Marathon Newbies Group week three!!!



  • princesspurple
    Double digits! I ran 10 miles yesterday! It is exciting...only 3.1 more to go! I have my run 2 weeks from yesterday. Excited!
    I ate a mini 45 calorie snickers at mile 4.5 ....It is exactly what I needed...realized I could of had 2, or a 2nd one around mile 6 to get me through....I am going to do another 10 mile on Sunday. I thought about doing 11 or 12, but I think another 10 will be good w/ 3 decent hills and then an easy week leading up to the race!
  • Tubbyangel
    Hello everyone hope your all doing well, I am new on this site, I have alot of weight to lose i dont just want to be thin I want to be fit fit fit. I have set myself the goal of running the london marathon next year (no hope of doing this year) i have never been a great runner but really want to improve. I have been walking every day for about an hour and am finding it easier and able to do my route quicker and am not as tired after it.

    Guess this is a long winded way of asking for advice should I just keep up with the walking and eventually break into a run or should I add other exersises in such as swimming etc

    any advice is greatfully received.:flowerforyou:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Hello everyone hope your all doing well, I am new on this site, I have alot of weight to lose i dont just want to be thin I want to be fit fit fit. I have set myself the goal of running the london marathon next year (no hope of doing this year) i have never been a great runner but really want to improve. I have been walking every day for about an hour and am finding it easier and able to do my route quicker and am not as tired after it.

    Guess this is a long winded way of asking for advice should I just keep up with the walking and eventually break into a run or should I add other exersises in such as swimming etc

    any advice is greatfully received.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome. Walking an hour is a good start. I would recommend starting a running program like Couch to 5K (you can search it on the web). I would also recommend doing some other cross training or either workout videos, swimming...whatever else you like to do also.

    Good Luck.
  • Tubbyangel
    Thanks for the advice I will search for that tonight, going to go for a swim tomorrow after work so hopefully I will be running my route before long. I just get self concious when I think about running outside even when i go for my walks I can get dogs abuse from complete strangers!!! guess a fat girl running is just an easy target.:explode:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Now I am completely back from vacation it is time to get back in gear. I have recently signed up for a 10K the first weekend in May and I am working on Speed using a Smart Coach program on Today was not a run day but strength training day for me. This week is a 16 miles week. 2, 5 (tempo), 2 and 7 miles.

    Happy Running.
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    I can't wait till 5:00 so I can get out and RUN..... it is absolutely georgous outside today here in GA!

    Cheno- I'm going to check out that program on runner's world to help with a 10k coming up in 2 1/2 weeks. I'm still taking it a little easy with this IT band issue. I know you will do great in May!

    FluffyLove- Welcome, keep with it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. In a few months they will be asking what are you doing? How did you lose the weight? Just DO IT and feel great about yourself!

    Princess - AWESOME job on those long runs. You will do GREAT! Don't let the thought of the hills intimidate you. You will be prepared. On the hills keep your head down and your mind focused. I'm excited for you.
  • princesspurple
    Thanks for the support AmyDoesIt.
    I have a question to anyone......I ran 10 miles this past Sunday. I have Easter Sunday for a long run and the following Sunday is my race. On Easter, should I do 10 again, do 11,12,13?????? What do you all think?:huh:
  • oliveoil7979
    I am traning for my first marathon in December, and I could use the motivation and accountability of this group.
    I just ran my first ever 5K last Saturday, and have a 4.2 mile race mid April.

    I don't know how many miles I run a week, but I am using a 10K training app for my phone, so I run for about an hour 3 days a week. Then I bike twice a week for about an hour.

    You guys are really motivating, and I look forward to meeting and exceeding our goals together.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Welcome oliveoil7979 to the group. Congratulations on the 5K. What marathon were you thinking of doing? I am planning on doing the 1/2 marathon in December in Tucson, AZ.

    Today was a rest day and tomorrow is 5 miles tempo run. I got my new Vibram fivefingers today and I have been working on bare foot running. We will see how it goes. From the little bit I have done my form has improved already.

    AmyDoesIt - When are you hiking?

    Princesspurple - You are rocking on the running? If I was in your situation I would do a 11 or 12 mile run depending on how the 10 felt. That way your body isn't completely taken by surprise by the longer distance. Good Luck. I bet you will do great.
  • oliveoil7979
    I am running the marathon in Las Vegas with my mother in law. I started training in January, I thuoght 11 months would give me enough time to train, even though I was 80 pounds overweight.

    Tonight is a run night for me. I love how I look forward to my runs all day long. It isn't something I HAVE to do, it's something that I am beging to LOVE. That's really funny considering 3 months ago walking around the block was a struggle and a chore.

    When I finish a run, even a really difficult that I struggle to complete, I feel so empowered, and strangley very feminine. I feel like I can accomplish anything. All of a sudden everything seems possible to me.

    Chenoachem, what is the benefit of the barefoot running? And where are you doing this? On a treadmill or are you out in the streets running with no shoes? This is a new concept to me.

    I hope you all have a good day and great running
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Chenoachem, what is the benefit of the barefoot running? And where are you doing this? On a treadmill or are you out in the streets running with no shoes? This is a new concept to me.

    Currently I am doing this outside. It is something to work up slowly since my feet are not used to it/strong enough to handle much right now. I run completely barefoot on a part with grass or I use minimalist shoes on pavement and currently am not replacing any of my runs with it. The easiest way to explain is to read this:

    We are addicts of running on here, so I understand. Someone today was astounded that I ran all winter. They thought I was crazy. I told them it was part of my normal routine and I don't think it crazy.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hi Everyone! Got in a 5 mile run last night-never could find that happy place but I did it....kinda had to - I left the baseball field after my son's game by myself on foot :laugh: It was 84 here yesterday and I ran in SHORTS!!!!!!

    The Kenyan who won the Atlanta ING Marathon was barefooted. I saw a shirt that said "in my dreams I'm a kenyan"

    olive-welcome to the group! Are you doing the FULL marathon in Jan? I hope to do my first full in April 2011.

    princess-when I was training for the half, I'd have 3 long runs on the weekends and then 1 recovery weekend-when I was running 12 miles my recovery week long run was like 8....or 60-75% of the "long" runs.
  • oliveoil7979
    Good Morning everyone,
    Thanks for the warm welcome to the group.

    Chrissyh- Yes I am (fingers crossed) planning on running the full marathon in December, but at this stage I am not even thinking about it. I am not going to start thinking "Marathon Training" until about July. Right now my focus is just my 5K's and small 4-5 miles races I try to run once a month.

    Chenochem- thanks for the info on the barefoot running. Very interesting!!! Living in the big city it kind of frightens me to think what I may be running on, but certanly something I think I may want to start trying in the near future.

    Now may I take a moment and toot my own horn? My run last night was spectacular. I ran 4 10 min segments with 3 1 min walking in between. Not only did I run each segement, I ran at a steady pace, and went farther than I ever have before. I am still on a high from that. Can't wait for tomorrow's run.

    Have a good Friday everyone.
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    Great Job Olive- welcome!

    Princess- I never ran the full 13 till I ran the half and it was fine. You are going to do great - your adrenaline will get you there!

    Cheno- I'm leaving for hiking/camping Sunday afternoon. Back on Wed. - My brother hooded me up with EVERYTHING including a shovel - and my husband is coming along now too so he can help with some of the weight. We are looking forward to it and the weather is great here in GA. I'm not sure about that barefoot running- my feet look bad enough already!!!

    Chrissy- I hope all is well with you! Good Goal for the full next year. I'm tossing the idea of the full in Feb in New Orleans.... we'll see! Keep up the good running with this awesome weather we are having down south.

    Hapy Easter to All- I'm headed to the woods!
  • princesspurple
    Hi Everyone!! Welcome OliveOil....I had a 5 mile run on Friday legs felt like cement, I included 3 good sized hills...not the best run, still finished in 48.45 but I just 'didn't feel it'....well woke up at 2:15am sick to my stomache. That was not a fun day yesterday w/ my 15 month old, my husband working. Thank goodness he was willing to nap 2 times! Today I was due for a 10-12 mile, but have not strength seeing yesterday was only 8 saltines and some gingerale, and a half of a pb jelly toast. I am bummed, but will try tomorrow! My run is 1 week from today!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Princess - I hope you are feeling better and get that run in.

    OliveOil - Bare foot running is interesting, but you have to be careful to start out slow. I did a 2 mile walk yesterday in my Vibram FiveFingers and my feet are very tired today.

    AmyDoesit - I hope you had a wonderful time on your hike.

    Chrissy - I am also enjoying the running with shorts again. I haven't always been thinking and starting off a bit over dressed and having to take layers off a mile into the run.

    Today is a cross training day for me but I got sick yesterday, so I am starving now. So I think I might postpone my workout until this afternoon. This week is another 16 miles at 2, 5(tempo), 2 and 7 miles.

    Have a happy running week.
  • oliveoil7979
    Good morning everyone.
    I hope you all had a great weekend. My run on Saturday was really tought. I struggled the entire time, but I did it, and that's always a win.

    I was wondering what you all thought about local running groups to help with training for the marathon. Are any of you involved with one? Are there any advantages or disadvantages? I was thinking about joining one, but kept thinking that I am still so slow that maybe I should continue to train on my own until I get to a more decent pace. Any thoughts>

    Tonights a run nigh, will let you know how it goes.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I was wondering what you all thought about local running groups to help with training for the marathon. Are any of you involved with one? Are there any advantages or disadvantages? I was thinking about joining one, but kept thinking that I am still so slow that maybe I should continue to train on my own until I get to a more decent pace. Any thoughts>

    I was part of a running club when I was doing triathalons and thought it was really good for motivation and information. Most groups have people with a wide variety of abilities so you mind find you aren't as slow as you think. I never did group runs, but people I know that did, got a lot out of them. I would look into the group around you. Each has thier own personallity so it is hard to say until you try it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Just wanted to pop in - hope everyone is logging some miles - I've got a cold and am wiped.
  • princesspurple
    Hi Everyone...I stayed home from work today, but still tried to run, I didn't have a route planned and was quite tired from not feeling so great, and I didn't have much in my system. I decided my body was done and turned to come home, 3 miles after a few sick days. I plan on doing 8-10 in the am as my last 'long' run before the half on Sunday.