
  • Like the walking kitty, nice touch! Reminds all that we need to keep moving :happy:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    JaneMartin - sorry about your friend. I'll says some prayers!
    Gail / GA
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There all caught up on the reading. But just to tired to post to all.

    Thank you for the book title and I will go see at library for it tomorrow.

    I'm seeing better readings already after only a month of watching and the worst month of year at that.

    So going to bed early and hope I don't have to get up at 2 or 3 in the morning.

    So good night to all you lovely ladies. Back tomorrow.
  • Jane - Prayers for you and your friend..cancer is tough..she's fortunate to have you

    LinC - Love the Fitbit..yesterday I had 9,337 steps and so far today I'm at 10,396...if I don't have enough steps I take another walk..it's a fantastic motivator!

    Michele NC - How nice of the dentist not to charge you

    Suebdew - Feel better soon

    Wessecg - Don't beat yourself up over 3 cookies - you are already getting back on track by walking at WalMart - tomorrow is another day

    Janie - We got my dad the LifeLine so if anything happens and we're not close by he'd still get help fast

    Jen and all new friends - Glad you're here

    Megblair1 - Take care and feel better

    Denise - I used to snack alot in the evenings but started telling myself I couldn't eat after a certain time and that I would make it til morning

    Robin - So glad you had a great day at work and sound so much better.

    Welcome to everyone new posting

    For everyone feeling under the weather get well soon

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    wessecg- I react the same way when the scale goes up! Remember tomorrow is another day. Just start fresh.

    Amanda- hope all goes well. Positive thoughts, prayers and hugs headed your way.

    JaneMartin- sending prayers for your friend.

    Jen from NYS- Sorry work is so stressful. Sounds like you are handling well.

    Looking forward to two cross country skiing outings this weekend. Both are within 30 minutes of home which is great. Sometimes we spend quite a long time in the car getting to where we ski. I have too much schoolwork to do this weekend to be gone all day, but it sounds like it will be great weather for skiing and I don't want to miss it! I'll just have to be more efficient!

    I have been thinking about goals for this month. I have decided to keep them short, doable, and measurable. Food and water are doing okay, so I will concentrate on exercise goals.

    30 minutes of intervals 4 days a week
    Stretching daily
    Weight training 3 days a week

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

    Deb A from central New York
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    I too read the article about MFP being the diet plan with the most customer satisfaction, scoring better than WW and Jenny Craig. That is so cool!
    I got my fitbit online but I recently saw an ad from Bestbuy that they sold them in their stores.
    Keep coming back,
    MaryC, SE WI
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good Friday evening ladies,:flowerforyou:
    Just to check in.
    Decided to continue with the same goals as Dec, as they really worked for me.:drinker:
    Kids have 3 more days off until school starts again. I will be able to exercise at a consistent time then. Been trying to get to the gym in the afternoon and not so late at night.:bigsmile:
    I cant think of much to say now that I read all the posts and responded to some, but not all. I am thinking about everyone and wishing you success and lots of support from this blog.:drinker:
    Took our XOLO to the vet today and she has a ACL tear in her knee. She stopped jumping on the bed, and would cry when we picked her up. So, treatment now is pain pills and she has to lose weight! Lol- maybe I should make her a profile on MFP! I just made them dog biscuits last night in the shape of hearts. They are healthy a human could eat them as all the ingredients are people food. No, I did not taste them!:laugh:
    Anyway, I have been sitting here way to long, and I need to get some more water in before bedtime!:heart:
    Everyone, have a fantastic weekend!

    Jb-:flowerforyou: great dedication to your strength training and yoga. I saw my doctor today and we were talking about weight loss. He told me that when you lose weight you will have extra skin. This extra skin weighs a lot, not just one pound, but more. Do not be unrealistic with weight goals, as we cant weigh what we were when we were thin. The only way to get rid of excess skin is surgery. So, just a though that maybe you are at your goal?I am not saying this is the case for you, just thought I would share this info with you!:bigsmile:

    :Teri –:flowerforyou: hope all is back to normal routine and all that snow went away quickly!

