Spring Couch to 5K



  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good job BrandyLiz. We can do this! Yes, It was hard, but we did it!! That is awesome!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Way to go ladies!!! I did Week 5, Day 2 yesterday. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, but I focused on just keeping a steady pace and not looking at my HRM for my time. I think once you can do 5 minutes, the jump to 8 isn't that bad :) Tomorrow is 20 minutes straight. I got hit with some sort of throat/sneezy/sore bug last night after my run so I'm trying to rest up today so I don't have to postpone the start of Week 6! Had some issues with labored breathing (after I took my inhaler) during my run yesterday...so I'm trying to flush it all out with fluids today!

    Happy Spring!!!
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    I finish up Week 4 tonight and am already not looking forward to W5D3! Good luck allislefttogain!!
  • JennSchn
    JennSchn Posts: 65
    My hours at work got changed so I have been MIA. Sounds like everyone is doing great. I hope to be back on MFP regularly again soon.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Finally starting to feel a little better. I'm debating on doing the last day I did over or just go to the 2 10min runs with a small walk in between. Hopefully I will be able to do it tomorrow morning.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi guys! Been really busy lately. Crazy last week! I'm starting Week 5 tonight, even though I only did 2 of week 4's runs last week. I figure even if I don't hit the full 20 minutes at the end of the week I'll just add weeks on to the end - If I do 15, then next weeks would probably be the 20, then add minutes on the remaining weeks at the same increment they do until I hit 30 minutes. But I've surprised myself so far! I may knock out that 20 minutes anyway. :tongue: Good luck everyone!

    Iceprincess - hope you are back on your feet and running - how did it go??
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Week 5, Day 1 done! Woohoo.
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    I think I would like to! I was going to start the C25k last year and never... got around to it. lol
    I tried running for the first time in a long time yesterday and had to walk half, if not more than half of my 1.2 miles.
    I'd like to be able to do a 5k- I was going to sign up for one in 2 weeks but realized there is no possible way I could do it so quickly.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    So I apparently was (and still am) sicker than I thought. Delayed the 20 minute run (Week 5, Day 3) from Friday until yesterday. It was definitely tough, and I ran in some serious downpours and my legs hated me but I did it! I had two hours of dance class on Sunday night, so running Monday morning wasn't really my brightest idea...my legs are so so sore but it's over with. Planning on running tomorrow, but running in the rain yesterday really set me back towards being sicker. Ugh.

    Iceprincess, I hope it went okay!

    MTGirl, way to go! You're kicking some butt!

    Chicy, you should C25K. It really eases you into it and forces you to not do too much too soon (that's a huge part of my problem).
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Haven't jogged much this week - going to do Week 5 day 2 today. Will probably do week 5 again next week as I don't want to attemp the 20 minute run with another run back to back! Here I thought because of spring break I would have loads of time and have no problem getting my 3 runs in this week. lol. Foiled again :noway:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I was finally able to go back and run on Wed. I did the two 5 min and 1 8 min run (week 6 day 1). Definitely wasn't ready for the 2 10 min runs. Gonna try to do the 10 min ones today. Wish me luck!

    Taking so much time off because I was sick really set me back a little! The run on Wed was ROUGH!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I was finally able to go back and run on Wed. I did the two 5 min and 1 8 min run (week 6 day 1). Definitely wasn't ready for the 2 10 min runs. Gonna try to do the 10 min ones today. Wish me luck!

    Taking so much time off because I was sick really set me back a little! The run on Wed was ROUGH!

    Good luck on your 10 minute runs! Getting sick sucks :grumble: Glad you're finally better!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Can someone tell me why the 20 minute run was easier than the 2 10 minute runs?!?! The 2 10s totally killed me. Trying to keep the faith...25 minute run tomorrow and my 5K is in about 3 weeks. Uh oh!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    O.K. Doing Week 5 again this week. I only got in 1 run (:laugh: ) last week. Totally crack up over calling it a run, but whatever!! Tonight is the Getting Started Clinic for the MT Womens Run, so I will do it tonight! Gotta get in the other 2 this week though, and that will be a challenge. Again. Going to do it though!!
  • BrandyLiz
    BrandyLiz Posts: 14
    Can someone tell me why the 20 minute run was easier than the 2 10 minute runs?!?! The 2 10s totally killed me. Trying to keep the faith...25 minute run tomorrow and my 5K is in about 3 weeks. Uh oh!

    I know!! I think it's a mental thing. With the runs where there are walking intervals, you keep thinking to yourself "Ok, it's got to be over soon!". But with the 20 minute run, you know you're not even close to done!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Did it! W5, D1. Again :) The first 5 minutes was a killer, but the last two weren't too bad. Have D2 scheduled for Thurs - also have an appt Thurs evening so I need to eat good so I will be able to get up early Thurs and do it in the a.m. Otherwise, I will do it after work but it will make things very rushed!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Can someone tell me why the 20 minute run was easier than the 2 10 minute runs?!?! The 2 10s totally killed me. Trying to keep the faith...25 minute run tomorrow and my 5K is in about 3 weeks. Uh oh!

    I know!! I think it's a mental thing. With the runs where there are walking intervals, you keep thinking to yourself "Ok, it's got to be over soon!". But with the 20 minute run, you know you're not even close to done!

    I think you're right. I'm so TEMPTED to check my watch when I know I have a walking break...but when it's straight running I realize there's no point! And I think the time goes faster when you just focus on running to the next street instead of focusing on how many minutes are left!

    I forgot to mention that I got a foot pod for my HRM...hopefully money well spent. I started to pay attention to distance instead of time yesterday. I ran 2.3 (my HRM doesn't show hundredths decimal place) for the 2 1/4 in 24.12. Not awesome, but I only stopped to tie my shoe very briefly, which reminds me that I need to buy longer laces for my sneakers :)

    You've got this MTGirl! It doesn't take too much time to sneak them in...life does get in the way sometimes, but get your days in when you can!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I did it. Got day 2 in this a.m. Was hard getting up, baby girl was sick last night and I didn't get much sleep. But the run stoked me! I was dreading the 8 mins - but it wasn't so bad. Helped that I couldn't see my stop watch on the first run so 3.5 minutes had gone by before I hit a street light to see.

    I was really worried about the 20 minute run on day 3, but discovered this a.m. that at about 3.5 min something settles inside and my breathing is easier and it isn't as hard to jog - but I found that at 7 min something else happens and it is really a different experience. It just goes really smooth all of the sudden. Was frustrating to stop at 8 min and walk 5 min then start all over. The first 3 mins are HELL! Then a little easier, then the 7 min thing for me. I'm not nearly so worried now. I think that may contribute to the split runs being harder than the 20 min solid run too - you get into that groove, whenever that happens for you, and you get to stay there. Whereas, in the split run you go back to walking then have to start the process all over again. That much is not very fun!!

    I'll be aiming to do the 20 minutes on Sat - I will try for the whole time, but if I only make 15 I'll still be stoked. Of course, if I make the whole 20 I'll be impossible to live with! Will have to turn my head sideways to get in the door :laugh: And Allislefttogain - 2.3 miles is farther than the 2 1/4 you were supposed to run so I'd say you are doing great!! Even if it rounded up - you're right on track.
  • jlking
    jlking Posts: 29 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread. I didn't realize so many people were doing C25K. I finished W4D2 last night. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, where I will finish W4!
  • dmbgal
    dmbgal Posts: 6
    Wait, there's one I can use with my own music?? What?!?! Yes! I've been using this one: http://www.kissmyblackass.org/?page_id=86 which is a lot more motivating for me than the generic music in the background... but my own music! So exciting.

    This is my second time attempting the C25k. This time I'm taking two weeks for a week when I recognize I need it, and I am definitely getting through better than during the last attempt. Good luck all!