Who has given up Alcohol?



  • jsickman12
    jsickman12 Posts: 139 Member
    I like to drink, and have figured that into my calorie content for the day. I have also replaced high calories mixers, Vodka and V8 Splash is my go to these days. Replaced high calorie beer with the 64 calorie variety, drink most stuff on the rocks (wild turkey 101), and if I am having wine, well, I just keep drinking, lol. I try to work out extra on those days to give me the extra calories to be able to not worry about it.
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I have a once a month Girls night out and have no intention of giving up alcohol. I rarely drink anymore but on the occasions that call for it, I thoroughly enjoy my beers. I try to work out extra the day of and drink lots of water before going out to make up for the damage I am about to do to my body :) The whole lifestyle change means to me not giving up the things I want or like, just partaking of them less. I have found that, yeah, I retain water for a couple of days after, but then drop back down to where I should have been anyway. So far It has not seemed to be an issue for my personal journey.
  • digressions
    digressions Posts: 19 Member
    Based on the previous replies, I'm guessing my reply won't be very popular, but...I am a drinker and I do not want to give it up at this point. I drink just about every day, vodka soda (or diet 7). I log it, in fact I plan ahead for it, but I also eat extremely healthily and I am under my goals 99% of the time.

    I am 37, and have been on my weight loss/fitness journey since May 15th. In the past 7.5 months, I have lost 76 pounds, and am 9 pounds from my "ultimate" goal weight...surpassing my initial "I would be happy with that" goal weight by 26 pounds already. I exercise a lot, incluing taking up running in July (doing my first race on New Years Day) and improved my fitness immeasurably. My blood pressure has dropped from 180/120 (while on BP medication even! My doctor once said I was a "stroke waiting to happen!") to now 127/80, which is the higher end of normal. My resting heart rate has dropped from 90+ to 55. I am most certainly in the best shape of my life, and I feel (and look) better than I ever have.

    So say what you want about alcohol affecting weight loss and fitness, but you can't argue with my results. I'm just saying, it IS possible to lose weight and get in shape without giving up alcohol.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I reduced my intake to about 1 session a month and its around 5 drinks. I wasn't much of a drinker to begin with. I do like red wine though
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    You can have my vodka when you pry it from my cold, dead hand.

    love this!!
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    I reduced my intake to about 1 session a month and its around 5 drinks. I wasn't much of a drinker to begin with. I do like red wine though

    mmm me too, red wine is the best..
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I haven't completely given it up, but I have Hashimoto's so I need all the help I can get. I used to drink heavily and then I was down to a glass of wine a night. Now I'm limiting myself to special occasions only and even then only 2 max. It seems to be helping me so I'm going to stick to it.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    This will be considered overkill by many but you could track your drinks. 7 calories per gram of alcohol, 4 calories per gram of carb. I don't know of any alcoholic drinks that contain protein and fats so generally the calories will come completely from alcohol and carbs. You can find many drinks in the database.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Honestly, alcohol does nothing good for me, I gained about 30 pounds my freshman year with that as one of the reasons. I'm definitely limiting myself and even as I lose weight, I find myself drinking less anyways.
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    i have no intention of giving up on alcohol. i find drunk people are really annoying when im sober, so i would probably start to hate my friends after a while. and seeing as we only tend to hang out on a weekend and drink while we watch sports... or just drink... and pretend we're watching sports... then i cant imagine a scenario where i would willingly give it up.

    i would have to become a recluse, and sit at home replying to threads on mfp like this one saying "ohh nooo i dont drink. i dont like it. it does nothing for me!" while dying on the inside :smile:

    i sometimes go a few weeks without a drink, if ive got more important things to do on a weekend. im sure my weighloss would go more quickly if i didnt drink at all, but then i'd just be thinking about drinking, and for me thats worse
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Got sober 5 years and 13 weeks ago. Lost 20 lbs in the first 9 mos by just stopping drinking.

    Major changes to everything since I got sober. MAJOR! I was not an every day drinker but when I did drink, it was on, I could not stop.

    Alcohol metabolizes in your body differently than food, like it or not, it is not just about the calories.

    Some people FREAK out at the concept of giving up alcohol on here and yet they will deny they have a problem. Let me tell you a secret, if you can not imagine giving up alcohol, its a problem. :wink:

    Now in the last 5 years since I got sober I lost a total of around 40 lbs, a size 2 and am now setting at 19.6% body fat. I am also 44 years old.

    Try giving it up for 9 months and see what happens. Just try it.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I have given up alcohol until I reach my goal weight. Social smoking was a killer for me though, because it stops you exercising properly. I gave up that too and it was probablythe more important factor to my wellbeing :) x
  • vharding7
    vharding7 Posts: 48 Member
    Nope. My husband and I love craft beer, (and the regular stuff too :) ) but we cut down to only two days a week now. I make sure to work out a little harder those days to compensate for the extra calories.
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    god didnt make boozer and loser rhyme just for the hell of it

    Actually, speakers of American English did that. o_0 God just watches and chuckles.

    I gave up alcohol 107 days ago, but for more than dietary reasons.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    god didnt make boozer and loser rhyme just for the hell of it

    but he did turn water into wine. so we know he wants us all to drink plenty and drink often. thanks God!!!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I have one glass of wine once or twice a week at most, sometimes none at all. On the weekends I usually have 2 or 3 beers or glasses of wine.
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    Got sober 5 years and 13 weeks ago. Lost 20 lbs in the first 9 mos by just stopping drinking.

    Major changes to everything since I got sober. MAJOR! I was not an every day drinker but when I did drink, it was on, I could not stop.

    Alcohol metabolizes in your body differently than food, like it or not, it is not just about the calories.

    Some people FREAK out at the concept of giving up alcohol on here and yet they will deny they have a problem. Let me tell you a secret, if you can not imagine giving up alcohol, its a problem. :wink:

    Now in the last 5 years since I got sober I lost a total of around 40 lbs, a size 2 and am now setting at 19.6% body fat. I am also 44 years old.

    Try giving it up for 9 months and see what happens. Just try it.

    in the last 5 years i havent given up alcohol and ive lost 20kg which is roughly 44lbs. i guess it must depend on other factors too. congratulations on the fact you "got sober". i guess you must be on a higher plane...
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I haven't given it up completely but I drink way less then I did before. I only have a drinking night once every couple months. I have never been a casual drinker, so if I drink its only in large amounts combined with eating the world that night and the morning after. The drinking less wasn't all for the weight loss it had a lot to do with mental health as well.
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    It's killing my results. This girl loves wine and martini's but gotta slack off for the sake of better results!
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    I am not a big drinker but I do like an occasional drink. I have decided to not drink on New Years Eve so that I don't hinder any progress I am making.