

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Jolene - that's wonderful about the job! Hope the Doctors get the answers they need and you don't have to have surgery.

    Did yoga today, will do training games on the Wii tomorrow.

    Just got back from the Moose lodge. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed. The "salad" was iceburg lettuce, on the positive there were tomatoes and carrots, green peppers, onions, they had cheese (didn't have any), dressing (didn't have any). The "prime rib dinner" consisted of overcooked (dry) prime rib (I did ask for 1/4 of a piece, but got 1/2, I should have been more insistent on 1/4), a baked potato (of course, there was butter and sour cream but I didn't have any of that) and a roll (I didn't have that). I had some of the meat, the baked potato and got tomatoes and carrots from the "salad bar". Dessert consisted of one cupcake. I gave mine to Vince. I was surprised that they didn't have something else besides the cupcake. It really didn't look all that appetizing anyway.

    Well, planning to do cleaning tomorrow, vacuuming etc. Then during the week will finish the cooking for Christmas and have to clean the kitchen again. But at least most of the house will already be cleaned.

    We have the bowling lunch to go to on Wednesday. I'm taking the shrimp and my carrots. After that will be Christmas eve with Denise and then the next weekend with Jessica. Then that's IT. THE END (thank goodness!)

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good to know you and your doc are on top of things Jolene, good luck with this and the new job!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was a good day got lots of walking in today.

    @Barbie its amazing what a good night sleep can do.
    @JT thanks
    @Michele your plan for tomorrow sounds a lot like my plans. Part of it is to get cleaning done
    @Lila it is hard to believe that Christmas

    Goals for tomorrow is to finish deep cleaning. Monday wrapping gifts and baking.

    The forecasts is for snow so depending on weather if not suitable for being outside I will be going to the. Y and walk there.

    Wishing everyone a good night

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I went to the gym and had a good workout. Did a lot of thinking
    And I am feeling a little better.
    Spent the evening making sugar cookies and listened to the original
    Cast on Broadway - Les Miserables. One of my favorite musicals!
    Dd#1 and I sang the songs and talked about the musical. When
    The girls were doing theatre , the senior kids did the musical Les Miserables.
    Both my girls and I helped with the play about ten times or more.
    Both girls love the musical and we can't wait to see the movie!

    As we were just sitting here we heard 2 guns shots or fire crackers
    Outside our house. Needless, to say both my girls are so freaked
    Out in light of what happened yesterday in CT . I called the sheriff
    But the noise has not happened again and they did not find anything
    Or anybody outside.
    Now, I need to get the girls calmed down and try to get them to
    Go to bed in their own beds!
    Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday. So thankful for my vitamin F!

    Posted this note from my iPhone ! We are down to one computer
    And the girls need it for finals.
    Hugs- LindaS
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jolene:smile: Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!! Congrats on the new job! They finally got that you deserve more money!!!

    I must get my shower now, got to get the hair ready for the tiara this morning, although it`s supposed to be rainy and icky today, means the hair will probably go flat:grumble: :laugh: . It`s one of the guys birthday today, I must rummage through the card drawer and see if there is anything suitable in there:tongue: , at least they don`t expect cupcakes!!! Dinner out tonight with the kids, I`m looking forward to that...at least I don`t have to cook:bigsmile: !

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Bump for later:smile:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    I am stuck with the borrowed iPad again as the laptop is not charging :grumble: - frustrating because I'm not bright enough to figure out a way to write and read posts at the same time, and can't hold all your thoughts, triumphs and trials in my head, so end up not being able to make many personal replies. You know my heart's with you, anyway.

    The three pound loss was a bit of a fluke, but I'm still down some and happy with that.

    Worry about my weight seems very trivial in light of the tragedy of wee children being shot in their school. Linda - Sundance, you see it through the frame do your work as a trauma nurse. I am sure Barbie sees it through the eyes of a teacher, as I do. I could not agree more that we need to take care of mentally ill and unstable young people. In Canada we don't have the same debates as you do in the US about gun control, but I don't think that's the root issue anyway. Folks will always find a way. We need to find a way to take better care of them before they get so desperate.

    On a much lighter note, I "went south " to Sandpoint yesterday and finished my Christmas shopping. We are going to my parents for the holiday so I just need to wrap and pack. DH informs me we are taking the car (a small Suzuki) and not the truck (a big Ford) for the trip. I believe he has NO idea how much stuff we have to haul to Kelowna.:noway: J'boy will be buried in the back seat.

    I am reading the lessons in church this am, then it's home to organize for the week. Stay posted for Christmas concert sagas.

    Hasta pronto,

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, beautiful ladies -

    We have really been ruminating a lot this week after the shooting. DH knows it always hits me hard, when a tragedy comes up like this, because for whatever reason I always seem to be there when they hit - was in CO for both Columbine and Aurora (was home for a visit, was at the mall where the movie theater was only two days before), happened to land in Oregon right when Kip shot his parents and some people at his school, the Amish shooting here was just a few miles away . . . it just breaks my heart. DD was on the phone as soon as she could with me - both she and SIL are heartbroken as well and struggling to imagine now that they have a daughter too. They were just babies - and people who cared for babies.

    I agree, LindaSun, that we must do more to see that the mentally ill get better care. Between that and home care, I don't see it in the cards - it always seems to be the first to go, and then we wonder why this keeps happening. Working out is a wonderful way to make that time spent pondering go by - we took a long walk yesterday as we worked through some of it.

    DeeDee, enjoy your dinner with your children tonight - and your tiara coffee.

    JB, I can't imagine how you must feel - DH is terrified it's a sign of things to come (I didn't know this about him but evidently he harbors quite the sense that we are going to have to face very hard times soon). {{{Hugs}}}

    Jolene, I too add my hopes and prayers that the doctors find the answers they need so they can begin treatment for you. If it is cancer it sounds like it may be slow-growing and can be treated. They are really making great strides in the treatment - {{{hugs}}} to you too.

    Meg, yay that DD1 has a car! I hope she learns to be grateful - but it's a good step that she'll at least be learning that if she doesn't have money she will have to make do with what she can get.

    JaneH, welcome back - we've missed you.

    Barbie, as always, thanks for all you do for this thread. I hope you're enjoying Hanukkah and the holiday season.

    Yesterday I did yoga in the morning, then DH and I went for a nice long walk, then we went to Philly for the Christmas market. The market was packed at first (afternoon), which DH hates, but after we went to get some dinner at Monk's (wonderful Belgium mussels and ale restaurant), we stopped back by the market to pick up a couple of things and it was less crowded and more enjoyable. It was a lovely day and really helped us to get in the spirit :smile:.

    I'm sure I've missed others but am just scanning this morning - we're off to my sister's church's cantata this morning. She and my niece sing in it every year, and it's lovely. DH is going with me, then we're going to do a bit of shopping and baking Christmas cookies for the rest of the day.

    Cheers, everyone!

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Getting back into the swing of things. Good morning all. Sad time for our country; so nice to read the heartfelt comments of those mourning with is. God bless these families.:cry::heart:
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good sunday to you all,

    Coffee in hand, I am just popping in to say the Christmas tree has been discovered hiding at the back of the garage and has been wrestled into submission and into the house. It is now thawing out downstairs so we can touch it without becoming attached to the metal bits or suffering frostbite. Still cannot find the legs of the small tree for upstairs but I shall be thankful for what I have.

    I ran into someone I haven’t seen in about 12 years (a football Mom) and her jaw dropped as she said, ”Oh my god girl, you’re skinny!” hahahaha! She knew me at my absolute heaviest which was almost 40 pounds ago. By no means am I skinny, with another 30-40 pounds left to go but I’ll take her comment and her surprise and just enjoy it!

    My heart grieves for your nation and for the families of those who got in the path of that disturbed mind. I cannot imagine the pain of the families.

    Wonderfu post BJ. And congrats on the reclaimed formal wear!

    Deedee – make your Christmas, change some of the traditions if they are too painful and create new ones (its what I had to do) but honour your DH with the season he loved so well.

    Barbie – isn’t it marvelous what 8 hours sleep will do for you?

    Rebel- I love dark chocolate and chili but haven’t yet had it with cinnamon. Maybe I better not since I am a chocoholic!

    Sylvia – never give up… rest awhile in one spot but never give up! We’re here for you!

    Michelle- don’t wish these festive times away! How lucky you are with a DH who loves to decorate! Mine basically shops Christmas Eve, shows up for dinner Christmas day and is back in work mode the day after! I could probably change the date of Christmas and he would be none the wiser!

    Meg – glad to see your girl has her own car and all the responsibilities that go with it! (no bailing her out of trouble so she grasps what the real world is like).

    Sundance – I understand medicating with food! I ate a bag of salted mixed nuts the other night (and I just realized now I didn’t log it, rats). No doubt it will show up on weigh in day! Sorry to hear that your girls are so spooked by all that has happened, its hard to fathom the reasons for it all.

    Jane – happy baking day

    Eileen – Do those Christmas things one day at a time, check them off your list. Congrats on feeling proud enough to get your picture taken! That’s a big step.

    Gail – good for you for being so strong with the cookies! I have started to do my baking and trying to put it in the freezer right away…… but its calling my name……..

    Jolene – congrats on the new job. Medicine has come so far in the last few years; they can treat so many conditions. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Nancy – just pile all the things you need to take for Christmas by the door and I am sure he will change his mind and switch to the big truck!

    M.- your weekend sounds marvelous! And your dinner at Monk’s sounds like a perfect stop at the end of a market day.

    Hugs to all, stay strong,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're home after a long trip to visit family for Thanksgiving and attend DS's wedding. I think I posted about that. Since getting home I went to the doctor regarding my sore knee. He took xrays and says I may have a little roughness in the knee due to arthritis, but it also may heal on its own. He gave me leg strengthening exercises, which I am doing. He's seen this kind of injury in people who ride English aboard big barreled horses. My guy was big all over. After my knee started acting up I rode mostly without my feet in the stirrups which was doing good things for my balance. I'm ready to get back to riding and will look for opportunities. The woman who taught my lessons is also a tax preparer and won't have time until after tax season.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    bump for later
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yesterday was a good day. I put on some holiday music and danced my way around the house picking up the clutter (chaos). I then had to shampoo the carpet in our bedroom and while I was at it I did the hallway too. (Ritter had a pee accident Friday night so I had to do the bedroom) Ritter drinks sooo much water. He drinks about 3 times more water than Bodi does and Bodi still has 20 pounds on him. So he really pees alot.

    Today is football and laundry and Salmon for dinner.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Robin, Ritter and Bodi.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    For all the newbies who fear their goals might be unattainable, those on plateaus, etc., I encourage you to just keep at it and know you can do it. Consistency wins in the long run. Accept that you may feel frustrated without immediate gratification of dramatic changes on the scale or lost inches. Look for the little NSVs (non-scale victories) on the journey and remember it didn't take 4 days to get where you are, so it will take more than 4 days to reach your long-term ideal. Your NSV may be that you are successfully upping your water intake, sleep better, don't crave sweets as much, have more energy or just feel better. you might also feel worse and recognize it is due to a particular choice - that recognition is an NSV in and of itself - you have raised your awareness and can make an informed decision about what you choose to eat/do. Put your health and goals in the proper priority in your life - it may take a while, but you are worth it. Log your food - even if you aren't proud of your choices; try to move more - even if you aren't running a marathon or lifting heavy weights, whatever you can do is still exercise; visit the forum for encouragement and be patient with yourself. You can do it.

    Again, consistency wins in the long run, so when you have an off day, just own it and resolve to get back on track tomorrow. We all have days/periods of time when we struggle with life events, food, exercise or attitude yet we WILL get through it to achieve our goal. After weighing/measuring today I found I was down 2 pounds and minus over 2 inches over the past six weeks, which doesn't seem huge as a single observation. But since my heaviest (Sept. 2011) there are over 31 pounds and over 30" less of me to hug. I encourage you to keep a journal where you record your weight/measurements, etc. It will help you to look back and see where you started, the progress you've made and what you need to do to get to your goal. Consistency wins!

    Don't let others distract you -- my DH, lovely as he is, adores salty, processed, fatty foods (he calls them the flavor calories). He wanted brats and fried okra last night and I opted for another protein. It wasn't the best choice for me so I did something different. I had a little bit of the fried okra, but it tasted so oily to me that I didn't finish it and had some fresh fruit instead. I can't tolerate much sodium and it reflects on the scale for several days when I overdo it. At work we recently had a lunch out and I asked for (and got) my food prepared without any seasoning, and chose not to have the fried pickle or chips/queso appetizers that were ordered. Coworkers have finally stopped baiting/encouraging me to join in things I don't want to eat, which is great, but I certainly felt empowered in my choice and had no guilt afterwards.

    I am not always disciplined, believe me, because I absolutely love mexican food, pasta, desserts, cookies, etc. But because I am consistent overall the occasional forays into poorer choices have not derailed me from the prize - better health. Consistency wins!

    OK, stepping off the soapbox / rant now!

    Off to finish laundry and get to other chores.

    Drink a lot ... of water...

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Ladies. It’s a wonderful day here…one of my favorite types of day….grey and cloudy…spitting what I call snowballs…kind of a cross between snow and sleet…little balls that clack on your clothing. I just got in from filling all my bird feeders and bird baths. It was not supposed to do this today, but I’ll take it…it is just beautiful.:happy:

    We had our annual children’s program and Christmas brunch at church today. As usual the kids were adorable…at one point I was laughing so hard I was crying….one little girl kept trying to sneak off the stage and the “director” kept shoving her back on. It was hilarious. :laugh: I have no idea what I ate so I’m not logging but I avoided the desserts, so that was a plus.
    Stew and cornbread tonight…doubling the veggies for a healthier dish. Our builder is coming over in a couple of hours to go over plans to finish our garage. WE have a great, 5 car garage and can barely get 2 cars in between all the stuff we have to get organized, and all my parents’ stuff. We have had several garage/estate sales, but need another one, then just call someone to come get it all.

    Linda ; I too am an old trauma nurse. I worked for years in a level 1 trauma center and I felt the pain of the ED physician who said the whole ED fell completely silent when they found out no victims were coming…they got 3 and that was it. :sad:

    Jane: nice to see you and hear of your cookie baking! Send some my way…the ones with no calories of course!:bigsmile:

    Eileen: you will look great in your christmas photo!:flowerforyou:

    Jolene: my best thoughts and wishes will be with you as you go through your biopsy. I take it you might be going to Vanderbilt? That’s a great place and they will take very good care of you. :flowerforyou: Good news on the job.

    Barbie: I’m sure the puppies love you for walking them even in the cold weather! :heart: I know Benny Beagle loves this kind of day!

    Michele: your moose dinner does sound disappointing! Our brunch this morning was not that good either!:huh:

    Liz: you HAD to remind me about wrapping! :tongue: I was feeling so smug for being done with shopping LOL

    DeeDee: dinner out is always a treat! I’m sure you will look just fine in your tiara.:drinker:

    Nancy: I have a great mental image of you all packed in between presents in your car!:bigsmile:

    M: I agree with your thoughts. I think mental health and home care and the like always get cut off first because the people who need those services are vulnerable and have no voice or don’t know how to use the one the have effectively to lobby for their needs. In our money-is-all society, there are so few people willing to take these kind of issues on….no real reward other than what you give yourself for doing something needed….no big paycheck, no fancy car or big bonus. I think society is only as good as how well it takes care of the most needy of its people. :cry:

    Kate: I had to laugh at your comment about wrestling the christmas tree into submission…I feel like I have to wrestle all my decorations into submission and even then some are noncompliant!:tongue:

    Katla: I hope your knee gets better!:flowerforyou:

    Gail: words of wisdom even for us not-so-newbies! Thank you!:flowerforyou:

    Well ladies I am back to the test bank….I just heard that our builder cancelled tonight but is coming tomorrow with homemade tamales to make up for missing tonight…..I think calories will be bad tomorrow. More exercise! :laugh: Take care! Meg:drinker:
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Its Sunday evening here now and I can say that its been a bad few days for us all, the tragic loss of life is felt around the world and we are all saddened by it.

    I posted a blog today (only done a couple) saying that I am 65 today and that, looking back to when I was 15, all I see is a fat teenager... I have spent so much of my life being overweight BUT I am done with all that and although I have blown my calories for today I will be back on it tomorrow stronger and more determined than ever before.

    I cannot believe how much weight I have lost to date or that I have stuck with this for so long. I feel proud and strong and committed and I like the feeling!!

    I want to start 2013 feeling like its gonna be a good NO a great year and that nothing is beyond me.

    Never give up, never surrender!!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Just saw a post on my home page that Carol (Bigpal) is in the hospital. Send good wishes her way. Meg
  • vermont06
    vermont06 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all. I am just starting out on myfitnnesspal and am not sure how these posts go.... input?
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    It has been a busy weekend, filled with things getting ready for Christmas. A transitioning year for us..just one large gift for the kids and we dh and I are giving us a new Tv...I am trying to make the stockings filled with fun and useful items..am getting there. I have not been to the stores in the mall yet but will have to get there some evening after work...it is strange not having much to wrap but am very happy with our choices this year...trying very hard to combat the over commercialism and concentrate and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, particularly in light of the tragedy in CT.

    DD and her BF were with us overnight...they were planning on doing a daytrip to NYC to enjoy the lights and decorations but their group abandoned ship at the last minute so it was a nice surprise..dd and I were up until 2:30am catching up!

    We did get our 1300 piece mailing out to clients on Friday...am expecting a busy week with phone calls and visits...hopefully we won't have too many cranky clients...

    Lots of hugs, positive thoughts and prayers to all my friends...it seems like there are many health challenges happening now.

    Have a good evening!
  • lynocourse
    Hi everyone! I'm new too, so hoping to be able to share a little on the journey back to where I should have been for the last decade or so, fitness-wise.

    I also have a healthcare background, so I'm getting what many of you are saying here. I've never done this before (though had varying success with diets etc) certainly didnt think an app would help, but hey I was so wrong about that - cant believe this is such a well engineered app, or how much motivation I've gained in just two weeks. AND ',m enjoying it!

    Studying right now (the reason I took this up - scared I would blow out from nibbling and little movement), so better get my exercise done. I'm in Australia so its 9am here, and I have to get at least half of the 10,000 steps minimum for today before I sit back down.

    Have a good day:smile: