Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kris -- shipping clothes! That's a great idea when flying, given how much airlines charge for bags these days. And I'm sure that your cat will know you've left her in good hands.
    @Karen -- I always have a rule that I can have one holiday Starbucks drink per year. And then if I want to have a giant eggnog wotsit with whipped cream I can. Salted caramel mochas do sound good, mmm.
    @Laurie -- oh, that must be so worrying about your Dad.

    Still not making time for exercise. I've finalised the Christmas shopping order, which arrives tomorrow, and making a tiny list of things we will need to get on Christmas Eve because tomorrow is just a bit early (we're away this weekend). The shop wasn't *quite* as expensive as last year, but truly, my only concession to MFP is that our pudding on Christmas Eve will be relatively sensible baked apples (and I might add plums if I can get some on the market). Otherwise it's outrageous excess all the way. I hope I can press on with cooking the Christmas treats tomorrow, and I need to remember to wrap presents late at night when I'm too tired to do other stuff. Next up, errands in town.

    Wednesday wish -- last wish before Christmas so I hope everyone who's celebrating has a splendid one!

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Rough night of sleeping, so when I was still awake at 4:30 I decided to hit the gym - otherwise I would have missed today's workout since I'm having dinner tonight with one of my closest friends. We haven't been out in a while and we haven't decided where yet, but should be fun.

    I noticed we haven't heard from Christine in a while, has anyone been in touch with her?

    Wednesday Wish~That I dont' "sample" too much of a good thing when I start my baking and candy making tomorrow. I also wish all of you the happiest of Christmases.

    Exercise seems to be in the dumper this week, but I'm hoping to turn it around:

    Monday~Didn't happen:cry:
    Tuesday~Didn't happen :cry:
    Wednesday~Cross Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Training Session
    Friday~Running (5k prep w trainer)
    Sunday~Training Session

    :heart: Kelley :heart:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    I've been wondering what's up with Christine. I tried a PM but got no response. I dont know what's up. It's not like her at all. I miss her lovely and positive posts!


  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Hump Day!!

    ***Possible TMI Warning****

    My Wed wish is 2 fold. First that my c-section scare would stop itching daily. I had my baby 16 yrs ago will the itching ever stop? Second that I get a passing grade on my Math final tonight. It has been a huge struggle to get through the class and I just need a C to pass the class. To make matters more intense I didn't pass the Math placement for college so this is a developemental class if I don't pass I have to keep taking until I do.

    @Tina- Congrats on the walking video
    @Bohemian- I have ice skated before I rather enjoy it. The key to ice skating I feel is not a person's size but how well they can stay balanced. It took awhile to get it right but as a kid it was my favorite thing to do for clearing my mind.
    @Karen- I love the story about your student. I would have been the same way because I love to read and even more as a kid.
    @MowMow- When my cat was alive I talked to him all the time. I don't think it is weird my cat would do the same thing just sit and look at me. My cat also acted like it was a dog so go figure.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish:: It's simple really. I wish that soon I can learn to love myself. I know that will make all of this a little easier. If I think I'm worth it then I will work harder for it.

    I got up this morning and did the 2mile leslie sansone walk again at home before work. I hit snooze ALOT and wasn't going to get up but then I played back my husband saying I should exercise it'll make me feel better and I wanted to get up. I even had my clothes and HRM laid out ahead of time. So I got up and did it. Feel MUCH better.

    @mnwalkingqueen:: Good luck with the Math final! I'm sure you did great! As for the c-section scar I have the total opposite mine is numb and has been since I had my daughter 4yrs ago. Really annoying. I hate hate hate the feeling of numbness. I don't think I'll ever get the feeling back.

  • blissfulbutt
    well I'm just going to jump in here. I just joined last night. I've already lost 50lbs, need help loseing the other 40 or 50 or more lol. I've been doing Zumba everyday, in addition to this whole little exercize rutine I made up for while the babys in her carrier.(youngest of my broad and the last one!). i'm 28 years old and relised my mom started having health issues at my age, I want to prevent any of that happening to me if I can help it,and set a good example for my kids. It's Wed. so my wish is that I'll get to my goal weight by the babys 1st birthday! (sept 10th)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots: Well I will say they don't look like the picture I got the idea from. But they turned out good!

    well, if they turn out cute it's all good. mine don't even turn out cute :laugh:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wednesday Wish:: It's simple really. I wish that soon I can learn to love myself. I know that will make all of this a little easier. If I think I'm worth it then I will work harder for it.

    I got up this morning and did the 2mile leslie sansone walk again at home before work. I hit snooze ALOT and wasn't going to get up but then I played back my husband saying I should exercise it'll make me feel better and I wanted to get up. I even had my clothes and HRM laid out ahead of time. So I got up and did it. Feel MUCH better.

    @mnwalkingqueen:: Good luck with the Math final! I'm sure you did great! As for the c-section scar I have the total opposite mine is numb and has been since I had my daughter 4yrs ago. Really annoying. I hate hate hate the feeling of numbness. I don't think I'll ever get the feeling back.


    Tina you hit the nail on the head so to speak. We all have to love ourselves for anything to work. My own experience I never knew unconditional love not even from my parents. So for me if I am not pretty, smart, good, rich, skinny enough I don't feel loved unfortunately it depends who the people are in my life and how I feel I must be at that time to feel love. It will take hard work but everyone in this thread that feels like this will at some point love themselves to the upmost.
    I know doing the walk this morning was hard. I am not a morning person that is why I choose to work out at night. Congrats for getting up and doing it.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish:: It's simple really. I wish that soon I can learn to love myself. I know that will make all of this a little easier. If I think I'm worth it then I will work harder for it.

    I got up this morning and did the 2mile leslie sansone walk again at home before work. I hit snooze ALOT and wasn't going to get up but then I played back my husband saying I should exercise it'll make me feel better and I wanted to get up. I even had my clothes and HRM laid out ahead of time. So I got up and did it. Feel MUCH better.

    @mnwalkingqueen:: Good luck with the Math final! I'm sure you did great! As for the c-section scar I have the total opposite mine is numb and has been since I had my daughter 4yrs ago. Really annoying. I hate hate hate the feeling of numbness. I don't think I'll ever get the feeling back.


    Tina you hit the nail on the head so to speak. We all have to love ourselves for anything to work. My own experience I never knew unconditional love not even from my parents. So for me if I am not pretty, smart, good, rich, skinny enough I don't feel loved unfortunately it depends who the people are in my life and how I feel I must be at that time to feel love. It will take hard work but everyone in this thread that feels like this will at some point love themselves to the upmost.
    I know doing the walk this morning was hard. I am not a morning person that is why I choose to work out at night. Congrats for getting up and doing it.

    What is so hard is I have a lot of people around me who love me for me no matter what. My parents, husband, daughter, sisters, best friend....but I am unhappy with me so that brings me down. Everything in my life is wonderful except how I feel about myself. I know it's something I have to work on. But I am going to work on it and someday love me, love who I see when I look in the mirror.
    It was hard getting up this morning but I did and I'm so very glad about that. I got into the habit of not waking up and putting it off that I just need to go back to how I was before and getting up every morning and getting back into a routine.
    I want you to know you are a great person from what I can tell and you deserve to love yourself.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Hope my daughter, her great husband, and 4 beautiful girls arrive safely this afternoon.
    I'm going to walk in a little while so I can get that done before they get here.
    We all deserve to love ourselves and others. I'm sorry for people who have not experienced love. That makes it harder. If you use mantras, here is a good one: "I am the daughter/son of a Heavenly Father Who loves me." I guess you have to believe in God, too, for that to work. Know that you are unconditionally loved all the time, whether you believe in Him or not.
    Yesterday DH asked me what I was reading. I told him I was reading the statements of incredible people who have lost lots of weight. He looked at some of the tickers and was properly impressed. :flowerforyou:
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good day all - it's Wednesday, it's dreary, snow and blizzard conditions expected tonight and tomorrow. The streets have been brined and the snowplows are ready according to news reports.

    I did a couple of errands this morning and the stores are packed which is probably a combination of stocking up before the storm AND trying to do some Christmas shopping before the weather slows everyone down (or stops them completely!).

    My refrigerator was already full of fruits and vegetables, I have library books and DVDs. I'm set as long as there's power and an Internet connection. :laugh: :laugh:

    Wednesday wish, that I stay totally on track and continue to have success as I am just under 2 months to my doctor's appointment. So I'd like LESS of me to go to that appointment. :glasses:

    Be safe----and keep on walking and drinking water.

    I've walked everyday so far. Between 5 and 7 miles a day. Finally, a challenge I can do!!


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I've been puzzling over your hives since you first reported your symptoms. You seem on top of them takiing Benadryl for them and now it seems you'v e figured out the cause. How crazy is it that it could be cranberrys? Go Figure. Well I'm glad for you that you've probably found the cause and can avoid them in the future.
    As for your dad, that is too worrysome. I can only offer you prayers and good thoughts. At some point maybe jingle bells around his bed in a strategic place to alert you he is getting up so you can assist him would come in handy. I know there are classes for adult caretakers that offer lots more sensible ideas than that that could make the bed and bathroom much safer for all of you.

    I just completed an hours drive through sleet to join my BF at his place. THere are blizzard warnings to start in an hour. We are supposed to go to a party this evening at 7 pm, just a few blocks from his place. I'm secretly praying the hostess calls us and tells us its cancelled as I don't want to go walking through a foot of snow tonight. THe winds are supposed to be fierce. Nothing could happen to us, since its so close, I'm just a party pooper, and want to stay all snuggly at home tonight. Here'e hoping!

    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas ahead of time to Everyone.

    Lin - I miss Monarchris a lot too. Glad you tried to PM her. This might be a busy time for her.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy wednesday to all. My wish for today is the foot and a half of rain they had forcasted hadnt turned into snow. We dont get enough of it around here so the response is piss poor and the people have no idea how to handle it. On the upside I have my neice and nephew since their house lost power and my son got home from college yesterday so we have been having un playing in it with the dogs. I might never be warm again lol. Well not a whole lot else going on so I hope everyone is enjoying their week leading up to christmas and I will see you all again soon. :bigsmile:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    just a quick drive-by... home early from work feeling poorly :sick: + husband trying to take care of me = burger king takeout for dinner = oops on the numbers today.:sad::frown:

    Hopefully, back on track tomorrow...
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lin great walk today, I am impressed with the 5-7 miles per day. I can only do that much if I am riding a bike for 25-30 minutes.

    jconst- sorry to hear about the snow. You sure did get a lot of it. Glad you have family with you.

    Robin- I have actually thought of jingle bells too and have brought some for that purpose. Great minds think a lot.

    Linder and Robin- Hope you come through the blizzards without any problems.

    I have been hives free for 2 days and did exercise 2 times so far this week. Tomorrow, I am going to try to finish Christmas shopping and get some exercise in most likely a walk or bike ride. We are expecting some rain but not to bad.

    Wish- That everyone affected by the snow storm will be safe.
  • lmackbethl
    Well, I’m finally done with all the trainings and I even made it into the classroom for a couple hours today! My first (very-short) day and my step count was already double what it typically is! I knew that chasing this boy around would be good for me!! He was also mostly very sweet today – no punches, kicks, or bites. .. but we probably don’t just know each other well enough for that yet. :laugh:

    I am a bit jealous of all your Christmas plans! I made my holiday travel arrangements when I thought I would be working at the group home and unable to take Christmas off. So, I am going to visit family (we’re meeting up at my parent’s place for a ski vacation in Colorado), but not until New Year’s. For Christmas, I’ll be home with the doggies… I’m sure we will have some fun. I also picked up the overnight shift at the group home on Xmas so no one else would have to …. sigh …. it’s kind of a sad place this time of year.

    My Wednesday Wish is for everyone to enjoy the holidays and feel love from family, friends, and self.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!! Sorry no personals tonight.

    Wed. Wish:
    That everyone affected by the blizzard out west comes through it safely and without too much inconvenience, and that it runs out of steam before it hits us tomorrow night.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym (did weights and stationary bike) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym DONE
    Thurs--rest day (holiday party)
    Fri--rest day (holiday pub crawl)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    Grading goals:
    1. Re-read 1984 DONE
    2. x/22 Failure essays
    3. 48/48 AP journals DONE
    4. x/48 AP essays
    5. x/59 Scarlet Letter annotations
    6. x/30 Scarlet Letter Papers
    7. 22/22 vocab quizzes DONE
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    If you use mantras, here is a good one: "I am the daughter/son of a Heavenly Father Who loves me."

    and we love him...;)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Good evening everyone!! So I just read through all the personals from page 2. I really enjoyed getting caught up over the past 6 days I've been gone. I missed all of you!!

    My Atlanta trip was amazing, but with so many mixed emotions. I lived there for 18 years and miss my friends so much. I know every door opened to take the Vegas job and I've been here 8 months. I need to give it time. My son did see his father who decided to show up, which I'm glad for my son. Of course, his dad brought the girlfriend. He's seen his son 3 times in the past 4 years and had to bring someone. It took everything in my power to bite my tongue and just keep telling myself how lucky I am. I have an amazing son with sole custody. It's his dad's loss, but his dad made that choice.

    Of course, I did gain about 5 lbs between a few trips to Waffle House and the peppermint shake at Chick-Fil-A at a whopping 660 calories - oh my!!! Those are two restaurants we don't have in Vegas and we had to visit. We ate out all weekend and enjoyed all of our friends so much. I don't regret any of it one bit. I still tracked every day so I was really proud of myself. I'm back on track with my eating, but need to kick my butt in gear on the exercise immediately!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kelley -- I'm doing Christmas baking today and tomorrow, and I have a sampling issue too. My daughter's bringing friends round after school tomorrow (they let out early on the last day before Christmas) so they'll probably help with the sampling, bowl-licking and so on.
    @Holly -- Best of luck with the math final! There's lots of math help online now if there are things you 'just don't get' and need to know. And my balance is definitely rubbish, so perhaps I should work on that.
    @Tina -- well done for getting up and getting the exercise done.
    @Blissfulbutt -- welcome!
    @Kaye -- I'm sure there are good affirmations for non-believers as well. I was always told that you should look at yourself as your mother sees you. But my mum is always going on at me! Nothing I do is ever good enough for her. Oh well. I love her dearly, but as she gets older she's even more critical.
    @Lin -- hope you're tucked up nice and warm for that blizzard. It's just very wet here. We're staying with pals at the weekend and they rang yesterday to say 'it's as wet as anything round here'.
    @Laurie -- Cranberries! At least if it's that then they're easy enough to avoid.
    @LMackbethi -- The people who work Christmas shifts so that other people don't have to are *very special*. Thank you!
    @Susan -- Well done for tracking all through your holiday.

    Thursday truth -- I'm still overwhelmed with Christmas preparations; getting grumpy with my family, and so on. Still loads to do, still not enough time to do it. Calm. I'm going to put on some Christmas music and light some scented candles, and put up the last string of lights. Still taking zero exercise which is not helping my mood. And like all of you, I'm having real trouble loving myself right now. I keep going 'if only I was a better person, I would have finished tidying the house/ have bought smarter presents/not shout at the kids/ be looking forward to my parents coming/ have done all the cooking/ '. I sort of need to relax a bit. But still get everything done!