
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Vermont06 - welcome! By posting you are part of this discussion. All the best on your journey. The people on this forum are very supportive. You will like it.

    :flowerforyou: Lynocourse - welcome! Not easy to be active when studying requires you to sit. Been there, so I quite understand, although I always thought my brain surely must burn major calories too! MFP is great for logging.

    Today I have been home alone and enjoying it a lot. I am slow cooking a vegetarian bean ragout, and am looking forward to eating it at dinner. I just watched a 60 Minutes episode on "Is sugar toxic?" Here is the link. It is ~ 15 minutes in length. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7403942n

    Have also been reading a couple of Dr. Fuhrman's books and am inspired to eat more vegetarian. You will note that from my diary, which is open to my MFP friends. As the old-timers will know, I started MFP in the fall of 2009 and have re-started this journey on a number of occasions.

    Every day is a new day.

    Tomorrow it is back to a busy week at work, but I am taking some vacation time (at home) between Christmas and New Year. Looking forward to it.

    :heart: Rebel
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Yeah! I showed DH the ski gear that won't fit in the car (even if we weren't hauling Christmas) and he's decided we need the truck. Good news.

    All the gifts are wrapped & packed, I am ready to go. Christmas at school this week, keeping it low key.

    Hasta pronto,

    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Saving my spot for later
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Kate - what a wonderful comment!

    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    I don't know how true this is.....but I saw on a show about things that chefs don't want you to know. One thing they said, which in a way makes sense, is that meat that is almost at its expiration date and isn't as red (but mostly gray) is many times used when someone requests that their meat be well done. Well done meat is gray, meat almost at its expiration date is gray. Remember last night I said how the meat was very overcooked? Well, I can't help but wonder if they were trying to cut costs and got a cheaper piece of meat. All's I know is that right now my stomach feels "yuk". I'm trying having some tea, but I don't think that'll calm my tummy enough. I'm feeling tired right now and just had a piece of bread, better go lay down until this carb craving goes away.

    Robin - one of the first signs we had that PJ was diabetic was that he drank a lot and he peed a lot.

    It's so great to see so many people doing so well right around now. I'm not. but I know that jonce all these holiday goodies are gone, I'll get back on track. How I can't wait for these holidays to be over!

    Gail - I never thought of NSV's being things like feeling better, not craving sweets. But you are so right. You know, I've never had fried okra. Just don't have any desire for fried foods. Now okra fresh in a salad -- give that to me, especially the red okra

    Did a load of laundry today. Did some vacuuming, still need to vacuum our closet and wash the floor in the bathroom

    Meg - wow! A five car garaage. Is it attached?

    Vince started to put the lights on the Christmas tree. How many days is it until Christmas???? It's a good thing that I get things done ahead of time (well, pretty muchly) so that I can help him. If I waited until the last minute like he does, nothing would get accomplished.

    Made the bourbon balls for Bryan's birthday. It's basically vanilla wafers, corn syrup, bourbon, powder sugar and cocoa. I can't see how they can go bad. I used a recipe from a friend and it was a bit muddled. I think I got the right consistency down.

    Barbara - happy birthday!

    vermont06 - welcome! Just come here and post, that's about it

    Jen - I didn't get Vince too much, either. We have this big thing in the backyard....lol I suspect that's going to be our anniversary, birthday, and Christmas gifts for years to come. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with dd.

    You know something, I tried this tea, wasn't real crazy about it so I put a bit of splenda in it. Now I haven't had any aritficial sweetener in a long time. I actually don't like the taste of artificial sweetener!

    lynocourse - welcome!

    Nancy - I knew you would be able to convince dh that you needed that truck!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Well it is December 16th and I mostly shopped via the internet. So my dining room is full of boxes mostly still unopened, let alone wrapped. The one thing I did do today was to bake a couple of diet meals which will last me most of the week. I work from home and so does everyone else at the small company that I work for so I am spared the company Christmas party. So while I am not yet ready for the holidays, I feel ready for another week of health and fitness - hope the feeling lasts all week. :smile:

    I took my second ever aqua zumba class today. It was a ton of fun with the great advantage that no one else in the class can see how totally uncoordinated I am. I am only 14 weeks into my MFP journey, but I am already beginning to feel greater confidence with my increasing fitness despite the long way I have left to go.

    Wishing you all a wonderful week.

    :flowerforyou: Liz
  • What a crazy busy week it's been at work...lots of holiday programs
    and visitors...while moving a chair it bumped my foot (not broke) which
    immediateley swelled and turned the prettiest purple...haven't been able
    to exercise this past week but going to gym tomorrow.

    DD#1 and family will be back in IL for the holidays..can't wait to hug my
    granddaughters ages 20 months, 4, 6 and 11 years old..haven't seen them
    since July. My daughter will be surprised to see me - I've lost 41 lbs. since
    I was in NC visiting her.

    I'm just starting to get up the Christmas decorations and presents wrapped.
    Trying to maintain my weight this month but it's really hard - glad I have all
    of you for support.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi ladies, hope you are all having a restful, peaceful, meditative Sunday.
    I keep thinking of all those little children and their teachers and tearing up. I went out and attacked the snow this morning with a vengeance, I think it was the frustration of the senselessness (is that a word) of the shootings. My God, why can't we figure out how to deal with mental illness. It always seems to be the last place money is spent - how tragic for the people needing help and those who bear the results. Enough.

    After the snow shovelling, i chased the dogs all over the yard making trails, totally wore them and me out. Then I spent the rest of the day (any yesterday too) doing a deep clean so everything is shipshape. Next weekend I'll be on the road down to the coast and back so won't be able to do the big clean then. The problem with doing it now is that I'll feel like it should be done again (but the windows and walls and curtains won't need redoing, just the floors and vacuuming and polishing etc.).

    I seem to have been on a carb kick today, first Mac and Cheese for lunch and then potato leek soup for supper. Hmm, good thing it was in moderation.

    I'm glad you found something Ellen, even it it wasn't the be-all and end-all outfit. Still it's new and a smaller size and that is good.
    Nancy, have fun on your Xmas break in Kelowna, glad it won't be quite as cramped as you first thought.
    JaneH - so nice that you are back, the posts have been acting up a bit, gremlins. Will look forward to your post tomorrow.
    Joelene - keeping you in my prayers for a good result. And glad the job came up to your expectations - that's a good thing!
    Rebel - Count me in for the Fruit'n'Veggie Challenge in January.
    Michele - I feel so guilty - I haven't done any baking at all yet. I think I should get going on the shortbread and sugar cookies and gingerbread this week. (I love gingerbread dough so this will be a good test of willpower for me),

    Tomorrow night I get to go bowling with the Special Olympians and am so looking forward to it. I've been bowling a couple of times now and will go Tuesday evening as well for the drop in ladies league. After that I guess I'll get to the baking.

    Time to go and finish my great niece's little angora bolero I knit her for Xmas, I need to get it in the XpressPost by Tuesday. Plus I'm a sucker for those lame Christmas movies on tv these days.
    Good night ladies, peaceful dreams.
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    marking this spot for later...been MIA for a month or more. Have missed you all. Decided there is no way I can keep up with the posts on this thread, but you are such a great group that I want to continue to be a part, even if I can't stay up to date! LOL! Be back soon...

    Cathy in chilly Nova Scotia
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was cold and wet just a little bit of snow on the ground. Most of it melted away by lunch time.

    @Meg today was our church Christmas Program by our kingdom kids they did a good job.
    @Barbie I will walk Bella if the weather is not nice but won 't if its icey. My balance isn't that great and when I fall it has messed me up for days. But we have a large backyard for those days alsomy husband can walk her on days like that.
    @Linda I agree with you something needs yo be done to improved the care of the mentality ill.

    @Lola I agree with you too senseless and the need for mental health reform. I too did deep cleaning today. Almost done.
    @Liz. I have started making a dent in wrapping the gifts.
    @JaneH. Welcome back.
    @Michele -- I have started my baking for Christmas. So hard not to keep eating and eating.
    @Dee I hope you enjoyed your dinner. Last Christmas was our first without My husband stepdad he was the glue that kept the family together. So without him the family scattered we went to friends this year the family still isn't pulling together after we have made attempts so have decided this year to start our own traditions. Not going going to be easy but like others share keep.some that honor yr DH too. We are. Bob always made this really calories high hot butter rum. This year we will make it and my daughter request corn. Cause Grandpa always had to have corn no matter what.

    Must share a good story about my DD last night at our banquet My daughter stood up and share what she how much she enjoyed everything and the amazing part of this my daughter gave eye contact when she shared. I just was so proud. My daughter had autism and tor her to share and make eye contact took a lot.

    Tomorrow is my last dayoff hoping to finish deep cleaning tomorrow. That way next weekend can just do touchups.

    Wishing everyone a goodnight!

    Liz M
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Oh the time is just flying by these days:grumble: , I need more time in a day to get done all I want to do:frown: . I have most of the presents wrapped:bigsmile: , just 2 small ones left to wrap for the granddaughters, and one huge toaster oven to wrap for my daughter, seems like I had lots of big presents this year...the kids are coming over on the 23rd for the turducken dinner..I told them they have to take some presents home with them because all the big stuff plus the normal size gifts I don`t think will fit in my car. I always go over there on Christmas morning with the presents for them to open. I`m still worried about cooking this turducken, I read several ways to cook it and a couple say it takes about 8 hrs. to cook:noway: , I`m hoping the instructions from the butcher will be easier!

    Liz:smile: How wonderful that your daughter shared with everyone and made that eye contact! I know you`re very proud of her:love: !!!

    Hopefully by the end of this week I`ll be able to get back to responing to more people...right now I just have too much going on! I read all the posts though and send good wishes to everyone!!!

    Have a wonderful happy Monday!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning I took notes yesterday in hopes of getting back here. But life got in the way and I had company from 1 pm to after 7 last night which was good. But boys I believe them to one 8 and two 9 year old. Bad my golly I sure don't remember mine being like that. And of course my grandkids are not that age.

    They were suppose to be here to bake cookies but they were to busy playing. And two of the older girls spent most of the day playing on the wii. So the best little helper was my Amelie. She's been baking cookies with me since she's three she can roll them out cut them put them on the cookie sheets and decorate them. She loves it. And it's easy for her. Maybe a little of my love for cooking rubbed off on her.

    So very well written and wakes up the knowledge in a lot of us.

    So I need to get ready for my day. Every Monday I do a morning of home care for a friend.

    See you all lighter.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    We had no internet over the weekend and seeing all the news and posts when I got back on last night just filled me with sadness and tears. I am from a neighboring town to Newtown. It is so sad.

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    The tragedy in CT hit a nerve in us all. My first thought was "that could happen here." Sadly, it can and is happening. I am heartbroken for the town and families.

    Hopefully mental health will become a priority as others mentioned. Anxiety is a four letter word and is so often brushed under the carpet. Stress is so prevalent in children and adults. Often we overlook many do not have coping mechanisms we have learned and developed over the years.

    On Friday the school counselor and I had our first group meeting with some fourth grade girls in a new club focusing on RAOK. We will meet once a week and find ways to make someone's day on the elementary school level. One small way to give back. The "ME" attitude needs to change....

    Thinking of you Jolene as you embark on your new job and praying for your health. :heart:

    Love the encouragement and support and thanks for my dose of Vitamin F!!!

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I found you~~ I wrote a couple of messages on an old board. Oh well. I didn't say anything important.:smile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my lovely friends! It is a nice quiet day here in Omaha. A lot of people are done with classes, and there are no students. It’s just some meetings and work time. I met my new cohort of students today; they all had that stunned look on their faces! Its’ dreary and cool but supposed to be sunnier later.

    Well now our builder is coming tonight…we will see about that! He is bribing us with homemade tamales…he even made the tortillas! They should be fabulous, but loaded with calories I’m sure.

    BarbaraC: I must say you don’t look anywhere near your age! Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Vermont: just come anytime and post your goals, successes, falls off the wagon…anything you want. Ranting is even ok!

    Jen: I love doing the stocking stuffers! We have a $10 limit on them, and it’s always a fun challenge to figure out what to get!

    Lynocourse: Welcome and what an interesting picture you have LOL

    Rebel: I hope you get some quiet time!

    Nancy: have a safe drive!

    Michelle: yes our garage is attached. It’s a tandem with two spots in front of the others and one single spot. My friend who is a chef says to never buy the day’s special which is usually something old.

