Anyone here over 50?



  • 1960HikerDude
    1960HikerDude Posts: 215 Member
    Age 52 here. I've been at this since April. It can be done at our age.
  • drr13
    drr13 Posts: 5
    at 76 the rest cannot relate I suppose- the motivation is entirely health. As one who is on a lot of medications I have experienced a reduction in those meds and more flexibility when I lost wt in the past
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    I think for many of us, ill health over 50 is a primary factor in getting and keeping on track. Looking back through the posts in this thread is proof that 50+ can do it. Lots pounds lost from this age sector here. Way to go all.
  • SoySalva
    SoySalva Posts: 136 Member
    Hi.....I am 52 and yes it has been harder for me to lose weight at this age but with determination it can be done. I have lost count on how many times I have fallen of the wagon but I have learned to dust myself off and continue my journey. I have 12 pounds to go and I will achieve my goal and maintain, I have the tools and best of all the determination.

    Best of luck to you!
  • ill be 50 in 23 days and i am having a hard time losing weight, which is why i am trying this, are you having any luck??
  • Yes I believe that it is more difficult to diet and exercise as we mature. (We aren't getting older!!!) We have to look at this as a new life style and be totally committed to this as a new and exciting experience. What we do today will reward us in a healthy tomorrow. It is always so easy to say, but extremely difficult to do. I'm there with all of you on this new journey for a happy and healthy 2013. We can do this!!! We will have down falls but we can also help each other through this message board. Not everyone understands.
  • BaJu58
    BaJu58 Posts: 5 Member
    54 and yes it harder and like other mentioned the older you get the slower the body responses. Taking one day at time and education on what your body can do and what you can eat anything can be done. That is my attuide, I abused my body in the past but now with everything being available and knowing what I need for my body, YES it can be done.
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! Yeah lots of us over 50s on MFP--it's a good mix of all ages, etc. I find that I have to eat a LOT less than when I was younger in order to lose weight. This must be done consistently and all food calories have to be logged on this site; also be active and also log your exercises. I count things like yard work, raking, heavy house work, etc. My reasons for wanting to lose weight are that I want to look better and also want to have lower cholesteral.I'm thinking about maybe dating again and men at our age are no less picky about a woman's physical appearance than they were 30 years ago! lol, and well, it is what it is! :flowerforyou:
  • I like your inspiration! Thank you.
  • Afs01
    Afs01 Posts: 1 Member
    56 here. Yep, definitely harder!
  • Another 50 year old here, going to be 51 in Feb. The older I get, the easier it is to eat through stress, have bad habits, and be far too busy to focus on how to drop the pounds. It wasn't exactly easy to lose weight in my younger years, but it sure does seem easier to add the weight now.

    After gaining far too much after a nasty divorce from a cheating spouse, it's time to drop the baggage (physically and mentally) and enjoy my new life with health and energy!! :wink:
  • Hi! Just started this program 2 days ago and will be 55 next week. Definitely more difficult at this stage in life, and bad habits are hard to break. I've never been good at food/exercise tracking, but this app seems quite easy, lots of foods in the database, and easy to track exercise too. In just 2 days it's helped me to realize the good and bad choices I make. I'm hoping that info staring righht at me on my ipad will help influence me to begin making the better choices. I'm up for any support from the community which could also help!

    Cheers and happy new year to all.
  • Wow! Congrats on your determination! 2013 will certainly see you achieve your final goal. Good for you! :-)
  • How nice to hear from some "experienced" people. I'm turning 65 in March, and joined here a few days ago, primarily to keep track of what I'm eating. In 2007, I lost 60 pounds, and kept it off for 4 years following a low carb diet. This past year, I've been eating the wrong kinds of carbs and subsequently gained back 25 pounds. So I decided on December 26th that enough was enough. I'm not writing this to push Low carb, but I thought it might be of interest to some fellow over 50 "experienced" people.

    Five years ago, I was 60 years old, and up until I started living Low Carb, I was having major problems maintaining my weight, let alone losing weight (so yes, when you get over 50 you can't eat the way you did at 20, you have to change). I yoyo'd for many years. For me, low carb has been a Godsend. I have been on diets all my life, and the worst ones for me were the low fat, high carb ones. I was always hungry! 30 minutes after eating one of those "healthy meals" I was ready to eat my fist! My doctor was skeptical, but I lost weight steadily, and lost the 60 pounds in 8 months (and surprisingly, I didn't exercise). I learned to bake with almond flour, learned to live without sugar (though I do use Splenda), and didn't eat potatoes, rice, noodles, bread, crackers, etc. during that time. I found excellent Low carb cookbooks and found that we could happily exist on great food without feeling hungry. My doctor monitored my vitals, and my cholestrol was fine, and my blood sugar was good. My husband started to eat the same way and lost 35 pounds. He also lost his constant heartburn after a week or so on the diet..

    We ate beef, chicken, pork, fish, shellfish, butter, full fat cheeses, lots of vegetables, lots of berries, and a variety of other things.

    I recently read a book called Wheat Belly, and it convinced me to go back to the Low Carb WOL. I'm convinced that giving up wheat and many other "whole" grains and bad carbs is the way to go. Too many genetic changes in the wheat we eat today that seem to be causing havoc in the health of our society. Anyway, that's my story. I want to wish everyone on this board success in their goals no matter how you get there! Thanks for listening.
  • Hi, everyone. My name is Joyce and I recently began to keep a food diary again. I am 53 soon to be 54 and it is a lot harder to lose weight now that when I was younger. I weigh more now than ever before.:cry: I must lose weight so that I am able to breathe better. I do not like being short of breath just trying to tie my shoes, etc. I do well on a diet for a while, then I lose steam. I can and will do better this time. (I hope):smile:
  • LMSage
    LMSage Posts: 2
    It has certainly been harder for me to take the weight off as I get older. I am 59 years old and have dieted every year since the beginning of time. I ONLY gained 4 pounds a year since I turned 30. That doesn't sound like a lot until you multiply 4 times 29 and end up with weighing 120 pounds MORE than I did when I was 30. I wish the 59 year wise woman would have been able to explain math to my 30 year old smug self. My husband and I started using My Fitness Pal because THE one thing that has always helped me was writing down everything I put in my mouth. This year I will "write before I bite" -- which means that I will log in BEFORE I actually eat it. I've found in the past that I can have convenient amnesia if I wait until after the fact. :wink:
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 230 Member
    52 here ....... Definitely harder to lose but at our age we are more determined!
  • Joetech2010
    Joetech2010 Posts: 1 Member
    Close 49 going to shape up for the big 50 it been many years since I have worked out or ran I looking for help too
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    yep ... 59 and it is harder for me to lose weight but it can be done. I have to exercise 5 days a week and keep intensity going for exercise -- but I sure feel better. My food has to follow a plan more closely, and love MFP for counting calories and exercise burn. But on the plus side, without the stress of childrearing, etc. and with more experience and patience in life this makes it easier in some ways.
  • MillerCrock
    MillerCrock Posts: 20 Member
    I will turn 60 this year. it is 100 xs as hard to knock off weight and keep it off. Let's be friends? We can comiserate together. :bigsmile: