Tired of all the "real dieters"



  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    People are commenting on the fact that 1200 isn't enough... That's the amount that MFP set mine at. I do have a lot of weight to lose... 86lbs. I have been staying within the 1200 and haven't been hungry. Eating healthy foods, cooking, weighing every thing and the biggest change has been portion control.. Wow, It has been a wake up call on some of the foods I had been eating. I have also started a bit of walking...has been a problem since I have very bad knees, but I am taking it slow and going a little further each time. I would like some input on the 1200...

    1200 is what mfp has me set at, as well...and it seems to be working when I don't have the health issues of the past week and half.... my life is sedentary, and I eat my exercise calories when I've made time to exercise.

    Oh it will work. You will lose a considerable amount of lean mass (which is what burns most of the calories you consume and far outweighs and takes up less space than the fat you will NOT be losing) thus slowing your metabolism. So when you go back to eating like a normal human being (because NO ONE can exist on a starvation diet forever when food is readily accessible) you will gain all of the weight back and more.

    This isn't magic. It is basic human biology.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    i have a hard time reaching my 1200 calorie goal. i eat meat, and veggies. no grains or sugar. even when i don't work out, eating until i'm satisfied (not full or even stuffed), my foods keep me fuller longer. the other day someone suggested that i eat back the calories i burn working out. well um, tried that advice, screw that, i've gained 5 lbs doing that (and haven't strayed from what i was doing), and have literally STUFFED myself to the point it's painful to JUST reach 1200 calories. how is this a GOOD thing? stuffing myself just to reach calories? i'm 4'11 and i have a very small frame, i don't know if that has anything to do with it. i've never had any type of eating disorder or anything like that. but yeah, 1200 calorie days i feel so stuffed i can't move. how is that good for me?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    i have a hard time reaching my 1200 calorie goal. i eat meat, and veggies. no grains or sugar. even when i don't work out, eating until i'm satisfied (not full or even stuffed), my foods keep me fuller longer. the other day someone suggested that i eat back the calories i burn working out. well um, tried that advice, screw that, i've gained 5 lbs doing that (and haven't strayed from what i was doing), and have literally STUFFED myself to the point it's painful to JUST reach 1200 calories. how is this a GOOD thing? stuffing myself just to reach calories? i'm 4'11 and i have a very small frame, i don't know if that has anything to do with it. i've never had any type of eating disorder or anything like that. but yeah, 1200 calorie days i feel so stuffed i can't move. how is that good for me?

    well then I can undoubtedly say that you're most likely not getting enough fat in your diet. Even 400 calories worth of fat, 33% of your daily intake, would only leave you with 800 calories of FOOD. That's equivalent to 8oz lean protein (240 calories), 1 serving oatmeal (150), 6 servings veggies (180) and 2 pieces of fruit (~200ish). Are you telling me that oatmeal and fruit, veggies and chicken, and veggies and chicken (3 meals total) would make you STUFFED if you were cooking these things with olive oil and/or dressing your salad with olive oil and topping it with a healthy fat like nuts or avocado? That's no snacks, all "healthy" foods, and aiming for a balanced diet. I dont think that MOST people would be stuffed on this amount. I'm your height by the way.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    well then I can undoubtedly say that you're most likely not getting enough fat in your diet. Even 400 calories worth of fat, 33% of your daily intake, would only leave you with 800 calories of FOOD. That's equivalent to 8oz lean protein (240 calories), 1 serving oatmeal (150), 6 servings veggies (180) and 2 pieces of fruit (~200ish). Are you telling me that oatmeal and fruit, veggies and chicken, and veggies and chicken (3 meals total) would make you STUFFED if you were cooking these things with olive oil and/or dressing your salad with olive oil and topping it with a healthy fat like nuts or avocado? That's no snacks, all "healthy" foods, and aiming for a balanced diet. I dont think that MOST people would be stuffed on this amount. I'm your height by the way.