    Liz: aqua zumba! Now that sounds like fun!

    Colleen: I hope daughter is surprised and pleased at your weight loss!

    Lila: I love those old Christmas movies too! I have to stay away from the TV this time of year or I can spend hours watching them!

    LizM: what a victory for your daughter! I’m sure you were proud!

    DeeDee: always nice to see you!

    LinC: I love how you sign off “See you all lighter!”

    Well I have to get back to work if I have any hope of not coming in over the holidays! Take care! Meg
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Blessings to you all! My heart is too heavy with sadness and grief for the familes of Newton to be concerned with my own journey here.:brokenheart: I may take a break for a bit and try to just maintain until after the holidays. But, I definitely want all of you to know how much I appreciate every single one of you and thank you for all of the support and encouragement that you have given to me! :flowerforyou:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm so glad to be back, reading so many encouraging posts and so much news. I tried posting yesterday, but it went into Never-Neverland twice, so I gave up.

    I've been doing pretty well at keeping out of my Christmas fudge. I have a tradition of giving away plates of chocolate/peanut butter fudge each year, and it is a temptation. I totally blew last night -- we went to my favorite restaurant, which I hadn't been to in over a year. I just couldn't talk myself out of my favorite dish. I think that the goal at this time of year has to be simply to maintain, and be thankful for anything more than that. I had a Christmas party on Saturday, and Bunko is tonight... so many food challenges!

    My daughter's best friend is in the hospital, and is expected to be in ICU for 3 weeks. Thank goodness it looks like she'll be okay! She is 25 years old, and thought she had a stroke last week (one side of the face drooped and loss of vision). It turns out to have been a brain aneurism and a subdural bleed. She underwent two brain surgeries in the past week, and now has had a piece of her skull removed to relieve the pressure. I've only met her parents once, but wanted to go by the hospital to see if I could help in any way. My daughter didn't want me to -- she says that would be too weird. I feel badly not reaching out to them, as I would appreciate it in their place.

    There have just been too many tragedies happening lately, what I think of as "man's inhumanity to man." I get sick whenever I think about it. I can't even imagine what those poor parents must be going through. I still remember where I was when I heard the news about Columbine happening here, and then the Aurora movie shootings this past summer. What is wrong with people??!

    I don't have anything at all done for Christmas, having been gone. I got my cards printed yesterday, and now need to work on my Christmas letter so that I can send them. No tree, no decorations.... so much to do!

    BJ -- I'll bet you look great in your formal skirt. Good for you!

    Meg -- I'm always so impressed with your parenting techniques and follow-through. You've taught another good lesson with the car. I'm too much of a push-over, and have spoiled my children horribly over the years. My son is a good kid, but would benefit greatly from some of your wisdom. We did leave him on foot for four months, but mostly because my husband insisted. Now someone has told me that he's been racing -- not sure if it's true or not. I'm saving that discussion for after finals are over in two more days.

    Jolene -- I'm hoping that your biopsy comes back with good news. It must be so scary having to wait. Congratulations on your new job!

    Kate -- I love that your friend saw such a difference in you. Way to go!

    Gail -- Thank you for the encouraging post about consistency. I needed to hear that today. Congratulations on another 2 lbs. down.

    BarbaraC47 -- Happy 65th Birthday yesterday!

    Liz -- What a great accomplishment for your daughter! It isn't easy for anyone to speak to a group and make eye contact at the same time.

    To all of my friends, I'm so glad to have read your posts, even if I didn't mention you all here today! Have a great one!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Someone shared this link on my facebook. It addresses the concerns I had about the beating Adam Lanza's mom has been taking in the media. The poor lady was one of his victims and had been victimized for a long time while trying to deal with is mental illness. This is worth reading to the end. What is a parent to do? @MegBlair it made me think a little of some of the trials you're having.

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Very grateful that College Boy is home and High School Boy hasn't left home yet -- I took an hour off Friday just to go home and hug them.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Very grateful that College Boy is home and High School Boy hasn't left home yet -- I took an hour off Friday just to go home and hug them.

    Lucky! I am happy for you. Enjoy them while you can. My kids are older and I get them home at Christmas only when it is our turn. In-laws get both of them this year.