What delicious goodies have YOU avoided today?!



  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    i bought a 'tear and share' cream cake for the girls at work and had none!! :)
  • trvtrekker
    trvtrekker Posts: 18 Member
    Ice cream at cold stone and instead went for one of their low calorie shakes!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Almost got a smoothie at Panera today - the woman on the intercom didn't hear that part of the order though, so I just said not to worry about it... I took that as the universe telling me to stop shoving crap down my gullet. :tongue:
  • tdcibilly
    tdcibilly Posts: 78
    my wife has got 2 cream cakes in the box i wil not go near it....
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    i work at starbucks so every day i escape without eating a pastry or drinking something sugary is a win for me LOL. especially today since I opened and had to set up the case. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA how delicious bagels and scones smell at 430am!? ugh. lol i could have died

    I TOTALLY FEEL YOU!! hahaha I work at tim hortons which is similar and everything always smells so delicous and the old me would eat it, but not anymore! ;]
  • I wasn't tempted by any particular treat today (aside from eating lunch in a restaurant and making a firm decision to order a salad instead of the fettuccini), but I do usually keep track of the treats I successfully avoid in my hand-written health journal.

    That way, if I haven't lost anything on the scale at the end of the week I can still read the journal and know that on Tuesday I totally avoided the chocolate-chip banana bread , and on Thursday I ran the other way when I saw my co-worker's birthday cake in the staff room. So, in a way, I "lost" the weight of those treats by never gaining it in the first place.

    Er, does that make sense? :)

    Lol! That's a good idea!! And makes lots of sense :smile: I might start doing that!
  • BUMP :)
    I'm back, after months of slacking! Long story, but I DID quit smoking a week ago today, and am confident that I will stick with that healthy life choice for good! Now, I feel like I need to be careful because I've already been terrible about eating and excercising for months and lately I've had the urge to snack a LOT more. So today's my first day back in months. I resisted chocolate chip cookies that a coworker made and brought in today! How bout you?!
  • I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings and I really wanted a Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich, fries with cheese, and a ton of Ranch. Instead, I got Grilled chicken tenders, a side of sauce, and had a small fry with no cheese. It was still good, but not as good :) I also have wanted to raid my cupboard full of Christmas goodies - but I've resisted.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Avoided nothing... I didn't get near temptation to have to fight it :)
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    the cookies and chocolates and popcorn that's STILL at my office
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    So far so good, but I won't know until I go grocery shopping after work and they are putting the warm bread out so you can smell it across the store....*kitten*....
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    chocolate at work
  • PinUpGirl73
    PinUpGirl73 Posts: 4 Member
    Someone brought in several full cheesecakes in to work today. You know the kind that are from the store, already sliced, and each slice is a different kind? I SO love cheesecake, but I resisted, and didn't have one single morsel! :smile:
  • Good job!! :) I only brought a banana to work today... hopefully I don't stuff my face later.
  • GGeileen1
    GGeileen1 Posts: 13 Member
    I got hungry in between meals at work and really wanted some soup but I couldn't find any in the vending machines. In the past I would have settled for a different item out of the machine, but today I decided to not get anything since what I really wanted wasn't there. I waited until it was meal time and ate what I prepared which is tons healthier than anything in the machines! Crisis, averted. :P
  • GGeileen1
    GGeileen1 Posts: 13 Member
    Complete side note, but I love how most of the temptation comes from people's workplaces! People are constantly talking about "getting fat" and worried about gaining weight yet they bring sugary crap in almost daily. It drives me nuts.
  • KirstenNB
    KirstenNB Posts: 6 Member
    I walked by the four squares of dark chocolate sitting on the counter dozens of times today. Finally I mentioned to hubby that he should just eat it.
    There is no "just one" for me. One square usually leads to a major binge.
  • AngelaAwesome97
    AngelaAwesome97 Posts: 216 Member
    None :o i ate everything. :cry:
  • XxAngry_Pixi
    XxAngry_Pixi Posts: 236 Member
    hot salty buttery popcorn!!!! mmmmm
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Cupcakes.. it was someone's birthday at work :(