    yesterdays fat total was 106. day before that 61. i cook with coconut oil. i even started taking it by the spoonful to get more calories. i don't eat oatmeal (no grains) and try limit my carbs. you can look at what i had yesterday and the day before to get at 1200 (eating back what i worked off), and i've been stuffed to the point where it hurts. like my supper last night i had 6 ounce of chicken, a cup and a half of collard greens and 1/4 cup stir fry (in coconut oil) veggies. 366 calories and i was hurting afterwards.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    also, i'm eating primal, so really all i eat is meat, veggies, and some fruit. i haven't been eating anything from a can or a box. the "worst" thing i've had was popcorn (popped in coconut oil).
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    also, i'm eating primal, so really all i eat is meat, veggies, and some fruit. i haven't been eating anything from a can or a box. the "worst" thing i've had was popcorn (popped in coconut oil).

    You'll eat popcorn but you won't eat brown rice or oatmeal? I don't understand this.

    Do you eat yams?

    Also do you judge your success based strictly on the number on the scale or do you also use other means to assess progress?

    And finally, how did you change the settings on your food diary to say "first meal" etc as opposed to the default of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'd wanted to change mine too since I can only consume relatively small meals all day long due to the fact that my stomach is one third smaller than normal.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    You'll eat popcorn but you won't eat brown rice or oatmeal? I don't understand this.

    Do you eat yams?

    Also do you judge your success based strictly on the number on the scale or do you also use other means to assess progress?

    And finally, how did you change the settings on your food diary to say "first meal" etc as opposed to the default of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'd wanted to change mine too since I can only consume relatively small meals all day long due to the fact that my stomach is one third smaller than normal.

    well, i did cut out popcorn, i just had some last night to help up my calories, but normally no i wouldn't, its part of the no grain thing (corn is a grain, same with rice). i find oatmeal to be one of the most disgusting things on the planet, yams would be the second..lol. i couldn't even choke down one bite of oat meal when i was trying up my milk supply when breastfeeding. never been much of a rice fan either.

    i judge my success partly on the scale. alot of it is how i FEEL physically. like this morning, when i woke up, i felt heavier and bloatier (if that's a word..lol). i could physically SEE my stomach was bigger than a few days ago, so i knew i'd gained before i even stepped on the scale (but definitely wasn't expecting to be up FIVE lbs). i can't fit into the pants i could tuesday, my favorite shirt was tighter on me this morning where they other day. i've felt lethargic yesterday and and today (though today could be a result of the popcorn..never again! ugh). and i haven't done anything different except meet my calorie goal.

    and i changed it from my home, under settings. :)
  • theactionfigure
    Can relate. I don't call it dieting, mine is changing my life style to include eating better (portion wise) still eat what I have always eaten just smaller, and exercising so I walk 5 days a week and take it easy on the weekends. I used to try & "Diet" but it was like you said, eating rabbit food and killing myself on exercising. I started my life style change in April 2012 and have dropped 43 pounds and feel pretty good about it.

    Exxxactly! I always say 'moderation vs. deprivation'! I don't believe you can just eat whatever you want, I do try to eat healthy no matter where I'm at, but smaller portions and staying active are definitely the key! Congratulations on the loss! 43 lbs. in 4 months is FANTASTIC!
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    also, i'm eating primal, so really all i eat is meat, veggies, and some fruit. i haven't been eating anything from a can or a box. the "worst" thing i've had was popcorn (popped in coconut oil).

    You'll eat popcorn but you won't eat brown rice or oatmeal? I don't understand this.

    Do you eat yams?

    Also do you judge your success based strictly on the number on the scale or do you also use other means to assess progress?

    And finally, how did you change the settings on your food diary to say "first meal" etc as opposed to the default of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'd wanted to change mine too since I can only consume relatively small meals all day long due to the fact that my stomach is one third smaller than normal.
    i consider my diet primal also, and despite what people think its not a diet that says you can never stray off for a cheat meal every now and then. most people stick to trying to eat about 80% of their meals on it and the other 20% not. in fact i believe robb wolf (who is one of the bigger names in paleo) eats white rice on his sushi, and mark scison eats hamburgers every now and then.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I eat between 1100 and 1400 a day, usually closer to 1200. And I'm full, I don't go hungry, I don't starve myself, I"m not withering away into nothing. I'm not a "yo yo" dieter, and I'm not feeling deprived of anything.

    I'm gluten free due to Celiac, and I have some pretty awful food intolerances and get quite sick and sore if I eat meat or fish (of any kind, I've tried them all), gluten, dairy, eggs, fast food, etc. and I'm allregic to all nuts except peanuts. Sooo....having desserts sounds great, and as soon as someone makes me a dairy, wheat, nut, egg free cupcake, and make it taste good, I'll be all over it.

    So before everyone decides to group EVERYONE that eats 1200 calories into the "they're doing it wrong group, remember that its not always as it seems. I do have a hard time hitting 1200 calories sometimes, but I make everything I eat, nothing comes out of a package except pickles and the occasional protein bar, and I can't eat fast food, chips, most candy, pizza, cupcakes etc. and I rarely drink pop. That makes it a whole lot easier to stay low calorie.

    There is no way that I would ever force myself to eat more then I am eating now just because someone wants to tell me I"m doing it "wrong". I would rather eat my 1200 calroies worth of healthy foods then 1800 worth of cupcakes, starbucks, pizza and other junk that does nothing good for me, even if I could eat those foods. If that makes me "wrong", then fine.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Well id rather eat 1600 calories of nutrient dense food and 200 calories of candy, chips, or enjoy a trip to get ice cream with my love or friends. I'd rather NOT panic or stress when I can't prepare my own food (I understand food allergies but that's not what I'm talking about). So if given the choice I see no reason to choose a high strung plan that allows no flexibility.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    Well id rather eat 1600 calories of nutrient dense food and 200 calories of candy, chips, or enjoy a trip to get ice cream with my love or friends. I'd rather NOT panic or stress when I can't prepare my own food (I understand food allergies but that's not what I'm talking about). So if given the choice I see no reason to choose a high strung plan that allows no flexibility.

    i'm not following some high strung plan that allows no flexibility. i can eat ANYTHING i want, there's nothing stopping me. i can find meat and veggies practically anywhere. i can remove buns from burgers and get a side salad if fast food was my only option. eating primal, i haven't yet had the feeling of "omg i can never have <insert item here>". i was craving some garlic bread BAD the other day. to the point i'd go on a murderous rampage to get some. my husband brought me some home, and all i could do was look at it. just seeing it and smelling it turned me off, and i haven't thought about it since. i can eat candy, chips, cookies, or ice cream, but i CHOOSE not to because i know how it's gonna affect me. in fact i did have ice cream last weekend. and boy was it delicious. but the next day, the bloating and pain i had was NOT worth the taste and pleasure of eating it. and i've NEVER had an intolerance to ice cream or gluten or anything. when i restrict myself, i automatically set myself up for failure. i'm not restricting myself at all, i'm just trying to learn to make better choices as to what goes in my body. if that makes sense..lol
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Well id rather eat 1600 calories of nutrient dense food and 200 calories of candy, chips, or enjoy a trip to get ice cream with my love or friends. I'd rather NOT panic or stress when I can't prepare my own food (I understand food allergies but that's not what I'm talking about). So if given the choice I see no reason to choose a high strung plan that allows no flexibility.

    i'm not following some high strung plan that allows no flexibility. i can eat ANYTHING i want, there's nothing stopping me. i can find meat and veggies practically anywhere. i can remove buns from burgers and get a side salad if fast food was my only option. eating primal, i haven't yet had the feeling of "omg i can never have <insert item here>". i was craving some garlic bread BAD the other day. to the point i'd go on a murderous rampage to get some. my husband brought me some home, and all i could do was look at it. just seeing it and smelling it turned me off, and i haven't thought about it since. i can eat candy, chips, cookies, or ice cream, but i CHOOSE not to because i know how it's gonna affect me. in fact i did have ice cream last weekend. and boy was it delicious. but the next day, the bloating and pain i had was NOT worth the taste and pleasure of eating it. and i've NEVER had an intolerance to ice cream or gluten or anything. when i restrict myself, i automatically set myself up for failure. i'm not restricting myself at all, i'm just trying to learn to make better choices as to what goes in my body. if that makes sense..lol

    that does make sense and I think it's great that if you really want something you'll have it. Many people are not that way and they do wind up binging, giving up, or just make themselves utterly unpleasant to be around because they "can't" find anything to eat/don't want to be in an eating situation. A lot of social events involve food and for those who forego the social event because they want to remove temptation or awkwardness I feel that the tradeoff is not worth it.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    that does make sense and I think it's great that if you really want something you'll have it. Many people are not that way and they do wind up binging, giving up, or just make themselves utterly unpleasant to be around because they "can't" find anything to eat/don't want to be in an eating situation. A lot of social events involve food and for those who forego the social event because they want to remove temptation or awkwardness I feel that the tradeoff is not worth it.

    yeah i felt awful for "cheating" with the ice cream at first, but then i thought of it this way: i CAN eat ice cream, no one said i COULDN'T, but now that i see how it affects me, do i really WANT to keep eating it? so i decided to take it as a lesson learned. just because i CAN have anything, doesn't mean i SHOULD eat anything. so next time i want something sweet, i'll opt for some berries. i know i'll never be 100% perfect, and it's always going to be a learning process with everything i stick in my mouth. like today. it was crappy. is a drinking a bottle of wine the best decision? no, but i'm doing it anyway! but luckily for me alcohol doesn't give me the feeling ice cream and bread does. :P
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member

    You'll eat popcorn but you won't eat brown rice or oatmeal? I don't understand this.

    Do you eat yams?

    Also do you judge your success based strictly on the number on the scale or do you also use other means to assess progress?

    And finally, how did you change the settings on your food diary to say "first meal" etc as opposed to the default of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'd wanted to change mine too since I can only consume relatively small meals all day long due to the fact that my stomach is one third smaller than normal.

    well, i did cut out popcorn, i just had some last night to help up my calories, but normally no i wouldn't, its part of the no grain thing (corn is a grain, same with rice). i find oatmeal to be one of the most disgusting things on the planet, yams would be the second..lol. i couldn't even choke down one bite of oat meal when i was trying up my milk supply when breastfeeding. never been much of a rice fan either.

    i judge my success partly on the scale. alot of it is how i FEEL physically. like this morning, when i woke up, i felt heavier and bloatier (if that's a word..lol). i could physically SEE my stomach was bigger than a few days ago, so i knew i'd gained before i even stepped on the scale (but definitely wasn't expecting to be up FIVE lbs). i can't fit into the pants i could tuesday, my favorite shirt was tighter on me this morning where they other day. i've felt lethargic yesterday and and today (though today could be a result of the popcorn..never again! ugh). and i haven't done anything different except meet my calorie goal.

    and i changed it from my home, under settings. :)

    OK I don't believe in ANY diet. I believe in sound meal plans. I also believe in allowing cheat days (about every 7 days or so and I really don't care how anyone wants to label them, it means that you indulge in eat/drink that you don't normally do) so as to stave off feeling deprived and to boost your metabolism. I don't follow any gurus. I don't care for any of them because bottom line is they are trying to sell you something. I've been fat. I've been skinny fat. I've had to deal with eating disorders, body image issues blah, blah, blah and I've been in literally PERFECT physical condition and also an extremely unhealthy 10% bf, skinned tanned, at death's door but dammit, I got a trophy. LOLOL

    I understand your frustration. And I also understand perceiving certain foods as being less than palatable. For a few years in my misguided 20's I decided that meat was so disgusting that I would get dry-heaves at the thought of the animals' feet rolling around in the dirt and chickens eating their own poop. Guess what? When I got tired of skinny-fat, yo-yo dieting I got over that.

    All I am saying is that whatever it is, it clearly isn't working for you by your own admission. In order to make better food choices you have to first understand the basics of metabolism; how your body breaks down and absorbs different foods and how combining macro nutrients will slow the absorption of all. Stable blood sugar is the goal. This will stave off the highs and lows that are associated with improper eating as well as the carb-dumb state that accompanies Atkins-type diets.

    As for the scale being the primary source of gauging success, it is one indicator but it is NOT the most important or even the most accurate and it will often screw a person up. A tape measure and photos, and strength gains during activity are the best indicators of progress. The scale is the LAST one.

    You gotta do what works for you. Just tryna help you out. :heart:
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    You'll eat popcorn but you won't eat brown rice or oatmeal? I don't understand this.

    Do you eat yams?

    Also do you judge your success based strictly on the number on the scale or do you also use other means to assess progress?

    And finally, how did you change the settings on your food diary to say "first meal" etc as opposed to the default of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'd wanted to change mine too since I can only consume relatively small meals all day long due to the fact that my stomach is one third smaller than normal.

    well, i did cut out popcorn, i just had some last night to help up my calories, but normally no i wouldn't, its part of the no grain thing (corn is a grain, same with rice). i find oatmeal to be one of the most disgusting things on the planet, yams would be the second..lol. i couldn't even choke down one bite of oat meal when i was trying up my milk supply when breastfeeding. never been much of a rice fan either.

    i judge my success partly on the scale. alot of it is how i FEEL physically. like this morning, when i woke up, i felt heavier and bloatier (if that's a word..lol). i could physically SEE my stomach was bigger than a few days ago, so i knew i'd gained before i even stepped on the scale (but definitely wasn't expecting to be up FIVE lbs). i can't fit into the pants i could tuesday, my favorite shirt was tighter on me this morning where they other day. i've felt lethargic yesterday and and today (though today could be a result of the popcorn..never again! ugh). and i haven't done anything different except meet my calorie goal.

    and i changed it from my home, under settings. :)

    OK I don't believe in ANY diet. I believe in sound meal plans. I also believe in allowing cheat days (about every 7 days or so and I really don't care how anyone wants to label them, it means that you indulge in eat/drink that you don't normally do) so as to stave off feeling deprived and to boost your metabolism. I don't follow any gurus. I don't care for any of them because bottom line is they are trying to sell you something. I've been fat. I've been skinny fat. I've had to deal with eating disorders, body image issues blah, blah, blah and I've been in literally PERFECT physical condition and also an extremely unhealthy 10% bf, skinned tanned, at death's door but dammit, I got a trophy. LOLOL

    I understand your frustration. And I also understand perceiving certain foods as being less than palatable. For a few years in my misguided 20's I decided that meat was so disgusting that I would get dry-heaves at the thought of the animals' feet rolling around in the dirt and chickens eating their own poop. Guess what? When I got tired of skinny-fat, yo-yo dieting I got over that.

    All I am saying is that whatever it is, it clearly isn't working for you by your own admission. In order to make better food choices you have to first understand the basics of metabolism; how your body breaks down and absorbs different foods and how combining macro nutrients will slow the absorption of all. Stable blood sugar is the goal. This will stave off the highs and lows that are associated with improper eating as well as the carb-dumb state that accompanies Atkins-type diets.

    As for the scale being the primary source of gauging success, it is one indicator but it is NOT the most important or even the most accurate and it will often screw a person up. A tape measure and photos, and strength gains during activity are the best indicators of progress. The scale is the LAST one.

    You gotta do what works for you. Just tryna help you out. :heart:

    yeah i'm not relying on scales alone. i've taken pics (in my profile), my husband says he can see a HUGE difference. all i can see is "i still freakin look pregnant!". so maybe i look like i'm 4 months instead of 6 months (my sister in laws words). i WANT to SEE this change others see. i feel better, i have tons more energy, but not when stuffing myself to reach 1200 calories. i'm still new to all this, so i don't understand all the macros and bmr or bmp or bmt or tdee or iifym or abcdxyz's or all of this stuff. lol i just know eating meats, veggies, and a little fruit has made me feel super great, and lose weight. when i get to where i want to be, i'll up whatever i need to maintain that.

    i actually started walking. i walk to the bus stop twice a day (.8 mi total), then probably a mile or more after supper. my clothes were falling off. then when i started meeting my calorie goal (1200) the weight increased, and once again, i can't button my jeans. i think 1200 is a decent goal for me but not always something i can or need to reach.
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member

    You'll eat popcorn but you won't eat brown rice or oatmeal? I don't understand this.

    Do you eat yams?

    Also do you judge your success based strictly on the number on the scale or do you also use other means to assess progress?

    And finally, how did you change the settings on your food diary to say "first meal" etc as opposed to the default of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'd wanted to change mine too since I can only consume relatively small meals all day long due to the fact that my stomach is one third smaller than normal.

    well, i did cut out popcorn, i just had some last night to help up my calories, but normally no i wouldn't, its part of the no grain thing (corn is a grain, same with rice). i find oatmeal to be one of the most disgusting things on the planet, yams would be the second..lol. i couldn't even choke down one bite of oat meal when i was trying up my milk supply when breastfeeding. never been much of a rice fan either.

    i judge my success partly on the scale. alot of it is how i FEEL physically. like this morning, when i woke up, i felt heavier and bloatier (if that's a word..lol). i could physically SEE my stomach was bigger than a few days ago, so i knew i'd gained before i even stepped on the scale (but definitely wasn't expecting to be up FIVE lbs). i can't fit into the pants i could tuesday, my favorite shirt was tighter on me this morning where they other day. i've felt lethargic yesterday and and today (though today could be a result of the popcorn..never again! ugh). and i haven't done anything different except meet my calorie goal.

    and i changed it from my home, under settings. :)

    OK I don't believe in ANY diet. I believe in sound meal plans. I also believe in allowing cheat days (about every 7 days or so and I really don't care how anyone wants to label them, it means that you indulge in eat/drink that you don't normally do) so as to stave off feeling deprived and to boost your metabolism. I don't follow any gurus. I don't care for any of them because bottom line is they are trying to sell you something. I've been fat. I've been skinny fat. I've had to deal with eating disorders, body image issues blah, blah, blah and I've been in literally PERFECT physical condition and also an extremely unhealthy 10% bf, skinned tanned, at death's door but dammit, I got a trophy. LOLOL

    I understand your frustration. And I also understand perceiving certain foods as being less than palatable. For a few years in my misguided 20's I decided that meat was so disgusting that I would get dry-heaves at the thought of the animals' feet rolling around in the dirt and chickens eating their own poop. Guess what? When I got tired of skinny-fat, yo-yo dieting I got over that.

    All I am saying is that whatever it is, it clearly isn't working for you by your own admission. In order to make better food choices you have to first understand the basics of metabolism; how your body breaks down and absorbs different foods and how combining macro nutrients will slow the absorption of all. Stable blood sugar is the goal. This will stave off the highs and lows that are associated with improper eating as well as the carb-dumb state that accompanies Atkins-type diets.

    As for the scale being the primary source of gauging success, it is one indicator but it is NOT the most important or even the most accurate and it will often screw a person up. A tape measure and photos, and strength gains during activity are the best indicators of progress. The scale is the LAST one.

    You gotta do what works for you. Just tryna help you out. :heart:

    yeah i'm not relying on scales alone. i've taken pics (in my profile), my husband says he can see a HUGE difference. all i can see is "i still freakin look pregnant!". so maybe i look like i'm 4 months instead of 6 months (my sister in laws words). i WANT to SEE this change others see. i feel better, i have tons more energy, but not when stuffing myself to reach 1200 calories. i'm still new to all this, so i don't understand all the macros and bmr or bmp or bmt or tdee or iifym or abcdxyz's or all of this stuff. lol i just know eating meats, veggies, and a little fruit has made me feel super great, and lose weight. when i get to where i want to be, i'll up whatever i need to maintain that.

    i actually started walking. i walk to the bus stop twice a day (.8 mi total), then probably a mile or more after supper. my clothes were falling off. then when i started meeting my calorie goal (1200) the weight increased, and once again, i can't button my jeans. i think 1200 is a decent goal for me but not always something i can or need to reach.

