200+ (Week 24) Shrinking into Summer



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina and Victoria- I'm between 5'6" and 5'7" (really, I have no clue which is closer, I guess it depends on how tall I stand the day I get measured). But the 3 minute jog is still 2 weeks away. I still have to do day 3 of week 1. Since yoga is tomorrow, I may do it tomorrow before class starts so I'll get a little cardio in too.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kendal, that is so weird...I was just measured at the Docs and the nurse said 5'9", then a couple of days my husband was helping me take measurements and he said I was 5 ' 8"....then when we were at the bank, they had a height chart and it said I was 5' 7"...Geez...I like the taller, makes my BMI better:wink:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- I grew an inch at the doctor this year.. granted I hadn't gone for 7 (I know. I know)

    Did another 65 minutes on the elliptical today and was up a resistance level, but the fan wasn't running so I was pretty hot and tuckered out by the end.

    Plus, Biggest Loser contestants were there again. This time dad AND daughter. Thought that was pretty cool.

    I wanted to work out, but really needed to after the meeting. *hangs head in shame* I ate. :grumble: My boss brought peach cookies from Charleston, which I resisted, but then it was my coworkers birthday over the weekend and someone brought this DELICIOUS chocolate cake from Whole Foods... has chocolate cake, mousse, ganache (sp?) layers. *drools just thinking about it* I didn't feel comfortable being the only one not eating it, so I did, but I did the extra level of resistance on the elliptical to help compensate a bit.

    OH, so today overall was pretty crappy. I'm feeling pretty down at the moment. I know part of it is lack of sleep, it being a Tuesday, my TOM will probably start next week, and just my natural emotional ups and downs. So I get a phone call this afternoon while I'm sitting in starbucks (I had to have a triple grande skinny vanilla latte in order to make it through my meeting. totally worth the 130 calories) from the apartment place that I have my reservation in for. The peeps living in the apartment I reserved decided to renew their lease instead, so I'm out of a place :explode: :explode: And it sounded like she wouldn't know for a while when another would open (couldn't guarantee anything). I wanted to cry. BUT... I got an email at the end of the day that she thinks someone will be transferring from a one to two bedroom place, and it's in a better location in the complex (top floor v. bottom) and a nicer view. It's about 30 bucks more a month, but I can handle that, so I think all will work out. But when she called, I just was like OH COME ON! Why are the fates hating on Kristina today??
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies! Long long meeting at work and didn't get out of there till 430 so instead of working out I went and had a Cosmo and spring rolls with coworkers. Yum. NOT good for cals since I haven't worked out since saturday! HAVE to work out the next four days. HAVE to. I'm getting in an ugly habit og barely working out and its going to catch up with me in a bad way here soon.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I know part of it is lack of sleep, it being a Tuesday, my TOM will probably start next week, and just my natural emotional ups and downs.

    yeah, I'm there with you...I've come to realize in the past 6-8 months that I get VERRRRRRY emotional the week before my TOM

    I haven't worked out since saturday! HAVE to work out the next four days. HAVE to. I'm getting in an ugly habit og barely working out and its going to catch up with me in a bad way here soon.

    haven't done anything since Friday and I hate it. Plus I've been eating really bad the past few days. I feel so freakin fat right now.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    in less than 2 weeks, we will hit SIX MONTHS for our group!!! That makes me so proud of everything that we've done.

    But that said, I'm tired of being stuck at 28-29 pounds lost. I want to solidly hit 30 pounds lost and keep going.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hello ladies. sorry i havent been around lately, things have been crazy lately. but it seems to have calmed down now. i didnt eat that well over the weekend but i am making up for it now. as a result i am retaining water i think( about 3-4 pounds of it) :grumble: :angry: so debra i might need to borrow your shot gun the week end. well i will check back tomorrow. goodnight super heros!!

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina....boo-hoo, if your TOM is coming...that means mine is too.....no wonder I was wanting sour cream and onion chips yesterday.....:sad: :sad: I did have 5 of them and scolded hubby for having them!:laugh: :laugh:

    Kendal...wow, 6 months is fantastic...a lot of groups fall apart...not sure when I nosed in....I think you guys might of been in your second challenge, but I sure do love you guys and glad I found ya....I have been doing interval work ( with walking/jogging or the elliptical) the past month, have you ever tried it? I shouldn't jinx myself, but I have lost every week since I started doing it.

