

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello Dearies,

    DH got my computer battery to charge, :love: so I have a chance to reply properly. We had our class rehearsal for Christmas Concert today, the whole school practice is tomorrow afternoon and the big concert is tomorrow evening. Great excitement all over town. :happy: Stay tuned to this channel for updates and reviews.

    Managed a circuit class tonight and a weight lifting round yesterday, :explode: balanced off by a nice, carefully rationed, serving of ice cream cake because it was DH’s birthday. We had a sweet little party and I gave him a luggage rack for his motorbike so we can travel together next summer.

    Lila, drive carefully this weekend. DH, J’boy and I will be on the road to the Okanagan on Saturday. If you’re going west we’ll watch out for you!

    Oh, Amanda, I am so with you on the clothes thing. :blushing: It’s so fabulous to put something on and feel really attractive after so many years of yuck. It’s lucky I live in a town with no shopping. Too bad we couldn’t have a little clothes exchange, I could use a bit of bling now and then.

    It will be a White Christmas here – we got about 50 cm of snow yesterday. Big, soft, white fluffy snow. All the children are ecstatic and the snow-sliders are on the hills at school.

    Barbie, I’ve re-read parts of The Happiness Project too, it’s inspiring. I know what you mean about not getting “credits” (we like our gold stars!). I am going to take an idea from her website for the new year. I’ll pick a word as a resolution and each month apply my word my life in a new way. The word for 2013 will be :ohwell: well, you’ll have to wait until January to find out!

    Yoga = life credits? :laugh: I like the thought. I will also try getting up off the floor without using my hands. That could be painful.

    Hi Meg, congratulations on resisting temptation at the holiday party.

    Wessecg – you go girl! The size 14’s are outta here and the 12’s are next.

    Hasta pronto,


    December goals: Mid-month review
    1: New Rules of Lifting 3x a week while I am at home. On track with this one.
    2: 30-60 minutes of exercise every day when I am at the parent's place for the holiday. Get DD to workout with me. Next week.
    3: Up at 6:15 every weekday, check into the quiet place inside me when life gets frantic. Almost every day.
    4: Make a food plan for parties and special events. On track - I have stayed out of the treats on the staff room table.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I think you're the one who recommended "The Happiness Project" and reading it was a life changing experience for me...for awhile I was a "happiness missionary" but I've toned it down now....I so admire how you stay focused on your exercise with all the work and family activities that are part of your life.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I love hearing all the talk about Christmas...for years I taught in public school where we had Christmas artwork, singing, programs, stories, goodies for three weeks...now I'm grateful to just be listening to the stories that others tell.....I love seeing the Christmas trees in the places where we line dance and the decorations on people's houses......we don't do much for Hanukkah beyond lighting candles each of the eight nights and having latkes two or three times.....the dogs and cat expect treats whenever we light candles (usually once a week on Sabbath) but for Hanukkah they get treats eight nights in a row.....the most important thing I do during the holiday season is the line dance performances at assisted living places and convalescent hospitals :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: cecehite, welcome to this great group......check in every day, read the posts, join in the conversation and you'll feel like family in no time.

    :flowerforyou: today Jake went out to do errands and ended up at the grocery store to get something he wanted for his "find it and fix it dinner" so he called me to tell me something and told me what he'd bought at the store and said that he bought me a surprise.....i was concerned about what he might be buying at the grocery store since I thought I'd been very clear that I didn't want any food treats...he bought me flowers.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it was 30 degrees this morning when I walked the dogs...icy roads here, but no snow today.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    I can't remember how to upload a photo to this site, so I just changed my profile photo to one of my goldie, Sarge.

    Sleep is elusive tonight. I guess I am worried about Dad in the hospital and feeling guilty that I did not go to Mom's to spend the night at her house. She is the stronger of the two, but at 83 she is starting to get more unstable on her feet. They still live in the large house we grew up in and I worry about her on the stairs- especially when she is overtired. I once again felt that I needed to full-fill my obligations to work before I could go to help out my mom. I believe that I should always put family first, but try to cover it all. I think I may need to learn how to better juggle it all. We have been so fortunate in that both of my parents have been very active and healthy.
    Deb A
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Today Noel gets groomed, I will have a fluffy white sweet smelling cute doggie, at least for a bit:laugh: . I`m sure she`ll have cute bows in her hair and Jane might even polish her nails, if she has time. I`ve put her Christmas dress up somewhere and can`t find it now:angry: , I usually hang her coats in the coat closet, so I thought I might have put it in there, but no, not there:ohwell: . I`m not sure she would like it anyhow!

    Katla:smile: Prayers being sent to Dan and the family! I love your rosemary tree, what a fabulous idea!

    DebA:smile: Prayers to you and your family as well, hope your dad is doing better!!!

    Barbie:smile: Flowers from Jake:heart::love: :heart: ! What a sweetheart he is!

    I will try to pop back in later and respond to more, I`m going to try to get as much done in the house today as I can, after a trip to the grocery store. I would like to be spending more time outside today, it`s supposed to be sunny and in the low 60`s today:glasses: , maybe a nice long walk!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Praying for Dan and for the parents, and for whatever other concerns are on your hearts - written, spoken or held dear.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, December Dollies!

    I forced myself out of my chair and into the car immediately after my meetings ended yesterday so I wouldn’t be tempted to blow off shopping. I am such a living example of how a body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest! My sister came down with a bug and wasn’t able to go out, but I really needed to kick the shopping into gear. My list isn’t long, but I had to date only bought a few gifts, one of which needs to be mailed but is sitting here on my floor :frown:. Anyway, I’m rambling.

    I went to Costco gripping my rebate check in my hot little hands (yay!) and went straight to the cameras. It hadn’t taken me long to decide I was using the check to buy myself a camera to replace the one that *somebody* had in his backpack on the hike from heck in August. I don’t know if I said – in addition to how awful that hike was, when it poured down rain it also poured down rain inside his pack, ruining my camera. Costco had the same camera, newer model, but after looking at it I decided I really wanted a somewhat sleeker design that I could throw in my purse or pocket. I went with the Sony CyberShot High Zoom. I hope I like it. I also found a couple of small gifts for DH and DSS, then got out of there. It was surprisingly uncrowded. I swung by a sporting goods store (I was really looking for a snow suit for DGD) but they had nothing, so I girded my loins and went to the mall.

    The mall parking lot was crazy busy, but they’ve recently expanded our mall so the insides weren’t horrible. I found the snowsuit and adorable tiny snow boots for DGD plus gift cards, then I went in search of food. I had a salad and water (yay!), then decided to mosy over to Macy’s to see if anything struck my fancy. Oh, did it. I really needed a new pair of jeans, at least one – all of mine are so baggy they’re almost falling off. I’m well into size 10s now, and medium tops. I found a great pair of jeans and a coat they were practically giving away, so I think I’m set for a bit. There *may* have been a purse in there too. So yes, for those keeping score, I got most of the presents, DGD came in second, and everyone else got bupkas :laugh:! Not really – I found DSD and DSS’s gifts, my niece, and some other gifts for DH, so all in all a very successful trip! Now for wrapping.

    BJ, we too are looking at a green Christmas. I would love a white Christmas – after I get to where I’m going :laugh:. I hope you get your tree up soon and finish up work so you can enjoy the rest of the season.

    Texas, I love the man-tree! I promised myself when I have a real tree again I’m going to make over the fake one in a disco theme, complete with a mirror ball on top. Glad your shopping is almost done.

    For those interested, here’s the link to the article on the long life secret: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/14/getting-up-without-hands-longer-life_n_2301715.html. I can’t say enough about what yoga has done for my feeling about my body – I see muscles not only from working out but also from yoga – it stretches and strengthens me everywhere. I don’t have back issues (never did), I no longer have pain in my shoulders and neck, I can lift my arms above my head out of my shoulders with ease – honestly, I feel like a little girl in the joy I get out of just moving my body. It has also really helped strengthen and expand my lungs, which is huge for me.

    Annie, I love this idea of walking the cards and gifts around. Such a great image. Congratulations on the weight loss! That’s really super, especially this time of year.

    SueB, I agree, it’s harder to post when you know your eating has been bad, but I can see the benefit in it. I don’t beat myself up if I can’t, though – this isn’t supposed to add stress to our lives, right?

    JaneM, oh, so sorry to hear about the accident! I’m very glad your DH is OK. Sounds like a crazy morning – and aren’t parking lots the worst? I hope the week gets better. Those muffins sound yummy!

    Meg, DS is soooooooo excited about the storm! It’s supposed to span from AZ to Canada, I think. Stay safe! It is crazy – when people out here hear there’s a storm coming they literally clear the shelves at the store of bread and milk – even if it’s only supposed to last a day. Must be the native Pennsylvania Dutch self-reliance thing or something. It’s a shame you missed the party, but I understand the need to stay away from temptation. I’m considering putting up police tape across the doorways going to the kitchen right now :laugh:.

    Cheryl!!!!! Look at you go, girl! I’m so proud of you. You are doing terrific.

    Katla, how sad for your DD’s BIL – what an awful time of year to be in the hospital too. Sending my thoughts for a speedy recovery for him.

    DebA, my thoughts for a speedy recovery for your dad as well. It’s good that’s he surrounded by medical professionals so if he does have a stoke they can treat right away. Try not to overwhelm yourself right now – focus on what you can do and don’t worry about the rest. Your family needs you. I know what you mean about not being able to sleep when you’re worried. I hope you’re able to see your mom and dad soon.

    Liz, I would say you had a very good day – stayed under on calories and got some good walking in – that’s a great day! Have fun at your participant party.

    Cece, welcome!

    Nancy, I hope your computer decides to stay in the land of the living lol :laugh:. Your concert sounds like it’s going to be spectacular! Good for you for getting to your training class and weights – I know it was one of your goals. Happy birthday to your DH too. My FIL used to tease my MIL (they married after her first husband died, later in life) that he was going to get a motorcycle and they would motor off into the sunset together – the look on her face was priceless. I think it sounds fun now. Your snowfall sounds lovely – shaping up to be a Whoville Christmas with the snow and singing!

    Barbie, I love the image of your animals lining up for treats because you’re lighting candles. My cat would be standing next to my chair, telling me it’s time to light the candles :laugh:. Your Jake loves you – enjoy your flowers!

    DeeDee, love fluffy doggies! Noel sounds like she’s going to be the belle of your ball :bigsmile:. Enjoy your day.

    Well, my day is off to a slow start – opted out of working out, for one. I woke up at 2am to the stupid smoke alarm – why do the batteries always die when DH is out of town? Why am I always the one who has to deal with replacing batteries and lightbulbs and fixing leaky toilets? How did I wind up being the man of the house?!? OK, gripe-fest is over. I actually like being self-reliant, just not at 2am. However I have a good two hour break between calls that I’m going to use to at least get my next workout in and maybe get out for a walk. We’ll see how the day goes.


  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! It's going to be a full day. I enjoyed reading the new posts; God bless you all for posting and keeping up with one another. I would like to mention a couple of things that I read...

    @Grardengail, prayers are so effectual and thank you for yours
    @Wessecg,tossing the 14's that's awesome and such a wonderful time of the year to be able to do so; keep up the good work.
    @M, now that I've gone to tabletop trees I plan to do more of the themed decorations just not as much; glad you liked the Man tree

    I ♥ the Rosemary tree, dog pics and pictures of snow....today I am posting a pic of a home decorated in my neighborhood; it is not my house which has no lights - my hubby says he's "past" that...lol

    It seems that snowmen and snow seem to be a big theme in our area yet we often have green Christmases too. This year the weatherman is telling us that on Christmas night we may see some snow and in Texas that may is as big as the state!

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Whoo-eeee, here we go. Christmas Concert day. Prepare for lift off.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Goodness me, London has gone mad with Christmas shopping! Haven't stopped all day at the gallery. It's now after 4:30 pm and I'm finally having a cup of coffee and five minute break.

    Catch you all later!

    Amanda x
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Home made apple pie for breakfast! It is treat time this morning. :bigsmile: DH makes fabulous pie and we invited neighbors over to play pinochle last night, but they cancelled, so we have a whole pie to enjoy for a few days. Yes, I will log every bite. It is raining again and past time to do something to enable regular exercise. I'm planning to nag DH into checking out gyms today. There are three within easy distance and we've been to two of them in the past. The farthest away gym has the most to offer but is NOISY. the middle gym is open 24 hours a day, but feels isolated, and the closest one is devoted to crossfit training. It may be DH's best choice. We'll see.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yay I thought I had lost you. Couldn't find you yesterday

    Sorry I've been mia again. Going to catch up with the posts and get back to you as soon as I can.

    Chat soon

    Viv xx
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi happy ladies! It’s an interesting day here at work. No students of course, but only a few people. We are supposed to have a blizzard starting this afternoon and into tonight…upwards of 10” of snow. I can’t leave work until at least 3:15 because I still have to get DD#2 from school after 3:30. We had our course group meeting for the class that starts in January. The new faculty had that same deer in the headlights look the students did Monday LOL. I still don’t know who my 6th instructor is….supposedly someone was asked and has the rest of the afternoon to decide. It’s crazy. I did make faculty packets so all the adjunct faculty will not have any excuses to do things incorrectly. It has copies of policies, etc in there.

    Wessecg: I think you are SMART to get rid of those baggy clothes!!! I am confident that you won’t ever need them again. You can do the 12s later; give yourself some time to adjust to your new size.

    Katla: sending prayers and good thoughts your way for Dan and your whole family.

    Yoyo: more prayers for your father’s recovery!

    Liz: sounds like you had a productive day! Don’t you love those?

    Cece: welcome aboard!

    Nancy: I love your idea of a mid month review of goals. I will have to incorporate that!

    Barbie: Nice to hear about your traditions. I bet the dogs look forward to those treat days!

    DeeDee: your dog has a Christmas dress???? I ‘d love to see pictures!!!

    M: sounds like you had a great time shopping. I am jealous of your medium tops! On the news this morning it showed a bunch of grocery stores.. yep all my food is gone! I hate to shop on the weekend before a holiday, so maybe by tomorrow afternoon they will be restocked!

    Viv: nice to see you again!

    Well I think I am going to wrap things up here and get ready to get out of here as soon as it’s time. Take care everyone! Meg
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Handed out 70+ hand made scarves to the school kids.The smiles on their faces were priceless.What a way to end the week before Christmas.
    Brought 3 plates of muffins to the church.
    Gonna go for a walk.Cold today and gloomy out.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,125 Member
    Hello to all the providers of this great Vitamin F. Love it. Has no calories and you can't overdo it!! Woot.

    I am finally working on my budget, I have the tax spreadsheets up-to-date, all the checkbooks are balanced and the filing is also up-to-date. Those are the types of things that make me feel better. And I did get some more things cleaned out of one closet and dropped off at Goodwill.

    Meg, they're predicting a real wallop from this storm for us here in Des Moines. I have enough veggies and fruit for a few days!!! Not your typical stock-up items right? I'm in line with people buying water, pop, beer, chips, pretzels...........gack. I'm sure they were wondering about me. :wink: :laugh:

    Be safe, be well, enjoy the company of your loved ones.


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi again

    It's taken a while, but I've caught up with the posts.

    :grumble: I still have a few presents to buy, I ordered a few tins of chocolates and alcohol gifts on line from Asda, - they said the chocolates were out of stock yet the delivery man said the shop was full of them, and two of the alcohol gifts they delivered were not what I ordered, so they had to go back. Now I'll have to buy them when I go food shopping tomorrow which is a pain!

    :flowerforyou: I am now on leave from work until 2nd January.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love this time of year, I like to watch all the old Christmas movies that are on TV. DS and family are coming over for Boxing Day, so we are just the 3 of us for Christmas Day Dinner, I am looking forward to having a bit of a lie in and not having to go to work for a week.

    I'm a bit cross with myself, I was doing really well exercising 5-6 days a week then I caught a cold and was too exhausted to work out it took me all my time to get to work and once I got home I was falling asleep soon after tea. Now I need to get back into the routine again, it takes me ages to get back once I've lapsed.

    Well I need to get up and move, I've been sat long enough :bigsmile: I'll have a think about goals for the new year.

    Viv x
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :huh: PS I think I've missed something being away so long What's going on with vitamin F that a few of you have mentioned???? :huh: :huh:

    Bye for now
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I have a confession, It has been 6 years since I have decorated for Christmas. 6 years ago Doug and I decided to go to Cabo for Christmas. Then I was going to go visit my mom after the New Year instead of going home for the holidays. Well she passed away in the morning on 12/26. I still carry the guilt of not going home for Christmas and missing out on her last one. I don't have the heart for Christmas any more that I used to. Decorating is too hard. because most of the things I have to decorate with, my mom and I got together. She loved Christmas and decorating. We were very close, especially while I lived near home until 2000. I miss her so much and I carry so much guilt about not seeing her that year. I indulge a lot during this time to kind of dull the ache. So ..... Bah Humbug!

    I will decorate when and if my kids ever decide to come visit me for Christmas time.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    Barbie, in the credit category, I read the other day on the internet (because you know that's the source of truth these days lol) that the key to long life is being able to stand up from a sitting position on the ground without using your hands. Don't ask me how that is THE key, but I will say that yoga will give you that ability. It is also super at giving you the ability to actually have eyes in the back of your head: I can almost turn my head around like Linda Blair without being possessed.

    So: Yoga = extra life credits

    :flowerforyou: M, you are absolutely right....thank you for pointing me in the right direction.......I read the article you mentioned and found it interesting.......so when I got home from dance class today and Jake wasn't home from the dentist yet, I did yoga again instead of walking the dogs or checking my email.....that makes three days in a row.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Finally a post while it is still daylight in Texas!
    Jane - so sorry about your fender-bender. But you are so awesome to make muffins from donated bananas. Did you knit the scarfs for the children or was that another Jane. You are such a dedicated volunteer for your community.
    Wessecgo - I'm proud of you from packing up the 14's. Wish I was as brave as you. All the "experts" say get rid of them. Good for you.
    Katia - I've added Dan to my prayer list.
    DebA - hope your Dad will recover quickly and that you can spend Christmas with your family.
    Nancy - must admit I tried getting off the floor without using my hands. Usually I get on my knees and hands to get up. My DH and I have a rule, only one on the floor at a time. Need someone to help us up!
    Cecehite - welcome. Hang on tight this is an active group with lots of great ideas.
    TxGal - wouldn't that be awesome if we got snow in Tx. It's 78 right now. Have to drop a long way to get snow. Love the picture of your neighborhood.
    Lin - my DDIL is from WS and they are expecting snow for Christmas. Drive safe!
    Viv - loved hearing you refer to being cross and having your tea. We lived in Essex County for three years when my DH was stationed there. Have a little red-headed girl that was born in England. Names her Sharon( Elizabeth ) every little girl on the block had Elizabeth somewhere in their name.However, my sister's name is Elizabeth Ruth and I was naming her after my sister. LOL
    Off to a dinner party. Have saved a lot of calories but don't think I'll need them as I have a bit of upset stomach.
    Have a wonderful evening. Found a quote about inspiration adjustment that I'll post tomorrow.
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    HI all
    Jane - glad that everyone is OK
    Wessecg - Wow - size 10, now that is one size I can't remember being., Well done to you.
    Katla49 - will pray for Dan

    Had a lovely walk with my walking group this morning. There were not many of us today, so I guess everyone else was busy with their Christmas preparations. That is the last walk before Christmas, and we start again in January. I managed to do a little last minute shopping without OH on the way home. Handy as it was for him. Have finally marzipan-ed the cake ( after promising to do it for the last week!). I need to get it iced (fondant) now, as I refuse to leave it until Christmas Eve like I usually do. Have a huge list of things to do tomorrow, and I will probably not do even half of it.

    Night, night.
