Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey smiles...... just stopping by to check out your new thread :smile:

    Good Luck everyone!! Jillian Michael's knows her stuff.

    So glad you did! Won't you be joining us? :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the invite smiles!! Looks like a AWESOME group you got going here, but I am going into my 3rd week of Slim in 6! JM is one of my favorites and I'll be following along...:smile: Dont forget " It doesnt come for free"... LOL but to bad its true!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Faery - you'll have to let us know how you like Yoga Meltdown. I only heard of it recently and am curious to hear what it's like. Feel free to keep us updated...

    Mschelle - Definitely 2 hrs of bowling is better than 2 hrs of tv! Good call - sounds like fun too. Have you done this program before? Just curious what your experience with Jillian has been like and if you have any survival strategies to offer. :)

    Janet - :) You always make me :laugh: - hopefully you have managed to avoid being sucked into the abyss between the remote and the couch. That is one dangerous zone, my friend! I get trapped there far to often - especially since I work out of home. The work gets done but the couch has a permanent indentation....:frown: .. this is why I'm doing this! How's ab jam?

    As for me... haven't brought myself to do Shred for today yet. I will - but it's early here (10:10 am). We had a thanksgiving-esque meal for easter last night (turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry salad - and let's not forget the WINE). I went over on calories, but not too badly, and at least I'd done a decent workout ahead of time to help minimize the damage. Feeling strong today!

    I've been doing pretty much Jillian videos exclusively since January 2nd (when I started working out). I LOVE them! The results are amazing. I have muscle definition in places I never had in my life. I can do full "boy" push-ups for the first time EVER. I find myself doing crunches just lying on the floor watching TV because I love the way it feels now that I can feel the different parts of my abs.

    I have and recommend the following to everyone I know:
    1. 30 Day Shred - especially if you're just starting out! Makes a great workout when you're short on time, too
    2. NMTZ - one of my absolute favorites
    3. Biggest Loser Last Chance - OMG this is a killer and is my favorite, even above NMTZ. I literally yell at her for being so tough!
    4. BFBM - I have a tough time with cardio (weak foot, ankle, knee), but this is a really good workout
    5. Biggest Loser Boot Camp - I'd put this in the middle of my faves. It's a good workout, but I like Last Chance better because it's harder
    6. Biggest Loser Cardio Max - again, I have a tough time with cardio, but this is a good workout and a good change of pace
    7. Biggest Loser Power Sculpt - like Cardio Max, it's a good workout and a good change of pace
    8. Beginner's Backside/Beginner's Frontside - these are longers versions of the shred, less polished, but great circuit training and learning the moves for, well, Beginners
    9. JM's Yoga Meltdown - I have decided that I do *not* like this video. It doesn't teach you proper form and I think it could be dangerous to people without much yoga experience. She has you rushing through moves very quickly. Proceed with caution.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    I am on D9 L1. So far I am down 2 pounds, but I am also doing cardio (running or eliptical 4-5 times per week).

    I absolutely love this workout and getting quite noticeable changes already!!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Monday Slimfans,
    L2D3 Done this am before work , have some kind of cardio on for later - not sure if fast waking or TJ. Totally depends on energy level when I get home!!
    AllyKat - great job on the loss thus far!! keep going!! I can't wait for the results at the end of the 30 days!!
    Mschelle - thanks for the break down of your favs - might have to try last chance w/o after I get used to doing NMTZ and BFBM!!

    Make it a great Monday everybody!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    :) Agreed, Happy Monday! I'm short on time, so this will be a quick report (but I hope to check back in later with more comments - bc you all are kickin' butt!)

    So, Day 5 of 30 days done. BFBM was actually fun for me this morning. I opted out of yoga class and found this was a much better fit for the attitude I need today. Lots to accomplish and now my adrenaline is pumping . :) I noticed - BFBM seemed super hard until I was introduced to NMTZ. For some reason, strength training is the bigger challenge for me - and in comparison, BFBM seems almost like a walk in the park. (Well, not really, but you get the idea). I'm just wondering how long this red sweaty face is gonna hang around!
  • elizabennett
    I'm in! I know I'm starting late, but my hubby and I will be doing it. We did BFBM the other day and my calves are like rocks! We've been doing shred for months now and they are still that sore! I hope this with yoga will get me to finally start losing weight. Thanks guys!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Holy smokes Janet! I just noticed your ticker - you've lost 76 lbs?!?! Amazing job! So inspiring. U.... are... a ... ROCKSTAR!!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm in! I know I'm starting late, but my hubby and I will be doing it. We did BFBM the other day and my calves are like rocks! We've been doing shred for months now and they are still that sore! I hope this with yoga will get me to finally start losing weight. Thanks guys!

    Welcome! Glad to have you here. :)
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    L1 D10 complete this morning!!!! Moving on to L2 tomorrow - Phew :)

    Another .5 lb lost :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi, All

    Crazy busy here today...working on taxes this week....of course, I am missing one form

    My knee and ankle were not doing well (I did 4 days in a row of 5 miles walk/runs with the shred) and I decided not to push the exercise; so, that puts me way behind on our shredding

    Basically, I think I am just going to start over fresh, it's Day 1, Shred 2 for me

    I work a 12 hour day tomorrow...hopefully, will have the energy to do it again tomorrow...
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Allycat8 - woohoo for .5 down! :drinker:

    Kim - you sound busy - and 5 mile walk/runs with shredding is a lot to take on. I'm hoping to add some running back in - one of these days. Good luck tomorrow (with taxes and the workout).

    I did day 6 today - "Quick Trouble Zones". Someone said that's just 5 of the 7 circuits in NMTZ. Nothing about it felt "quick" to me. Am very proud of myself though - I had an all day training to attend today, so got up early and kicked it out ahead of time. Then took a couple of walks on breaks.

    Anyone else feel REALLY challenged by the circuit that focuses on triceps? it's the one that also has the surrenders and the "crescent holds" (whatever those are). I'm sweating buckets and whining like a baby when doing that one... I had to pause it after the first sets were complete (in that circuit) but I wouldn't give up. I did it!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    I'm a day behind you all and just got finished w/ BFBM - I was not going to miss a day - no way!! I love and hate this w/o at the same time!! All of the jump training towards the end just wears me out!!! But I didn't quit!!
    Smiles - so incredibly proud of you on the QTZ - I'll be with you tomorrow - I think it's a very challenging workout - and MAn, i'd never heard of a surrender before this w/o !!! Sure makes you feel like doing exactly that!!
    I'm just trying to figure out which 5 out of 7 to do???? Any suggestions??

    Alley - Fantastic job on the .5 down - you go !!! Can't wait til I join you there....

    It's shower time for me - I'm totally drenched!!!!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I did day 6 today - "Quick Trouble Zones". Someone said that's just 5 of the 7 circuits in NMTZ. Nothing about it felt "quick" to me. Am very proud of myself though - I had an all day training to attend today, so got up early and kicked it out ahead of time. Then took a couple of walks on breaks.

    That is an accomplishment...getting out of bed early and doing that workout.

    I have also seen on Comcast that they do the QNMTZ with just one circuit of each you can do them all...just one set

    Hopefully, I can catch up to you and Janet....I think the jogging was too much, too's just that to be so nice in MN for the month of March and April that I just longed to be outside with the dogs

    So, tomorrow will be Day 2, Shred least, I am getting better at that one...level one almost feels too easy.
  • elizabennett
    Since I started a little late I did the full NMTZ. Whew! What a workout. I hated it, but I loved it. I think Shred will seem like a piece of cake after these harder and longer workouts. I wore my HRM and burned 361 calories. Not too shabby, especially since I had to take it easy on a few workouts with my hamstring issue and had to stop and chase my baby a few times. I burned 487 with BFBM, so hopefully on a normal workout I will be up in that range again. I have been starving today, which is not normal for me, so hopefully that means something is going on with my metabolism.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Since I started a little late I did the full NMTZ. Whew! What a workout. I hated it, but I loved it.

