

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Thanks AllisonM .... were hoping all goes well. It's feeling strange already not having Mum at home.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning,
    So sorry about the broken hip. Hope all goes well. Use those stairs. it really makes a difference, even if you have to take them slow. Just avoid the elevator. Good luck.
    I think according to the questions on Dr. Oz that I am the balanced type. I also have type A blood which would mean more fruits and veggies. I really was surprised because I would have thougth low carb. But makes sense cause when i started this i was doing a balance and worked really well for me. I do avoid all white carbs though. Only whole wheat bread, and pasta. dont eat that often though. just got back from store getting some good food for me. so expensive though. now I am off to get oil changed in car and sams for more good food supplies. ill be skinny and broke LOL.
    need to get my exercise in later. have a good day ladies.
    vicki M
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning!

    Another day ahead, I've tried to get myself into the 'mental' game of it today. Last night I thought I'd truly messed it up because i ate so much ham:sick: but I guess i did okay, because we are still on track. Tried to prethink my eating today, it always helps when I do that.

    Jackie, so sorry:cry: to hear that your Mum broke her hip. My Mom's rehab for the recovery of her broken pelvis will be a total of 12 weeks, it's long and then we move on to the next phase of where she would like to live after.

    More than enough paper work :angry: to keep me busy at the office so I hope everyone has a great day.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Laura, I also ate way too much ham on Easter. Back to eating healthy now. Don't worry about it, just start afresh.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, at least you stayed away from the chocolate. I didn't.:embarassed:

    One of my daughters has moved back home for a while until they find another place to live. She brought her husband and two kids. So, I had two grands at my house for Easter. They are soooo cute.
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone! So many posts and I just had to skim through as I have a really busy day today! Looks like everyone is really motivated to get back on track after Easter! My daughter did not come home from college for the holiday so it was a quiet one for us therefore less calories because I did'nt make a huge dinner.

    Barbie- thanks for getting me on the right thread!

    Kacky- hows the 30 day shred? I'm just fitting it in when I can!

    Congrats everyone for all your hard work to stay on track...I constantly have to tell myself this is a lifestyle and not a diet and each day it seems to just feel more natural and the support here really helps!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi! I thought I was on the new thread, but found out I wasn't.:blushing: I wondered why no one was posting,:laugh: . Anyway, glad to be on again. Had a fairly successful Easter. Back in line again and doing well. Have a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Ladies
    I joined MFP a few months ago and it was VERY helpful, but although I had 3-4 people offer to be my friend, I noticed that they never commented on my weight loss, meeting my food goals, or really anything I did. I commented to them, congratulations, support, etc, but did not receive even ONE reply.
    Anyway, I dropped out for over a month and of course put some weight back on, but I'm going to try again. Perhaps this thread will yield a buddy to cheer me on.
    My April goals are to increase my exercise goal by 100%. Previously was two hours walking per week - - now I want to go to four hours. Also, try to lose 4 pounds by the end of April. Should be challenging as I have two trips out of town this month.
    I just started making my own exercise MP3 for my player - - went through my music and classified songs by walking speed, then I made a 35 minute compilation into one file that starts with warm-up, some favorite music, then a cool down with arm work. Pretty cool. Next goal - a 45 minute version with different music.
    If anyone wants a copy of the 35 minute version, send me your email and I'll provide a link to download it (35mb). It starts at about a 3.0mph rate and goes to 3.4, then down to about 2.7. I use it on the treadmill with 3% incline.
    bye for now
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Welcome Randy. You'll love it here this is a great bunch of women!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Welcome Randy,
    You have found the right place. These ladies will respond to you whether you want them to or not. LOL. I think you will love this It has saved me. I would love to be able to download your songs. sounds great. I will send you my email.
    Vicki M
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Yes, everyone here is very supportive. good luck everyone for this coming week. It seems easier to be in a good mood when spring arrives.
  • carol0213
    This sounds like my kind of group. I just joined today and need all the encouragement I can get. Good luck everyone!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :noway: I can't believe it!:noway: 5 pages of posts since I last checked in!!! :noway: What a busy thread!!:wink:
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend.:flowerforyou:

    There are so many people in RI that had serious flooding during the last week! It's awful! :brokenheart: Thank God I didn't have the problem. My daughter has been coming over with her family to shower and do her wash etc. :cry: Their area was badly hit, but she was not. :smile: It was just that the entire Warwick, RI area couldn't use water for days because EVERYTHING shut down, whether you got water in your house or not.:frown: People were using canoes to get from place to place!! :noway: :noway: I feel so lucky!:smile:

    The weather has been beautiful since Friday, so things are looking up! But please pray for the families that have lost their homes. Many didn't have flood insurance because they were not even CLOSE to water! Houses....businesses etc....just destroyed. So if you have a nice dry place to live, as I do, feel very blessed!

    Easter was very nice with everyone over the house. I wasn't being very good, as far as the food goes, although I DID get up early and exercise.:smile: The sweet bread did me in:blushing: But, I made sure that every bit of food, that's off my normal eating plan, left the house by mid afternoon! Not even a jelly bean left behid!:laugh:

    I couldn't exercise yesterday because I went to the store to get the "good food" into the house before work. I exercised today! :flowerforyou: Tomorrow is my weigh in day.:ohwell:

    Take it one day at a time!!!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :drinker: Good Evening Ladies

    :flowerforyou: Jackie so sorry to hear about your mum's broken hip, what a shock it must have been for you, no wonder you haven't had time to eat properly.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to Randy and Carol :smile: you will get plenty of support and encouragement here.

    :smile: I had a reasonably good day today, went on a pensions briefing just before lunch :huh: the Company are changing the pension scheme - must say most of it went over my head but we are getting more details soon. Although I planned my meals in advance I didn't quite stick to it, but I have done lots of walking today so should be within my calorie allowance.:smile:

    :smile: I was tidying up yesterday and came across my pedometer from last year, so thought I would put it on and see how many steps I do now on an average day, so far I have done 21453. Probably won't do too many more tonight as it's getting late now and I want an early night, I couldn't sleep last night and have felt exhausted most of today :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :smile: Does anyone know what type of curry is low in fat and not too spicy. I mentioned Max left last week, well on Friday we are going to an Indian Restaurant as her leaving night out and I am not sure what is the healthiest curry. I only like mild curry but know that Korma dishes are swimming in calories :frown: I'll have to keep away from the naan bread too :bigsmile:

    Think I'll have a go at planning my meals for tomorrow and try to stick to it this time :wink:

    Bye for now :flowerforyou:

    Viv :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick note to say:
    Jackie, sorry to hear about your mother. I hope all goes well.
    Randy and Carol, welcome. If you want to get encouragement, feel free to send me a friend request and I will try to be helpful! (That goes for anyone on this thread.)
    Better get a little more done. Will be back later if I have time. Here's to smart choices!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Welcome carol213 you will love this site. I have completed 2 days of eating right and exercise. 28 more and my habit will be formed. LOL. feel so much better when I am doing what is right. does anyone know what happened to momof10. we have not heard from her in a while. Heather from canada also. it has been a while. have a good nights rest. see you ladies in the morning.
    Vicki M
  • vwillan
    vwillan Posts: 28 Member
    Hello! I'm new and need some motivation to stay on track and exercise. I need to lose 10 pounds to get to my goal weight, but I always seem to de-rail myself when I get to this point. I get lazy and tell myself that I'm "okay", but what I really want is to be toned and in shape by summer.

    Any good suggestions to stay motivated to exercise?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about your mum and her broken hip......my experience with family members and broken hips was decades ago and now they have such amazing new technology that recovery should go much better and faster than they did for my mother and grandmother. I will especially be thinking of you and the challenges for you as her caregiver......your great sense of humor will become a great asset. While you're hanging around the hospital walk the stairs a lot. Your body will thank you for the workout.

