Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ April '10



  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Well I found out where my scale went. My dad decided to take it to go weigh something ridiculously heavy & left it there. UGhgghhghgh...So i dont know when he is going to go get it & i'm guessing it will be not working like it was & probably be all gross and oily (he's weighing a part to go into an airplane). People get on my nerves!!! So now i gotta buy a new one, when I had a perfectly good, couple month old scale. Things like these are why I can not wait to move out on my own!!!! My bf got laid off so we have had to stay here for a while...I miss having our own place!! I was supposed to weigh in for the Fab Four group i'm in today, but I guess I cant do that now. Anyway i'll stop b*tching now, just had to vent!! I also binged out on some candy & a piece of cake last night ughhhhhhhhh. No more easter candy for me because obviously I cant just eat 1 or 2 pieces.

    Choco- I wana see some after pics when you are done Insanity, cause with all these crazy workouts you should be ripped!!!!
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hey Ladies - I've been slacking. I had a really busy weekend singing in the Easter Ensemble for Church (4 services - Sat & Sun) then I had a vocal recital last night. I've just been overall exhausted lately. I was supposed to get back on track today but I slept in and missed my 6am hot yoga class. I'm going to do a JM video when I get home today. If I don't do that, I feel like my week has already been wasted.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Choco – Those exercises sound painful. You are awesome for even trying them.

    JZ - Hang in there. I’m hoping your scale comes back working and clean. On your holiday binge – I’m betting it was a lot less of a binge than in previous years, so put it in the past and let it rest. I hope you enjoyed the candy and cake as it will be a long time until the next holiday. Lol

    Flipchickmc – Welcome back! Hot Yoga sounds like fun, but 6AM doesn’t. I do Flow Yoga and was suppose to start back to my class today, but it looks like it will be next week instead.

    All in all I did OK with the Easter Candy. I am swamped at work from being off for 2 weeks. Now I remember why I never take 2 weeks off together any more. When I checked my BMR I realized that I need to lower my daily calories by 50. While it might not sound like much, it sure has felt like it.

  • wenders9
    wenders9 Posts: 1
    hey guys,
    i started my fitness pal at the end of jan. for some motivation and to really see how much i was eating in a day. i just had a baby on nov. 23 and i'm trying to get rid of the 42 pounds i gained with him. that's a lot on my 5'2'' frame. i just wanted to say hi and hope i can offer some encouragement to y'all too.
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome wenders9! I gained a TON of weight when I had DD but now that she's 4yo - I can no longer blame it on baby weight but lazy-weight. Haha. Good for you on getting motivated to lose that weight so soon.

    I decided to do HIIT on the treadmill during lunch. I was feeling really unmotivated today and decided if I didn't do it, I'd be more apt to not do the DVD after work. I feel so much better now.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Choco- I wana see some after pics when you are done Insanity, cause with all these crazy workouts you should be ripped!!!!

    I should be but because I know I'm not eating the way I should be on this program IM NOT RIPPED at least not yet. While I am beginning to see some definition in my biceps, chest, upper back and legs there are no 6 pack for the abs. My girls trip to L.A. is Memorial Day weekend so I'm trying to stay real focused with my eating at least until then. My eating is not horrible and is actually pretty good througout the week but the weekend snacking on sweets has been getting me lately.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday! After looking at the Insanity calendar I realized I was counting the weeks incorrecctly. I did not realize the recovery week was not counted as part of the week so while I thought I was on week six I am actually on week 5. Having said all that today is week 5 day 3 of the Insanity program and I completed the Max Cardio Conditioning dvd. I paced myself throughout the workout and I did a lot better than yesterday. I must say the month 2 workouts have been leaving me very sore so I know I'm working something.

    Anyway, I have to begin my work day so I'll check back in later.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I finally got my butt in gear and worked out today! It's going to be 90 degrees in PA today, so I am also gonna get some exercise in by walking to the park to let the lil one run around and play. It is sooo nice out, I wish it would stay like this, but it's going to rain tomorrow and cool down :grumble:

    Wenders-Welcome to the group! I am just now getting the baby weight off after 3 years!! So congrats to you for getting it done now!

    Jam- Thanks!! And yes, it was much less of a binge then before. And I only let it happen once instead of just eating it everyday til its gone! lol...and thank god it is a long time til the next holiday, they are dangerous!!! haha

    Choco- I know, they have to follow an intense eating plan to get super sculpted like that! I know I wouldnt be able to follow it. But i'm sure you still look great!!

    Have a good day everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Wenders!

    I'm laughing over a cooking tip I got today. Laughing because I never thought of it. I was making a pasta/meat/veggie dish and the book said to throw the veggies in with the pasta to save from washing a pot for the veggies. lol Who'd a thought of that before? NOT ME!!! It does save the pot and it all gets thrown together anyway.

    Have a great evening all,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday all! I have been absolutely living for Thursdays since beginning the Insanity program b/c it's considered a recovery day and boy to I ever NEED IT THIS WEEK! Today is week 5 day 4 of the Insanity program which meant I had to complete the Max Recovery dvd. While I really need this dvd to stretch my body out Shaun T is really killing me w/all the push ups and plank moves. I'm unsure if my shoulders can take any more. I know they're getting stronger and I can see some definition but they are SCREAMING FOR ME TO TAKE A BREAK!. Despite all the aching/soreness I completed the workout.

