what do you call these people?



  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    Since you asked, your B, C and D reasons could be solved with research. Look on youtube, using appropriate search terms, watching videos of proper usage of machines and proper form for freeweights.

    I guess your A and E reasons are motivation related, but you'd hate working out less and might even enjoy it if you did some research.

    Oh man you are messed up. You can read about how to drive a car, watch videos etc. but when you get behind the actual wheel it's a different story. You feel dumb, not sure where things are etc.
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    LoL, yes this is what people should be concerned with.

    My dad always said that former smokers are the most judgmental people when it comes to smokers, they think they are better because they "beat it".

    I guess the same can be said for people behind the screen on a fitness website.
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    People like you are the reason I will most likely never set foot in a gym. I'll stick to running outdoors where the only people who see me long enough to really judge me are the ones running behind me at the same pace.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Personally it's their membership why do they need to do what is acceptable to you. You dont know what their situation is. They could be thinking the same thing or worse about you. This kind of attitude is why a lot of people stay away from the gym. Work on yourself and leave other people to themselves.

    ^^ agreed
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Just stop watching other people at the gym. Keep your focus on your own workout. OR Have some compassion. Not everyone is capable of a heavy, sweat puddle creating, work out. Some people don't really know what to do or how to plan a workout so they fiddle around and hopefully watch and learn. For some people it is a sort of social outing. IMO any activity beyond lying on the couch is a good thing. :flowerforyou:

    Wise words. When I am at the gym, I focus on my own workout. Unless someone is invading my space or is in my way somehow, I don't pay attention to them.

    I am happy to see newbies at the gym making an effort, and I think they should take it easy at first so they do not injure themselves. I suspect a lot of people quit because they overdo it early on and can't sustain the pace.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Just putting my 2 cents worth in...

    Maybe they don't know what to do or how to do it and are hoping that someone will step up and tell them or show them?

    That would be me...and you can call me Susan.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    This is why I don't go to the gym & stick to yoga with the seniors. I hate feeling judged because I'm not as sweaty as somebody else or because I put on some mascara before I left my house. I am nervous enough even using the equipment, maybe you should just smile at them for trying to make a positive change. Half assing it at the gym is better than drowning in a bag of Doritos.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    http://www.leangains.com/2011/09/fu ckarounditis.html (get rid of the spaces)

    Pretty much sums it up.

    Cr*p, I suffer from f*ckarounditis, I am a fan of an upturned Bosu ball :sad:
  • alarae
    alarae Posts: 263 Member
    Some of us don't do well without a partner pushing us! Maybe you just need to give them a shove, oops I mean push. Really not everyone thinks they can or know exactly how. I would be upset too if they were taking up space doing nothing though. If they are trying maybe offer to help them out.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I remember being the slow fat girl at the gym. I'd be sweating to much my eyes would burn. I was always last on the treadmill people would do wte they were doing and were always finished before me. I was always so jealous that they could get more done and be thinner in a shorter amount of time. Now that I look back on it. I think they were just doing what the OP posted about.

    Kudos to you for noticing that one large man pushing himself.
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    Personally it's their membership why do they need to do what is acceptable to you. You dont know what their situation is. They could be thinking the same thing or worse about you. This kind of attitude is why a lot of people stay away from the gym. Work on yourself and leave other people to themselves.


    I so agree with you!!. Sometimes we need to take things slowly, we may be ill or recovering from an injury. Personally, when I go to the gym it's with 2 Wing Chung instructors (both black belts), my daughter, and 1 or 2 more people. Frankly, I can keep up with them no problem, and sometimes I find them not moving enough for my taste. I do go off and do my own thing, and sometimes they give me kaka because they think I am doing things I shouldn't be doing.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    http://www.leangains.com/2011/09/fu ckarounditis.html (get rid of the spaces)

    Pretty much sums it up.

    Cr*p, I suffer from f*ckarounditis, I am a fan of an upturned Bosu ball :sad:

    I've been told using one of those might help me with my spinal alignment (it's so off that when I run I am only getting blisters on one foot due to uneven stride).

    If anyone glares at me for it, I'm going to pick the damn thing up and throw it at them.
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I'm one of these people. That's why I no longer have a gym membership, just a treadmill at home.

    I'll tell you my reasons:

    a) I really, really, really hate exercising. No, really. I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns. It hurts, and it gets me nowhere (at least, until recently).
    b) I have no idea what to do on those machines. No idea how I'm supposed to sit or position myself so I don't give myself another injury, no idea how many reps I should be doing, or on what weight, or anything like that.
    c) If I do one set on something, I feel as if people are looking at me and judging me because I don't know what I'm doing (which has pretty much just been confirmed by your post!), so rather than embarrass myself anymore, I just get off the machine and try to find something I do know how to do.
    d) I get discouraged really easily, and feel intimidated, so if I've tried a few machines and can't work them out, I'll just give up and go home after 15 minutes instead of hanging around and prolonging my embarrassment.
    e) I have no motivation or will to push myself. I used to have a personal trainer 5 days a week for that exact reason. If I have someone standing over me saying, "get on this, do 5 sets of 20, now!" then I'll do it, and I'll push it hard. If I don't have that person, I simply cannot be bothered. I have no idea why (psychology!).

