Don't get too fit or you can be fired!



  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    That said, this dentist sounds like a total creeper and if I'm sure he's sexually harassed plenty of women. He should probably be thrown in jail.

  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    While I am troubled that someone was fired for being hot... Totally uncool. IF your mode of dress is not appropriate for the workplace you need to update your professional attire.

    I always took my earring out when I was working.
    I wore a tie if the professional attire/dress code at work called for it (and I HATE wearing a tie)
    I wore dress shoes instead of sneakers if that was the norm.

    It was my job, and it was 40 hours a week. Then I went home put on Jeans, my earring and leather jacket and went out and spent the money I earned by working in a professional setting.

    Thankfully I work in IT now and I can wear jeans and sneakers. I've long since stopped wearing an earring.


    Seriously? If this guy can't control himself, how is getting rid of one attractive woman from his life going to save his marriage? Would you want to stay married to a man who had zero self control? It is HIS responsibility to not cheat on his wife, it's not the responsibility of women to protect him from himself.

    If you want to be in a committed relationship, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to stay committed and faithful.

    How is this different from throwing out all the tempting food when you are trying to lose weight?

    Oooh...this is an interesting thought!

    That tub of cookie dough isn't a person who is affected by my actions? There isn't much of an issue of consent with foodstuffs. Also, getting sexy with a tub of cookie dough is not a betrayal of my marriage vows.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Fox got the summary wrong. (So did every other paper I saw).

    The issue was whether firing someone because your spouse is jealous of them counts as gender discrimination as defined in the law. The dentist admitted that the assistant was a great worker and person, but his wife had demanded that he fire her. (There was no affair, but the dentist and assistant did text each other a lot).

    As the Iowa Sup Ct wrote, there have been several cases of this around the country, which basically break down into two groups: (1) employee and boss have consensual affair, and spouse demands that boss fire employee as a condition of staying together; and (2) employee doesn't do anything wrong, but boss's spouse demands that he/she be fired anyway out of jealousy.

    The court wrote that the firing was "unfair," but the question was whether it was ILLEGAL - i.e., whether the employee had been fired because she was a woman, or for some other reason. (If your boss fires you because of a completely unfair but not legally protected reason, like she's having a bad day or hates Steeler fans, you can't sue unless you have a contract that forbids it; but if she fires you for a protected reason, like she hates the disabled, then you can sue).

    For what it's worth, I think this SHOULD qualify as gender discrimination, but Fox should get the case right.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    But she clearly was fired for being a woman. no other way to interpret it. if she was a male assistant the wife wouldnt have been worried about an affair and he wouldnt have made the lewd comments.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    So because he's skeazy and can't control himself, this woman was fired??
    WTF? How is this justice???
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member

    Some quotes from the article:

    "Melissa Nelson, a 32-year-old married mother of two, had worked for James Knight for 10 years, and he considered her a stellar worker. But in the final months of her employment, he complained that her tight clothing was distracting -- once telling her that if his pants were bulging that was a sign her clothes were too revealing, according to the Supreme Court opinion."


    "On Dec. 21, the court ruled 7-0 that bosses can fire employees they see as an "irresistible attraction," even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious behavior or otherwise done anything wrong."

    As long as it applies to men too. So if I'm a female boss/supervisor, I can fire my employee because he's too hot, then go sleep with him right? Got it. :noway:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Fox got the summary wrong. (So did every other paper I saw).

    The issue was whether firing someone because your spouse is jealous of them counts as gender discrimination as defined in the law. The dentist admitted that the assistant was a great worker and person, but his wife had demanded that he fire her. (There was no affair, but the dentist and assistant did text each other a lot).

    As the Iowa Sup Ct wrote, there have been several cases of this, which basically break down into two groups: (1) employee and boss have consensual affair, and spouse demands that boss fire employee as a condition of staying together; and (2) employee doesn't do anything wrong, but boss's demands that he/she be fired anyway out of jealousy.

    The court wrote that the firing was "unfair," but the question was whether it was ILLEGAL - i.e., whether the employee had been fired because she was a woman, or for some other reason. (If your boss fires you because of a completely unfair but not legally protected reason, like she's having a bad day or hates Steeler fans, you can't sue unless you have a contract that forbids it; but if she fires you for a protected reason, like she hates the disabled, then you can sue).

    For what it's worth, I think this SHOULD qualify as gender discrimination, but Fox should get the case right.

    Yes! Not everything is stated in the Fox News report. I live close to where the dentist practices and have been following the case in the local papers for a few months. IMO: It still comes back to she got fired because the wife was jealous. Whether he has an affair with an assistant or someone off the street it still is his responsiblity to keep it in his pants or in the case of Ms. Nelson, keep a professional enviroment to work in. As a former patient said in this article she quit going there because he "creeped her out". I'm not surprised as this is not the first time I've heard this! I'm extremely disappointed in my state's judgement in this case. I think it is total BS!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    It's very much the opposite where I work.

    I work with a lot of older women. And they all seem to like it when I wear tight clothing. In fact they've started to request it. They make comments when I'm at the water cooler. Some of the supervisors call me into their office.. and make me shut the door.

    Sometimes at night... I cry.

    I'm one of his bosses :wink:

    Some guys have all the luck...
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    What a laughable matter. It is simply that a woman wanted to have someone notice her and a man who couldn't control himself from noticing. That happens ALL THE TIME! So which one is it? A woman showing her goods is sexual harassment or is the guy who has the goo goo eyes the harasser? It all depends on the sex of the person and their opinions.

    It's like the saying.
    For men, the 30 minutes of foreplay was a waste of time.
    For the women, the 30 seconds of sex was a waste of time.
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    Oh, it was the WIFE? She needs to get a life! If he going to cheat, let him! Because all she is doing is prolonging the misery for both of them. She can just divorce his sorry *kitten* if he does or be happy that she has a faithful husband if he doesn't. Simple!
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    What a laughable matter. It is simply that a woman wanted to have someone notice her and a man who couldn't control himself from noticing. That happens ALL THE TIME! So which one is it? A woman showing her goods is sexual harassment or is the guy who has the goo goo eyes the harasser? It all depends on the sex of the person and their opinions.

    It's like the saying.
    For men, the 30 minutes of foreplay was a waste of time.
    For the women, the 30 seconds of sex was a waste of time.

    Lovely. Another "she was asking for it" statement. Oh goodie.

    And for the record, it's 45 minutes of sex and if you think 5 orgasms are a waste of time you're out of your mind. I think the same thing applies to a man who considers touching titties to be a waste of his time. I find it to be a lovely pastime.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    if iowa is a right to work state unfortunately she can be fired for for just about any reason including if say the wife decided her sister (i have no idea if the wife has a sister - this is an example) needed a that woman's job he could let her go and give the job to a family member.

    is it unfair that she lost her job because of the wife's insecurities - yes it is. However, if the office had a dress code (the article does not mention one) and she was spoken to about her attire then she broke the rules and it's grounds for firing (regardless of how petty the wife is). at the end of the day if you work in a professional setting you dress appropriately which means keeping the girls covered (i don't mean we have to wear turtlenecks every day of the year either - there is a fine line) that is why companies have professional attire dress codes. if you don't like those rules don't work in a professional setting.

    at the end of the day though he's a D*CK and his wife has self esteem issues. he was hiding his conversations with the woman from his wife. if iowa is a right to work state then sadly the D*CK can fire her just because his wife told him too.

    the woman should have sued for sexual harassment (using these exact words) but it doesn't look like she did so she lost.
  • danaelizas
    danaelizas Posts: 22 Member

    Funny, if I found out my guy was hitting on the maid, HE would be gone, not the maid. But I guess there are a lot of people in the world who are willing to put up with partners who disrespect them and their relationship. And (apparently) a lot of people who think it is OK for a man to have no self control around other women when he is supposed to be in a monogamous relationship.

    BRAVO!!! Exactly what I was thinking...
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    For the women who are posting that she dressed inappropriately:

    Your user pictures are making some of the male members' pants bulge.

    Would you really accept that if that happened to you here, much less at work? If the mod gave you a strike because one of the men complained that your user pic made his penis hard? Is an erection really all the evidence you would accept for yourself as proof that you are dressing inappropriately? Because that's the extent of the evidence anyone has posted. If he had fired her about dress code, he would have cited insubordination, period, and not gone into saving his marriage at all.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    For the women who are posting that she dressed inappropriately:

    Your user pictures are making some of the male members' pants bulge.

    Would you really accept that if that happened to you here, much less at work? If the mod gave you a strike because one of the men complained that your user pic made his penis hard? Is an erection really all the evidence you would accept for yourself as proof that you are dressing inappropriately? Because that's the extent of the evidence anyone has posted. If he had fired her about dress code, he would have cited insubordination, period, and not gone into saving his marriage at all.

    This. It's all fun and women-shaming until those same women realize that anyone can look at them and become oddly aroused, and thus aim their "You need to change yourself so **I** can control myself!" insanities at them.

    Don't matter if you show boobs, legs, or the daring and risque ankle shots of Victorian days of yore (Remember those, ladies? Oh those sluts and their ankles! Goodness, what depravity!) - someone will always blame you for being a wanton harlot. The people who participate in this are nothing short of sexual assault apologists - and the WOMEN who participate in it are dangerously so.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    For the women who are posting that she dressed inappropriately:

    Your user pictures are making some of the male members' pants bulge.

    Would you really accept that if that happened to you here, much less at work? If the mod gave you a strike because one of the men complained that your user pic made his penis hard? Is an erection really all the evidence you would accept for yourself as proof that you are dressing inappropriately? Because that's the extent of the evidence anyone has posted. If he had fired her about dress code, he would have cited insubordination, period, and not gone into saving his marriage at all.

    Nailed it! (no pun intended :laugh: )
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Re-reading the article it wasn't actually about her clothing, she engaged in a more personal intimate relationship (by texting) with him, he got caught and his wife told him to fire her, he needed a reason and the best he could think of was that he was attracted.

    That is the big picture...

    Yep. They both messed up and got caught, but he's the Boss, so she's gone. That's life. Most company's are "at will" and don't even have to give a reason.

    I saw her picture. She wasn't fired for "being to hot". She was fired for being indiscreet. They got caught texting. What didn't they get caught at?
  • He did not "remove himself from a temptation." He removed her from his temptation. It would have been commendable if he had quit. Instead, he ruined her career because he couldn't keep his penis in his pants.

    It is pretty clear the guy is a douche but "ruined her career" is a bit of a stretch. She is a dental assistant.

    This kind of thing will follow her around and may make it difficult for her to get employment again.

    That largely depends on how big of town she lives in. My wife and daughter both have female dentists.

    Considering the outrage this case has produced, I wouldn't be shocked if she has already received job offers.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    He did not "remove himself from a temptation." He removed her from his temptation. It would have been commendable if he had quit. Instead, he ruined her career because he couldn't keep his penis in his pants.

    It is pretty clear the guy is a douche but "ruined her career" is a bit of a stretch. She is a dental assistant.

    This kind of thing will follow her around and may make it difficult for her to get employment again.

    That largely depends on how big of town she lives in. My wife and daughter both have female dentists.

    Considering the outrage this case has produced, I wouldn't be shocked if she has already received job offers.

    Unfortunately at this point I'm ashamed to admit I live in Iowa! lol But the town is not big at all, 5 dental offices in her town. Quite a commute to surrounding towns.
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Legally speaking, it sounds like the dentist had the right to fire her ( I am not an expert on Iowa law).

    Morally speaking, it`s a travesty that the Iowa supreme court would uphold this. How is this any different than the oppression imposed on women who have to wear burka`s in some countries. Where do you draw the line.
    At the end of the day the man needs to be able to control his urges, regardless of the temptations. It`s what separates us from savages and beasts. To ask anything less is a disservice to society.
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