

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I have been reading entries but not posting for a while. My DD #1 is home for the holidays and the time with her is precious. She lives across the country from me so I treasure every second. Had a great Christmas with both daughters and DH. Was able to see both families; my side had all five of us together for the first time since my dad died in 2006. I surprised them with a shutterfly photo book of a few of my pics from my visit to the Shiloh Civil War Battlefield.

    I will review my December goals in the new thread when open. I allowed myself to indulge in the functions without getting totally out of control. My weight has fluctuated up and down a pound but I am not overly concerned. I found a yoga center I am going to get a 10 class pass and see how it fits into my schedule. Once a week to start out but hopefully I will get there more.

    I continue to be thankful to my MFP friends and their support and encouragement. My daily dose of Vitamin F is a necessity! Happy New Year Ladies!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Can you believe that MFP wouldn't let me type Mr. Clark's first name?
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Wishing all of you a Happy New Year's Eve:flowerforyou:

    I know I haven't been here for the past few weeks as I still have company and two more parties before I return to a regular work, workout, daily schedule.

    Hoping everyone had a good holiday past and as we start to look forward to our New Year I am reflecting on how successful this past year was for me on MFP and looking forward to continued success in 2013:bigsmile:

    I made the conversion to the new accounting program and when I went to do the check to verify that it had gone correctly NOT ONE SINGLE NUMBER MATCHED:sad: I have NO idea what the system converted or where it got it's numbers...so I'm at a loss and will tackle it the best I can...and probably won't really get much done until I return to the office on January 2nd....until then frustration will reign:grumble:

    Have a good day all.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Wishing all a thinner and happy new year.

    DH is taking me to a new year's eve gala at one of the swanky hotels downtown tonight, so I will be out of the loop for a little while.

    I hope all yours dreams and hope's come true for 2013. Tigress
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :grumble: :embarassed: :embarassed: Well I've completely fallen off the wagon. I'm finding it difficult to get into the right frame of mind. What is wrong with me !!! :noway: :noway: I have put my new weight on my ticker and feel so ashamed that I have let myself put weight on.

    All I can do is now, is pick myself up, dust myself off, give myself a good talking to, and get back on it.

    I think I need to be more like you Michele and get rid of the chocolates and biscuits that I have been nibbling on. I obviously can not be trusted with certain foods and so the best thing is to give them away.

    :flowerforyou: I hope you all had a wonderful time over Christmas and I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    One of my new goals for January is to log in more often, and to log everyday.

    Love to all and thanks for being here!

    Viv :heart: :heart:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome back to it Viv. I'm not exactly sitting on the wagon these last few days either. Tonight is the New Year's Eve party and will be a complete food fest. I lost through the holidays, but if I don't gain from the last 5 days it will be a miracle.

    Last night was a total surprise. We met friends at their home in Chicago to celebrate my husband's birthday. She really really overdid herself. She made a pot of jambalaya, - some spicy cream of celery soup I've never tasted the likes of - it was amazing, some green bean almondine, baked a turkey, and had a birthday cake and ice cream. Additionally she broke out blinking reindeer horns for everyone for sheer goofyness. We had brought barbecued meatballs and fudge. We rarely see these friends so it was a shock that she did so much for us. We thought we were going to watch the Bear's game and eat finger food. I think I finished the day over 2000 calories. Tonight won't be better - but next week I will be totally back on track.


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy last day of 2012!~ I hope all of you have something fun to do tonight and will stay safe. We are going out with our best friends for dinner and dancing all evening. NYE is my favorite holiday and I just love dancing in the new year. :happy: It’s cool and grey here today and we may get a little snow, but nothing much other than some flakes.

    I hung up my new birdfeeders yesterday. They are so pretty. The one in the front yard was broken and we had it all wired together, so one went there. It’s huge…took 8 scoops of seed to fill it! The other one is a nyger feeder and has a pretty copper wire twirled around it for the birds to stand on.

    DH works til 3. The girls are having some friends over tonightDD#1 wondered where DH was and when I said “work” she was amazed that anyone would work on the day of new years eve! Then she got called into work! :tongue:

    LinC: no we just got the regular wii fit. They didn’t have the other one is stock and this was already $100, so we’ll “make do” LOL :happy: Sounds like you are planning a feast!

