Anyone else fall off the wagon in December?



  • HeidibooJB
    HeidibooJB Posts: 62 Member
    I jumped off the wagon with both feet, starting about a week ago, and am just today getting back on. To make things worse, the gym I work at has closed down unexpectedly, so I'm getting the old double whammy. I fully expect not to get back on track until the new year. The treadmill here at home will be my pal for the next couple of days. It came off before, it'll come off again.
  • Pauly187
    Pauly187 Posts: 14 Member
    Yep and like you back on the wagon...a few days wouldn't kill me...but now back to the slow, steady discipline I need...70 down, 70 to go. Keep your head's ok to be human and celebrate a bit...just as long as you come back into your good routine. Keep at it!
  • PRobertson71
    PRobertson71 Posts: 18 Member
    Heck yeah, but I enjoyed it!!!!!!!!
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    It has been a rough week and a half here. Went on a cruise and it wasn't pretty. Baked goodies for Christmas when I got back and things got worse. I did work out for the first time yesterday and I threw away the rest of the brownies this morning. This leaves only the apple pie, made with splenda. Since I can take or leave a piece of pie, it is safe to stay. I am back and on a mission again as of this moring.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    I think anyone who didn't fall of the wagon for at least Christmas Day is not enjoying their life to the fullest. Yeah, you fell, but ot was lotsa fun tumbling down in the weeds.

    You fell, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get right back on that wagon.
  • Pauly187
    Pauly187 Posts: 14 Member
    Oh my goodness, yes! Someone on this site profoundly hurt my feelings in November, I deleted my account, and things have not gone well since.

    Do not some internet jackwagon deter you from your goals. You are in this for you, not some idiot who types bs to you. Don't give anyone else the power to make you feel bad and don't let them live rent free in your head. It's ok to dismiss negative people from your life. Glad you are kick butt woman!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    OF COURSE! But getting back on track TODAY!
  • Phoenixchichima
    smart idea. focus on positive and your future success. I need to get started back into it too.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    <--- ME!!!!

    Oh its BAD...
  • hkeenan523
    I was really good through Thanksgiving and first 2 weeks of December, the last 2 weeks got a hold of me. Like you I continued with my exercise but eating was BAD....but I am back on track, logging food and started Shakeology to replace breakfast!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I only ate over TDEE yesterday, and it was totally worth it for the coconut shrimp family made from scratch for our christmas party.
  • darcy2102
    darcy2102 Posts: 27 Member
    It wasn't so much as fall as a stepping off. I knew that I could not control what others would be making for me. I controlled what I could, and when the food was someone else's preparation, I could only control my portions. I knew going into the Holidays that there would be times when things would be less than perfect, but I accepted that and kept moving on. We didn't get "heavy" over night, so I knew that one or two slips would not be the ruination of everything...after all, we are only human.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Besides, this is a lifestyle change, and I have no intention of being abstemious every single holiday for the rest of my life. Ergo, start as you mean to go on and limit the damage by sensible choices around it.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member

    The wagon is here, waiting - get back on it!

    That little thing wont hold all of us! Who else pictured a Wild West "covered" wagon? LOL
  • myrestlessfeet
    myrestlessfeet Posts: 95 Member
    I have started on xmas eve but am still exercising daily its the eating that has gone bad. Will get out of this funk tomorrow, hopefully :embarassed:
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    I am dancing around the wagon
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Big time. I planned on it though. I generally eat well all year, and I let myself pig out over the holidays. The few pounds I might gain will come off as soon as I go back to good eating. I have had chocolate, baking, cheesecake, candies, etc etc etc. I do not regret one bite. I am looking forward to eating well again. Starting today Im trying to be sensible, until New years. Its my boyfriends birthday on New Years day so we have cake and dinner. Appetizers at family's house tonight, niece's 3rd birthday on saturday. No way am I going to sit there eating nothing!! I eat bad for a week or two at christmas, and the rest of the year, i try to be smart.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Hahaha, fall off the wagon? I fell off the train and it has been a wild ride since. Cookies, candy, pie, ice cream- what was I thinking? Oh yeah, I had to compare neighbors chocolate chip cookies to MIL's. (neighbor's was better). I felt ill at work today my pants were so tight. The Christmas pictures I won't even post to my family with the big moon face and double chins.

    But, do I regret it? Not a bit. Okay I put on maybe 5 pounds but it was worth the family and friends time. Now onward to 2013!

    I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! :flowerforyou: I knew I was eating badly and I KNOW I will do better in January... simple as that! I'm not going to let a "few" (or mabye I should say "many") bad food choices discourage me into getting depressed and not continuing to work on a healthy life style. It's the holidays... enjoy your time and don't over think everything you shouldn't have eaten. It's part of life... ups and downs. Next week I'll be cursing the elliptical, walking in the cold and eating greens again... back on track and off we go!
  • fittf0rlife
    Hahaha, fall off the wagon? I fell off the train and it has been a wild ride since. Cookies, candy, pie, ice cream- what was I thinking? Oh yeah, I had to compare neighbors chocolate chip cookies to MIL's. (neighbor's was better). I felt ill at work today my pants were so tight. The Christmas pictures I won't even post to my family with the big moon face and double chins.

    But, do I regret it? Not a bit. Okay I put on maybe 5 pounds but it was worth the family and friends time. Now onward to 2013!

    I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! :flowerforyou: I knew I was eating badly and I KNOW I will do better in January... simple as that! I'm not going to let a "few" (or mabye I should say "many") bad food choices discourage me into getting depressed and not continuing to work on a healthy life style. It's the holidays... enjoy your time and don't over think everything you shouldn't have eaten. It's part of life... ups and downs. Next week I'll be cursing the elliptical, walking in the cold and eating greens again... back on track and off we go!
    i needed this :whistle:
  • WIbeliever
    WIbeliever Posts: 28 Member
    The wagon is there but the wheels not moving. Mine issue wasn't really the fact that I over indulged, it was I had a dental issue that got worse and could only eat soft foods and what tasted the best to me was all high in carbs. It did keep me away from many of the cookies because I would not have been able to chew them. Because of the pain I was in, I also wasn't able to exercise - ok didn't want to exercise so I didn't.

    I agree with so many of you that is knowing how to get back on the wagon or maybe just making the wheels turn again in the direction you want to be headed in.