If a bear was chasing you, how far could you run?



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Re suggestion request: I could make you a whole list of preventing and dealing with bear encounters but they vary on what is most effective depending on whether you are dealing with a grizzly or a black bear. Also depends on if you have surprised a bear or if the bear has been stalking you as prey.

    Here is a link to a how to deal with a grizzly attack (the really dangerous kind): http://www.glacier-national-park-travel-guide.com/grizzly-bear-attack.html. Yes, you can and should use bear spray IF THE BEAR CHARGES YOU. They don't stalk as much as black bears from what I hear, but they do not like surprises. Many encounters will result in the bear leaving the area if they know you are coming (from hearing you) and thus will not result in a bear attack at all.

    If you are dealing with a black bear, you want the bear to know you are human. Black bear attacks are more common but less likely to cause major injury. If a bear enters your camp, make a lot of noise. If you're on a trail, talk to the bear and slowly back away from the bear (don't make eye contact). You can drop things on the ground to distract the bear (not food or your entire pack). You want the bear to know that you are not easy prey should the bear become aggressive.

    The biggest things are not to hike alone and to make a lot of noise while you are hiking like clapping, shouting, bells, etc. so you don't alarm a bear (especially a sow with cubs). Store food AWAY from your sleeping areas in bear-safe containers. It really does take a lot of research to do back country hiking and camping safely.

    Thanks for the info! Our black bears in the Southeast aren't as likely to attack as the Northwestern black bears, but in case I ever run into one, it's good to know. Unfortunately, I like hiking alone and I'm also considering moving out west where it really is dangerous to do so.

    Yet somehow I'm giggling at the mental image of me backing slowly away from a bear saying, 'nice bear, good bear...'

    The other thing that makes me laugh is a park ranger telling hikers and campers don't let the bear have your stuff, it will only encourage it to get into other people's stuff.

    Too darn bad, dude, If I come back to camp and find out a bear wants my trail bars, I am not going to try to take them back!
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    reaslistically coming from someone who lives where bears are common you shouldnt run from a bear dont make eye contact and either slowly back away from the animal without looking directly at it or lay on ground in fetal position and dont move but if i were to try and run hed pass me in seconds i DONT run period
  • MaryBeth321
    MaryBeth321 Posts: 16 Member
    As far as bears chasing you - in that case you only need to run faster and further than the guy behind you. LOL Good luck to you!
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    This made me think of the app called Zombie run.. in which the app simulates Zombies chasing you in order to motivate your run/sprint intervals(uses your GPS).. I found it in the google play store for Android.. been thinking of checking it out, think I will now.
  • To my car, If I didnt park far, and I might still not be able to make it.
  • GluttonousGirl
    GluttonousGirl Posts: 384 Member
    I'd rather hug the bear. <3
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why would a bear be chasing me?
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I hope your trainer is kidding - black bears can run 30-35mph! And you should never run, because their instinct is to give chase and you'll lose.

    Fun idea though, and a good motivator!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I don't think I could bear if this situation happened.

    Certainly, it makes you paws for thought.

    Although, when this happens, my thoughts get a little fuzzy.

    I refuse to panda to you any more.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    further than the person who posted before me.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I don't think I could bear if this situation happened.

    Certainly, it makes you paws for thought.

    Although, when this happens, my thoughts get a little fuzzy.

    I refuse to panda to you any more.

    This conversation sure turned grizzly.
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    I'll curl up in the fetal position and it will take me in as part of its family.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I don't think I could bear if this situation happened.

    Certainly, it makes you paws for thought.

    Although, when this happens, my thoughts get a little fuzzy.

    I refuse to panda to you any more.

    This conversation sure turned grizzly.

    Give me a moment to think of a pun to claw back victory.
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    I could run to the nearest big pile of rocks... break its face for it... eat me with no teeth stupid!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    There are many proven marathon training programs for first-timers, that are available on the internet. None of them have you run anywhere near the full 26.2 miles until the day of the race. Find one of these programs, and if you can stick with it, it should give you the confidence you will need on race day. Have a great race!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I don't think I could bear if this situation happened.

    Certainly, it makes you paws for thought.

    Although, when this happens, my thoughts get a little fuzzy.

    I refuse to panda to you any more.

    This conversation sure turned grizzly.

    Give me a moment to think of a pun to claw back victory.

    I don't think you're koalafied to win this.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Pretty sure I would be toast. I run with my husband who is bigger and faster than me. I know the rule on not running, so when I don't run, and he does, the bear will go after me because I am the easier target. And I know he will run because once we were snorkeling on an island in the Great Barrier Reef and came nose to snorkels with a saltwater crocodile. Guess who left me in the water with a Salty while he swam away as fast as he could? My adorable husband, that's who. Okay, so it was only about 5 feet long and was stuffed full of tropical fish and just sort of chilling and floating. But it was a Salty, and those things eat people...

    So, in short, I'd be a goner.
  • my answer to this topic is faster than the person in front of me!:tongue:
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    I can't run so I'd just give him "The Look" and he would drop where he stood.

    Bear and chips for tea!
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    Depends, do I have a gun... how about ammo for said gun? Yes to both, not running.... No to both, I am dead...