

  • christyleonard10
    christyleonard10 Posts: 6 Member
    First post to this site & not quite sure how to use it but here it goes! <3 th title def for me. Hopefully I will figure out how to get around & find it again. Let me introduce myself...I just turned 51 in December & am CEO of Leonard Family with a lot of time on my hands a little to show for it! I consider myself very fortunate at my age with little or no activity but really need to obtain a daily routine to achieve my goals and feel better about my health & activity. I have always considered myself a "Collector" of all exercise equipment & you must remember most collected items are NOT USED! Well I am here to meet other individuals & share in our activities & goals to promote a healthier happier lifestyle. To actually find individuals in my area to share workouts with would also be awesome and very helpful. I hope this post relates to ONLY WOMEN as I am married & do NOT wish to correspond with men. They can find their own blog site!! Also I do have an "Xbox 360" in my 'collection' with the "2012 My Shape" workout.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good morning ladies.. I had a very good check in at the doctors office yesterday. My blood pressure has come down to "normal" range & I have dropped 6 lbs since my last visit in Dec. This has given me more motivation to keep on track than I thought it was going too. My goal for Jan is to lose another 6+ lbs. My sister has played a great part in keeping me walking every day. She lives in NC & I live in GA but we walk together every day. Our running joke is that she is the Hare & I am the Turtle. Before going to bed we text each other to confirm the clocks are set for our morning walk. Who ever is up and going first will text the other one to give them encouragement to get going. We walk out the door together and at different milestones along the way we keep each other posted as to how we are doing, where we are at and what we have seen. I have learned more about her neighborhood since walking the past month than I knew in the previous 3 years since she moved in there. I love taking photos of the sunset or wildlife & messaging them to her. It really has brought us closer than we have been in years. The nice thing about what we are doing is that we can keep it going no matter where we are. Both of us travel but the world of technology makes it possible to walk together if she is in China & I am in Germany. This morning my sister left for Texas but we still got our time in together.
    what a great strategy! Sister bonding and exercise buddy...
    Jen (from NYS)
  • c0c0nn0r
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Jolene - what great news...I had to go to mayoclinic.com to see what scarciodosis (probably spelled wrong) but it sounds very treatable and way less scary than lymphoma..good luck with treatment and the new job!

    Christyleon - I too have exercise equipment at home...but I do use it...I usually workout 4 times a week and try to mix things up although I don't always succeed at that. I roll out of bed before work (about 5:45am),brush my teeth, splash water on my face and head to the basement. I usually do about 35 min of cardio and then about 20 minutes of stretching, balance and abs. One day a week I am trying to do a weight training routine. For me am works best...I am a 9-5 worker and by the time I get home at night I just have too many excuses for not getting it done. On the am that I don't wañt to workout...I tell myself "oh for heaven's sake it is only a half hour...suck it up,you will feel better!" ....that usually works but not always! Good luck you will find what works for you!
    jen from nys
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good afternoon to all of you MFP50+ers.
    Thanks for the good wishes all; I'm feeling very much like my normal self today so i assume the cold is on the retreat (thanks to Zinc and a tip from Chemalurgy a while ago). I got a pretty good sleep so that probably helped as well.

    I am doing Rebe's fruit and veggie challenge today and I do love veggies but I think it will be a once a week thing because I don't see how I can get anywhere near enough calories on it. I have problems at the best of times getting the level up there so I don't think I will even make the 1000 today. Maybe if I add more fruits.....

    I've got a nice big pot of fresh veggie soup on the go here and it smells great so I'll have some for lunch, keep some for tomorrow and freeze the rest for lunches for the next week.

    I'm still dog sitting and looking forward to getting back to just my own fur family (this dog loves to torment my cat, must be just part of the terrier instinct).

    Will check in later after i read all the posts.

    Bye for now
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    wow we are a busy group - how can I possibly keep up and get any of those other things done?!?!:laugh:

    Linda S - i just now saw your December loss and milestone`. CONGRATULATIONS! what an inspiration you are. My December has not gone so well - I need to adjust the ticker to reflect reality and stop living in denial:ohwell: And then I need to get back at it in full force. thanks for the encouraagement of your success!

    JulieO -Welcome here. I would often gain weight after a move. It took a while for me to acknowledge that pattern but I guess it was a little mourning for loss; a little stress in adjusting. But you can do it!!

    Cheryl - Loved the cartoon. I may be 'stealing' it to post to another friend:happy:
    Your sleep pattern records are very interesting - I know I have had nights when I woke up feeling like I had NO sleep - no energy and not rested! Have you ever had a test at a sleep clinic? I wonder what they might see?

    Well I am not really one for New year resolutions - we just tend to break them. But i am so ready for some structure and routine in my days. It feels good to get out for a daily walk - the sun is shining and the temps are above freezing - and to be eating healthier food. There are still some remnants of the goodies lying about to tempt me but the main meals are doing so much better.

    Go well ladies - eat well, drink well, move well....stay well!

    glenda in Canada
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    I am really enjoying reading this thread each day...my question is how do I know when it will be replaced with another one? someone said it gets very busy and thus a new one will be started....


    thx, Julie
  • joanfudala
    joanfudala Posts: 41 Member
    The bad news is that, once again, I gained weight over the holidays. The good news is that it was not as much as I expected the gain to be, especially considering a week of eating out 3 meals a day and no exercise due to being sick. I start my boot camp program Monday and have started tracking my food as of today. All the left over junk food is out of the pantry. One of my goals for 2013 is to read through the entire Bible.
  • christyleonard10
    christyleonard10 Posts: 6 Member
    @Jen..thanx so much for commenting on my very first post! Is there a shortcut to get to the most recent threads & what is a bump? So much to read very busy site & very interesting just need the time to sit down & read. Yes I have worked all my life & recently remarried & relocated and now fortunate enough to be able to stay home for the first time since 16 (which was a very ling time ago)! Always thought I would accomplish EVERYTHING if I didn't have to work...NOT HAPPeNING1 I def accomplished more when I had to get up..get ready & get going. It seems to easy to use "later" & next thing I know the whole day is gone whether it be for workout,projects or housework....ugh! Anyway I do agree with you early morning is the best time to start yr day. Wish I had someone to call me & tell me to get up & get my ars in fear haha! Well hope to talk 2 you soon & get caught up on all the post here!
  • dmendel64
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Hi,...I am definitely a qualified over 50. ..I read some of these posts and I pray I can do as well...My goal to begin is to lose 30lbs..going in bites..it is nice to be with people who are into losing weight too.:flowerforyou:

    Happy New Year All
    Liz M
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am really enjoying reading this thread each day...my question is how do I know when it will be replaced with another one? someone said it gets very busy and thus a new one will be started....


    thx, Julie

    When a thread hits 500 posts it locks. Go ahead and view the last post in the locked thread and you will see a link to the new thread. Click it and post and then the new thread will show up under "My Topics".

    People use BUMP or Bring Up My Post in order to get the thread to show up under "My Topics" when they don't have time to read or post.

    At the end of the Month Barbie will post a link to the new months thread.

    Welcome Newbies. Please let us know where you are from when you sign your post. It helps to get to know people better.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    So my DH says " shall we order from Applebee's low calorie menu?" Not only do we never eat there , but ordering low cal food is just not on his radar. Then when he gets home, I see him measuring out his gass of wine with a measuring cup. I'm pretty pleased, this is so much more fun doing it with someone than on my own. .

    Someone asked about doing the community from an iPad. It's not art of MFP ap. I just go on the website from my pad, rather than using the ap. hope that helps.

    Karen from Mi.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.took my daughter to the mall yesterday to spend her Christmas money.My back was spasymping or something.Couldn`t turn from one side to the other.used the heating pad and took aleve and went to bed.
    Today it`s sore ,but I can turn better.Taking a rest day.
    Jolene,could news.
    Take care all.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Hope you are having a restful Saturday. By the time I got to the doc this morning I was wheezing, so the asthma kicked in. I have a sinus infection plus an ear infection—how did that happen?- but no steroids this time. Yay no steroid witch LOL. I am betting I’ll be ton better tomorrow, which is good because I need to pop into work and meet with my co-teacher to make sure everything is set for Monday .

    Bt: you are like a lot of us…too busy caring for everyone else in our lives. I’m glad you found us and the motivation to make this your time.

    Viv: those hot flashes are miserable. I hope you find relief soon.

    Judy: welcome aboard

    MTG: welcome too you too

    Sassy: welcome!

    Jane: prayers for you and your friend. Don’t beat yourself up over the eating.

    LinC: turns out it is a wii fit plus. The box didn’t have that but once DH installed it that’s what it said.

    Jane h; I hate those buffets too! That does sound like exercise!

    Jen: sorry for your frustrations at work! I am sure it will get better!

    Svelter; welcome and that is interesting that you kept inches off!

    Wessecg: you are taking positive steps by noticing you went on a binge and deciding to take action and walk! Good job

    Colleen: I may just have to get a fitbit…so many people here use one

    DebA: cross country skiing! I would love to do that

    Mary: another fitbit user. Thanks for the info that bestbuy has them. Now I will check them out

    Linda: oh so sorry about the pooch! Is he having his ACL repaired? Dh took our dog for what we hoped was the last blood test after his pancreatitis and his foot got stuck under the door (the dog) and it cut his pad! Now he is in a soft cast! We have to wrap it in a plastic bag for him to got out

    Suebedew; glad you are feeling better!

    Barbie you are just awwesome! I love your advice about properly fueling your body

    Michele: your chicken soup was wonderful. Thanks for sending it…I actually had chicken soup for lunch! I hate the wii fit voice! “Step on now’.

    Renny: thanks for the link I will check it out.

    Lori: welcome to our group. So glad hubby is cancer free! You must be so happy.

    Lila: I hope you are feeling better soon. Seems like a lot of sickness around here! Suppose we are passing it to each other on line?

    CWS: welcome to you too. You’re right that this group is so supportive!

    Liz: sounds like you were just tired!

    Amanda: nice to see you again! Please let us know about your scan

    Julie: welcome

    Sally: I bet your friend appreciates your help

    DeeDee: hope you enjoyed your coffee!

    LizM: welcome to our group

    Julie: hope you are feeling better soon too! When we get around 500 posts or a new month, Barbie will post a link to our new thread.

    Chrispatk: your fitness routine with your buddy sounds awesome. Great news on the doc visit too!

    389899: welcome

    M: I too love dressing up and going out to dinner. It’s more than the food; it’s the whole atmosphere and being alone with hubby. I bet you did look fantastic

    Linder: sounds like you are one the right track!

    Denise; great quotation!

    TopBranch: welcome and what great news on you and your daughters weight loss

    Syndywindy: welcome and you are so right about this not being a sprint

    Robin: a demon boss? Oh my I hope that situation changes or you learn to bear it. I have been so lucky to have great bosses my entire career.

    Jolene: oh I am so happy that your biopsy results were better than expected!!!! I hope your lung infection improves soon

    Kackie: welcome back…it’s nice to see you again. Sorry about DH;s surgery; I hope he gets better soon. Chronic back problems are horrible

    Christy: welcome. You will find us under community, my topics. Watch for when we get to 500 posts Barbie will post the link to the new thread

    Glenda ;you are so right about us being a chatty and busy group!

    Wow so reading and responding to all our posts took nearly 2 hour! I hope everyone here has a good evening and I will see you tomorrow! Take care, meg
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Chrispatk – loved reading about walking with your sister. I’d try that with my sis in Illinois, but she has Parkinson’s disease and must concentrate and hold on when she is on her treadmill. Where are you in GA? Tigress and I are both in GA, too – I’m sure there are others.

    I went into the office for about 6 hours today instead of getting started on painting. Set up one new PC and packed up 2 of the 3 that have to be shipped back to our HQ (NY) for refurbishing and did a little paperwork. We had also gotten a phone for someone who will be there next week, but it isn’t working for some reason. Switched cables, double checked connection placements, etc., yet it didn’t work. Will have to chat with the IT guy @ HQ Monday and see what he wants to do.

    Then I went to the Y and did weights and cardio. The place is really empty on the weekends, so very nice! I may go again tomorrow…although I have not done the painting yet. Decisions, decisions!

    DH is headed home from work, so need to go finish up supper. Will check back in tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a good night’s sleep!

    Gail / metro Atlanta, GA
  • Lauri524
    Lauri524 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all. New to the program. Just downloaded the app to my iPad yesterday and love it! I'm a former weight watchers member but it was getting a bit too costly. I'm hoping to find some great success stories out here along with tips for success! Kind of hard switching from points to calories as lots of foods are considered "free" on WW. I'm sure ill get the hang of this! :)
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LindaC:smile: that's good news keeping your blood sugar under control! I love spaghetti squash, I put a bit of butter, Parmesan cheese and freshly ground pepper on it, it's yummy!!!

    LizM:smile: welcome!!! Just make sure you log all your food, every bite you take, drink lots of water, and if you can manage a 10 minute walk that would be great, just take your time, every little bit helps!!! You can do this, we'll be here to cheer you on!

    Julie:smile: welcome!!!! Glad you're feeling better!!! Congrats on getting under 200, that's fantastic!!!!

    Christpatk:smile: welcome!!!! Yay, your bp has returned to normal!!! Congrats on 6lbs. gone!!! I love that you walk with your sister even from a distance, what a fabulous idea!!!

    389989:smile: welcome!!! I'm tech challenged too! You'll get the hang of it soon, just keep coming back!!!

    M:smile: your date with hubby sounds delightful!!! Even though you could make tastier food at home, sometimes you just need to dress up and go out on the town!!!

    Lin:smile: yay for getting your activity increased!!! I always feel better once I get my walk in, and I've been trying to increase my steps, it gets easier as you go along!

    Denise:smile: welcome!!! Love the quotes!!!

    Colleen:smile: stay away from the birthday cake!!!! That's my weakness, cake:love: ! Happy birthday to your grandson:flowerforyou: !!!

    TopBranchOR:smile: welcome!!! Just jump right in and start chatting! Congrats on the 14 lbs. gone!!! Isn't it fun to go shopping in your closet for smaller sizes!!!!

    SyndyWindy:smile: congrats on being so close to your goal, woo hoo!!!

    Karen from Mi:smile: welcome!!! I make myself get my walk in first thing in the mornings, otherwise I tell myself I'm too busy. Once it's over I have tons of energy and sometimes get another walk in the afternoon!!!

    Robin:smile: I've always slept with my FitBit on my wrist, tonight I think I'll put it on my top and see how I do, the most I woke up (according to the FitBit) was 17 times, mine ranges anywhere from 3 times to 12 times mostly. It'll be interesting to see what it does tonight! Hope your mouth is feeling better tonight!!! Good for you getting on the dreadmill!!!!

    Susan:smile: too much alcohol will put the pounds on too! Your 2 hour walk is awesome!!!! Great going!!!

    Jolene:smile: YAY!!!!! I'm so glad it wasn't lymphoma!!!!!! Glad you're on the mend from the lung infection too! Have missed seeing your posts!

    Kackie:smile: welcome back!!!! Hope DH is feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !!! yes, you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of others!!! I use my iPad a lot, in fact I'm on it now. I don't have the MFP app, I just go to the website and get on that way, the only thing I can't get from my iPad is the reports.

    I would love to respond to more, however I need to get my dinner put together shortly! Hope you all have a great night!!!

  • lshipley1
    lshipley1 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Found this thread by mistake but am glad I did. I'm 53 and have been on MFP since August. I am starting 30- Day Shred on Monday with a few other people I've met here. I could always use more friends over 50, so if anyone wants to add me, I'm here!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Meg-happy you are feeling better.

    Jolene- happy with your news too. :happy:

    Chrispatk- yes, I am near Augusta, GA

    Tigress from GA