    Amber...glad your feeling better...just keep at it, you can recover...push, push the water...and now that you have threatened your scale...it should fall in line for ya...if it doesn't...we'll have to take care of it!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I need to get off line now...I keep saying that, but this time it's for real....I'm going to do "a Pinbot" and get out for a jog this morning before the rain hits!!! Talk with you soon!!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! I am being lazy today. My first patient cancelled - which is good for today but bad for tomorrow. Had to reschedule for 7:15 am tomorrow - EEEEKKKK. I am booked solid from 9:30am to 7pm today - add drive time and it's a full day. Tomorrow I am booked 7:15 to 1:30 and then we leave for Chicago at 2 for 10 hour car ride... The next 2 days will be rough. Thank goodness I prepped my food yesterday and started packing.

    Enough griping. I've gotta go get ready for work. Just giving you all a heads up that I may not be on much for the next week. I will try to read the posts and make some short replies.

    Deb - hope you enjoy that run.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904

    Hey girl - I've been missing you. Hope all is well and that you get some work hours soon...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- I'm highly amused that so many of us cycle together. haha! Yeah, it makes me nervous, cause if my TOM does come next week, that probably will induce a short-term weight gain which my confidence really doesn't need. I was doing more interval training when I was doing c25k, as it involved walking and running. I might on days I'm at the rec center try and do that occasionally on the treadmill and pump up my running speed when I know I'll be able to walk as well.

    Victoria- what are you going to Chicago for? I forget how much farther it is to get to everything when you're upstate. it's only 4ish hours for me here. Sounds like the next couple of days might be difficult. Hopefully you'll be able to relax a bit today with the smaller client load and be able to step up the exercise today as you might have more time. Good luck!

    Nikki & dixiegal- nice of you to check in! We've missed you!

    Kendal- 6 months! Wow! I'm so proud of all of us! I know some of the people in the group joined in later on, but it's amazing we've all stuck around through all of it- the ups and the downs. I'm so fortunate to have found you all. I'll be here for the future anniversaries!

    So today should be okay. I'm feeling a bit better mood wise than I was yesterday. I think the apartment situation will work out okay, but that added stress was not what I needed. I didn't go to bed as early as I should have last night, as I stayed up to watch the biggest loser. Also didn't sleep fantastic last night (woke up several times), but I'm doing okay today. I have a potential client at 10am today, but that's the only set appointment. Other than that, it's just reminder phone calls to make for therapy group tomorrow, and a couple other phone calls to peeps who are interested in my study. If I start to hit the wall and get tired and not feel well, I'll plan on leaving early to catch a nap this afternoon.

    It's raining really hard outside and I think it's supposed to all day, so I plan to hit up the rec center again this afternoon/evening. I've done the elliptical the last couple of days which has helped with the calorie burning, as I tend to lose more on that, but I really would like to get a true run in. So if it is raining or looks like it has the potential to, I'll hit up one of the treadmill, which I haven't used in a few weeks since completing c25k. Only 2 of them allow you to go on them for more than 30 minutes at a time, so if I snag one of those, I'll try and run a full 5K- I haven't done that on the treadmill yet (just outside), so I'm note sure if I'll make it, but I want to at least hit 30 minutes running. If I can get one of the other treadmills, I might do some intervals- running at more like 5.0 (versus 4.5 for longer distances) and then walking briefly and repeating for the 30 minutes. Then, I'll try and do 30 more of something else. Perhaps bike. Today is sort of my last chance workout, as tomorrow I have my group late again and I don't want to work out when that is finished. So hopefully today will go well.

    Happy hump day!
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Yes - it is another glorious morning!!!! Mr. Scale and I are still having our affair - he loves me and shouted out 190.5 this morning:love::love: :love: I am down 1.5 pounds this week. DH is getting jealous and wants to do more with me. He has this grand idea to walk all 6 miles to my mom's house, spend an hour there and then walk back. I'll try anything so we may do it until he realizes that is 12 miles of walking!!! What else do we have to do on Saturday but house and yard work.

    I am jealous of all you stay at home mom's, well any of you moms. Kids just weren't in the cards for us. I have enjoyed playing with the kid (2 years old) my mom has been watching this week (*sighs*). I am looking forward to July when I am stealing my BFF oldest 2 for a week. I enjoy your stories of the kids.

    Good luck on your weigh-ins. I am off to get ready for my 1 client then a day of errands in the big city - bulk food and supply shopping, car to the shop, and more. If I get home in time, I hope to take a run. We are going for a 3 to 4 mile walk (DH called it the long walk) to our favorite restaurant for dinner. The short walk is 2 miles.

    Pinbotchick, if you guys have 2 cars, drive one to your mom's and drop it off, have your lovely DH pick you up then go back home, park and walk to mom's. 12 miles is a bit much for someone just starting out. I klnwo it seems like a bit of work but it's surely less than walking 12 miles!!!! Best of luck!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    HA!!! Doctor went better then it could have.

    The most wonderful thing happened today. I can actually wear size 16 jeans!!! I really don't remember the last time I wore size 16. Of course a little snug, but comfortable. Not bad. I am soooo excited over this. I can't wait to be in 14's, then 12's, then 10's and if I get into a size smaller then a 10 that is the bonus round for me.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Mish- YEAY WOOHOO! Gotta love smaller sizes.

    I got a clear acrylic Fossil watch for Christmas this year and when I first started wearing it there was hardly any wiggle room. Now I can get a finger in between the band and my skin. Yeay!

    Pinbot- have fun in Chicago, that is a crazy drive!

    Kristina I am sure the apt situation will work itself out but it is never fun to have to worry about that kind of stuff.

    It is sunny here today...supposedly will last all day long. We will see about that. Either way it sure was a mood lifter from the eternal grey skies, wind and rain we've been getting lately.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    HA!!! Doctor went better then it could have.

    The most wonderful thing happened today. I can actually wear size 16 jeans!!! I really don't remember the last time I wore size 16. Of course a little snug, but comfortable. Not bad. I am soooo excited over this. I can't wait to be in 14's, then 12's, then 10's and if I get into a size smaller then a 10 that is the bonus round for me.
    Mish- you and I are so similar! I'm in 16's (snugly) now. I think it'll be a while till I'm in 14's, as I think at my lowest I can remember (junior year of college) I was 171 (I just couldn't get into the 160s!!), and I still wasn't comfortable in 14's yet. Still can't even imagine it. I think I was a size 10 in middle school and never remember being a single digit size. I think I went straight from girl's clothes to 10s. haha.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Mish- you and I are so similar! I'm in 16's (snugly) now. I think it'll be a while till I'm in 14's, as I think at my lowest I can remember (junior year of college) I was 171 (I just couldn't get into the 160s!!), and I still wasn't comfortable in 14's yet. Still can't even imagine it. I think I was a size 10 in middle school and never remember being a single digit size. I think I went straight from girl's clothes to 10s. haha.

    There was a point in my life I made it to a size 8, but never smaller then that, although there may have been a size 6 at one point, but I am not sure. I would love to be an 8, but 10 will make me very happy since I started at size 20!
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Hey girls! Sorry I haven't been around much...looks like I've missed a lot. Life has been so hectic. I can't even think straight half the time. I am freaking out a little cause we only have 185 days til the wedding, and I feel like I have a lot of stuff left to do still. (which isn't true thanks to our mom's, but still...) I am also having issues with the working out thing. I have lost complete motivation...which is not like me at all. I think it has a lot to do with my hecticness (even a word!?) right now. Life will calm down soon enough. I have got to get my butt back in the gym though...not because I have to do it but because I miss doing it.

    Anyway...I'll try to catch up on everything else in a bit...work is nuts.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey girls! Sorry I haven't been around much...looks like I've missed a lot. Life has been so hectic. I can't even think straight half the time. I am freaking out a little cause we only have 185 days til the wedding, and I feel like I have a lot of stuff left to do still. (which isn't true thanks to our mom's, but still...) I am also having issues with the working out thing. I have lost complete motivation...which is not like me at all. I think it has a lot to do with my hecticness (even a word!?) right now. Life will calm down soon enough. I have got to get my butt back in the gym though...not because I have to do it but because I miss doing it.

    Anyway...I'll try to catch up on everything else in a bit...work is nuts.
    I find working out to be a stress reliever... at least I'm not thinking about all the things I need to do while I'm doing it, and usually feel so proud of myself for working out that things calm down a bit for a while afterwards. I think if you get back in the swing of things, you'll be able to fall back into a routine. If you really miss doing it too, you should move it up on the priority list.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Kristina...I agree with what you said. Thanks for reminding me that it needs to be a top priority (if I could just think of it the same as sleeping, showering, and eating I'd be great!). I keep making excuses as to why I can't go, when in fact I know that those things can wait. I am going to hit the gym after work today! I am determined to keep losing weight, and I can't do that by sitting on my butt. In other news I weighed in this morning just to see cause I was feeling like nothing was happening and I was back down to 239!!! I'm going to be lower than that I hope come Friday morning!