Who has given up Alcohol?

I know alcohol can and does hinder your weight loss... Who all has completely given up booze to help you with the weight loss? and do you really think it has helped with losing weight faster?

I by no means drink every day.. but on the weekends I do usually drink... maybe 1-3 drinks a night on the weekend.. except when we go out and then I drink a few more than that ;) The worst part is the nights we go out.. the next morning I feel like crap and end up eating nasty greasy food all day which also definitely does not help with my weight loss!

I really don't want to give up drinking... but I really want to get healthy and lose this extra weight =/


  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    haven't given it up per se, but I do limit it to very few drinks, and usually then just a glass of red wine on occasion. the calories are one thing, but the after effects are just too "expensive". My self-control decreases for every drink I have, so not only do the alcohol calories add up, the food calories go up, the quality of those calories plummets (nutritional bang for the buck is almost nil) and I don't usually sleep worth a d*mn which messes me all up the next day.

    That said, I will take a day off from time to time if I really want to celebrate and drink more than a glass or two of red wine. Such as New Year's Eve or a wedding...
  • stanluoser
    Given it up! No beer, no alcohol! Just not for me!
  • melissaann262
    It slows down your metabolism SO MUCH it's just not worth it for me... if I have to be somewhere where people expect me to drink I'll order a soda water with lime so they don't give me a hard time and I can still stick to my goals :)
  • CO_Jazz
    Given it up along with sodas and caffeine.
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    <bad influence> I find that staying within the calorie limits doesn't affect the weight loss. Also, it may cause binges if you are too strict. </bad influence> However, you just need to go with your gut and what you find works best for you.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Have not given it up, but I have become more conscious when I drink beer.

    I have never really drank beer to get drunk... I just love the taste of good beer.
  • WorkoutWarrior76
    WorkoutWarrior76 Posts: 179 Member
    I know alcohol can and does hinder your weight loss... Who all has completely given up booze to help you with the weight loss? and do you really think it has helped with losing weight faster?

    I by no means drink every day.. but on the weekends I do usually drink... maybe 1-3 drinks a night on the weekend.. except when we go out and then I drink a few more than that ;) The worst part is the nights we go out.. the next morning I feel like crap and end up eating nasty greasy food all day which also definitely does not help with my weight loss!

    I really don't want to give up drinking... but I really want to get healthy and lose this extra weight =/

    Friday and Saturday nigth I start drinkign as soon as the kdis go to sleep. I dont get totally hammered but I drink a lot! But I guess thats gotta go!
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I am the same way with wine.. i love my wine... love to have a glass or two... but am wondering just how much it hinders my weight loss.. I've heard some say as long as you stay within your daily calories alcohol wont harm your goals.. and then i have heard that our body metabolizes alcohol different and it completely sabotages your goals, even if you stay within your daily calories.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I know alcohol can and does hinder your weight loss... Who all has completely given up booze to help you with the weight loss? and do you really think it has helped with losing weight faster?

    I by no means drink every day.. but on the weekends I do usually drink... maybe 1-3 drinks a night on the weekend.. except when we go out and then I drink a few more than that ;) The worst part is the nights we go out.. the next morning I feel like crap and end up eating nasty greasy food all day which also definitely does not help with my weight loss!

    I really don't want to give up drinking... but I really want to get healthy and lose this extra weight =/

    Friday and Saturday nigth I start drinkign as soon as the kdis go to sleep. I dont get totally hammered but I drink a lot! But I guess thats gotta go!

    I'm the same.. I dont get completely hammered... usually lol. but definitely enjoy a nice head change!
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    I dont drink lol :)
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am giving it up for a while. Never was a huge drinker but did love a good vodka mixed with...well anything, a few nights a week. Just noticed recently my body doesnt react well to it so I am giving it up for a while :(
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I am the same way with wine.. i love my wine... love to have a glass or two... but am wondering just how much it hinders my weight loss.. I've heard some say as long as you stay within your daily calories alcohol wont harm your goals.. and then i have heard that our body metabolizes alcohol different and it completely sabotages your goals, even if you stay within your daily calories.

    It's not terrible. You can work it in to your daily intake.
    Plus you can just go a little harder during your workouts to compensate.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I dont drink often but I could use one now.
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    Not a problem for me since I have never understood why so many people equate having a good time with drinking exessive amounts of alcahol. I never drink it. It is just not something I have ever been tempted to be a part of.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I dont drink often but I could use one now.

    haha!!! Pinot Grigio in hand as I am typing... some days after work I feel like a glass of wine just helps me unwind =\
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Gave up "heavy" drinking when my children were young. Realized I needed to grow up and focus on being a father.

    Gave up what little drinking I did after that about 2 years ago when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and went on meds to keep it under control.

    Since then I have had maybe a couple of beers and glasses of wine, total. Holiday meals & celebrations. And always only one.

    To each their own choices and path but for me getting & staying sober was the best choice I ever made. And now, I do not miss it at all.
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I have a drink every few weeks or so, mostly because of my work schedule. I'd probably keep it to a couple nights a week, and no more than 2 at a time.
  • TwistedFun
    I am in the process of it. I have a predilection for alcohol, and almost everyone in my family is an alcoholic or borderline alcoholic. I found myself going down that road and had to put a stop to it. Not to mention that drinking is more harmful on a woman's body than it is on a man's.

    No, health first.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    god didnt make boozer and loser rhyme just for the hell of it
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    I gave up for religious reasons and it's done me no end of good, I'm a pioneer (Google it )