
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: My friend who has been in Texas was finally able to get a flight home and we offered to pick her up at the ferry at 6PM……we went out to dinner on the way home and I ate the biggest meal I’ve eaten in years full of foods I don’t normally eat and I’m paying for it today with gastric distress and a huge weight gain (I know it won’t last but the big number on the scale is scary)……today we are back to our usual healthy eating and it feel s so much better.

    :flowerforyou: For the last three years I’ve used Isagenix shakes as a main part of what I eat. The shakes have 24 grams of whey protein, 8 grams of fiber, and a lot of vitamins and calcium……after my workouts I have an Isagenix IsaPro shake that is even higher protein. It has been a major part of my weight loss and a major factor in the energy I have.

    :bigsmile: :heart: Janie, I love your song

    :flowerforyou: Your rule about only eating the food you bring to work is a great one......when I started MFP I made a rule to plan my food for the day and not deviate no matter what , which meant that I didn't accept any food that was offered to me no matter how tempting or if I might hurt someone's feelings or whatever.....it worked well

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to everyone who is new. You have come to the right place. Keep coming back.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Last Friday of 2012 is quickly drawing to a close and other than the cold it has been a good day overall.

    @Sue, seems like we can never escape that ? although I do try.:bigsmile:
    @Michele, I sure hope it still puts a smile on your face.:smile:
    @Janie, :heart: the new year poem; a happy new year 2 U :smile:
    @Meg, enjoy your NYE dance in those new shoes and dance in the new year happily :happy:
    @Colleen, snow has pretty much melted but it is still TOO cold for Texas:sad:
    @jb, hang on to that willpower! :flowerforyou:
    @Barbie, good that your friend made it home from Texas and you all were able to enjoy dinner together. :smile:

    Time to go unwind and think about sleeping; tomorrow is a new day with many hopes and blessings. Praying for our country and the path that we are on...
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Meg thank you the commute was ok. Seems like its mostly the side roads still with issues. But much improved o over the last couple days.

    @texasgal yes that is certainly my question too.
    @Janie I love the song
    @Meg it 's great when you can find cute and comfty shoes all roll into one.
    @Glenda we plan on going to the matinee tomorrow. To see Les Miserables.

    @Michele I like that you brought in your own healthy snacks to the movie. Don 't know about turkey sandwich but for sure carrot sticks. Did you like the movie Lincoln.
    @Barbie glad your friend finally was able to get home from Texas.
    @jb good goal.
    @Dee glad to hear that you are feeling better.

    So for part few weeks I haven't been publishing my weight scale numbers or looking at it much. I check today up 3 lbs but can say not shock it was better than I thought it be. I can see I need to be more on top of this not go this route again. Its too easy to be in.la la land. Part of my being here in mfp is to face the truth and keep in the light . So back to the basics.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    good morning here for my vitamin F fix

    Jane h

    If you haven't been here in a week going to take you a week to catch up. lol.
    Rats do you think they favor hubby's care hope for your sake they do.

    I'm sure you are looking forward to home. I sure do when away for some time.

    glad to hear your still kicking. Getting back to routine will be great.

    Allergies but i'm much worst come spring allergic to grass and the budding of the trees. So I do take over the counter pills for it.

    See your learning you said better than last year and that is a victory. For me the victory was not gaining over the holiday's that's a first for me.

    Nice toast well put.

    Welcome. Fabric wish I was closer.

    While you were venting here. Kept you out of the kitchen
    How is that a birthday surprise. Happy birthday.

    I go to Timmins for shopping. Are you one of my many travelling customers I had a chip stand on hyw 11 south for 17 years just a mile south of Cochrane.
    Better a dead rat than a live one. LOL.
    Here's a tip for left over turkey I put 2 oz in lunch baggies for lunch and 4 oz for supper and soups. Goes good for me.
    Hope you enjoy your walk. Don't think i'm going this morning going to get on the wii. It's cold out there -18.

    So glad that your weight loss and exercise allows you to walk again.

    Soon Glenda soon we will be back to normal

    Empty nest and what's my purpose, no one needs me anymore. And feeling useless is something many of us went through. It's tough.

    Texas gal Cheryl I think.
    Please find the answer. I need it to.

    Getting out of sugar. So hard at this time of year.Sounds like a very meager meal to me.
    I'm making chinese for family for New Years. Got 90 egg rolls made last night.

    Tell Denise she'll get her Christmas gift next time she visits that way you get another visit.
    I logged in every day over or under still did it.

    My miniature dashounds do nothing but bark. But they scare them away.

