMS
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I think kids are more resiliant than we often give them credit for - and they can usually make better sense of the world than we give them credit for too. If I had to be making this decision (my son is 7 but Autistic) I would talk to him about it, I definitely wouldn't hide it and if he wanted I would be ok with him watching coverage of it on tv. However, if you'd asked me two years go what I'd do I would've replied differently - now I've seen first hand how well young children handle trauma and how they process it. I think they handle it better than most adults.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I'm open and honest and will answer any questions they have IF THEY BRING IT UP. I will not be the one who introduces these circumstances. If they were older, I would, but in Kinder and 1st grade, I still really need them to feel SAFE in school.
    this is me exactly - my Kinderbaby asked me earlier why i was crying when i hugged her, i said it was because i loved her very much. later on when i was watching the news she said she had seen the story in grandma and grandpas room and she asked what happened - i left many details out but said a man went into the school and killed some people but we dont know why. my first grader hasnt asked or said anything about it, but i will say the same to her if she comes to me.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I teach 6th graders and I made a special effort today to avoid saying anything or accidentally having a news story on the screen. I wanted their parents to be the ones to help them through it. I don't know what I'll say if they mention it Monday.

    I don't have any kids of my own, but the images of the kids coming out of that school were gut-wrenching and I say that with 100% sincerity. Just horrific. Little babies like that should never be forced to deal with the aftermath of something like that.

    And then I saw that some of them had actually been interviewed by the press and I wanted to scream! Media should not be allowed anywhere near those children. Ask the police, ask the administrators of the school, but leave the kids out of it, for god's sake!
  • Keep kids safe
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    My kids knew about it before they came home from school. My 7th grader said they were playing it on the school news televisions at lunch time. It is terrible to know that all those babies were lost because someone got mad at his mother.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I didn't even think about telling my kids. Wow. . . maybe I should. I guess I try to shield them from the bad things. We just had a shooting (with a bow and arrow) at a college about 4 hours from here, but we live in a pretty safe area. Thank you for asking this question because now I think I need to sit down with them and explain that things like this happen. A real eye-opener for me!

    My thoughts and prayers are with the families. I can't even imagine what it would be like to lose a child, especially this close to Christmas. :cry:
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I have no doubt my highschool boys will be talking about it at the table tonight. I think my 4yr old is too little to understand. Every time I looked at him today I wanted to cry. I just can't imagine the pain. Someone is sitting at home tonight having just lost their little angel an angel they loved as much as I love mine. They will have to do something with all of their little clothes and toys. They will have to take the wrapped presents out from under the tree and never see the joy they would have felt on Christmas morning. I wonder if I would even have the strength to clean up the cereal bowl my boys left in the sink or would it just sit there forever as the moment I last saw them. The loss is more than I can even wrap my heart around.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    To those saying this shooting is worse than 9-11, I hate to burst your bubble but please get a reality check. Yes, this incident was awful and yes, it's difficult to talk about with children, I'm not disagreeing with either of those points. It's tragic that this is not even the first, second or third major shooting this year.

    However, 9-11 killed THOUSANDS. Men, women AND children, servicemen and women, and caused damage to buildings and aircraft. I'm sorry but the lives of 20 people and a national tragedy just can't be compared to one another at all, let alone saying this is worse.

    That is all.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    My boys are 8 and 4....I watched the coverage all day and makes me so sick to my stomach to even think about what those parents are going through right now, both of the victims and of the survivors. I won't be telling my boys about this, and I truly don't expect them to hear about it. They won't be in school until after the New Year now. If they were to ask questions, I'll answer them the best that I am able to. I just want to wrap them in my arms and never let go. :frown:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would not be raising this with children if I had any, they have plenty of time to be bombarded with all the negatives in this world without having their childhoods taken away by it as well.
  • VictoriaFitness2010
    My husband and I have a two year old so thank God she has not one clue what is going on right now. But I believe in being honest with kids. I do imagine if my kiddo was older, I would have to wait a day or so...I am getting emotional just typing this. I cannot wrap my brain around it. Sadly, children die all over the world everyday. There are children who live in constant fear of their lives daily. I will never understand.
  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    My 12 year old didn't go to school today but when he got home from working with his Dad we talked about it. He seemed really upset and angry with the guy that did the shooting. I'm sure he felt more but I'm just the step-mom so I didn't get a lot of the info.

    My 7 year old doesn't seem to know anything about it and for now I would like to keep it that way.

    I do know that when I was sitting in the pick up line waiting for my 7 year old to get to the car I couldn't wait to get my hands on her!
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    As for home schooling? REALLY ?? The kids will have a life OUT DOORS... let them experience it! Sorry to vent! PISSED MOM

    This thread was not seeking your opinion on homeschooling. Furthermore, before opening your ignorant mouth about the topic - I suggest you do some research. I am not going to go into the benefits or disadvantages of this type of education in this thread as I'm not interested in what anyone has to say about that at the moment.

    Thanks to all who responded. I was curious how people were going to approach this or if anyone had even given it thought before their children came home. My degree is in psych so I have some background knowledge but I don't claim to know it all or be a pro at dealing with children and these issues. Neither of my children had any awareness upon arriving home. I did speak with my 14 yo on the subject and her friend came over in tears this evening but I asked her to not bring it up to my 10 year old son. He is oblivious to it right now. I plan to wait until he comes home with questions and then I will validate his concerns, discuss the situation, and reassure his safety to the best of my ability. Tomorrow is never promised and sadly, this is just another example of that statement.
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    I am a mother of a 3 yr old and 10 yr old girls. I have sat down and talked to my 10 yr old about the shootings. I felt it was necessary simply bc it was all over the television and I would rather her hear it come from me. She is old enough and mature enough to understand and actually mourn the children as all of us are. My husband and I also asked her if her school has "lock down" drills and what is the procedure. She explained to us her school's lock down procedure and it actually reassured me a little about her safety at her school. My heart melts for the parents and families of the victims and I pray nothing this horrific will happen again. :frown: