ladies.. what did u crave when you were pregnant?..



  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    mcdonalds french fries and chocolate shake always at 2am, poor guy had to make a drive thru run couple times a week or I would have a melt down and begin crying uncontrollably. that or cocoa puffs, which I also would start sobbing as if my best friend died if I couldnt get those asap.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    mcdonalds french fries and chocolate shake always at 2am, poor guy had to make a drive thru run couple times a week or I would have a melt down and begin crying uncontrollably. that or cocoa puffs, which I also would start sobbing as if my best friend died if I couldnt get those asap.
    lol i would have been annoyed if i was ur husband haha but! ur not that bad dont worry i heard worse.. lol.. i knew this lady who told her husband that her baby could die if she didnt get the stuff the baby wanted and she would wake her man up at 3 am and have him drive very far to get her stuff from specific places.. he believed her.... lol i actually believed her to for a second.. until i got pregnant.. but it feels like u will die if u dont get what u want.... to bad that habit is still sticking with me after the pregnancies lol now im just a spoiled ***** hahaha!! but the sad thing i gotta get it myself.. i always had to get stuff myself unless my man brought it home after work....
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    The sauce on a Big Mac, but of course I ate the whole thing.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I didn't have any food cravings but did go crazy for chalk and brick dust :huh: Found out years later that it'c quite common and has something to do with iron deficiency...weird!!

    One good thing was that I HATED chocolate when I was pregnant, unfortunately that addiction came back with a vengeance!!
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    First pregnancy - i craved steak, rice, vegetables, root beer, watermelon and ice cream. I hated black olives.

    Second pregnancy i didnt really have any cravings. I couldnt eat any kind of meat for the first seven months. It all tasted like it had gone bad. I did drink *kitten* loads of tea for the first couple months because eating made me nauseous but i never threw up. I drank a lot of protien shakes and hot milk with local honey... only local for some reason.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    I didn't have any food cravings but did go crazy for chalk and brick dust :huh: Found out years later that it'c quite common and has something to do with iron deficiency...weird!!

    One good thing was that I HATED chocolate when I was pregnant, unfortunately that addiction came back with a vengeance!!
    i was just thinking of this when i posted this i was wondering if i will see anyone with this... i heard of a woman who ate paint off the walls.... i also had a iron defiency but never craved this thank gosh!!!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    sex and fish finger sandwiches.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    sex and fish finger sandwiches.
    oh yes!!! when im pregnant i LOVE sex soooooooo much more........ maybe cuz im not scarred of getting pregnant again hehe...
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    daughter--diary products: milk, cheese, eggs, ice cream.
    son--spicy foods (at least to me anyway and not "hot heads").

    With both of them, I could not eat/drink or stand the smell of coffee, hot dogs, or bacon. Going to restaurants or other places where those were within smelling distance would make me throw up.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    With my last pregnancy I craved apples, hamburgers with chocolate milk, watermelon and candy apples. I also craved beer (no I didn't drink any lol" and I don't drink so that was the weirdest.
  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    oranges --had to have one every day.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    With my first I craved broccoli and steak like crazy

    with my second I craved pickles wrapped in lunch meat and dipped in ranch dressing, pickles with Johnnys seasoning salt on them and cheese...lots and lots of cheese

    With my third I craved sausages pickled in tabasco sauce, spicy food, buffalo wings, and vinegar... I would drink straight pickle juice. I also became allergic to dairy when I was 5 months pregnant but craved ice cream and cheese like crazy but was able to go without.
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    Meat. Of any kind. Burgers, steaks, sausages, etc. DH thought it was Christmas as I was never a big red meat person before.
  • Jklsmom
    Jklsmom Posts: 1 Member
    With my first two children it was fried eggs and cottage cheese, together. With my third child it was fresh peaches.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Taco Bell Mexican Pizzas

    I had cheese & tomato sandwiches pretty much every day at lunch plus an apple and I will tell you my a child hated sliced cheese, tomatoes and apples LOL!

    I actually stopped all sweets, sodas, caffeine while pregnant (I didn't drink alcohol back then either)

    If I remember correctly, I ate tums like candy b/c I had indigestion ALL the time. I also ate saltines when I had mid-watch (I was active duty military) to settle a nauseated stomach and my dentist got all over my case....I ended up with about 5 cavities while pregnant.

    Edit - I did not make it to full term....our boy was in too much of a hurry to arrive to wait that long (he was a premie)
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    Taco Bell Mexican Pizzas

    I had cheese & tomato sandwiches pretty much every day at lunch plus an apple and I will tell you my a child hated sliced cheese, tomatoes and apples LOL!

    I actually stopped all sweets, sodas, caffeine while pregnant (I didn't drink alcohol back then either)

    If I remember correctly, I ate tums like candy b/c I had indigestion ALL the time. I also ate saltines when I had mid-watch (I was active duty military) to settle a nauseated stomach and my dentist got all over my case....I ended up with about 5 cavities while pregnant.

    Edit - I did not make it to full term....our boy was in too much of a hurry to arrive to wait that long (he was a premie)
    me 2!!! I LOVED TACO BELL MEXICAN PIZZAS sooo weird.. lol
  • 84woolf
    84woolf Posts: 153
    Peanut butter cookies!!!! I should mention I never ate them before.

    Pickles - baby crunchy kind

    Cucumber sushi!!!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I was never pregnant. But my best girlfriend, she craved everything a horse likes to eat. Thats what she said. She liked apples, and oats... granola.. carrots.

    And one of my good friends at work... I was co-pregnant with her. And we did Super Size Fries and Hamburgers at lunch together. :smile:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    With my older boy, I craved chocolate ice cream or semi-frozen chocolate milk.... pour chocolate milk in a big cup and put it in the freezer for an hour or so until it started to get slushy.. mmmmm.

    With my youngest boy I craved fresh pairs and um.... McGriddles.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    With my oldest a boy all the milk I could drink and so much ice cream it was amazing all I ate literally
    Oldest girl McDonald,s Shamrock shakes bought them by the dozen and froze them so that when they stopped selling them I still had them. Not one since though
    Middle daughter Hersheys 5th Avenue bars never had one before never had one since but actually purchased them from a distributor by the case load
    Youngest I had no actual excuse to eat (adoption) but ate won ton soup every day