Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday Goal::: Get through the holidays. I have been feeling really down and depressed lately. And my husband and I have been texting back and forth today and he said I need to start working out again because that helped. I needed to hear that. So I'm going to start again. I will just have to get up in the morning and do it. No matter what.

    My niece (the one who was in the hospital about the suicide thing) had her birthday party this weekend. SO much family showed up it was great. She had a wonderful party. And my sister and I made her tiger cupcakes and I also made chocolate cake pops dipped in melted peanut butter chips.

    The Cupcakes
    The cupcake tree :)
    The cake pops

    But either way I am really going to get serious again. I have to. I'm done feeling this way and only I can change it.

    Hey Tina the Tigers look so cute. Also I would agree with your husband that exercising will make you feel better. I notice it destresses me.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen:: Thank you, the cupcakes were a hit lol.
    And yes I started not feeling as good when I stopped working out. So just need to buck up and get up in the morning so I can feel good again. I want to run again. So I will.

    Oh and yesterday I sat down at work and was eating peanut butter with chocolate....well I just decided I didn't want it so I youtube'd a leslie sanson workout and started doing it at work lol didn't get to finish it because someone came in (I was by myself) But that was better than eating.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen:: Thank you, the cupcakes were a hit lol.
    And yes I started not feeling as good when I stopped working out. So just need to buck up and get up in the morning so I can feel good again. I want to run again. So I will.

    Oh and yesterday I sat down at work and was eating peanut butter with chocolate....well I just decided I didn't want it so I youtube'd a leslie sanson workout and started doing it at work lol didn't get to finish it because someone came in (I was by myself) But that was better than eating.

    So prouf of you Tina!!! Way to go! :flowerforyou:

    The cupcakes are adorable, I bet your niece loved them.

    Honestly, I don't think I would be sane if I didn't exercise. I have a lot of stress at work, plus going to school and everything else I try to fit in - it really helps to keep my stress under control. Your husband was right on the money, sometimes it good to be reminded of these things from time to time. :smile:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks for the congratulations everyone... still creeping towards ONEderland...

    @Kelley -- sorry you can't run. I'm not exercising at the moment because I am Just So Busy. I might go to Zumba tonight though to make up for it. And I'm sure it's hard having the house be so quiet.
    @Holly -- the thing I keep looking at people doing at this time of year is ice skating. I have never been able to do it, and I think it's really hard for heavy people. So I'm going to carry on working on weight loss and balance, and then maybe next year when the winter rinks open I'll be able to go with my kids. Well done with the B+. That's great.
    @Laurie -- ooh, hives are so irritating! Hope you're better soon.
    @Liz -- oops, another victim of BAKING DANGER!
    @Tina -- those tiger cupcakes are *adorable*.

    Well, I had a bit of a rubbish day yesterday. Ate loads of junk generally, and then went off to dance with the Morris side at a party with a buffet. Had two beers (ok, but should have planned them in) and a small buffet plate of cheese, crackers, cookies etc (so, so, not ok). So that's 1000 calories over. I am consoling myself that all that means is that my goal is two days further away. Perhaps I can catch up a bit in January when everyone is eating cabbage soup and the like.

    Tuesday goal -- still ONEderland by year-end, and I think it's touch and go now. I only have to lose one more pound from yesterday, but realistically it will be very hard to just maintain over the next two weeks. More prosaically, I am still behind with Christmas planning, and I got really distressed about it yesterday. We've just had four days out in a row which doesn't help too. But today I'm being reasonably focused and progress is made. The fridge is cleared out, dinner is cooked, the tree is fully decorated and most of the lights and extra bits and bobs are up, and we have sorted out what we're doing for my Mum's 75th birthday. Well, almost sorted. "It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas".

    Hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday!

    -- Alison
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Tina - Woohoo for good grades! Good job!

    @Trhj - What fantastic cupcakes! What did you use for those ears?

    @ Kaye - Enjoy your family and your holiday.

    @Robin - I'd like to get put on your schedule too please!

    Tuesday goals: Survive the next 10 days. That is all. I'm a seriously stressed flyer compounded by the fact that I have to leave my furry little security blanket behind for a week without me. I'm already stressed to the max about spending time with my family. Went over maintenance I think 3 or 4 times this last week.

    As silly as it sounds I sat down last night and explained to MowMow what was going to happen(the other one walked away while I was taking, but MowMow sat and started at me intently during my discussion). I explained that I wouldn't be home during the nights like he is used too, but the nice lady that he liked would come three times every day to feed them and clean their boxes as well as the apartment office people will come in everyday to make sure everything is fine. I assured him that I *WOULD* be home at the end of my trip and would bring them both presents from Grandma. The petsitter came over for the keys and met the boys one last time, they both seemed to really like her which is a relief.

    Tonight I run out to pick up the last of the gift certificates (not carrying presents with me, certificates will have to do). My clothes were shipped and arrived at my Mom's house this morning (so I won't have to check any baggage and same cost to ship as the airline charges for bags).
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Tina. those are adorable. i never do well with cupcakes. they never turn out the way i pictured them in my head :laugh:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thanks everyone, they were fun to make!!!

    @MyMowMow: The ears are orange candy melts!

    @toots: Well I will say they don't look like the picture I got the idea from. But they turned out good!

    @kah68: Thanks, and yes my husband is right. And I've known it and haven't done it. But hearing my husband say it really makes me want to get my but in gear. So I will.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tina - when I saw the Tiger cupcakes I laughed and chucked and grinned from ear to ear - what a delight and I'm sure that's the reaction you hoped for! :happy: I'm sure your niece was thrilled! You have such talent!
    And I'm glad you got a little shove from your hubby to get exercising again. Isn't it funny that an external voice is sometimes what we need to hear? We are just not good at our solitary voices, people, and its hard to get honesty from those around us. Take it from the straight shooters to tell us what we need to hear!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow I don't think its silly to talk to your cat at all. I think they need that little prep talk in fact. They recognize objects such as suitcases and boxes. Good for you for explaining you would return! I'm sure MowMow will tell the other one. Smart idea too about shipping your clothes ahead - not having to worry about the airlines losing your baggage is such a relief. Your one smart cookie.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Feel much better! Just did Leslie Sanson 2mile walk video (off youtube) at work!'s slow this time of year.
    Feel so much better! Although working out in jeans is NOT ideal lol
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    tueday's goal was to stay under my calorie limit and accomplish some assignments that I need to make up for university.

    So far I've managed to get out of bed and be slightly productive.Still have a log way to go on getting back on track, but one day at a time.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Just in !!!! I just received my Sociology grade and I got a B+ with all the craziness in personal life I am happy with that grade. Good Night Friends

    way to go!! that is a great mark
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Feel much better! Just did Leslie Sanson 2mile walk video (off youtube) at work!'s slow this time of year.
    Feel so much better! Although working out in jeans is NOT ideal lol

    Hooray for you!! that is one workout under your belt and lots of endorphins floating around your brain to lift your spirits
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    tuesday`s goal- go for a i did but ended up at the starbucks in the local hospital and had a chai tea i took the long way home.....left in the sunshine but came home in the snow and wind......good thing i wore a ski coat and brought mittens
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @karenleona--starbucks is my sanctuary as well as the bane of my existence--especially now that I've discovered salted caramel mochas. Even non-fat, no whip is 290 calories for a grande. :noway: Glad the weather didn't catch you unawares--we are finally getting some cold temps and a bit of drizzle and flurries. I know a lot of folks are happy b/c it may be a white Christmas, but I was perfectly happy with warmer temps and bare ground.

    @tina--the cupcakes look scrumptious! and great job working out at work--that's efficiency! :flowerforyou:

    @kris--I agree w/ robin; it's not silly at all. The first time DH and I left gunner at the vet for boarding, I cried as I walked out to the car. I felt silly as well--was even laughing at myself as the tears flowed. But robin's right--animals can sense when we are leaving, and sometimes sitting down to have a quiet conversation can calm them a bit, even if they don't always understand our every word.

    @alison--You're right--it's a really tough time of year with all of the extra stress plus the added treats tempting us at every turn. At least it sounds like you are making good progress with your Christmas plans.

    @kaye--hope you enjoy your visit with family!

    @holly--congrats on the awesome grade!

    @robin--I'm so, so jealous that you have a sparkling clean house--as I mentioned to lin yesterday, I can't even see the top of my dining room table! :blushing:

    Tuesday Goal:
    I realized that it was wishful thinking that I would make it to the gym 3 days in a row, so today I walked gunner and will do my core work. Back to the gym tomorrow though b/c Thursday is going to be a crazy food day. We have a holiday luncheon where we all bring lots of treats to share, and then after work is my department's holiday party, so more junk food. My goal is just to take tiny tastes of the most tempting treats, so I can at least hope to stay under maintenance.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym (did weights and stationary bike) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + core work
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day (holiday party)
    Fri--rest day (holiday pub crawl)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. Re-read 1984 DONE
    2. x/22 Failure essays
    3. 48/48 AP journals DONE
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/59 Scarlet Letter annotations
    6. x/30 Scarlet Letter Papers
    7. x/22 vocab quizzes
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Congrats on the B+ on the sociology paper. Great accomplishment.

    Karen- my swollen lip could have been related to a food allergy namely a spice but I am not sure which one, the other possibility it was due to the fever. There is a food that I am allergic to but not sure which one-- I know that is great but based on the number of times the swollen lips and eyes has happened it is something I very rarely ever eat. I am thinking Cranberries since that is what I had the last time it happened.

    Goal- to get all the papers graded before the holidays and to exercise the rest of this week.

    I love decorating for the holidays but I wish more people would get to see them. We had to call the fire department and paramedics for my Dad again on Sunday. He fell and cut his hand but is doing okay- thank God he did not break anything. The medical personal loved the tree and gardens.

    An early Wednesday wish- Not to see the emergency personnel again this year. I do not want the additional stress of hearing a thud during the day or night. IE: No falling by parents.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today was better able yo stay under but my food choices still could be better.

    @Laurie I like decorating for Christmas too.

    @Tina the cupcakes look great.!
    @Kaye you have been doing great. Relaxed and enjoy your tme with your family.
    @Robin A clean house when I get mind there is so encouraging. I know its silly but it puts me in a happy place.
    @skinny salted caramels are good. :-)
    @Karen I like walking with an added purpose like going to the store it helps me get going. So I enjoy workout plus.

    Sorry if I have missed anyone. Wishing you all a good evening.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz--Yes--they are too good! That's the problem! :ohwell:

    @laurie--The only reason I asked about allergies is the one time in my life I had a reaction to food, my lips swelled up. It was when I started drinking soy milk, and too much soy too quickly triggered the reaction. I can eat soy--but I have to be careful not to consume huge amounts all at once (must ease into it and build tolerance). Either way, I hope you are back to 100% healthy very soon. Sorry to hear about your dad. I wish I had ANY hope hope at all of getting all of my grading done before break, but that's completely unrealistic. However, at least I have a little longer than you to get it done over the break.

    I wanted to share another feel good story about a student. My AP kids had to give me their top 3 choices from a book list, and then I had to place them into groups for a research assignment. In one of my classes there was one girl who I just couldn't fit into any group. No one picked any of her books, so I had to assign her Heart of Darkness (b/c that group needed another member). I meant to explain/apologize to her in class, but it completely slipped my mind. She didn't say a word about it, but when I realized later I sent her an email with the explanation and my hope that she would enjoy Heart of Darkness, one of my all-time favorites.

    Her email reply:

    "That's fine, to be honest I just like to read, so anything is great."

    THIS is why I love teaching the AP level. In return for all of the extra grading, I get the BEST students, most of whom truly love literature. :bigsmile:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I wish the holidays were already over with ! I do so much better when i am not tempted to eat all of the sweets and stuff . I have done pretty good this year though !