    Jen-:flowerforyou: congrats on not gaining over the holidays! Sounds like things are working out at the new office!

    hope DH is feeling better and it is warming up outside! So sorry to hear about your friend. I HATE cancer. Praying for your friend and that a cancer cure can be found soon

    DeborahA-:flowerforyou:wow your doctors scale gives you that much information when weighing in! That’s amazing!

    Lila-:flowerforyou: great suggestion about quinoa for breakfast. It would be great with fresh fruit!

    JaneH -:flowerforyou: must feel nice to get the hair done and buy new clothes! RIP-Mr.Rat!!

    Lin-:flowerforyou: Central Iowa. Did you try the yoga video yet? Let me know how you like it.I might attempt to get on the floor and give it a try! I don’t know if I will be able to get back up though! Lol

    Liz-:flowerforyou: so glad that you like your Wii. We had one before they were popular for adults to use them for exercise! Keep up the good work and I hope your furnace is working!

    Barbie-:flowerforyou: you are going to be doing a lot of boot scooting dances this month! Great for you and the calorie burn! Yee Ha!

    Laura- :flowerforyou: cant wait to see you back on MFP posting soon. You must have had a marvelous time with all the family over the holidays and plus you had a 5lb bonus loss!

    DeeDee-:flowerforyou: oh the pink hair is gone? I bet your DGD’S thought that was really cool!

    Michele:flowerforyou: Sending Diana an email is a good way to communicate, as she can translate it to her native tongue! Hope all is ok with your heel?

    Katla-:flowerforyou: I live in Portland for awhile. I don’t know so much about the ducks, but I did work the sports arena with Portland pro basketball team. It was a fun job! Glad that MFP is helping you and your DH also!

    Amanda:flowerforyou: -how all was well with the MD check up! Take care of that back and knee too!

    LindaC-:flowerforyou: congrats on the NSV and the cheat macaroons! Way to go , love your new attitude!

    AuntieBK-:flowerforyou: thank you so much for the article! So glad to have you back posting!

    RJAdams:flowerforyou: -Hope you are feeling better. I have had many toxic bosses too! So frustrating!!Praying that you find a new position, or God gives your boss a loving heart! So, glad that rainbow cloaked worked. I am laughing all the way at your story. Good think she did go home! Shame on her!!!

    Rebel-:flowerforyou: thank you for the quote from Theodore Roosevelt! Love it!

    Colleen-:flowerforyou: love your attitude about your Dad! So much caring is missing in the world right now!

    M-:flowerforyou: such awesome news about you tiniest pants! That must feel so good! Hope you are not getting sick!

    Yardtigress:flowerforyou: -congrats on the first year of retirement!

    Viv-:flowerforyou: Christmas cake, is that a special cake or just a cake that was baked for the holidays?

    Suebdew:flowerforyou: -how do you like your Nike Fit?? Looking to buy something myself, but have not decided yet! Hope you are feeling better!

    Kate(junekaatz):flowerforyou: -I love everything you told Robin about her boss. I could have used that strategy on many bosses! Thank you for that information!

    Carojrrn-:flowerforyou: hope you are feeling better soon about DD. I still have teenagers, so I have not experienced those feeling s yet. Good luck with the work biggest loser program! WTG!

    Nancy-:flowerforyou: let us know how the new book is after you read it! Would it be a good book to buy?

    Glenda-:flowerforyou: we have missed your regular posting over the holidays. Looking forward to you being back posting soon!

    Bj-:flowerforyou: southwestern Ontario- the holidays are done, but we will still have situations like that all year long. Just remember that it is practice, not perfection. How would you compare last year 2011 holiday time to 2012 holiday time as with eating?

    LillieMaesMom -:flowerforyou: our mind likes to play mental games with us and food all the time. We have to remember that “we control the food, the food doesn’t control us!) This is what many of us are working towards!

    Cheryl-:flowerforyou: good luck with the weigh in tomorrow! Be kind to yourself if you don’t see the numbers that you want to see! Cheryl, very interesting info on your sleep cycle. Do you actually get out of bed awake or ? How can the fitbit really monitor your sleep? Just curious Cheryl, just try to remember that the scale is just a scale and it is just a number! Your weight could have been up for many reasons other than true weight gain! Be kind to yourself. I know it is hard to see a number other than what you don’t want to see, but you are so much more than a number on the scale!! Hugs

    Meg-:flowerforyou: hoping that you will be feeling better soon and all went well at the doctors!

    Janie-:flowerforyou: love the new picture! Thank you for the info from your class! Don’t get stuck on the goal, focus on walking down the path! Love it!

    Kathy- :flowerforyou: so glad to see you back on track and posting. One day at a time, one step at a time!

    Karen from Michigan:flowerforyou: - congrats on the progress you are making, little steps will be a mile then miles one day. Keep up the good work. Congrats on the laser procedure. They are not cheap and so nice to have the work done!

    Welcome to all the new ladies, sorry I could not mention all of you, but I will eventually get to know you and be making comments with you too!:flowerforyou:
    LindaS- AKA Sundanceb- Southern California:heart:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been a pretty nice day. We got all the decorations down, packed away and most of the rooms ready to clean tomorrow. It was sunny outside so DH and I walked down to the river for a few minutes. I think my cold is getting better. I also watch Dr Oz but sometimes just peruse the subject and delete if I'm not interested. If we took everything he recommends we'd gain weight from all the suppplements:ohwell:
    Got ready to work on my Wii this afternoon and nothing worked. I haven't used it since the Grandkids were here for Thanksgiving. Had to synch everything. By the time I got everything ready it was suppertime. I did do 31 minutes of exercise after dishes were done.
    Hope you ladies are staying strong in your minds and hearts. See ya tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: When I started weight training I read two good books that helped me…..”Strong Women Stay Young” and “The New Rules of Lifting for Women”……as the result of reading these books I got some hand weights and ankle weights and created an at home training session for myself…..I use the heaviest weights I can with fewer repetitions and have a day’s rest in between to allow the muscles some recovery time. I learned to plan my routine well so I can do it in under an hour. Because I’m home I can watch TV with Jake so I am entertained and don’t feel that I’m abandoning my husband to work out (I already leave him for hours of dog walking and line dancing).

    :flowerforyou: On the subject of calories, I found that it’s important to make the calories as nutritious as possible. If you consume only 1200 calories a day and 40% of those calories come from wine, butter, salad dressing, and cookies, then you really aren’t giving your body sufficient nutrition. With all the exercise I do, I want to be very careful to keep my body well fueled.

    :flowerforyou: I taught two line dance classes today and it was awesome and exciting. My word for 2013 is “stretch” and teaching line dance is about stretching my skills to new levels.

    :flowerforyou: I’m going to an all day meeting tomorrow that requires leaving the house at 6:30 so it will be a challenge to walk the dogs before leaving and get enough walking during the day. I'll be going to bed soon so I can get up early enough:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Welcome everyone who is new. I know right now that there will be too many to mention individually. You'll love it here, everyone is so caring and supportive with such great ideas.

    dmendel - log in here and you'll find that even without thinking about it, you'll be sticking to your "resolution" and making a life change. We're here for you any time of the day or night. You're posting perfectly well.

    Deb - a scrapbook is a fantastic idea. Thanks so much, I would never in a million years have thought of it. The nice thing is that a person doesn't have to read or understand English to look at pictures

    Well, that darned Wii character said "that's overweight" again. I told you that it wouldn't last more than one day! On the positive, it didn't look like it was very much into the "overweight" zone.

    Did an hour of a bosu workout today. I needed to see if this DVD was OK. I thought the write up said that it was only 30 minutes so I was surprised when it was an hour long. I did take it easy, tho with my foot. I do go to see the MD today at 1:45. I'm hoping that he'll just tell me to rest it. Yoga tomorrow. Oh, does the lemon in the hot water for your sinuses (is that what it's for?) have to be fresh lemon juice?

    Deb - when we went to Olive Garden, I ordered my salad without dressing but they brought me a salad with dressing. I know that this probably embarassed Vince, but that's not my worry. I sent it baack asking for no dressing,. I didn't realize that they put crutons on it too so I asked if I could have it without the crutons. They didn't have a problem with it. Really, I didn't need to order the salad. For one thing, it was just iceburg lettuce -- not much nutritionally. And the chicken and broccoli really filled me up along with the soup. You know, I did find the soup to be a bit on the salty side. But part of that is probably because I'm used to not having much salt so I'm more sensitive to it. It's probably a prepared soup, but I am going to ask them if perhaps they make it. I doubt it, tho. Thanks for telling me about the website. I'll have to check it out. Maybe I could make one up for her for Valentine's day?

    Eileen - I never knew what "bump" was an anchronym for. I just always thought it was a random word that people used to get the post in their "recent topics" list. How scary someone broke into your school! Glad things weren't real bad.

    Lucy4TDieting - when Vince retired, we looked on the Internet. Hickory NC's last hurricane was over 20 years ago (Hurricane Hugo). I know a lot of people retire to the outer banks, but we didn't want to have to rebuild our house every few years. There is a change of seasons here. When it snows, the snows usually melts within a day or two. We're about an hour or so away from Charlotte (depends on which part of Charlotte you go to, could be more, could be less)

    Marita - I hear ya, I don't like the "ohhhh" from the Wii, either. LOL about you giving her the bird. Probably makes you feel better if anything.

    We have a Newcomer board meeting today at 10. I do want to go because there are things about the next general meeting that I need to get clarification on (along with Vince)

    Judy - I feel so much better now, too. Now that the holidays are over and all that holiday eating. Getting back to a semi-normal routine, that feels so good

    Liz - what are you doing on the Wii? I usually take the body test each day (why, I really don't know) but like doing some of the training games, balance games and even aerobics. I didn't think the toning stuff was good because they'd work one body part but not the opposing muscle group. I don't know enough about yoga to say if it's a good workout or not.

    Amanda - good luck at the doctor's. Let us know his findings, OK?

    Joyce - it's not a good idea to send your body into starvation mode. Once in a while is OK, but certainly not on any sort of regular basis. What will happen is that your body won't know when it's going to get more calories, so it'll hang on for dear life to what calories it has (and that'll be fat). In the end, you'll only hurt yourself.

    Denise - congrats on making it thur the night! I find that a small piece of chocolate or some yogurt is helpful at night. Not a lot of calories, but enough to squelch those cravings.

    Carolyn - you are NOT a baby feeling sad when your daughter goes back home after a visit. I totally understand how you feel. I haven't seen Bryan in two years, when I do it'll be waterworks time! It's great that she was able to spend the holidays with you. Good luck on your challenge! You know what's right for you (taking baby steps with exercise at first), so go for it! I got a zumba for the Wii, planning to try that Sunday. kathy's right - just because they're an adult doesn't make it any easier. They'll always be our little children. I hear ya loud and clear

    emtjab - sending a virtual Kleenex

    Kathy - congrats on getting dd to join MFP!

    Robin - glad you're having such a great day. You deserve it. Your boss must be one sad person if she needs to make others so sad.

    Jane from CO - safe travels

    Marita - sounds like you have a very good plan.

    jb - I'm sure you can get to 150. It may take time, it takes longer the closer you are to goal, but you can do it. I miss all the wonderful vegetables the summer has to offer

    Geri - so sorry you were sick but am glad you're better now. Next year will be a wonderful Christmas for your grandson, he'll start to sort-of understand what's happening.

    Went to the MD about my ankle. He agreed, he thinks it's probably an inflamed achilles tendon, too. He gave me a topical antiinflammatory to apply 4 times/day. He said that he could prescribe a pill, but honestly, I'm not so crazy about pills so I opted for the topical. He said that it doesn't seem that bad and he would expect it to be better in 2-3 weeks. I put the topical on earlier tonight for the first time, and maybe it's just my imagination, but to me it feels A LITTLE (A TINY BIT) better. Like I said, it may be my imagination. I just didn't want it to get any worse. He did say that I could continue my exercise (thank goodness, believe it or not that was one of my big concerns....would this interfer with my exercise?) but he said to ice it after exercising and to take it easy. I took it easy today, like doing side squats off the side of the bosu felt uncomfortable so I did them REAL slow. I know normally I could go faster and work up more of a sweat, but I wasn't about to injur myself so that I couldn't exercise at all.

    Jen - be sure you get to bed early today since you'll be getting up early tomorrow. I bet the airline screwed up

    Cheryl - hun, don't beat yourself up. We all have times when we gain, we can't constantly be losing. Now a loss will be that much sweeter.

    Then I went to CVS to get batteries. They were on sale, I had a CVS coupon plus a manufacturer coupon. In the end, for 8 batteries I paid 31 cents. Then I went to Target to get more cat litter. It's really not a great sale, however, if you get 2 you get a $5 gift certificate and since I'd already bought some, I bought some more and used a gift certificate and got another one. Then I went to Kohls', found this really nice shirt. I thought it was full price but it was on sale and I had a coupon for $10 off so the shirt essentially cost me 0. Then I needed to stop at a dept store to return a pair of pants and shirt I'd bought that I realized when I got home that I really didn't need.

    Meg - it's a good thing I made a big batch of that virtual chicken soup...so I'm sending some more to you.

    bt and anyone else - you've come to the right place for motivation

    karen - if I don't get my workout in early in the day, it doesn't get done. I try to do it before I think up excuse upon excuse (and I'm very good for excuses)

    Linda in northern Ontario - yes, it's as if the tendon isn't long enough. The only time I really feel any discomfort is when I'm walking (flexing the foot).

    Lin - when I first got my sewing machine years and years ago, MIL helped me figure out how to thread it. To be honest, I'm almost afraid to get a new one because I don't know if I'll be able to figure out how to thread it....lol

    jane - prayers for your friend. That must be so hard for you.

    Lindasundance - that would be too too funny if you made a profile for the puppy. I've made dog biscuits for a friend of ours. The only problem with them was that because they didn't have all those nasty preservatives in them, they didn't last as long as a MilkBone would. I don't know Dianna's email, or for that matter, if she even HAS one. I would think so, but I don't know what it is.

    You know, I didn't get the heartrate monitor for Christmas. It would be great if there was something that tracked your heartrate, your steps and calories burned. Is there? I honestly don't know.

    suebDew - I'm not crazy about suppliments. Even IF Dr. Oz recommends them. To me -- if God didn't make it..do we REALLY need it? He put everything we need here on earth, so why the need to suppliment? Not that I don't do it, I do use a calcium and Vit D suppliment and sometimes a protein suppliment.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    You guys are terrible at tough love - way too nice :flowerforyou:

    But I will get back on track. I think not getting enough sleep is partly responsible.

    Sundance - I put the timer on the fitbit (as it says to do) when I am going to try to sleep. It then tells me how long it took me to fall asleep and how many times I woke up. If you look at mine you can see lots of red where I either tossed and turned or got up and went to the bathroom. If you look at my husband's he obviously got up at 5 am for his bathroom break, but not much else. I don't stay awake, but I do use the bathroom a lot and awaken at any noise what so ever. Fitbit must be monitoring movement during this time as well as steps, which is odd because it doesn't usually monitor movement - I can shake it or jump up and down and it never registers a step. But at night it does seem to be monitoring tossing and turning.
    (I showed the two pictures to my husband and he said that was just a bad night for me, so I clicked the night before today and added it. It was worse!!)



    Me again:


    Editing again to sign my name.

    Cheryl (from New Orleans but transplanted to Northern suburb of Chicago!!!)
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Okay ladies, here it goes!!! If you are interested in taking on Saturday's fruit and veggie 1-day challenge, here is the link as promised: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/838016-fruit-veggie-1-day-challenge-saturday-jan-4-2013

    I've been doing this part of the week already (as a good example should :bigsmile: ) and lost 2 lbs!! It is very motivating! Depending on intensity, you will likely experience a bit of a cleanse.

    Good luck!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC

    P.S. the date should be January 5th!!! where`s my brain :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Cheryl, Your sleep patterns look a lot like mine. I absolutely can not believe you husband's! Wow. The first night I used it I was awake 31 times! Usually it's more like 15 times. But it's very interesting to see patterns.