    Ditto...for some reason, I don't mind the BFBM...but, that NMTZ is grueling

    Day 2 today, Shred #2...possibly a nice long walk with the's bright and sunny
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning TDSD'ers,
    I was up at 430 this am meaning to get in QNMTZ before work - Thanks Smiles- but ran out of time , only ended up w/ L2D4 of Shred - that mean QNMTZ on for me when I get home!! I am really hoping it won't be as grueling but that's not an entirely bad thing:wink:
    Kim - Great job on the cals burned per w/o!! I sure hope that being hungrier after working out differently means your metabolism is up! That would be great! Jogging really pushes it for me and I can always tell when i've done too much too soon. Hang in there - you'll be back to it in no time :flowerforyou:

    Just a quick check in to see how my Peeps are doing!!

    Have a great day,
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Since I started a little late I did the full NMTZ. Whew! What a workout. I hated it, but I loved it. I think Shred will seem like a piece of cake after these harder and longer workouts. I wore my HRM and burned 361 calories. Not too shabby, especially since I had to take it easy on a few workouts with my hamstring issue and had to stop and chase my baby a few times. I burned 487 with BFBM, so hopefully on a normal workout I will be up in that range again. I have been starving today, which is not normal for me, so hopefully that means something is going on with my metabolism.

    I have been thinking the same thing -that the shred might seem like a piece of cake in comparison to her other offerings. :) But, way to go! Hmmm, maybe your metabolism IS revving up! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Kim and Janet - :) So glad you fellow troopers are here for the duration of the challenge.

    Kim - saw that you're re-booting. So is today day 2 or 3? How's it going?

    Janet - THANK YOU so much for being proud of me - I'm surprised to report that I really ate that compliment up! :) It truly was a challenge, and I'm proud of myself, but apparently additional support is incredibly motivating. Thank you again!

    Did you decide which 5 circuits to do? I saw Kim's suggestion to do each of the circuits, just one set of exercises on the way through. I think I'll try that next time. Today is day 7 - a REST day on the program. :) So no reports here. I will probably try to get in a walk later today.
  • vrealize
    vrealize Posts: 13
    I remember first finding out about the Slimdown on one of these MFP threads. Someone gave this link:

    The lines for QNMTZ indicate that it is NMTZ with no floorwork. So the sections where you do not touch the floor with any hands or back are: Circuit 1 (Shoulders & Legs), Circuit 3 (Biceps & Butt), and Circuit 4 (Thighs & Triceps); so that is about 18 minutes. Add the Warm-up and Cool-down and you get a 30 minute complete routine.

    I started out in January with NMTZ, then moved to the 30DS after seeing people on the forums enjoying the program. I am currently taking my time with the 30DS, where I mix things up a couple times a week (e.g. weekends) by doing some step aerobic work, walking, or kettlebell routines. When I do finish the 30DS (10 days at each level), I will start the Slimdown. (: Good luck everyone! (:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody!!,
    Weekend is almost here - Hurray!! Today is a "rest day" -- good grief what's that ?????? I don't seem to be able to rest without feeling guilty:blushing: Maybe I should though ~ we'll see......
    I almost muffed up yesterday ~ I was talking with a co-worker about what we're doing and was showing her a "surrender" and I pulled the @#$%^ out of my right quadrecept!!! OMG ~ I gracefully got up, excused myself and did ye old self massage on my thigh ~ I guess i deserve that for showing off,:ohwell: . I pushed through QTZ and It really hurt I did warm up, 12357, and cool down (who said this was quick, anyway??:laugh: ). Anything involving lunges i did very lightly, a la Anita, and she wasn't even on the dang dvd!! I was grateful to get through it - and I added a 2mi power walk after that to make up for my somewhat lack of intensity on the moves!!
    My leg still is sore but no where near what it was last night. I will probably power walk or something when I get home... I just can't keep still!!

    Smiles- Better to eat up a complement than extra calories!!!!! Keep posting girl, you really motivate me:flowerforyou:

    Nisijam - How's eveything going??

    Have an awesome day folks!!

    Janet :heart: