

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcome everyone new! We're always glad to have new people

    FiftySixFit - a great goal!

    Did an hour on the rebounder today. If someone lives in an apartment or a condo, basically is concerned about jumping and making noise that might disturb someone downstairs, I highly recommend a rebound workout. I got my rebounder at Play It Again Sports for something like $45. I hadn't done the rebounder since we moved to NC five years ago, I'd forgotten what a good workout it can be, and there's very little impact. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the deep water class.

    Bryan called early this morning to say that he and Dianna had gotten engaged. To be honest, I really don't know how I feel. I'm happy that he's happy. I'm sad in that we've only met her for a few hours once and that was at Jessica's place so I didn't feel as comfortable. I really don't know much about her except that she's a vegetarian (it took A LONG time before Bryan would answer me as to whether she ate fish or not), I only know that she likes shopping because Jessica told me, I know that she likes Doritos, but the ones Bryan told me that she liked now he tells me that those aren't the right ones. I'm sad but glad, does that make any sense? I wonder if a Christmas present for her should be two round trip tickets to the US. See, when we go to France, we have to get hotels, they can stay here. They can use my car. To me, Dianna should know something about Bryan, where he went to college, his friends, his family, etc.

    Barbara - it's so good to have you back!

    Ken & Lynette were supposed to be here last night. Ken had the flu a while ago along with pneumonia. Evidentally, it took a lot out of him. I did make a citrus ring cake for him. In retrospect, it was probably a blessing in disguise that they didn't come. Having the cake would have put me way over my calorie limit. As it turned out, I just had an orange for dessert (to me, that's a perfectly acceptable dessert) which put me over, but not by much.

    Robin - sending virtual chicken soup to you

    rka58 - congratulations!

    For I think the first time I'm going to make a goal for myself this month. My goal will be to increase my protein. Hopefully, it'll be over what MFP says it should be. I've definitely found that if I have a good amount of protein for breakfast, I'm not nearly hungry during the day. I may nibble out of boredom if anything.

    I'm cutting out these cat coasters from plastic canvas for Christmas gifts for the kids and hope to work on sewing them when I'm down in FL. I was originally planning to make a few blankets (crochet) for Christmas, but it looks like I should probably be working on the other quilt that I'm crossstitching and then have to quilt. It's just that I don't find quilting to be calming at all. I already cut out 6 of the coasters, have 12 more to cut out. I figure I can give 3 coasters to each kid and have a few for us.

    Can't wait for Reb's fruit and veggie challenge

    M - I'm with you cleaning out cupboards, etc. Jessica wanted us to send her Christmas presents to a friend of hers so in addition to the presents I made a cake for him and gave the cookies that I had left over from Christmas (I froze them so they'll be fresh when he gets them)

    tigress - so glad you had such a good time at the party. Give Vince ANYTHING that is key lime, and he devours it. Key lime cookies, I make a key lime cake..... Good for you only eating half of that tart! The pool at our Y was closed last week for maintenance (wish they'd do that during the summer so I can use my own pool) but it's open now so I'll be there tomorrow.

    roxywa - welcome. There are quite a few others on here who have a Fitbit.

    smwert - you WILL get back into those clothes.

    manon3 - we're glad to have ya, welcome to a great thread. Just pop in regularly

    DeeDee - how do you cook your beans? I would LOVE to use plain beans rather than the canned stuff. A chef who works at Catawba Valley Medical Center told me once that when you soak beans, you get about double the amount. Like the nutritional panel says 1/4 cup, after soaking them it's like 1/2 cup. I think you can probably freeze beans. I've frozen them when I've had them in soup and there isn't any loss in consistency. Yes, get those too big clothes out of there, then it's shopping time.......

    kathy5313 - tell us more about yourself. welcome!

    Just got the Feb. issue of Consumers Report. There's an article about losing weight. In it they state that MFP did better than any of the commercial diet plans, including WW. It received a reader satisfaction score of 83 out of a possible 100 Mike is quoted as saying "We don't believe it's practical for people to follow rigid diet recommendations long time. If you want to have a glass of wine at dinner, hyou can eat a lighter lunch or go for a run. It's up to you to spend that calorie budget." MFP got high marks for maintenance, calorie awareness and food variety. It got poor marks for fruite & veges, probably because the addition of fruits and veges are really left up to the person, it's not a requitrement. It got pretty good marks for exercise but only did fair on initial weight loss. Interesting article, check it out (it might even be on the 'net, I don't know)

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    2012 recap from Fitlinxx @ the Y:
    No. of Visits: 154
    Weight Lifted: 677,555 lbs = 96,794 lbs per month for 7 months (lost about 5 months because of surgery/recovery)
    13,285 lbs per session on average, not counting all the heavy landscaping in the fall
    Cardio Mins.: 9,014 = 150+ total hours, approx. 12.5 hours per month over the calendar year
    Calories Burned: 65,448 = 18.7 pounds burned off, but I’ve lost a total of 32 thus far

    Now that I know what I actually did in 2012 I’ll think more about 2013, but at this time I’m considering:

    Weight Sessions: 16 per month
    Weight Lifted: 2,000,000 lbs for the year – that is 166,667 per month and 10,417 per session
    (easy when it’s a legs day, harder when it’s upper body!)
    Cardio Sessions: 24
    Cardio Mins.: 16 hours per month, basically 40 mins per session based on 24 sessions

    Big goals, but manageable I believe. The weight / size losses will follow. Nutrition wise, continue to eat well, yet incorporate more raw items and monitor my nemesis, that darned sodium!

    So in preparation for all the planned activity…..I spent the day knitting, doing all the cards, shampooed the carpets in the front two rooms and talked with one of my brothers for a half hour or so today, too, which was nice. (He is the one I saw at Thanksgiving.) Then DH and I collaborated on a big pot of green chile stew and cornbread for dinner tonight –yummy!

    Happy to be Healthy in 2013!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy New Year to my MFP friends.
    Michele - interesting article about MFP. I wonder if they evaluated the new WW 360 program.
    Welcome to all the new people. If you're wondering what Vit F stands for it's for our MFP friends. (F fo Friends).
    Spent some time today looking back at my few months on MFP and where I want to be in 2013. I've decided I need my goals to be specific with targets. I love my new NikeFuel because it gives me something to shoot for each day.
    So my January goals are:
    Log into MFP everyday and track exercise, food and friends!
    Make my calories be nutritious food.
    Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
    Increase veggies/fruits to get to 5 per day.
    Exercise 5 x a week for 30 minutes (I've listed to types of activities on my goal plan)
    I've set some targets based on two week intervals with two major events to work toward.
    Barbie - love the graphic, couldn't wait to see what you'd do for January.
    Everyone get ready for an exciting journey in 2013.
  • c0c0nn0r
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I didn't quite get to where I wanted to be by the end of December.... I was hoping to get to my goal weight but I still have 3 pounds to go! I had an addition to the family mid-month with the arrival of my brand new grandson... the first baby for my oldest daughter who will be 41 in 2 weeks. She and her husband are going to be incredibly good parents.

    January is going to have its own set of challenges for me. I'm having an ongoing issue with my eye that might resolve itself, but it's doing so very slowly (I have a macular pucker... everything I look at in the central vision of my left eye looks like something in a fun house mirror). I see the retinal specialist again on the 3rd to see what he thinks we should do next or if he thinks we can wait a while longer. I hope so because on the 16th of January I'm having a total hip replacement. That is the biggest challenge as far as my weight loss is concerned. I see so many on here who've had a medical crisis of one kind or another who have gained weight during recovery. It's one of the reasons I wanted to get a couple of pounds below my original goal before I had the surgery, so I'd have a little buffer. I still have 2+ weeks to work on that, but I also want to be sure I'm strong and well nourished going into it.

    So.... I'm going into 2013 very motivated and hopeful. Wishing all of you ladies a Happy New Year and success in all of your pursuits!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Good evening and good new year to all:

    An NSV for me this week...my doctor said I could stop taking the blood pressure meds since I've lost so much weight. I will have to take the b/p every day to see if it stays low enough...Here's hoping.

    She also told me to try yoga for a back (well, really side of the back) problem I have been having. It seems like a muscle/skeletal issue to her rather than something more serious. Can I have recommendations for a total beginner yoga dvd? I know I am not at all flexible and it will need to be VERY beginner.:embarassed:

    School starts again tomorrow which will make it easier not to snack. I haven't done too badly, but it seems to be getting worse as vacation days go on.

    My goals for January are to continue on the same path. It's working! Eileen
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Not sure who provided the link to this, but it is worthwhile watching almost 1.5 hours of this 2008 video. : http://www.psmag.com/health/robert-lustig-sugar-obesity-diet-50948/

    I watched it and learned a lot about HFCS - high fructose corn syrup.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy New Year!

    2012 was the worse year of my life, but I am here and looking forward to a new year and a new beginning. My goal to to get back to where I was this time last year and to get a computer!

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Happy New Year you wonderful, gorgeous creatures,

    Well it has been a festive season I hadn’t counted on, working twice the hours I normally do, sleeping a lot and virtually getting way behind in everything! Happily, it seems most everyone is well again and finally back at work for a few shifts but they are in rough shape so I am still working a great deal.

    New Year’s Eve a friend came over after we both finished our shifts and we sat and watched a couple of chick flicks, ‘Finding Never land’ and ‘The Holiday’ while my DH slept and my son was out at a party. Quite a couple of live wires we were as we didn’t even notice the passing of midnight until the movies were over. Yes, we drank beer and nibbled high caloric cheese balls and sausages and loved every minute of it.

    I began New Year’s Day ploughing through big box stores looking for plumbing supplies for the bathroom, DH has started the reconstruction. But I want to know is why any stores are open today, is nothing sacred? There used to be three days nothing was open, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day and now one of them is gone, can the rest be far behind as they are trying to homogenize our society so that nothing is ours and we don’t ‘offend’ other cultures. (Don’t get me started).

    Anyways, we found what we needed and hubby spent much of the day banging happily away downstairs while I began cleaning upstairs. While everything possible needs a good scrub, I decided to start with the kitchen cupboards, cleaning, rearranging, tossing and finding a home for my new coffee press. It felt good. One day at a time, one cupboard at a time, perhaps all will be clean by the end of the month.

    I had my last weigh-in Dec 31 and the news wasn’t disastrous, thankfully, so now I can concentrate on our trip to Dublin in April and do my level best to be down 10 pounds by then. This is the big one, the grand IFALPA conference where we are required to be in our best bib and tucker which means an evening gown. Instead of looking like someone’s matronly grandma which I normally do, I want to look mildly stunning!!! Hahahaha!

    New Year’s Resolutions:
    I resolve to become a healthier person, to be slimmer and in better shape for Ireland in April and for the rest of my life.

    January goals:
    - To lock the baking away once morning and get serious again about losing, not just maintaining.
    - Buy some weights and get started on some serious arm exercises as the soup cans were a wash-out.
    - To menu plan a little better so I am not scrambling at the last minute trying to build a healthy meal.
    - To drink my water every day. (Why is it so hard when it’s cold outside??)
    - Lose 5 pounds, that’s 1.25 lbs. a week, which should be attainable!
    - To meditate every day to quiet the 'monkey brain' so I can get things done.

    Wishing the very best for each and every one of you,
    Choose happiness,
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good evening Ladies,

    Hope you all.are having a good day.

    Ours has been very a very simple hanging out with fiends.
    Able to get a workout in. Besides cleaning.. getting ready for rest of my week. Back to work more normal routine. But I am glad this is a short work week.

    I need to go finish some laundry. I will be back in a bit.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: I cannot begin to express my gratitude to all of you who have posted......old friends, friends who have been posting regularly, new friends......we can accomplish together what we cannot do alone.

    :flowerforyou: I had a busy day starting when I got up at 1:45 AM......yes, I'll be going to bed in a few minutes :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    In January I will be teaching line dance classes on Wednesday and Friday afternoons for my friend who is taking the month off......I'll also be teaching a few classes on Friday mornings.....that's in addition to the three classes a week I go to as a student.....It's not as much work as a full time job but will challenge me in walking the dogs and doing my weight training.......so if you don't hear much from me, it's because I'm busy walking and dancing and doing stuff with weights.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for December (with end of the month comments)
    • Have a strategy for each holiday food event (not many events, but good strategies)
    • Weight training three times a week (more like once or twice a week)
    • Act the way I want to feel (super)
    • Don’t expect praise or recognition (almost super)

    Resolutions for January
    *Be agreeable----say OK
    * Yoga once a week
    *Walk with hubby once a week
    *Weight training three times a week

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi my 50+ Sisters! I am new to posting and a bit apprehensive. I, too, am somewhat of an introvert and tend to keep to myself. But I thought I would try reaching out to others who share the same goals-being fit and losing weight. This year I promise myself that I will not use myself as a punching bag, get rid of the negative thoughts about myself and love me for me. Life is too short to waste it being mean to yourself. I like the goal/month concept. A lot less overwhelming than trying to achieve a bajillion goals at once and not completing any of them. My goal this month: for each week complete a minimum of 120+minutes of aerobic exercise I will treat myself to a pedicure! And I really need a pedicure. :laugh:

    Welcome to our group. I hope you will post often. I started in October and was welcomed warmly by a great bunch of people. The best thing to do is interact with everyone by reading posts and posting your own thoughts, questions, or comments. We get a lot of good Vitamin F from each other, and it helps keep us motivated.
  • CA1954
    CA1954 Posts: 4
    Happy New Year. This is going to be a happy, healthy year! :happy: 2012 was a very bumpy one, and it's time to put it behind me and move forward. I plan to add exercise to my routine and to eat healthier. My goals are going to small ones so that I reach them and stay positive, so in January I am going to walk for 20-30 minutes three times a week and ride my recumbent bike for 20-30 minutes three times a week. I am also going to work on reaching my water intake goal which i difficult for me. Lastly, I plan to keep my food log up to date daily.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Lovely lady losers!:flowerforyou:

    I just saw this posted on my face book and I thought that you all might want to think about this in a positive light:bigsmile:

    :smile: :smile: A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today! :smile: :smile:

    Keep strong; remember the reasons why you want to get healthy!:wink:

    Log your food everyday, exercise and drink your water. Come to our blog everyday and read, even if you don’t post! :drinker: :drinker:

    The best times to read the blog are when you are struggling! :sad:

    Together, we can accomplish this! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Here to a great 2013! :drinker: :drinker:

    Hugs, Linda S or Sundance :heart:

    (We are getting a lot of Linda’s- so use an initial after your Linda, so we won’t get confused!)
  • Windsong2005
    Eat healthy, get sleep. exercise more, make friends.
  • Windsong2005
    I need to walk 20-30 minutes a day too , sounds like a good idea trying for 2-3 times a week, I'll try that too. Let me know how you do.
  • gr8tweets
    Hi. I am new to MFP and this is my third attempt to find someone, anyone who might be interested in teaming up for motivation and support. I have read so many success stories and community posts that I am inspired but at the same time I am very disillusioned because since joining MFP I have found it less than supportive, Just saying!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    The sodium gremlins got me:explode: , up those 2 lbs. I struggled with getting rid of last month:noway: :sad: :angry: !!!! Even with all the water I`ve been drinking:sad: ! I just cannot have too much sodium these days:frown: .

    Barbie:smile: I hope you got some sleep, and today won`t be such an early day for you! Sounds like you`re going to be busy this month!

    LindaS:smile: I`ve seen that saying before and how true it is!!!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Come on in and start chatting!

    I`ve got a busy day today, must run and get my walk in before I jump in the shower! Have a wonderful day ladies! I`ll try to pop back in later and reply some!!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!! And if you want to snack...drink a glass of water first:drinker: !!!

  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi all. Turned 50 in June and have not had a minute to take care of my self since, Hubbys mom passed away the day before my birthday. He has been in the hosptial 3 times since September. Most recent was Nov 29th to Dec 12th Had 2 surgeries. 17 year old daughter tends to give me hell when he is not around more so than ususal. Plus I worked 14 hours OT during that time of dealing with her and running back and forth to hosptial. I pretty much survived on Dr Pepper and coffee. Stressed to the max about his health, bills, work, kids, etc. Oh and my son has been home from college in Kansas. Don't think he is going back.
    My goal for January is to stop my beloved Dr Peppers and get back to Onederland ( under 200 lbs) by the end of the month. I have decided to set mini goal. Rather than just I was lose weight. Good luck to you all. MFP is a great tool and I have met some really great people!! Time to get back to taking care of me!!
  • Sheila1181
    Sheila1181 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, I also have 30lbs to loose and this looks like the ideal place to do it, I am 55 and currently weight 180lbs.. Just joined today, so the first day of my journey, Hope in 2013 all our dreams come true.

    Happy New Year

    Sheila x :flowerforyou: