


  • dadeys1
    dadeys1 Posts: 40 Member
    I think I would have replied, "...or maybe 2 people on their way to feed a Boyscout troop or church youth group. #nodouchebags".
    ...and then DELETE them.
  • bamadwl
    bamadwl Posts: 111 Member
    So, let me see if I've got this straight - people still use facebook?

    ^^^ This totally. I kicked that nasty habit several years ago. :laugh:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    most people are critical of others. you can't tell me that you've never heard someone point to a thin or fit person and say "they need to eat a cheeseburger." I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's all over the place. You can either be the person who "doesn't want to start anything" or the voice of change.
  • vicrandom
    vicrandom Posts: 80 Member
    "I pose this question: why is it more acceptable to criticize people who smoke but not people who overeat? "

    ...It's not.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    What about, why are you starting this thread to complain about this in an environment where you're assuming people will agree with you? What good does that do?

    Better to start the discussion somewhere that people actually need to think about it.

  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    I pose this question: why is it more acceptable to criticize people who smoke but not people who overeat?

    It shouldn't be acceptable to criticize anyone, if I told my mom I don't want her smoking in my house, and when i go to her house she says something like "I don't want you to eat unhealthy food in my house" it should be acceptable.

    But to make fun of? No. never okay. People smoke, it's their choice, not mine. People drink again their choice not mine. But once it starts to affect my well being it becomes a problem. but two bigger guys buying pizza's and walking down the street? Not my problem, not my place to make fun of them or judge them.

    There is a difference between making fun of and criticizing.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    most people are critical of others. you can't tell me that you've never heard someone point to a thin or fit person and say "they need to eat a cheeseburger." I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's all over the place. You can either be the person who "doesn't want to start anything" or the voice of change.

    I'm generally the voice of change as I don't want to see others get put down for any reason.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Made me wonder, what would the response have been if the post had been of two men kissing? Two nudists on the beach? An inter-racial couple? Two muslims? Two goths? (Just using these as examples!)
    This is a ludicrous analogy for many reasons. One that jumped out at me is that most of the people who are gay, nudist, interracially yoked, muslim, or goth don't want to change that. I've heard there are whole web communities that people join because they would rather be fit than fat.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ignore the grumpy critics. The haters are showing you their own vice. Fat you can lose, personality is forever.

    Why is it when someone has an opposing view on the situation that they are automatically mean, bitter or grumpy and labeled haters???

    I never understand this..lol.
  • mdh185
    mdh185 Posts: 49 Member
  • klp63
    klp63 Posts: 25 Member
    ugh!! people think that we can be treated like **** because of our weights, yet they don't understand that we are people. i have been moo'd at. i've been to a gym where i got a big talk about losing weight after being weighed-a place where i went to uh actually lose weight!! i deserve respect as much as the next person. i know i'm fat. i've been in my body longer than you have known me and i have been judging myself longer and harsher than you. unfriend the pig. some people just don't understand so they think they can say whatever they want and it doesn't hurt them. but it does hurt us.
    That's what i think and sorry if someone has got anything to say about it.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    Wasn't Mussolini a Fatist?

    He certainly was. I believe he went by the moniker il Dolce.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Rant post: Today a Facebook friend posted a photo he took on his iPhone. The photo was of a larger couple carrying four pizzas down the street. The caption? "Whales left the ocean last night in search of 4 large pizzas. 2 each. No. You don't need that much. Go away fatties #nofatpeople"

    This post got several likes and 'haha's. Not one person said anything in defence of this couple. I purposely didn't comment as I didn't want to start a big argument!
    I mean, maybe these guys had bought pizzas to feed homeless people in the area! Or even just to feed their family - who are we to judge?

    Made me wonder, what would the response have been if the post had been of two men kissing? Two nudists on the beach? An inter-racial couple? Two muslims? Two goths? (Just using these as examples!)

    Why it is more acceptable in society to make fun of 'fatties' than other people that live a different lifestyle to you?

    As someone trying hard to lose weight, and knowing that I have a way to go it breaks my heart to see these kinds of posts, and to hear so many fat jokes/taunts on TV and in conversation. It makes me want to give up. Some people will find faults in others, not matter what.

    Don't click on these links then



    While I appreciate the point that's trying to be made here, NOT ALL OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE ARE CREATED THE SAME. Not everyone's metabolism is the same. Not everyone grew up being able to afford healthy food choices. The $1 McDonald's menu is much more affordable/satiating than $1 of vegetables for a lot of people in this country. There are undiagnosed thyroid issues and people with metabolisms that are slower than you can imagine (my BMR is 750 cal/day for example, which I paid a nutritionist to find out... how many people can afford this?). What about food allergies/Celiac's that haven't been discovered? If you can't afford veggies, chances are, you can't afford health insurance either, so none of these issues will ever be diagnosed.

    Don't get me wrong, it has taken me 24 out of 28 of my years to figure out what my problem was with losing weight, but to judge the entire populous of overweight/obese people with that type of ridiculous blanket is ridiculous. It would be more helpful if we attempted to help each other through education than poke fun.

    And just for reference, at my highest weight, I weighed 383lbs. I now weigh 168 and my goal is 150, which is still 10lbs overweight for my height (but 10lbs below the top of a healthy BMI). I am borderline allergic to gluten and dairy (which I had to figure out on my own), have a bad case of hypothyroidism (which I have paid to have figured out and am now on expensive thyroid meds), have worked out my whole life (even at 383lbs, I hit the elliptical every day for an hour AND did weight training), and have a slow metabolism (which also cost me $ to figure out).

    Take the energy you'd use at poking fun of someone and reform the healthcare system OR be a lobbyist against corn & diary subsidies.

    Don't judge until you know the whole story.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I pose this question: why is it more acceptable to criticize people who smoke but not people who overeat?

    Because people can die from second hand smoke. I never heard of anyone dying because I was fat.

    Edited to correct spelling.

    Well, technically, one could say that the inflated health care costs due to obesity could cause someone to die due to them not being able to afford insurance.


    I'm in Canada. So it's a different perspective up here....we dont worry about not being able to afford insurance.

    You haven't tried for life insurance have you....

    I worked in the insurance industry here in Canada until June of this year and I can tell you that obesity is the number one reason for people not obtaining life insurance or having it heavily rated (meaning it will cost you a LOT more)....

    And it's getting to the point where you need to take out a life insurance policy in order to get common things like a mortgage, a line of credit (of substantial means), to own a business etc...

    so if you think obesity doesn't affect our bottom line here fiscally? it TOTALLY does....the prices and costs are just submerged so you don't "see" them.
  • brandi_i
    brandi_i Posts: 5 Member
    It is so sad that ppl can make fun of other's so easily and is accepted so easily as well. Everyone has a weakness an yet...the weight one is just obvious to the human eye. Makes me just sad to know that 9 out of 10 ppl are being critical of me as they see me for being over weight, what if everyone's weaknesses were so obvious and we judged everyone? It would be one hateful place, more than what it already is. The fact that u recognize this as wrong, shows u have more heart and brains than the ones who posted it on Facebook.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Perhaps, but both are societal health concerns. Both cause my health care premiums to go up.
    That sounds like a great argument for charging obese people and smokers more for insurance. It's not a convincing argument (to me) to force the obese or smokers to change their behavior.

    As an obese man, I should absolutely not be paying the same rates for insurance as a person with a healthy weight - though please do better than the BMI for defining a healthy weight.

    Shaming and ridicule are not cool, & I don't put up with it.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    most people are critical of others. you can't tell me that you've never heard someone point to a thin or fit person and say "they need to eat a cheeseburger." I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's all over the place. You can either be the person who "doesn't want to start anything" or the voice of change.

    I'm generally the voice of change as I don't want to see others get put down for any reason.

    That's one of the things that I respect most about you, Bry. You are unwavering in this. IMHO it would have been more productive of the OP to also be the voice of change. Silence is a form of consent, but if you open your mouth and simply say "that was an unfair and callous assessment, there's no way for you to know where those pizza's will end up (at boy scouts, at a youth shelter, at an adult shelter, to the homeless in the stree, to a football party with friends and family)." When one person speaks it encourages others to speak and sometimes it encourages others to think . . . but it requires the finess of delivery . . . simply saying "you're such an *kitten*, I can't believe you would say that" will do nothing for either of you.
  • vicrandom
    vicrandom Posts: 80 Member
    Oh man, there are some d-bag remarks on this thread. Right now we live in a world where corn production is subsidized - this HFCS in EVERYTHING. Watch a movie, watch some television, do a little content analysis: what do you see people EATING on television? I'm leaving aside fast food ads, here - I'm talking about the actual content of the show. What are they eating? Here in Canada, the government has an initiative called ParticipAction to promote activity. ParticipAction is sponsored by Coca Cola. "Fat is a choice" -- sure. If you have generous amounts of time and money, it is relatively easy to choose healthy items - but everything around you is meant to push you the other way. Cigarettes are not acceptable anymore on television or movies - pizza does not have that honor, and Coke definitely doesn't. Obviously The media world and the supermarket are heavily slanted towards unhealthy choices. Sugar creates addictive chemical patterns in the brain, and that $@( is in everything. Let's not even get started on wheat.

    I believe in the power of personal choice, or I wouldn't be back here, trying to make a change. I have the luxury of a little bit of money and a little bit of time - I can afford to buy especially healthy foods, and many nights, I have enough time to prepare them (although honestly, that means not a lot of time for other things I like to do). I try to surround myself with people who understand my point of view: I'm not lazy or stupid, but 1) fat shaming as a child caused a depression/binging cycle that lasted for a really long time 2) fat shaming as an adult sometimes triggers similar feelings and behaviors, although the binging isn't nearly as bad 3) I have other priorities in life: the mental energy to devote to making good choices, planning good meals, finding the motivation - I sometimes use it for other stuff.

    Anyway, personal opinion, personal experience: Insulting someone never motivated them to do something good for themselves. Posting your hurtful opinion on a site where a boatload of people are trying to lose a ton of unneeded fat is not classy.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    No amount of social stigma or hatred will keep me from my delicious, delicious pizza. *carts off a Radio Flyer wagon full of pizza*
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Rant post: Today a Facebook friend posted a photo he took on his iPhone. The photo was of a larger couple carrying four pizzas down the street. The caption? "Whales left the ocean last night in search of 4 large pizzas. 2 each. No. You don't need that much. Go away fatties #nofatpeople"

    This post got several likes and 'haha's. Not one person said anything in defence of this couple. I purposely didn't comment as I didn't want to start a big argument!
    I mean, maybe these guys had bought pizzas to feed homeless people in the area! Or even just to feed their family - who are we to judge?

    Made me wonder, what would the response have been if the post had been of two men kissing? Two nudists on the beach? An inter-racial couple? Two muslims? Two goths? (Just using these as examples!)

    Why it is more acceptable in society to make fun of 'fatties' than other people that live a different lifestyle to you?

    As someone trying hard to lose weight, and knowing that I have a way to go it breaks my heart to see these kinds of posts, and to hear so many fat jokes/taunts on TV and in conversation. It makes me want to give up. Some people will find faults in others, not matter what.

    Don't click on these links then



    While I appreciate the point that's trying to be made here, NOT ALL OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE ARE CREATED THE SAME. Not everyone's metabolism is the same. Not everyone grew up being able to afford healthy food choices. The $1 McDonald's menu is much more affordable/satiating than $1 of vegetables for a lot of people in this country. There are undiagnosed thyroid issues and people with metabolisms that are slower than you can imagine (my BMR is 750 cal/day for example, which I paid a nutritionist to find out... how many people can afford this?). What about food allergies/Celiac's that haven't been discovered? If you can't afford veggies, chances are, you can't afford health insurance either, so none of these issues will ever be diagnosed.

    None of that matters, obesity is caused by a chronic energy surplus regardless of it's healthy or unhealthy foods. So yes all overweight people are created by a chronic over consumption of calories in relation to their expenditure