    You shouldn't have loose skin with all that exercise. Takes time to firm up.Trading wine for water great idea.

    Glad you enjoyed your friend's visit. Even if your body didn't. I call that life and it sometimes does get in the way.
    So glad you enjoy your shakes.

    You said it back to basics.

    I did back to basics yesterday made a nice pot of chciken, tomato veg with pasta and rice soup. High in calories but so good on a cold winter day. Guess my big meal will be at lunch time today. Brother is making a turkey dinner. But I will take it easy without being insulting.LOL He's a bachelor and I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. But he knows i'm watching and I think he'd be ok with that. So my soup will have to wait for supper.

    Been up forever it seems was up before 5 and it's going on 8. Not going out for a walk this morning it's -18 this morning. Going to hit the wii. My pedometer had 4,799 steps on it. Wii smiled at me with a loss again this morning will be sharing with you on the 1st where i'm at.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies! I have already started laundry, done dishes, put away the clutter, and caught up on posts. Still to do: more laundry, vacuum and dust, make turkey meatball chowder and a SMALL ice cream cake for my daughter's birthday, and ski! If I find time, I want to finish knitting a hat that I started yesterday. I need it for skiing and outdoor walks. Looked for one in the store yesterday, but didn't find any I liked at a price I was willing to pay. I already had some alpaca yarn that I could use so I decided to just make one.

    Meg, DeeDee and all others who asked- My doctor had me spreading protein out evenly throughout the day in 3 meals and 3 snacks so that I would never get hungry. It worked great. I have not been hungry for this 16 month journey I have been on. I am now very close to my goal. Doc feels I am fine now as % body fat is in the normal range, but I still feel that I would like to lose more of the stubborn belly fat and to tone up. She said that WHEN you eat the protein while trying to tone up is important. She says that I should now "chunk" the protein in about 30 gram chunks 3 times a day making sure to get one "chunk" just after doing interval training to give my muscles protein needed for repair. I did some research and there is a lot of talk about when to get in protein on the internet. My problem is in trying to get enough in especially at breakfast.

    Barbie- I am going to check out the shakes you use. I would prefer to get my nutrients form real food, but it is a struggle. I have used products from that brand before and they were recommended to me by a doctor.

    Need to go. DH is ready to go out to ski. I felt so good yesterday after skiing that I am looking forward to another burst of energy today! It is in the 20s here with moderate snow falling again. We are supposed to get another 5 inches. Although it is gray with no sunshine, the fresh snow is beautiful. Love the winter!!

    Hope everyone has a great day. Log. Drink. Move.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :happy:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hello ladies! I am new...sort of....I am getting back on track. I have been on and off of MFP. When I am on....I am ON! Trying to take advantage of the time home on vacation so I can stay on routine and have time to take care of myself.

    I am dealing with no longer having an empty nest. Our son is home from the military (Yay!) and going back to college. So I have a birdie back in the nest. He has been home since fall and I have gained 10 lbs!

    Jane: I can relate to that empty nest syndrome. It was devastating to me at first a few years ago. I did find that empty nest peaceful and enjoyable after I found my groove. It is a wonderful time to start focusing on yourself and your health. This I wish for you.

    I enjoyed reading yesterdays's posts and am inspired by you! Have a wonderful Saturday all. We are covered in a beautiful, peaceful snow in the midwest!

    Hugs - Sharon in IL
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning, today I am going walking at the mall with DH, I saw two gardening books that I want and DD gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card for Christmas, so those books are mine. This will be my second year as a gardener and I want to do better, maybe learn to can. Last years garden was a hit, I got lots of veggies.

    Meg- Two pairs of shoes on SALE, what a score!!

    YoYo- we used to have a store in Harlem (GA) that sold alpaca yarn and spinning wheels, but alas just like a lot of crafts, it closed, there just wasn't enough demand.

    Going to start the beef and bean soup today, in the crock pot. Got to get ready to leave for the mall, bbl Tigress
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    ok, jb,
    i took the bait-- here we go!

    Should all the calories we consumed at Christmas Party time,

    Those extra cookies, cakes, and pies, and that extra bottle of wine;

    Be on their way, they’re out of here, not sticking to my thighs---

    I’m back on track, I’m working out, and making choices WISE!

    For all my friends at 50+, I wish you all that’s fine,

    We’ll log our food, and chat and sing, drink our water, not the wine!

    For MFP and 50+, for health and exercise,

    We’ll drink a glass of water clear, and toast those pounds good-bye!

    Happy New Year, Everyone!

