Ladies 5'10" and up, what is your weight goal?



  • I'm 5'10'' and my goal is 175. I would really like to weigh 160, but it is just a daily battle to stay there. I think I can reasonably maintain 175.

    Me too! I'm shooting for 175, as that's the high end for our BMI. I think it will take a while to get there. Scratch that, I KNOW it will take a while to get there. :/ But I am looking forward to becoming a happier & healthier me!
  • I am 5'10
    HW: 242
    CW: 165
    GW: 160
    LW: 151


    Personally I think we put far too much time focusing on a number - I would prefer to be ripped and lean then skinny and thin :)

    Encouraging to see someone else with a "higher" HW. I was reading through the responses and not seeing many over 200 and starting to feel kinda discouraged.

    For me:

    I am 5'10
    HW: 249
    CW: 233
    GW: 175
    LW (that I can remember): 180
  • I'm 5'10" , 340 pounds. I am aiming for about 175-180lbs.
  • dacra
    dacra Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 6'1" and the most I weighed was 250, I'm down to 236 right now. My goal weight is 170. My lowest weight was 160. ~ I think it depends on how you are built. I have a small top and big hips, so even at my lowest weight, I still wore a size 13.
  • HW- 263lbs (at the end of 9mo pregnancy) 9yrs ago
    CW 218
    GW 200
    Height 5'9

    I normally hang around 230-225 without dieting. I currently wear a 15/16 my goal is to wear a 13/14 comfortably(where i can squeeze in a 12)...I just dont wanna loose my curves :blushing:
  • leithy89
    leithy89 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5"10
    SW: 64kg
    CW: 59kg
    GW: 63kg
    LW: 50kg (sick)

    Trying to put on a few kg of muscle as I love playing competitive team sports, but finding this harder than losing weight. Joined a gym with the intention of getting fit and lost 2kg in a month. Lost all my curves but trying hard to put it back on. I'm normally 65 with no exercise
  • I'm 5'9"
    HW: 233
    SW: 196 ( my most recent starting point)
    CW: 174
    GW: 161

    I'm not too bothered about the scales anymore, I train with kettlebells 2-3 times a week and have noticed I am losing inches even though the scales doesn't change as much anymore.
  • SW:340+

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    age - 37.
    HW - 150Ibs.
    CW - 133 or so, maybe slightly less, stopped checking end of Oct after binges.
    GW - 125/126 again, as I was up til end of Oct.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    age - 37.
    HW - 150Ibs.
    CW - 133 or so, maybe slightly less, stopped checking end of Oct after binges.
    GW - 125/126 again, as I was up til end of Oct.

    i peaked at your profile and see you have a history of eating disorders, I think that 133 or event 140-150 would be a much healthier weight for you then 125, that puts you well into the "Under weight" category of BMI and while BMI is not the most accurate measure, It's not horrible as a basic guideline and judging by your pictures, you would benefit more by gaining some muscle by lifting weights, then trying to lose weight!
  • I am so glad I found this post! I know you said 5'10" and above (I am 5'9") but all of the other threads I have seen are for people on the shorter side. Now I feel like I can finally relate! :)

    Age - 26
    HW - 174 lbs.
    CW - 167 lbs.
    GW - 140 lbs. (weighed this 2 years ago, can't wait to see that number again!)

    Thanks again for posting this! :)