    DebA: I too have exercise “tapes” (they are so old they are on VCR) but don’t really use them much. I need to start going back to the Y for my aerobics class, so hopefully this January I can do that. I was just getting tired of the elliptical all the time. This has aerobics, balance, and yoga (plus some other things) and I really could use the balance and yoga too. I tried a yoga class but was gently told “this may not be for you” because I can’t do ANY of the activities. :tongue: I need to stretch, so I though yoga at home might work!

    Gail: when you get done with your house, will you come paint mine? :bigsmile:

    Michele: how scary with Vince! I hope he is feeling better now! :flowerforyou: I can remember talking to all sorts of cardiac patients about sex, so reading what Vince said made me laugh!

    Jane: sometimes a nice quiet evening is wonderful!!! :smile:

    Juner: yay for your weight loss! :flowerforyou:

    Liz: hope you woke up rested and refreshed today! Have fun at cards!:happy:

    M: I had to laugh when you said you got up with the cat….one of ours sleeps ALL day and the other two NEVER sleep so I was wondering what kind you had! :laugh: Yay for throwing out the 14s. I can’t wait til I can wear a 14!!!

    DeeDee: you are so right about being outside as a kid and never having a weight problem then. My kids can’t believe people actually go outside…and mind you they didn’t have cell phones, TVs in their rooms, computers, etc. DD#1 got a laptop when she graduated high school and got a cell phone when she started working in the evening last year. DD#2 doesn’t have either. I can’t figure out what they do all day long!:huh:

    Katla: I too will miss D Clark. NYE wont’ be the same without him! Can’t believe mfp edits his name!:tongue:

    Carolyn: good to see you again. Sounds like you have been in control this holiday season! Congrats!

    Laura: nice to see you too. Sorry about the frustration with the new system. I hope you get it figured out quickly.

    Viv: don’t beat yourself up. We all fall off the wagon (I’m off the wagon more than on it I think). We just do the best we can and make good choices. Sounds like you have figured out you can’t have certain foods around the house. Good choice. Now after your talking to, give yourself a pat on the back and a hug from me for being concerned with your health!:flowerforyou:

    Well off to get some book work done before it gets too late in the day. I’ve been wearing my new shoes to break them in some and I think I need some heel inserts because my heels tend to pop out. I wish I had normal feet! Way wide across the toes, super high arch, skinny heel. Nothing fits! Oh well, I’m still dancing even if I have to take my shoes off! Take care everyone and stay safe tonight! Meg
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • sakthorp
    sakthorp Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Everyone, I just found your group, looks like this is where the cool kids are......... can I hang out? LOL

    I recently turned 54, have lost 20 pounds since starting MFP a few months ago. Weighed in this morning and no surprise that the scale didn't budge since I went off track on Christmas Day. One day of cheating = no weight loss but it was totally worth it, no tracking that day, plenty of good wine and good food!!!

    Trying to stay motivated thru this process and would love some encouragement! Please feel free to 'friend' me :-)

    Happy New Year!!!!!!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning! It's a beautiful, if slightly chilly, day to end the year.

    I'm sooo happy to say that the scale finally went into the 140s for me. I don't know if I have ever been there in my adult life! I even lost weight this month when I was just hoping to maintain. I have been eating some of the goodies that people have given us, but still stayed within my calories. (Sometimes I had to do extra walking or exercising though!)

    It's so nice to hear that everyone had good holidays and got to see family from near and far. My son, dil, and gs were here on Christmas Day. The rest are too far away.

    I would love to be in Minnesota today to celebrate my gs' 7th birthday. They grow up so fast!!

    Please have a happy and safe New Year's Eve...and a wonderful new year too. Eileen
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I hope that everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve! We will probably do what we usually do, which is to sleep through it. I used to stay up with the kids when they were at home, but hubby won't stay up and being by myself doesn't seem to have much point. Our son is going to one of those fancy parties downtown, which always makes me nervous for his safety. I guess I need to learn to chill and accept that he is grown up!

    I think that eating a high protein diet is really important for weight loss -- maybe because Slimgenics pounded that into my head years ago. I eat one protein bar everyday (American Bariatrics has really good ones). Yes, they are like candy, but they fulfill my need for sweets, as well. I find that the protein causes the cravings to go away after only a few days, and I rarely get hungry. I have Greek yogurt for breakfast every day, and it keeps me happy until lunch time.

    I finally weighed myself for the first time since before Thanksgiving. It was up 4.5 lbs., but is mostly water weight. I started logging again and have already lost 3 lbs. of it in just 2 days. I don't know why I don't drink enough when I'm not logging -- it seems like it should be second nature by now! I'm hoping to be even by the end of next week and ready to move forward and downward again. 1.5 lbs. is not bad for 6 weeks of holiday eating and a trip to Mexico, so I'm okay with it.

    Lila -- Squirrels are rats with boas?? LOL I prefer squirrels to rats, but had one get into the house while we were on vacation several years ago. It chewed up the woodwork trying to get out, and left bloody footprints across all of the beds and furniture. We had to hire a trapper to catch it, so squirrels aren't at the top of my popular list. Living in the country has it's own challenges. We also had pack rats in the walls at one point and you could hear them running in the light soffit over our bed. That was another job for the trappers!

    Gail -- Will have to let hubby know that you liked "Lincoln" and see if we can't watch it. Glad you had fun!

    Michele -- I hope Vince continues to feel better. How scary! I'm glad that he's okay. You're such a nice person! I love that you send cakes with gifts.

    Linda Sundance -- Belated Happy Birthday to your Hubby! My mother-in-law came back from southern California on Saturday night, and said that it was cold and rainy there... not as cold as Denver, though!

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Tahoe sounded like a lot of fun, and your GD sounds delightful! Great job on moving from 14s to 10s! I admire you for starting kickboxing, which should be great exercise. I can't do anything like that with my foot problems.

    Suebdew -- I love the new motto and may adopt it myself!

    Meg -- How do you like the Wii? Have fun out dancing with your friends tonight -- I'm sure the new shoes will look fabulous!

    Junerbooner -- Congrats on being down 4 lbs. since Christmas! That's wonderful!

    DeeDee -- Hurray for 2 lbs. down and smaller arms!!!!

    Lin Charpentle -- I had someone trying to sell me chia seed. What do you think of it? Does it do anything? The Chinese food sounds great -- I don't know how to make any of that.

    Viv -- We all fall off the wagon at times. Just get right back on and start logging! It will all fall into place. Rome wasn't built in a day, and our weight loss journey will take time as well.

    Wessecg -- Nice photos! I love the reindeer horns. LOL Have fun and enjoy yourself tonight.... you've been doing amazingly, and one week of being off won't hurt you in the long run, as long as you get back on next week.
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member

    I took out all of my size 14 pants and put them in the goodwill bag. I had gotten a gift certificate from my MIL for Coldwater Creek so I went on a "shopping spree" last night on-line - ordered everything in 10s. Out with the old, in with the new, right?


    THIS is terrific! Congratulations!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    There will be no dancing for me tonight as I've got the "crud". Meg, would you dance for me? I bet you have a wonderful evening. We were invited to a house party and I had to call to cancel this morning. Host said another couple was sick also.
    I reviewed my December goals and did so so.
    Log food everyday and stay within calorie goal. Missed just a few days around Christmas but I'd say B
    Plan for Holiday parties. - Did really well with parties (messed up on Christmas dinner!) - B+
    Enjoy treats in moderation - This was not very specific but I did turn down desserts at parties. - B
    Drink more water - totaling failed at this one even with Dee Dee's reminders - F
    Exercise everyday. Didn't do this either. (Have started the last few days) = F
    Guess I'd get a C- for the month. May be why I gained .6.
    However, tomorrow is a new month and a new year and I can do this.
    I read an article that said sometimes we need a "gratitude adjustment". We should take time to appreciate each gratitude inspiring thing in our lives. That sounds like a good thing to reflex on this last day of the year.
    DeeA - there is also a website for knitting prayer shawls. If you're interested I'll look it up for you. I love that you cross country ski. That will really burn the calories.
    M - :flowerforyou: Awesome getting rid of 14 and ordering 10's. I'll be there soon!
    VIV - here's a saying for you. BAM - B is breathe, A is accept/acknowledge, and M is move on. You can do it !!
    Enjoy your New Year's Eve celebration.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! Wishing you all a wonderful last day of the year filled with mountains of peace and joy, and a realistic list of resolutions! I haven't written mine yet, but I started jotting things down in my blog post last night which I've copied for you here.

    Sionara 2112

    It's been good, hasn't it. We're all a pretty fair bunch of losers, fastidious loggers, and most of us are even excellent water drinkers. Everyone's been trying very hard to get rid of something (!) other than the old clothes in their closets and the socks in their dresser drawers, you know the ones, they have holes in the toes. Sure, you don't see the holes when you put your shoes on, so you keep wearing those socks until one day you say the heck with it, they're gone. Weight loss is rather like that. You can't necessarily see the fat when you're dressed in your nice clothes. You feel pretty comfortable, and people have given you countless compliments, yet you know you have another goal to reach and one day you just say the heck with it, those pounds have got to go. And you make the necessary changes to see that it becomes a reality. Toss those pounds in the wastebasket just like you do those socks. Sure would be nice if it was that easy. Just toss out the desire to overeat. Ok, love to! Is there a switch somewhere that I haven't been able to locate?

    I'm among the ones who haven't lost a lot this year but I'm not one bit upset with the 16 pounds that bit the dust on top of the 50 from 2011. 16 is nothing to sneeze at. But I see a little trend of eating too much that started back in July or August when I was super close to losing a full 70. For several weeks I toyed with just learning how to maintain and be happy in my body for the first time in my life. Wellsir, a few little pounds have come back to visit me since then, and by gosh they're being absolute stubborn brats. Thus, I welcome the New Year, a fresh new start, a sigh of relief that the frustrations of this year will be washed away just like *that*. Poof. Begone!

    I think back on all the wonderful people I've met and the incredible things I've learned this past year. My thoughts swim 'round with nutrition facts and shared recipes, shared woes, shared victories. Realizing I'm not alone in this has been the most important thing, and I'm so very grateful for my friends here. Commiserating, chastising, cheering and chattering, it's all been such fun. And, on the subject of food, I'm thoroughly convinced that beans need to be included on a very regular basis. They do something special to my insides. Just recently put two and two together on that one. No, I'm not talking about gas lol. They keep things moving. They keep me feeling full and good from head to toe.

    Some time ago when I heard that the last few pounds are the most difficult to lose, I laughed and thought no way could it be any more difficult. Well, ahem, need I say more. I've also learned how many calories I can have in order to lose. I don't like the number very much, but next year, starting in a couple of days, I'm going to force myself to swallow the reality pill. Promise I won't choke.

    Sure, I could stop now and just be happy weighing what I do. But something continues to drive me forward. The flapping thighs and buttocks, perhaps. No, maybe the arm dangle. Or possibly the roll(s) on the front.

    So, I bid a gracious farewell to a quite nice 2012, and offer best wishes to all for a prosperous 2013.

    Let's get this show on the road.

    :drinker: Cheers! jb xo
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Love being on vacation! I get to actually post responses instead of just lurking. Only 4.5 years until retirement! Meanwhile, I am working on becoming more efficient so that I can do MOST of what I want to do.

    suebdew- I would love info on knitting prayer shawls

    sakthorp- Welcome! Everyone here is very supportive. I have learned so much from the posts and really enjoy the virtual chats.

    meg- I too need to stretch. I have problems with my back that are virtually gone when I move enough and work on flexibility.

    wessecq- Love the reindeer horns! May need to make jambalaya soon. It looks so good!

    viv- we all fall off at times. I have found it easier to get back to eating right and moving more now than I used to. I just keep reminding myself of how much better I feel when I do. It is a struggle for the first few days, but then becomes routine.

    Eileen- Welcome to the 140s!:drinker: I have been stuck here for a while, but am determined to soon be in the 130s.

    janehadji- I too will be staying home and not really doing anything for NYE. DH will be working at the restaurant until late. I may just dance in the new year by myself. It is actually the best way for me to dance-with no one to see-since I have two left feet! I think I will have to resort to bars and shakes to fulfill my protein requirements. Can't get enough in with food. Don't really like meat and don't eat any fish or seafood. My daughter had a bad experience with squirrels while in college. A squirrel got into her apartment by chewing through a window screen. It ate cookies and chocolate bars, went to the bathroom all over her bed, and walked all over her keyboard and somehow managed to instant message a friend of hers. When she called home to tell us about it she was understandably upset. Unfortunetately, she is so good at relating events that DH, MIL, FIL, and I were having a very difficult time controlling the laughter. I had to call her back later to appologize.

    jb- Love your post! You have summed up the year very well.

    Deb A
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy New year`s eve.
    Working on new goals for next year.
    Be safe.
    Thanks for being there for me this past year.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Just noticed I made a typo and wrote Sionara 2112 instead of 2012!! :blushing:
    O my, am I looking towards the future or what! :laugh: :laugh:
  • SmilingRn56
    SmilingRn56 Posts: 15 Member
    Happy New Years EVE!!!
    I am relatively new here, only 6 days on website. I work 12 hour midnights, and am working tonight. I had lost 56 lbs in 2008-2009 but have gained 38 of it back. Don't want to go back to the w meetings again. So my daughter and daughter-in-law told me about this website. I'll try anything. I hate the fact that my back is killing me again, that I cannot walk around the block without being short of breath, and the dog is sad I don't romp with her. My eating habits are awful. I don't overeat as a rule. I don't eat enough of the good stuff, but I will overdo on low food days with ice cream. OMG... I love ice cream. It is my antidepressant, my friend, my love, my comfort food. I am widowed and recently moved out of a mobile home with my daughter to living alone in a beautiful condo (with my dog and 2 cats ) that I refurbished myself... I need to lose this belly... my back hurts, my knees are giving out on me, my ankles hurt, and I cannot walk any distance without being short of breath. Hoping for a healthier and better 2013. Blessings to all.

    Me :flowerforyou:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    Just want to shout from the mountain top that for the month of December I lost 8.1 pounds and got into the 250's! :drinker: So,I am out of the 260's I started at 306 on June 27th or June 28th 2012. I have lost 46.8 pounds with a few bumps,or should I say (M&Ms) along the way! Not perfect,but made progress everyday.:flowerforyou:

    My New Years gift to you is to share my true weight and weight loss with you,so I can show you that it is possible to lose weight after

    50,with eating healthy foods,(most of the time),logging that food,exercising,drinking water,and getting the support and inspiration from

    all of you.:drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Here's to a healthy weight loss or maintence for 2013! We can all do this together with each other!:drinker: :wink:

    I am thankful today and everyday for your time,support and inspiration! :heart:

    Hugs,LindaS :heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Happy New Years EVE!!!
    I am relatively new here, only 6 days on website. I work 12 hour midnights, and am working tonight. I had lost 56 lbs in 2008-2009 but have gained 38 of it back. Don't want to go back to the w meetings again. So my daughter and daughter-in-law told me about this website. I'll try anything. I hate the fact that my back is killing me again, that I cannot walk around the block without being short of breath, and the dog is sad I don't romp with her. My eating habits are awful. I don't overeat as a rule. I don't eat enough of the good stuff, but I will overdo on low food days with ice cream. OMG... I love ice cream. It is my antidepressant, my friend, my love, my comfort food. I am widowed and recently moved out of a mobile home with my daughter to living alone in a beautiful condo (with my dog and 2 cats ) that I refurbished myself... I need to lose this belly... my back hurts, my knees are giving out on me, my ankles hurt, and I cannot walk any distance without being short of breath. Hoping for a healthier and better 2013. Blessings to all.

    Me :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome SmilingRn56! Feel free to post and gain some friends. We are on this forum for the same reasons you are.

    :heart: Renny
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy New Year to all my MFP friends! I have stayed pretty much the same through 2012... totally relate to jb's analysis...I just try to keep making changes with baby steps...that is what works for me...my exercise is more consistent than it was, I gravitate to healthier food choices but still probably eat too many treats...i have learned that I can make AND meet goals...maybe in 2013 I will try to include a food change each month in addition to my exercise goals...

    Today was first day in new office....learning curve ahead...we are discovering that our little 3 man office was technologically ahead of new corporate office..hmmmm ....the IT guy also forgot to set up mycomputer and give me a password to the management system...hopefully that will be fixed by Wednesday ...oh and we were supposed to get paid today...oops that did not happen either...hopefully also fixed this week:frown:

    For all that enjoy ringing in the new year...have fun...I am not a fan of NYE and will enjoy an evening at home and probably go to bed before midnight!

    Hugs and high fives