

  • UmMasud
    UmMasud Posts: 18 Member
    This whole weekend disgusts me. And it's not even over yet.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    If I eat anything that isn't on my safe foods list I feel overcome with guilt, anxiety and fear. If I eat enough to feel 'full' I feel wracked with guilt. I can't eat a lot of food in one sitting, I have to pace myself through the day, eating little as often as possible to keep my metabolism going and to keep hunger pains away.
    This weekend I ate chocolates and cookies, for the first time in a while allowing myself to let go, and boy, do I regret it. I feel awful. Bad food simply makes me feel sick, physically nauseous, as if I've eaten poison. It may taste good on the tongue but it doesn't sit right in my stomach.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    last week I ate an entire coffee cake. not all at once, but throughout the day. only thing I ate. at night, felt like I had a cinder block in my stomach and I was doing soo good too.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Bald eagle drumsticks....but they are soooo goood. They taste like freedom.

    LMAO :)
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Mine is anything with Gluten. I LOVE cookies and all that stuff, but they really do make me sick now. :(
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I've found that too many sweets or refined grains leave my stomach hurting for days afterwords. But they sure taste good in the moment. :sad:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    This thread makes me sad. :(

    Food is not the enemy. Food is not dangerous (in reference to "safe" foods). Food is not good or bad. The problem is internal. Love yourself. You are worthy. What you eat does not make you who you are.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    This eggnog coffee misto I am currently drinking. But I am not disgusted, more like amazed at its glory.
  • Kaymart79
    If i drink soda.. I had a huge problem with soda at one point, and i havent had any in months. So i would feel pretty disgusted if i slipped with that.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    I never feel disgusted after eating anything in small amounts, a cookie? Sure, yum. A bowl of pasta with some white cheesey garlic bread? Great. But I do feel ill if I ate this kind of food every day and also if I eat too much processed sugar, I feel nauseas and dizzy, like i'm hungover.

    However, I DO NOT have a list of foods which I never eat, I used to be like that and it was an eating disorder! I dislike macdonalds burgers, so I do not eat them, I love ribs with fries abd salad so that would be a treat meal for me.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I only feel disgusted if I overeat or I ate something that tasted bad
  • karebear26
    karebear26 Posts: 15 Member
    This time of year, EVERYTHING! LOL its so hard with all the temptations out there. I cant wait for the holiday season to be over with so there isn't so much for me to be tempted by. I don't buy junk food on a regular basis for that that reason. But its hard. This morning I had a cookie and egg nog..

    Remember its one cookie! just make the rest of the day count :) Good luck
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    Sweets, and anything fast food for the most part. I'll do it out of conveniece and then I hate myself everytime, never feel good afterwards lol
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    Most things that I used to find delicious. Baked (non-low calorie/hearty-filling) goods, chips, fried food. The guilt for feeling weak and giving in adds to the disgust. Great motivation at times though.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think some of you need to work on your relationship with food. Seriously. You and food should try couples counselling. It might be difficult to convince food to go, but if you explain to food that it is necessary for the relationship to continue, I'm sure it will come around.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Anything that I know will make me crave later that day. And I don't just mean crave unhealthy foods, either. I mean wander around feeling like I'm starving, stuffing everything I can find into my face.

    So pretty much anything with a lot of carbs and/or sugar.

    It's not that I think eating a little of those foods is bad, it's that I found out I can't just eat a little without being miserable the rest of the day wanting more. So I feel disgusting, or rather, disgusted with myself for setting myself up for it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member


    I eat whatever fits my macros!

    Ate a half of a pizza for dinner last night.
  • seriouslypinkchick
    I feel like this everytime i fall off wagon and binge eat i remeber the first time i did it after i eat really well for 6 mths and my body couldnt cope with crap i fed it and it made me phyiscally sick and it was awful so i not done it to that extent again but even when i eat something that i know i shouldnt i feel so bad after - and this time of year is even worse :(
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Last night I was so hungry I thought I was going to die and was lightheaded and had a raging headache. Instead of reaching for a piece of fruit while waiting for dinner, I ate half of a container of chocolate covered pretzel rods and two slices of leftover pizza. Felt pretty disgusted afterwards.
  • falcon367
    Literally anything with sugar or processed wheat. :(