    Janie :flowerforyou:


    Me too! Great job writing lyrics.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,
    Still no computer and now our Internet provider is having issues in our area.:(

    I should be back logging and in the forum after the 3rd when our service should be stable again. Happy New Years!

  • I'm going to make a real effort to eat more veggies...does anyone have some simple veggie recipes they'd be willing to share
    While growing up we just used canned and unfortuneately that's how I continued cooking. This year the girls at work gave me
    some butternut squash and told me how to bake it in the oven -delicious (Barbie loved your recipe for the soup)...you all sound
    like wonderful cooks and I'd like to eat less meat and really be healthy in 2013...Thanks

    Barbie - I'm on a waiting list at the library for the book The Happiness Project that you mentioned awhile back - must be a good read.

    Have a great Saturday

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose."
    ~Dr. Seuss

    Good Morning from the West Coast, my lovely ladies. Today is our 42 wedding anniversary. I am starting off with yoghurt and fruit.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning,

    I had a crazy night last night. Went to bed and could not shut down my brain. I just kept processing things from the day than knew I was in for a long night when my brain started dredging up things years old to work myself into a fit. So I got myself up started cleaning my spice /baking cabinet. One cabinet lead to another and another plus fridge and pantry. One clean kitchen and it did do the trick. Once I started cleaning able to redirect my thinking.

    This afternoon taking my DD to movies.
    @Renny. Happy Anniversary!
    @Colleen -- A goal for the new year isvto get back to basic and for me that eating more salads in the spring and summer I.had a salad every dinner love salads but by fall sort of burn out on them. Started going other ways to get veggies in. I don't think I am to successful at it. My family was a lot like years. So I am biting the bullet and making it a plan to eat salads every evening again.

    Well I need to get going away from the Internet.

    Have s good day every one.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Yes, the rat is nesting under the hood of hubby's car. He saw it, but hasn't figured out how to get rid of it, so didn't bring the car home last night. There seems to be something about the shape/build of the Subaru that is conducive to this -- a couple years ago it was squirrels nesting under the hood, even though the car is driven daily. My car was fine, thank you very much! :happy:

    Nancy -- I also am better off not starting on sweets, as I seem to be incapable of having just one. I saw "The Hobbit" in 3D with my son, also -- our first movie together in several years. I may need to take myself to see "Les Mes," now that so many people have raved about it!

    Katia -- Here's to pain-free knees! :flowerforyou:

    JaneMartin -- Empty nest is the worst, and I'm sorry you're going through it. My youngest left 2 1/2 years ago, and I'm still not adjusted. It's hard to find any meaning after having my life focused only on the kids for so many years. Even having gone to work hasn't helped. Maybe when the grandchildren start arriving? I know that has already happened for you, so maybe you can focus on them.

    TexasGal22 -- The eternal question, isn't it?? :laugh: :grumble:

    MegBlair -- Good job on the shoes -- I do love bling! :wink:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning all (yes it’s still morning here in BC, but barely). I’m going to do a fast post then get these puppies out for walks. It’s snowing like crazy again and I’m thinking after the walks it’s going to be a curl up and read by the fireplace day. Maybe some knitting and a movie.

    *JaneM – empty nest is really hard, hang in there. They are supposed to fly away.
    *Sue and JaneH– somehow squirrels, even though they are rodents, aren’t nearly as offensive as rats (friend of mine calls them rats with boas).
    *Janie – wonderful lyrics with the Auld Lang Synge – and scans well too!
    *Meg – one of my dogs has taken to the bird seed as well, she can’t reach the feeders but there is enough knocked to the ground to keep her interested. Yuck! Have a NYE dance for me too.
    *JB – For the muffins I used polenta, next time I’ll try the cornmeal seeing I have both of them in the baking cupboard. We lived only a couple of blocks from a grain terminal on a railway many years ago and we had the most enormous rats come into the area from the grain spilled on the tracks. I had 2 Fox Terriers at the time and they were terrific ratters (disgusting though-the rats, not the dogs).
    *LinC – could have been one of your customers, used to love chiptrucks. Not many out here (thank heavens), just the chichi foodie trucks, and southern fried chicken with maple waffles is not to be believed! Thanks for the turkey tip, I will be freezing a fair amount of it as I didn’t even make a dent in the breast so far.
    *Deb – thanks for the protein chunking info.
    *Renny – CONGRATULATIONS on the 42 years – how wonderful!
    *Liz – you an I must be on the same wavelength – I got up and cleaned the fridge out as well to redirect all the old thoughts that I can’t believe I still dredge up at times.

    Well ladies, I’ve put off the exercise longer than necessary so will check in later to see how you’re all doing.
    Bye for now
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Evening everyone.
    Its taken me a while to catch up so this will have to be a speedy post from me.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Just jump right in, this is a lovely place to be.
    Linda - now that's what I need to do too - build up to 10,000 steps.
    Janie - I love those lyrics.
    Texasgal - That cartoon is so true!

    Managed a walk today (first time for a couple of days), but the rain has come again so that put an end to my walking. I have had one of those days where you work hard, but don't know what you have done at the end. Back on track - just about - there are not many temptations left around. Have frozen several bits for later in the new year.

    Off to make the dinner now, so have a good weekend everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Let me be one of the first to send best wishes to all my Vitamin F friends!!



  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi dear friends,

    I changed my profile picture to our third
    Fur person. Talula is a Xoloitzcuitli ! She was
    Abandoned in Mexico as she was coated . This
    Breed is hairless, ancient Aztec dogs. The
    Hairless ones were thought to have medicinal property's
    So, we rescued her and she is a great family protector,
    But not friendly secondary to being on the street
    In Mexico. Anyway have a great day! I am going
    To the gym today, got 2 days to kick up the
    Gears for the last 2012 weigh in on Monday!
    Hugs, LindaS
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Man, had a good post and it disappeared. I hate it when that happens. Spent the morning taking down some of the decorations. DH will help me with the high stuff and the tree tomorrow.
    When you put the black-eyed peas (never use the canned ones) over rice, boil the cabbage and add butter, have cornbread and a salad, you have a good meal. Maybe you have to be a southern girl to appreciate it.:love:
    Sounds like a lot of you are ready for a new year, new start and great journey,
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello, ladies -- I've been lurking to get my vitamins here, yet work has continued to be crazy with late hours involved, both for me and DH this week. He is there now, but I'll be picking him up at 6p and we are going to see Lincoln at the movies. He got some free passes about 1 1/2 years ago and they expire Monday, so we're having a date night.

    After I dropped him at work earlier today I went to the Y and did the leg weight machines, then a bit over 3 miles on the treadmill. My attitude was suffering after the work week and the gym helped a lot! After that I stopped by the new gym that is just a mile from home. Their grand opening pricing is good, but their machines don't track your progress, etc., like the system at the Y. Plus, the Y has an indoor track if you just want to walk inside, classes that are included in your monthly fee, the pool, etc. (Way more classes at the Y, too.) Oh, and there didn't seem to be anyone at the new place over 24 yo, so I don't think I'll change the arrangement I've got. The Y is convenient to work and only about 10 miles from home.

    Then I went to publix to shop their specials, including pork loin for $1.79 a pound. We'll trim and cut it up to suit our needs and it will last a while (10+ pounds!) Also got kale, brussel sprouts, yellow and zucchini squash and some other items. I found frozen boxes of plain, pureed squash so will make some soup with that. I know I could cut up the raw product, cook, etc., but this way I can make it in a hurry on a week night.

    Before we left the house today I, too, cleaned the kitchen, plus the bathrooms and dusted furniture, doors and door frames. DH vacuumed. (And I didn't even ask him!) I want to tackle the kitchen cupboards and drawers as well -- we've already started a goodwill pile. While I am a less-is-more person, DH is a more-is-better person, so I guess we each temper the other's tendency and find balance. (His sisters were both hoarders, which concerns me a bit.)

    Been thinking about goals for January and on through the coming year. I really do like this time of year for that reason. So nerdy that I LIKE re-evaluating budgets, revamping the in-case-of-emergency document we have for each other, or the kids, or just thinking about things in new ways.

    In January we’ll be painting the front two bedrooms that our son used when he lived with us recently. Guess we are in that house mode, too! I love to paint walls, and particularly trim! We’ll have to shampoo the rugs as well, due to his now-passed dog, Bonnie. She was so sweet, but very leaky. DH will move all his computer stuff back into one of them (yeah – the mess will be out of the great room) and the other will revert to a guest room. We’ll also be able to move some items from the dining room that went there when DS#1 moved home. Just looking forward to a general rearrangement of furniture!

    Need to write my New Year’s cards this weekend. OK, they are Christmas cards in appearance, but I choose to send them later… I used to do cards in September or so and just have them ready to go, but the older I’ve gotten the less I care! This way I can comment back on all the notes we get in the cards, the family newsletters, etc.

    Time to sign off and get DH for our date night. Will check back tomorrow.