    And the reason I say it hurts is because I have numerous injuries and congenital issues (back problems, neck problems, wrist problems, feet problems, knee problems, shoulder problems). When I try to use machines myself, I am tentative because I have no idea what the correct posture is, and things just hurt when I do them wrong (and sometimes even when I do them right). If I don't have a correctly trained personal trainer with me, I'm too scared to do anything.

    The reason I say it gets me nowhere is because I had a personal trainer 5 days a week for about 2.5 years. I worked hard (threw up a number of times, even). I literally lost 6 kgs (almost 13 lbs) the entire time. :sad: And yes, I was following a healthy diet plan very strictly. That is a lot of effort and a tonne of money for practically nothing. Another time, I was on Jenny Craig for 9 months, and I cycled to work and back every day. It was a 30 km round trip with some nasty hills, and I really pushed myself, trying to get quicker and quicker times each day. In all of those 9 months, I only lost 4 kgs (almost 9 lbs) :sad: (that's when I gave up on MFP - I only just returned at the beginning of December).

    What I didn't know at the time was that my food intolerances were causing my weight gain/inability to shed weight. I am currently on the elimination diet developed by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the University of Sydney to work out what it is I am intolerant to (I had other symptoms too, not just unexplained weight gain and inability to lose weight), however, it's suspected to be gluten and lactose. I've been on the diet now for just under a month, and have already lost 7.1 kgs (about 16 lbs). And I have done no exercise whatsoever (in the middle of exams and assignments, and also work full time - treadmill takes a back seat!). I'm now losing weight 16 times faster than before! :bigsmile:

    Anyway, I digress. My point was, there are a lot of reasons I was one of those people at the gym, and I suspect there a lot of other reasons that other people are like that. I think you should just focus on yourself, and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing (unless they're stopping you from achieving your goals?) - at least you can ensure your own sanity that way! :smile:

    Kudos to you! Keep it up. I do understand what you are saying, and by the way, it's no ones business.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Think I might be one of those people when it comes to the weight machines and the very basic answer is that I have no idea whatsoever what I should be doing with the infernal machines. How heavy the weight should be, whether my 'form' is right or anything else and all the people who work there or look like they would know what to do all look very intimidating to me.

    So I stick with the exercise bike and treadmill and keep going till I feel like I can't go anymore. Sometimes I decide I'd like to try to add some weights so I go up to the machine, I read the label, I give it a go and then I get scared that I look like an idiot or that I'm doing something really wrong so I move on.

    Pretty sure I'm not the only person who finds the gym a really intimidating and foreign environment, has to be said that evil looks from 'serious gym users' really doesn't help!
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I always used to wonder at the chicks that come in in full make up, work out without sweating and leave the gym make up still intact.

    But at the end of the day, if their money and time being wasted.

    Some people really have a sweat fixation lol. So I also wear make up to the gym, and I don't sweat that much. I am obviously doing something wrong....who gives a sh@t what other people look like/do at the gym. Why don't you moaners just get on with your own workouts and stop worrying about what other people are up to.

    Most of the time when I go to the gym I am coming from someplace: ie: from Church, a function/event somewhere, etc, so I do go to the gym in makeup and dressed up. I leave the gym in makeup, messy hair, sweaty tshirt, shorts, sox, running shoes and my leather coat. Everything else goes into the gym bag.

    What's the big deal? Makeup or no makeup, it doesn't matter.
  • FirstCoastLisa
    I applaud your post on the basis that you used the word "pernicious" if absolutely nothing else.

    I liked the use of "tomfoolery" too!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Peacocks? Trollers for dates? I just wanna be seen and looked at personality? Newbies that don't have a clue what they are doing? As for me, when I did the gym and saw one of the fiddlers with equpment I would go over and ask if they needed help. Normally I got a grateful look and a big Yes. The other times I got the down your nose look-over and ignore. Their loss. I'm a nice person. :tongue:

    BTW...smileys rule :smokin:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Edit: just discovered "yert" should be spelled "yurt", my bad. Not a word I see spelled out everyday!

    How dare u spall yurt wrung. Thar shud b no spallng mastooks on MFP. Next tym be a dixshunary...darn yurt misspaller.
  • jsenecal12
    I can understand your frustration. I had a similar experience at the gym Saturday night. I was sweating my *kitten* off and doing intervals on the treadmill in the ladies area, and there were these two young chicklings (couldn't be more than 18 or 19 years old). They were laying on the floor facing each other on on workout mats texting/facebooking and showing each other pictures. I was there for over an hour and they hadn't done a damn thing.

    This isn't a slumber party, baby girls! If you're at the gym, move your *kitten*! If you're going to do stupid stuff like that take it into the lounge area.

    It frustrates me, but then again, stuff like this makes me laugh because they're paying monthly membership fees for nothing. I guess that part kind of makes me feel better? But then again, girls like this are in my way and I have to step over them to get to weights.

    "Baby girls?" These girls weren't bothering you at all, and you're mocking them for something so simple as their age? How about be happy for them that at least they have fitness in mind so early on in life? Just because they weren't there working as hard as you doesn't give you the right to attack them.
  • ColleenHollis
    Funny replys :o) I have a self assigned heckler in his 70's who makes a point every morning to state how sweaty I am or how I'm going to break a machine. I just laugh it off but it is a bit annoying. I'm there for a workout. Social hour can happen somewhere else.