    :flowerforyou: Easter was not my weekend challenge.......my challenge was helping get DH ready for his trip....at the last minute he found out how rainy it was where he's going so he decided to leave his golf clubs home----since the clubs were already in the car and his golf shoes were packed in a suitcase, it required some major repacking. He got on the road about 8:30 Monday morning planning to stop after about 400 miles, instead, he felt so energetic that he drove the whole 620 miles and stopped to see his son before heading to the motel. The dogs, friends, and the exercise bike have kept me busy since he left. DH and I have also been in touch by Skype (video call on the computer), e mail, cell phone, and text message :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, Happy Birthday :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Did the naughty piggies do something special for you ? I'm glad you got a chance to get some extra rest

    :flowerforyou: Kathy(pmjsmom) I'm sorry to hear that your daughter is doing something that upsets and worries you......it makes me think back on things I did at her age that made my parents crazy.

    :flowerforyou: Alice, sorry to hear about your shoulder :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Suzzque, have a great trip.....we'll miss you :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Allison, welcome......we had a golden retriever for eight years and she was the champion of stealing food off the counter or the table and she loved to empty wastebaskets and sniff around for interesting "stuff" Now we have poodles who steal the cat food and are naughty in their own special way.

    :flowerforyou: I am envious of all of you who are planting now----I'm still wearing long underwear, a winter jacket, wool scarf and hat when I take the dogs out......I think it's too early for planting here :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I'm glad you can see the positive (cute grandkids for Easter) along with having your kids move back home for awhile.

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, glad you found us......we start a new thread on the first of every month.

    :flowerforyou: Randy and Carol and vwillan, welcome to the greatest thread on MFP.......post and read a lot and you'll get the encouragement and inspiration you're looking for. These women changed my life.....I wish the same for you. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I'm so glad to hear the happy sounds of you being back on track......you have inspired me so much

    Something inspired me to take the dogs to the dog park this morning instead of waiting until afternoon and it was fortunate because it started raining at 11:30........there were so many birds that during the "walkies" part of the adventure I got a strength training workout holding them on leash as they tried to chase after all the birds.

    OK, I've been sitting long enough, time to get back on the exercise bike.....:heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    The Yorkshire Terrors, hope you had a;


  • constancemwj
    Hi ladies
    you all, are to hard to keep up with I miss a few days and find five pages of catching up on..... and when I do get througt it all I have not time to replay... so I'm not reading tonight after working all day and try to getting a work out and logging in my stuff its my bed time so I'm not reading tonight just pasting
    Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend,,, like always I ate to much,,, and when it came in for weigh-in this morning I was up 2lbs:sad: I'll get back down thought... Well its late and still have lost to get done tonight to be ready for tomorrow....keep at everyone:flowerforyou: and maybe tomorrow I'll find some time to catch up with you all:smile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wow...lots going on with everyone...just trying to catch up after a few days. I am in Chicago with darling daugher-in-law and granddaughter to "help" them find a new place as they are moving. Son is too busy finishing up work in FL so I am thrilled to be able to "help". Just glad it's not me moving. We did lots of that in the past and I am so happy not be moving. Funny to think about how little I've been home in the past few months...just feel fortunate that I'm in a place in life where I can GO where I'm needed and also when I WANT to. Amicable Spouse is visiting a very sick friend from childhood while I am here. We are in a good place in our lives in this regard. You just never know....

    Birdie: thinking of those near you who are affected by the flooding and good for you for getting your exercise in and food out on Easter!
    Jackie: So sorry about your Mum...will be thinking of you and her. Keep that good humor of yours!
    Viv: 21,453 steps!!???!!! Wow and Wow. Good for you
    Randy, Carol,vwilan, allisonMO; Glad to have you on board. Many of us are "New"...its a good group!
    Kerry: your garden sounds so wonderful. I am so behind in getting mine in this year due to rain and travel. I will not be having the assortment that you have this summer...sob, sob!
    SuzieQ: Have a great time on both your trips! Girl time is wonderful as is special guy time. Good for you
    MacMadam: Keep us posted about the protein thing. Most curious
    Suzanita: the Shred is going. I did 3 days in a row...travel intervened...2 days off ...and then fit it in today. And it was easier today. Tough to fit into travel and hotel stay. My 1 year old granddaughter was most entertained watching me do the DVD today while I kept her in the hotel! I can only imagine through her little eyes! I hope to keep it up most days this month!! Keep me posted on your progress with it.

    Am exhausted and sure that most of this isn't written coherently. If I go back to edit, it won't go. So please forgive anything too odd. Good night all and have a good week! Kackie