    I understand how frustrating it is to wait for that baby-weight to come off. (Did it 4 times myself.) But it's so much more than just excess weight. Your entire bod has gone through a tremendous change both while carrying the baby and then again, after giving birth. IMHO women push themselves too hard to get back to pre-pregnancy shape. It's great to have goals. But you also have to bear in mind that it took 9 months for your body to get to where you were "done" being pregnant. So I don't think that taking 9 months to get back into shape (maybe even better than before baby!) is being slow or not working. IT IS HARD WORK!!

    It took me 7 months to get back to where I was before I got pregnant with my first and truth be told I was hooked and sure enough, shortly there after I got into even better shape ...until I got pregnant again. LOL

    I won't preach to you. Just bear in mind there is a MOUNTAIN of misinformation out there from people who want to A - sell you something and B - those who are euphoric about the fact that they lost gobs of weight in an unhealthy manner because all they cared about was losing weight. Granted if one is morbidly obese 300 pounds is better than 400 pounds. But I should think that taking that dangerous weight off in an intelligent SAFE fashion would be the goal. Our society "loves to hate fat people". It's sad... http://voices.yahoo.com/why-we-love-hate-fat-people-so-much-6305518.html

    Please don't get sucked into any radical diets because they may give you a short term fix (as so many ketogenic type diets do). It never works for more than a short period of time. I used to be a competitive bodybuilder and we DID diet that way to get down to dangerously low levels of fb%. When I think about my last show it hit me hard = I was risking my life for the chance to MAYBE earn a trophy. When I cramped up severely standing on stage, flexed, trying to smile while the moronic MC prattled on about superfluous BS all I could think was, "WTF is wrong with me? Do I have rocks in my head?" I got my trophy and limped off stage, then collapsed. Everyone started shouting, "Give her water!!" ...after I recovered all I could think was, "What if it wasn't my entire glute/hamstring that twisted up like that? What if it was MY HEART?"

    Just try and think about the long run. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    It took me a lonnnnnng time to realize that a permanent change to a healthy lifestyle was the answer to lifelong change. What may seem obvious to some may just not click for others, even if someone were to tell them the proper way to do things it may not work.

    To add to that, this is really the first generation where people are being taught to live a healthy lifestyle. Way back in the 70's we had Mayo Clinic diets, grapefruit diets and cabbage soup diets.... we were told THAT was how to lose weight and live better. Even today you see the SlimFast shakes as meal replacements. Hell, it tells you right on the can that it's the way to get slim fast.

    I guess I'm much more tolerant of people because I can relate. Simply living a healthy lifestyle didn't seem to be enough IMO. In order to lose weight I had to eat only celery and drink water and Jazercise 5X a week. I didn't even try many times because I knew I couldn't do it and then when I did try I failed.

    At 40 I've finally grasped that I can eat great food, not starve and even have some of my favorite treats. I went to a big party this weekend and had a 3/4 pound Wagyu burger with bacon, egg and cheese and drank a boatload of beer. But the great thing is I know I can do that now, as long as it's very seldom. The other 95% of the time I watch my calories and make sure to work out.

    So give those folks you see a break, it may just not have clicked with them yet.

    Love this!!!! COMPASSION!!!!

    Everybody is at different points in their lives. I don't think life has to be an US against THEM thing. By posting inspiring, motivating, positive things--the "dieter" you hate may be curious as to why you are so happy eating the way you do.
    I am a healthy eater now--one who eats a lot and doesn't count calories because I can get in the mind set of trying to diet. And no--dieting has NEVER worked for me. And when I was restricting or doing some stupid *kitten* diet--trust me I wasn't feeling a lot of self love. So I don't think spending alot of time throwing negative attention at "them" helps them or the people doing it. If you love what you are doing --Shout it From the Rooftops!!! and have compassion for the rest of the world. You can be our inspiration!!:)
  • Sweet_Pea0107
    Bumping to finish reading later:)
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member