    My work day is about to begin so I hope everyone has a great day.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Another beautiful day in Philly..Lovin it!! I'm just itchin to see if i'm in the 130's yet! Dare I say it, but I think I am. My eating has been on point and I have been getting some exercise in here and there. Might be going out to (try again) to get a scale. We will see...Have a good day girls!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    Enjoy your good weather if you have it. lol We went from warm back to cold and windy. But the sun is out and has melted the 5 foot tall snow bank that had encased the back of the house. I am off today due to too many doctor appointments for my DD and My DM. I guess most doctors only see patients on Thursday, because that seems to be the only day we get appointments. Except next week it is Wednesday and the week after it's back to Thursday again.

    It's a good thing I have oodles of sick leave available.

    I did yoga already today and I plan to do my exercise DVD too.

    Well, dogs are barking. I better go see.

  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Choco - Awesome job on sticking with the Insanity program. Good for you!
    jzbaby - Did you get your scale?
    jam0525 - I've done that cooking tip before while making Shrimp Carbanara and adding the frozen peas to the pasta during the last few minutes.

    Did Hot Yoga this morning at 6am. I almost didn't though because my bed was so warm and cozy but I forced myself to get up. I didn't get a chance to work out yesterday because I was cleaning out my closets after work. I swear I have 15+ pairs of pants to give away since they are all too big for me now. :happy:

    Tonight I plan on doing 30DS before I tackle those closets/drawers again.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm on a quick lunch break and decided to drop on in and see how my fit and fun sized gals are doing. Glad to see everyone is still plugging away despite whatever obstacles we may be presented with. Keep up the great job ladies.

    Jzbaby: Good luck w/finding an affordable scale and finally getting into the 130's. Be proud of yourself and all that you've accomplished.

    Flipchick: Glad you've got the workout in despite not wanting to get out the bed. I've been there, actually I'm there just about every morning when my alarm goes off at 5 am....LOL. As much as I hate getting out the bed in the morning I feel so great when the workout is complete knowing no matter what happens w/the rest of my day the workout is complete. I really feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • dachinababe
    dachinababe Posts: 185
    Definitely Fun sized, 5 feet even. 132 pounds looking to really kick start my summer with banging workouts. I like challenges and I used to be fit lol.. Someone fill me in, do we have a monthly workout goal, weight goal , nultrition goal or anything like that? Someone once said, if u can't see the goals visually, you can never reach them. so what do you all think? Thanks
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I can not say it loud enough.....THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY! Today is week 5 day 5 of the Insanity Program and it is truly kicking my butt. Month 2 of this program is GRUELING! My hat goes off and I bow down to anyone and everyone who has gone through this program b/c my body is SCREAMING at me right now. My upper body is super sore my legs are still a bit wobbly but once again i'm proud to say that I DUG DEEPER AND COMPLETED MY WORKOUT. I completed the Max Interval Circuit dvd and I'm looking forward to a weekend free of Insanity. I usually go to the gym on Saturday and stretch/walk on Sunday and my body so needs the rest.

    Well I have to get my work day started so i'll check the threads a little later. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    I agree TGIF! I did No More Trouble Zones last nite instead of the quick 30 Day Shred workout because I ate really bad (read fastfood) for lunch yesterday. I needed to burn some extra calories. So glad I did. Got on the scale and I'm down 1.5lbs this week! Woohoo. I guess the tickers round-up cuz I'm at 2.5lbs lost but it says 3. I'll take it! Haha - it will motivate me to keep going.

    Welcome dachinababe! I'm new to this group as well and I'm not sure if there's a set goal/challenge for the group. I'd like to know as well.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    No scale yet flipchick. I'm gonna grab one this weekend when I go shopping. I've done No More Trouble Zones a couple's no joke!! Def. a hard workout!!

    Thanks choco!! :smile:

    Hi Dachinababe! Welcome to the group. :flowerforyou: We all pretty have different personal goals for ourselves. We don't have any challenges or anything now, but if someone wants to make one I'd be all for it!!

    Have a good weekend ladies! :glasses: :love:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    OK everyone JZ wants a challenge..........................................

    I'd like to think of something that fits the name Sunny Sundays and something outside so we can all get our Vitamin D. lol Any thoughts? Even just a Sunday walk?

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! Since my body had been screaming at me all week I decided to sleep in as long as possible this morning. I didn't actually sleep since this body seems to be on a timer of its own but I refused to get out of the bed so i read for a little while. As a result, I missed my Saturday morning kickboxing class. Have no fear though b/c a workout has been completed. I decided to rock it out with Billy Blanks and his cardio kickboxing bootcamp dvd. This dvd combines calisthenics (jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups), kickboxing (jabs, uppercuts, side kicks) and strength training (squats, tricep kickbacks, tricep dips) so after 45 minutes my body is slightly fatigued but my mind feels great.

    This should be one of my best weekends in a long time b/c I have absolutely nothing to do and I'm soooo happy. I'm going to continue reading my book and relax today and tomorrow I'm thinking about checking out Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married Too" movie. My body really needs to recover if I think I'm going to be able to tackle Shaun T and all his Insane moves.

    Flipchick: Congrats on the 1.5 lb weight loss. Keep up the momentum and you'll be at your ultimate goal before you realize it.

    I'm always down for a challenge. I think ppl should post something they struggle with and then perhaps we can see what kind of challenge might best fit the group. My biggest struggle is unhealthy snacking on the weekend. This is something that has been happening alot more than I would like to admit over the last few weeks and I need to get it under control b/c my girlfriends and I are heading to LA for Memorial Day weekend and I would love to rock my 2 piece and KNOW it fits and looks GREAT! I have a little less than 7 weeks to get it under control so the abs can be right. I'm maintaining my weight and overall my clothes look and feel great on but its the abs that could look better.

    What are some other things that ppl struggle with?