Wii Team For April ( Fit, Fit+, EA, BL, Etc..)

Hey Everybody

Welcome any and all who use any of the Wii fitness games. Hoping to see all the newcomers and old friends continue on here and reach for those goals. If you are Wii-ing, join us!!

Continuing this thread into April as our fearless leader JAM has other priorities at this time. You are in our thoughts JAM as your DD heals.

My own goal this month is only slightly more ambitious than last. Right now I only have the Wii Fit plus, but can see myself exploring other games soon. I am going to commit to a full hour 5 nights a week. Going to try for 6, but mainly I want to never stop short of an hour this month. I have lost 10 lbs in 2 months, and I want to keep the trend going.

How is everyone doing?


  • jashen84
    jashen84 Posts: 3
    GREAT!!!!! I use my wii along with going to a fitness bootcamp 2 days a week...

    I'm always on my wii fit but i dont know how to add that to my exercise diary or how many calories I actually burn ... ( Sorry I'm knew to the site)... I did lose 5lbs just doing wiii alone last month
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    GREAT!!!!! I use my wii along with going to a fitness bootcamp 2 days a week...

    I'm always on my wii fit but i dont know how to add that to my exercise diary or how many calories I actually burn ... ( Sorry I'm knew to the site)... I did lose 5lbs just doing wiii alone last month

    Hey jashen , glad you can join us. After I got an HRM, I found that I was burning at least 200 more calories than the Wii was telling me. I really don't know what is the best way to add it to the diary either. I just go with circuit training and enter in my time and calories burned. Congrats on the 5 lbs in one month, sounds about perfect! Me too, been here two months, and I am down 10. Lets just keep that trend going!!
  • Prnculrich
    I got a Wii and play the sports resort at least 2-3 times a week for about a hour but I dont have a Wii fit cuz im to heavy still to be able to use the board. I am going to get a HRM here soon.
  • onekiss0813
    Good morning everyone I am new to the topic, I have the wii fit plus and the second e-active, I want to use the wii fit plus this month then move to the e-active, I am 8 away from my first goal. I have a quick question under what categorie do you place the wii fit plus under Aerobics or what? Please let me know because. I will let you know my progress every week.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Thank you for the new board Jane :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to lose 8 pounds this month. If I can do that and meet my next mini goal, I'm getting a spiffy new haircut which is looooooong overdue. I'm planning on finishing up my 6 week challenge with EA More Workouts, doing upper body every third day from EASA and either free step from wii fit plus/the More Workouts step routine or my new recumbent bike that's coming in a couple weeks for 30 minutes to an hour with a day off each week. I'm also going to be walking to and from work as much as I can this month now that the weather is nice too. I've signed up for the MFP team's President's Challenge so I want to get us as many points as I can take. Hopefully it doesn't kill me :laugh:

    My calories are way different with my HRM too than what the wii tells me. Wii Fit Plus never estimates enough for me, and with EASA and More Workouts it over estimates. I'm so happy I made the investment but I think since none of this is an exact science, as long as you're consistent in keeping track and always err on the low end of things, you'll come out ahead :smile:

    I throw all my wii calories into cardio strength training myself.

    Good luck everyone in your April goals and have fun wiiing!!:heart:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Welcome onekiss. As far as how to log your Wii time in the diary I can't really say. It is a common question! Seems people choose different methods and maybe others can weigh in on how they do that. Since I am lazy and just want to see the total calorie count , I just log it under circuit training.

    Wow Cathy, you aren't fooling around there! I see a spiffy new haircut in your near future for sure. A well deserved reward.

    If anyone would like to compete in a Wii Fit Plus boxing competition, let me know!

    Happy April everyone. Wii on!
  • beautifullyjaded
    how fun!!! i just got my wii fit plus 3 days ago from my amazing hubby for my b day in mid march :D so far ive played it ALOT its super fun so id love to be a part of this thread. my goal at the moment is to use it for an hour a day atleast 3 days a week and im supose to go walking with my mil 2 days a week so hopefully ill be losing some weight!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I love my EA Sports Active. So far I've completed one 30-day Challenge and I've lost 8 pounds during it. I do it 4 nights a week, with the gym on the elliptical for 2 nights week. My goal for this month is 8 more pounds. I think I can do it, I'm doing a new 30-Day Challenge this month and I have it on the hard setting. That definitely gets my heart going! I'm waiting to buy the EA Sports Active 2 for a while, I want to use this one more before I switch over.
  • tlalt73
    tlalt73 Posts: 4
    I use my Wii Fit Plus at least 5 nights a week! I love the yoga and step but the step needs more variety to it! What is the HRM?
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Ok, well, first day of the month I fell 10 minutes short of the full hour which is my goal. I just finished a ten hour work shift, and.. I just.. couldn't. ( Now someone should yell at me and tell me that is BS, I surely could have pushed out another ten minutes!) I suppose I will have to make it up over the weekend. I will!!

    I use my Wii Fit Plus at least 5 nights a week! I love the yoga and step but the step needs more variety to it! What is the HRM?

    HRM = Heart Rate Monitor I broke down and got one because I really wanted a more accurate count of calories burned. Sometimes I wonder about it as well, even though it's a Polar brand which are supposed to be good. Yesterday it had my heart rate much higher than it showed today , doing the same sort of routine, so I am guessing it is not perfect.
    And the step does get boring after awhile. Some people have gotten the riser for the board which surely makes for a better workout.

    @00trayn - That EA Sports Active sounds like a winner, and 8 pounds a month is excellent!! Good luck on another such month!

    @beautifullyjaded - Firstly congrats on being 22lbs down! Looks like several of us here using the Wii Fit Plus, glad you can join us.

    Almost the weekend, yay!!!
  • odessa_raven
    I have a Wii and got Just Dance a few days ago. I like it but even 20 minutes seems to be a little strenuous for me so I'm going to check out Walk It Out and Sports Resort. I'm also getting a pedometer today, and silly me I just remembered I got a HRM last year that I should probably pull out since I actually have a use for it now!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I have a Wii and got Just Dance a few days ago. I like it but even 20 minutes seems to be a little strenuous for me so I'm going to check out Walk It Out and Sports Resort. I'm also getting a pedometer today, and silly me I just remembered I got a HRM last year that I should probably pull out since I actually have a use for it now!

    I have heard some mixed reviews about the Just Dance, alot of people seem to like it though. I am sure if you just keep at it, in no time 20 minutes will be a breeze. Walk It Out is pretty popular too, many people loving that one. I have not heard much about Sports Resort.. ...gosh so many now, makes it hard to choose.

    Friday night is here at last and I am feeling verry unmotivated. Just tired. I am afraid I might be getting a bad cold, passed on to me by my daughter here, she is miserable right now, and i do NOT want this thing. Uhgg. Feels like it is trying to get me though.. just hints of not feeling quite right, dry throat, a chill here and there, headache trying to move in... So I am a little torn now on whether I should push myself, or listen to my body which is really wanting a blanket and some rest time...I cannot get sick now, I just don't have the time for it. Hate it when I don't meet my goals though with the exercise. What to do...

    Enough of my whining, sorry. Sure hope everyone is doing great and that the Easter weekend isn't too much of a sugar bomb.
    I do plan on eating some chocolate bunny ears, but I will stop there.

    Too bad there is no bunny wii games, lol. I mean they have that flying chicken, why not a hopping wabbit ? :laugh:
  • hymescs
    hymescs Posts: 32 Member
    I'm new and I've had my Wii Fit for about a month before dusting it off and actually doing the exercises. Now I'm in love, but I just recently joined this site, did my caloric intake for the last week - and just realized that I was doing a lot of it in vain. SO - with that said, does anyone do exercises + the Wii? If so, what do you do?
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm a PLUS girl!

    Well maybe only where my Wii is concerned, but it's the funnest thing I've done in front of my big screen in a while! I'm the SuperHulaHoop master in the house...my kids ain't gotta chance.

    Would love to join this group and find out what we're doing & when we're doing it...

    & yes, I exercise @ my local gym...Zumba twice a week & 30 - 40 min on the Elliptical the other days of the week (rarely the weekend). bad ankle keeps Step at bay & prevents me from running on the treadmill.

    I'd like to really get a lot of use out of my WiiFit, so I'll be looking for a lead...this is great!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I think I love the graphing capabilities the most...it gives me a real look at my progress!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    TwentyTen so hope you're feeling better really soon...kids and their kooties!

    Lots of hot fluids...watch, you'll drop. Esp if you stick with the liquids for a couple of days...

    50 minutes on the Wii?! that's awesome & with a "cough due to cold" too...be well & thanks for some great posts to this topic.

    When you get better & have a chance...how do we do this? Do we have a goal in mind or are we posting our experience...?

    thanks & congrats on the successes
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Thanks hooah. Welcome to the team , and hymescs too!!

    Had alot of hot tea tonight, and now ready for , hopefully, a full nights sleep for a change. Hey it sounds like you are sure doing great with the exercise considering your ankle issues. Great job. Zumba sounds like a blast, and what you are doing is obviously working. 16 lbs down is fantastic! Super job!!

    How we do this , is pretty freely, lol. Just set a personal goal for yourself for the month for your Wii time ( mine is one hour 5 nights a week) and try and stick to it. Beyond that feel free to yes, talk about your experience, and whatever's on your mind is welcome. Might be fun to have little challenges if anyone is interested. No one took me up on my Fit Plus boxing competition, but I am game for most anything.. in the game. :tongue:

    My month got off to a dud start with this damn cold creeping up on me :angry: , but hoping ya'll are starting April with a bang.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning everyone I am new to the topic, I have the wii fit plus and the second e-active, I want to use the wii fit plus this month then move to the e-active, I am 8 away from my first goal. I have a quick question under what categorie do you place the wii fit plus under Aerobics or what? Please let me know because. I will let you know my progress every week.

    I created different catagories in the "my exercise" section and use those to record it under cardio. I have one called Wii Fit and one called AE Active. I use a HRM to figure my calories and input that data each time.
  • odessa_raven
    I picked up Walk It Out last night along with Sports Resort and, um, Kung Fu Panda (I don't have the excuse of having kids, I get this stuff just for me). I did 20 minutes/3,000+ steps on Walk It Out last night, and I quite liked it. I wore my HRM to ensure I was staying in that aerobic zone and it was just about right. I liked that even when I got tired I could switch from lifting my feet to shifting my weight via my knees or hips and it still registered.
  • odessa_raven
    Too bad there is no bunny wii games, lol. I mean they have that flying chicken, why not a hopping wabbit ? :laugh:

    Well there IS Rayman Raving Rabbids and the sequels. They're more psycho than cute but they are rabbits!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Ya'll can't even imagine what you've done for me and mine...
    This is the 1st day in a long while that my entire family got in a workout...we laughed endlessly!

    I am heart full...thanks!

    Even the hubs weighed in his WiiMe...scary as it was...ha ha ha! We even weighed in out 2 big dogs.. & they both dropped 5 pounds each! down from 80 & 90 pounds a couple of months ago...the whole family saw a drop. AWESOME

    Yeah...WiiFit posters!