250lbs and can use some friend in the same boat



  • rciszek
    rciszek Posts: 134
    I would love to work with you on this "project". I'm at 250 now myself and have (over the last year and a half) lost 46 pounds. I have much, much more to go. If you'd like, feel free to join me. I've also have a couple other friends on the same venture...:laugh:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Anyone can add me. I have 75 pounds to lose! I am down 11 pounds so far
  • AmandaLynn101103
    AmandaLynn101103 Posts: 20 Member
    I am currently 257, no where near my goal weight. This is my second time trying through using mfp but last time back in September I didn't use any of the social features and simply just tracked what I ate. This time I am on the hunt for a few people who will help keep me on track and be as excited about the silly little milestones along this journey as I am! I have only been back on track again for a little over a week but I am hopeful that this will be my last beginnings and I will never see these kinds of numbers again. Anyone else feel free to add me as well, the more the merrier!
  • 270 and trying to get to 160. Feel free to add me
  • MelodyinGa
    MelodyinGa Posts: 202 Member
    252 - 254lber here! Still have about 79 lbs to go!:wink:
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    252 as of 12/14/12 - wanting to lose about 90lbs. Working hard every day :) Some days though, need to be me days. Add me if you want a friend who knows what it is all about.
  • I started again (3rd time) at the end of the summer and currently have between 60-70 lbs to lose. I will request you. We need all the support we can get. Good Luck
  • I'm at 245 lbs and on here for probably the 3rd or 4th time, too! Lots of us in the same boat : )
  • I started on MFP at 265 just over a year ago. Right now I weigh 177 and am getting closer to my final goals. (For reference, I'm 5'6").

    Hopefully you don't mind a friendly suggestion from someone who has been in your shoes (I tried losing weight two or three times before I found out a way to make my motivation stick). Having supportive friends who are in the same boat as you can be helpful, but it's not the whole story. I encourage you to put some serious thought into what went wrong your previous attempts, because you need to figure out what it was that made those other attempts fail if you're going to make sure that this attempt will be different. Were your goals unrealistic? Did you make too many changes too quickly? Did you get discouraged after a few weeks without a loss? Were you trying to follow a rigid or extreme fad diet? Do you just get tired of tracking food?

    So many people get stuck in the cycle: they get depressed about their weight, they get really motivated and start making changes, they see success and feel great, something goes wrong or their motivation fades and they slowly go back to their old ways, then they regain some or all of the weight and then it starts again. Don't be stuck in that cycle anymore! Figure out what's thwarting your attempts and plan how to deal with it - don't plan on being perfect, don't plan on never getting discouraged; plan realistically, for the real you. Success is possible as many people on this site show, but you need to go into it armed with self-awareness!

    Good luck!

    Thank you for your post!
    I can totally see myself in the cycle you talked about.
    But this time I really want it to be different and will be striving to succeed!
  • Finleyclf
    Finleyclf Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 218 and started at 258 the first week of Oct. I too carry it well but am ready to put it down LOL. My goal is th get to 185 - 190.
  • ReechANI
    ReechANI Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat at 285 but I'm losing bit by bit. :)
  • I am 223, I understand how you feel. I had lost 40 pounds and gained back 20. I kept saying I was going to get back in to exercising. What finally did it for me was seeing myself in pictures over Thanksgiving and Christmas, I said to myself "no more" I am doing something about it this time. I have been entering everything I eat, sometimes I eat more than I should have, but I am not stressing over it any more. Plus I have been doing the WII fitness and our treadmill. :flowerforyou:
  • jillfuzz
    jillfuzz Posts: 10 Member
    I can't believe how many of us are in the same boat! I started at 220; down to 216. Never ending battle, but I'm kicking butt this time! Would love to have a group of us supporting one another! It's going to be an adventure!
  • I'm at 250 after starting at 280. If anyone wants to buddy up, I'd appreciate the company.
  • tieswe
    tieswe Posts: 1
    Hey I am 354lbs and I am just starting to actually use MFP I lost 11 pounds so far. I completely change my eating habits. Fruits veggies whole grain and beans the focus was to do this for 21 days on the Daniel fast. First few days was hard but as my body is getting adjusted I feel this was my missing element to lose weight. I will love so motivated friends on this journal feel free to add me
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi I started 1 week ago and have 80 to lose anyone that wants to add me I am on here everyday to try to offer motivation
  • dski5
    dski5 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Everyone! I just posted this in a new thread, didnt see this post!

    I joined MFP Back in Spring of 2012. Great tool to have! Lost my motivation and fell off track! Well, I am back and ready to lose for a healthier new me! I would love to hear about your weight loss, eating habits and even your exercise plan.. Have you found something that really works well for you? Why is it I can never find coupons for anything healthy!?

    Good Luck everyone on your Journey! It will be filled with highs and lows & with support and persistence, We can lose! Add Me if you would like..
  • Just joined MFP today, came over from another app that I worked with for a year. Unfortunately I lost interest when the weight started slowing down so I'm hoping that I can stay a bit more motivated and find some buddies that will help with challenges, goals, ideas, ect... Currently I am 258 and I'm looking to lose a total of 100lbs. I hate when I don't see results instantly and easily get frustrated with my slow progress.

    I'm great at giving advice, not so great at listening to my own, LOL. Pretty typical I'm sure. I would love to buddy up with people that are in the same boat as me.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • i am at 272 and i want to lose 155!!! feel free to add me!! i have tryd to lose weight several times and have just gave it and said its bc i ddint have motivation or support but i have done a lot of soul searching and realized it is about your mind frame!! if you want to lose it and u set ur mind to it then u will succeed!!! there will be rough times where u feel like u want to give up but you have to keep on keeping on and push thru bc once ur through them hard first month everything falls in place!!! EVERYONE CAN ADD ME!!! always up for people to motivate and people to return the same!! :)) keep your head up you can do this and i will be more than happy to be part of the journey :))
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi my name is Lee I have been here for 3 days... I made really small goals but I am 47 and 283 I havent posted that on my site so you know my big secret now as if people cant see that I am fat or its a secret or something. I am determined to get to at least 160 whiich the lowest I have been since I was a teenager is like 188 like 12 years ago. So if you wanna friend me I am gonna do this I know I am not doing everything perfectly but I am determined to not throw away the baby with the bath water. Be blessed as I am! Friend me if youd like. Lee