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  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Friday Morning!

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I'll be thinking about you! Hope you'll come up with a perfectly clean slate.

    Welcome to everyone new, I've quickly scanned the posts this morning.

    On the subject of roller-coastering and weight loss plateaus -- I've kept the stack of little note papers where I track daily weight for days like this when I need to look back and remember how far I've come. Oh my gosh I had to smile when I looked just now and saw numbers in the 190's and 180's way back when! This day one year ago I was 15 lbs heavier. This day two years ago I was 56 lbs heavier!!

    Been hanging around 160 for a few months which was my original goal. Then I changed it to 150. Now I wonder if I can get there. There's some sort of hump I need to hop over which I think is exercise. I haven't been working up a sweat much lately, even jogging a bit barely heats me up now. Slower metabolism, body needs less food than it used to, and more intense exercise. I dunno. But I'm not giving up.

    Today is Day 19 of the recent promise I've made to do daily strength work and yoga. I'm now doing 30 push ups, 40 squats, 40 crunches, and more intense yoga positions. Using 3# weights, I do 35 reps each of overhead press, upward row and triceps, plus 100 bicep curls while doing hamstring stretching, and 100 boxing punches. The routine takes 35 minutes. I'm starting to feel stronger and ready to increase weights to 5#.

    Wishing everyone a great day! Drink your water, please. If you want to be lean, eat your greens! Which reminds me, I need to make a trip to the grocery store. Sure do miss the armloads of greens from my garden!

    :smile: jb from Portland, OR.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Okay, the parties are over, the company has just packed up and left and now it is time......
    to whip this house back into shape,
    to establish and re-establish some routine and good habits in eating and exercise,
    to take some control of the clutter and disorganization,
    to make those necessary but neglected phone calls and appointments.....

    With a little refining and defining and specifics, those could be made into some decent goals for the month ahaead! :) Time to get off the computer and off the butt!

    Glenda (in beautiful sunny - but windy- southern Alberta)
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you have all had a fab Christmas & an amazing start to 2013. Mine hasn't been so good. I came down with this year's flu virus on Christmas Eve & spent 5 days in bed. I missed my darling Grandson's 1st Christmas not that he was too bothered as he is only a month old.

    I left the house today for the 1st time since Christmas Eve & felt quite lightheaded. Been signed off work until next Thursday! A minor plus is that I've lost 10lbs but not in a way I would recommend.

    I'm off to do a lot of catch up reading & get my meal plan ready for the coming week.

    Hugs from Geri in England
  • NoDiva
    NoDiva Posts: 6
    This looks like a wonderful group! I just joined after reading about MFP in Consumer Reports. I joined for the nifty tools, but I am realizing that the online support community will be just as important.

    My goals for January are:
    Zumba or Jazzercise five days a week (finally found great workouts that are fun to do)
    Try out a new vegetable or fruit I've never had before
    Have a vegetarian meal twice a week.

    Happy 2013 to all!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Hi ladies and happy new year
    I am not new to MCP have been here for over 2 yrs and lost 109 lbs but I am new to this group. I will be 50 on feb 7 YIKES ,I look forward to getting to know you.......themommie
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi fitness buddies. I am way sicker today than yesterday, so I have an appointment with dr in the morning. I'm sure it's another sinus infec tion and will end up on that 9 medication regime again! UGH. So Sorry I am not responding to all of you to cheer you on and to welcome the newbies. Take care everyone. At least I logged breakfast and lunhc, which wasn't much. Meg
  • bt4913
    bt4913 Posts: 1
    Looking for motivation and the will to lose weight and exercise daily. I have ignored myself caring for others and I need to make this my time, 2013. :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    :flowerforyou: Karen (from Michigan) like you I am a go with the flow sort of person and also lack persistency. What a good idea for your goal - breaking it down to small manageable steps. I think if I told myself to log food for 1 month then it would be easier to carry on for another month and so on. I will log food and exercise for the whole of January. Wish me luck!!

    :flowerforyou: megblair1 get well soon :flowerforyou: you too emtjab

    :heart: Amanda .hope all goes well with your scan next week :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Wessecg good luck with your weigh in. Loved the cartoon. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin pleased you sound much brighter, who'd have though the rainbow cloak had so much power. Wear it often!

    :flowerforyou: Gerri what part of England are you from? Sorry to hear you had the flu over Christmas, this was the first Christmas in a long while that I haven't had a cold.

    :noway: :noway: Can't believe it's gone 9pm I've spent so long catching up, we are a chatty bunch! Welcome to all the newcomers :flowerforyou:

    :ohwell: Well I suppose I better move and catch up with a few chores before I go to bed, think I'll have an early night - my hormones have been going crazy lately, hot flushes every few hours and finding it hard to sleep, one minute too hot the next too cold!:grumble:

    Night Night :yawn:

    Chat again tomorrow.
    Viv - York UK
  • JLScriv50
    JLScriv50 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, My name is Judie, I am 50 years old, and am new to My Fitness Pal. I would like to meet some friends. I need to get back in shape in 2013! I am determined to do it!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    I have loved checking out people's profiles a little more and seeing the different types of exercise that you are all doing. I'm pretty impressed with a lot of you. Thanks to those of you who gave me a personal word f encouragement. It's always fun to see your name mentioned specifically. There are so many if you I feel a little overwhelmed right now, but as I keep reading I assume the names will become more familiar and I can get a little more personal.
    My hubby and I have had three perfect days under are belt. It's kind of cute to watch him figure this all out. He seems to really enjoy tracking things and working his way around the website. I'm enjoying getting those fruits and veggies in my diet on a larger scale. I eat a little something every 3 hrs so as to not get too hungry . When I do this, I immediately feel better and wonder why I don't always eat this way. Crazy! :smile: :smile:
    Tomorrow's big challenge will be to not talk myself out of my extra workout. How easy it is for me to do hat. Procrastination s my middle name, and then I tell myself it's too late and ill just do it another day
    On the fun side, I went and got a laser treatment on my face to remove the brown spots. My daughter had it done and her skin looked amazing. Looking forward to a fresher complexion to go with the thinner healthier me.
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Karen from Michigan
  • SassySailor
    SassySailor Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone: Happy New Year! I've dabbled with this site for a while but I haven't checked out the Community or Friend Section - what a great resource of motivation! I'm looking forward to getting fit! Best wishes to all, Sassy
  • Happy New Year and Happy New You!:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~Got my walking in,taking my daughter to the mall to spend her Christmas money.
    Girlfriend with kidney cancer went for cat scan and thy found nodules on her lungs that look like cancer.We`ve been friends for 30+ years and found myself eating over it last night.Any prayers are welcome .
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I was here once early early this morning.
    I'm doing one page at a time. I don't think i'll ever catch up.

    We are definantly kinder with age. But also a lot of us babyboomers.Compliments are great.

    Was hubby a beer drinker before he turned to sweets. Mine never wanted sweets but now that he doesn't have much beer sweets is the next best thing. Smiling look what I have in my arms a lot to smile about. Plus that's the morning we were leaving for Alaska.

    Step in and chat away

    I believe as far as calories go we all differ. I try and stay under 1,500 try and get at least 20 min. of some kind of exercise a day.
    Good luck with your goals.

    26,000 steps is a lot of steps you would need to walk like 10 miles a day to get that.
    I though I''d moved a lot yesterday. Did a lot of dance 2 with grandaughter and still only had 2,041.

    Don't you find 1,200 calories a little on the lo w side. We need a life time change.

    Nice of hubby to join you. Yes a taste of this and a bite of that sure addd up.
    Good luck with weight ins.

    Sorry to hear your sick. Hope it passes real quick. Lemon, ginger and all those great kitchen remedies.
    Need to get better to enjoy your wii. Them kind of parties are in days gone by for me.

    Bad when the instructor don't show up.All will be back to normal Monday the 7th.

    It is said that sweets call for more food. Maybe the 7 day diet isn't for you.
    Veg. chilli sounds yummy.

    Janie Glad physio is over. Now to make a plan for yourself.
    38 miles that's a long commute. Maybe it's time you looked into a life line for your mother.
    Kellie Dye smart sayings.

    If you don't usualy use salt it don't take much to taste when it's there.
    The pain in your heel is it as if the tendon in the back of the heel don't feel long enough.
    I've had something like that since early summer but it's getting better.

    Welcome and hope you have a year of success.

    Nice idea for a shower. Great no gain in Dec. Hope you the sinuses.

    Mary C
    Nice goal.

    Well that is page 8 and still about 3 to go. Just no time for that I will post this and travel on.

    Linda C in Northern Ontario

    Nice goal
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm going to skip 9 and 10 and just go on from here. Just hope to be able to come more than once a day.
    Went to city today for hubbies eye glasses . He bought me a nice new sewing machine it's a brother never had nothing but singers hope I figure how to use it.
    Got a lot of stuff at Zeller's going out of bussiness. Bought a set of queen size flannel sheets for $18.00 going to make pyjamas for grandkids out of them. Cheaper than buying flannel by the yard.
    Well today was a good day except for to many cheesee's is that how they are spelt. On our way home. But had very light supper.
    Should be ok.
    Need to go fix my food tracker but I still have my yogurt and strawberries to have.

    So hope you all had a great day.
    See you all tomorrow.

    Oh darn my goals for Jan. forgot.
    1-To get as far as 200 as possible never seeing it again.
    Drink my water lots of it
    Exercise more not commiting to how much just more.

    Easy doable and so far doing it.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    This is me not procrastinating!!! I got home from the VA (only 3 hours there today!) and here I am reading the rest of the posts as promised. :smile: My parents wanted to go to one of those buffet restaurants on the way home, and I couldn't talk them out of it. I hate eating there, because the food isn't very good and it's such an invitation to overeat. I had to guesstimate the calories, but think I did okay having mostly salad with vinegrette dressing and just a small bit of the other things. Pushing my 265 lb. father around in the wheel chair was my exercise for the day! (He has a hard time walking more than a few steps and falls a lot, so I always push him around the VA).

    Michele -- That's amazing that the dentist didn't charge you! I don't have a Wii, but I can just imagine how annoying it would be to have it telling you "that's overweight." :grumble: Glad it stopped that today. I hope your Achilles tendon doesn't turn out to be anything serious.

    Suebdew -- When are you going to Glacier Park? I assume in the summer! I grew up close to there, and it's gorgeous.

    Edraper -- That's terrible that your school was broken into, but I'm glad you got most of your things back.

    Positive Power -- Glad you're joining me on the "no procrastination" bandwagon! What type of sales do you do?

    Cheryl -- Thanks for the comic! I'm sorry your scale didn't cooperate this week, but I'm sure it will reverse itself again next week. Your consistent losses have been an inspiration!

    Dmendle64 -- Good job not eating last night!!! It will get easier, I promise. :flowerforyou:

    Kathyszoo -- Welcome back -- we've missed you on here.

    Robin -- I'm glad that today was a more positive one at work. I hope your boss is still gone on Monday! If not, remember your cloak.

    JB -- Wow, you've really lost a lot and now you're on Day 19 of a strength training and yoga regime.... you're truly inspiring!! :smile:

    Karen from Michigan -- What type of laser treatment did you have for the age spots? I've been considering zapping mine. I did three fractional treatments last summer before my daughter's wedding and see a little improvement in my face, but none in my neck.

    Jane from Colorado
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :yawn: holy smokes what a day...what a week! I am trying to stay on track and start making progress again...not sure it is this seeking did manage to not gain over holidays so that is good and have restarted exercise routine ...I even did weights yesterday...however ..the new office...YIKES! All of the people in the office are very helpful but their procedures have twice as many steps, we are learning a new management system and our customer policy (insurance)info isn't in the new system yet...makes it difficult to get anything done...things will settle out but the short term is frustrating. To top off the week we were all there late tonight because a client needed coverage on his 9 snowmobiles for the 9 members of his family but he didn't think about it until late afternoon...oh well got it done and it was a team effort. Ok one more thing to vent about...ds wassullosed to fly back to CA today but when he tried to check in at airport they had no info???!! Even though he had confirmation from airline??? Not sure if he didn't follow through on something or the airline screwed up...tomorrow I have to drive him to airport...we are leaving at 4am

    Ok now i am done whining ...thank you for listening!

    Hope all the cold/flu/sinus sufferers feel better soon...Amanda sending positive thoughts your way for a problem free scan

    In the words of my wise dh...better days are coming!

    Who wanted to laugh everyday? In spite of the debacle of the work day...we did find time to laugh...even if it was at the absurdities of what our clients wanted!

    Hugs and high fives!
    Jen from New York State (2hours north of NYC)
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Happy New Year! I have been on program for 3 days. My January resolution is no processed sugars nor alcohol - my addictive sugar binge feeds into each other.

    I gained back 18 pounds of the 20 pounds lost last year but interestingly enough stay minimally 2 inches smaller on all circumferences. I need to figure out how to make eating healthy a habit which remains through the last quarter of the year. I have through September 2013 to figure it out!:wink:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, I think I need some tough love. After seeing my first gain this morning since I started on August 3 I have felt down all day. So what am I doing at this exact moment???? Binging on the left over chocolate chip cookies my son made last night. I've had 3!!!! And I was at my calorie goal before I ate them. Haven't logged them yet. I am soooo upset with myself. So . . . I am going to go to Walmart and hopefully walk enough calories away to come out even tonight. What a dufus I am!!:frown:

    Trying to remember some of the saying I used to quote.

    Today on the lips, tomorrow on the hips.
    Nothing tastes as good as thin feels (that was Jenny Craig)