    Eileen from near San Diego
  • I've been on MFP for a little over a year now. I was doing great until I hit a (major) bump in the road in September. My husband (of 29 years) was diagnosed with melanoma cancer. I am now POSITIVE that I am a stress eater! I have managed to put 18 of the 26 pounds back on that I had fought so hard to lose. That is maddening but the fact that after a major surgery to remove the melanoma (from the top of his head) and several scans later, he is clear of anymore cancer far out-weighs the negative. Thank you God! I am back on track and have 2 good reasons to continue the fight, 1. My husband is finally willing to try also. 2. I have my first grandbaby on the way and I plan to be an active grandmother!
    I will try to check in regularly here and I look forward to getting to "know" you all!
    Lori H.
    Rogersville, MO
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I seem to be fighting a cold and feel kind of groggy so my energy level is off and I’ve been MIA on the posting. I’m thinking hot lemon water with a little cayenne – any other suggestions?

    Robin – so glad you had a good day. From now on wear that rainbow cloak consciously and if necessary put your hands over your ears and go lalalalalalala to block her out.

    JaneM – I’m so sorry to hear about your friend, I know you will be there for her. Prayers from everyone here I’m sure.

    Rebel – I’m in for the challenge, I’ll do blueberry/protein shake for breakfast, orange for snack, fresh home made vegetable soup for lunch, apple for snack, squash/broccoli/quinoa/peas for dinner and hopefully that will be it for the day, more fruit snack if I get hungry. I will be happy if I get a little cleansing out of it as I’m feeling very bloated.

    Cheryl – even though you woke up and moved a lot, your sleep efficiency on the first one is 94% which is only 4% under your DH- so what does that really mean? Any ideas? Love the cartoon, reminds me of my sister.

    Oh Meg, I really hope it’s not the sinus thing again, you were really down with last time. You sounded like your party was definitely worth it – party like it’s 1999!

    Sue – no, the Kootenays are a region in the SE part of BC. Lots of mountains and high passes, good skiing, hot summers, snowy winters, good springs and autumns (really small towns though which can be a little bit challenging).

    Michele – the iPad app for MFP has the pie chart graphic showing the percentages of fats, carbs, protein. I really like seeing that too.

    Amanda – glad you are getting checked out quickly. Positive thoughts only!!!!

    Viv – love your part of GB and found the people so friendly. My Dad was from Yorkshire so I was sort of predisposed to like it anyway.

    M – I actually love the taste of almond milk so I just pour it on my oatmeal or drink it straight, no need to disguise it for me.

    Well, I’m going to watch Blue Bloods on TV and then crawl into bed and hope that this incipient cold disappears by morning. Have a good night ladies and I will check in after the Fruit&Veggie challenge.

    Lila (from the beautiful Kootenays in BC)
  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    Well I am back and hope to get the hang of posting on this board. It seems that many of you have connected and are really there for each other. I am new at this but I hope to be able to use this as a tool to help me on my journey. I have so much weight to lose. Happy New Year to you all and best of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I tried to posts earlier but I was so tired I read all of the posts but so tired I went to bed early but of course I am up now. Hopefully I will be able to go back to sleep for a little bit more.

    Today at 8:30am is a church workshop we do one at the beginning of the year its to help everyone get refocus. So today is that.it only goes to 12;30 but I had planned on after dinner tonight I had planned on making sure most of my Saturday morning chores was done. So I would not be distract by them..but instead did nothing ate dinner and went to bed. Guess I do need a workshop on getting my focus back.

    @JaneM. -- so sorry to hear about your friend

    @Amanda glad you are getting checked out so quickly.

    @Michele it wii exercise beginners but today I am hurting. So if I continue to hurt I may go back to my sweating yo the oldies. I am trying to venture out more in my workouts. I can with this stuff get btwn 25 to 30 minutes and I can do no more walking depending on the pace 40 plus at times. So I do think I get more bang for my buck with walking. But its been so cold and slippery that I went to this.

    @Meg sounds like you had a fun NYE.! Sorry you are feeling do bad. Hope you feel better soon.

    @M I tried almond milk once and did not like it. But it was a long time ago so ...

    @Barbie sounds like you got a lot of dancing in tonight!

    @Welcome to allnof the newbies!! Great group very supportive. Come back often.

    Wishing everyone a good day
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Thank you for all your good wishes. I love the support that I get from everyone here.

    Robin - I am pleased that your rainbow cloak worked! Having a mean boss is one of the hardest things to cope with. I still can't believe that Olivia is approaching a year old!

    Michelle - how amazing not to be charged by the dentist. As soon as I walk through the door of my dentist it seems to cost me £50.

    Liz - new windows and closer fitting doors may be not the most fun of projects, but definitely a good idea that you will appreciate for a very long time.

    Barbie - I'm with you as far as keeping away from foods that I lose control over. I would much rather forego a tasty treat than risk adding back some of my not so tasty lost weight. I also agree about the nutritional content of calories. That is one of the reasons I drink no alcohol now - empty calories.

    DeeDee - I'm glad you resolved the pink hair. Although I bet it looked very fetching!

    Sally - glad to see you are back in the MFP rhythm.

    Carolyn - I think we all know about emotional eating! Aren't our children always the ones that tug our emotions most!

    Emtjab and Meg and Sasha - feel better please.

    Kathy - I'm confident that your next 30 pounds will go. Keep at it. Kudos to your DD for joining too.

    Tigress - I applaud you and your two miles of swimming! I also envy you - I know now that I will never be a swimmer, even with the lessons I took a couple of years back, I can still only manage about a width of the pool!

    JB - I got the book and will start reading it this weekend. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I think I will take it in to show my physiotherapist at my next appointment.

    Glenda - "Okay, the parties are over, the company has just packed up and left and now it is time......
    to whip this house back into shape,
    to establish and re-establish some routine and good habits in eating and exercise,
    to take some control of the clutter and disorganization,
    to make those necessary but neglected phone calls and appointments....."
    I am with you on all of these!

    Geri - sorry you had an unwell Christmas. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your DGS more next Christmas - he will be more interested by then too.

    Themommie - Embrace 50 when you reach it next month. So far it has been one of my favourite decades.

    Viv - oh the dreaded hormones! Despite having a complete hysterectomy at 32, I still suffer from hot flushes. Be gone!!

    Janehadji - wheelchair pushing is terrific exercise. I know how hard it is when I push my MIL around the nursing home. She is well over 300 pounds now and we actually had to get her a larger chair. Bless her heart. When she first became ill she was only about 180 pounds, but cannot move without assistance at all now.

    Wessecg - I hope you have banned the cookies from the house. A small gain is NOT the end of the world, but it is sometimes a wake up call to put in better coping strategies. Good luck on getting back on the horse (pun intended!)

    Deb A - Envious of your cross country skiing!

    Linda - If your December goals are working, don't change them. Carrying them over to January sounds like a good plan.

    Much as I would love to respond to you all - I really must do some work! One of my promises to myself is to not spend too much time on the computer - unless I have to for work.

    Welcome to all the new ladies.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda (in a grey, but at least it's not raining at the moment, London town) x
  • Hi ladies, I am 49 next month, so I think your thread is the place to be. I am on day one of my new life. Or should I say, day one of returning to my previously healthy life. We moved to a mining town, 3 years ago and since the move I have put on 50 lbs (20 kg). So with your support and my determination, I hope to return to my previously healthy 62 kg (136 kg). I am 5'7" (170m).
    Here goes nothing.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning,
    I can't believe how many pages get added to the posts in one day. I will try to check in more often so I can keep up with the responses.
    My day yesterday was a busy one. My husband is off and we tend to do lots of errands together. He had his yearly physical so that took up a little bit of time. We went for groceries at a market with great prices but it is about 30 minutes from here and in Rhode Island, 30 minutes is considered very far away!!! I have a friend that had foot surgery and in checking in with her, I needed to stay because she was very sick from the pain meds. I should have gone to the gym before I stopped by her house for the second time that day--but I had some things to get into her fridge ---so I stayed there for three hours and missed the gym. I am going this morning before the interruptions of the day can get in the way!!

    Have a good day!!