What triggered your journey?



  • SecertNinja
    SecertNinja Posts: 2 Member
    my little brother saying were poor because i eat everything...
  • mommykitty81
    mommykitty81 Posts: 266 Member
    my weight journey started because I was tired of feeling out of breath. I would buy clothes and a week later they would be tight. I finally decided on Sept 16, 2012 that I was going to start a diet and change the way I eat. I started in at 253lbs by Nov 18, 2012 i was down to 230lbs! I was so thrilled. Just over 2 months to drop 23lbs. My husband is fine with my weight but has told me if it's a problem for me then change it. I have been on the "big" side pretty much all my life. Right before college in 2000 i dropped to 160lbs and then forget what i was working for and gained like crazy. No more I am ready to make the lifestyle change and keep it up.
  • Yellow4615
    My weight loss road has had many bumbs. I needed a way to track my eating and help me to get it under control. Accidentally, I came across this site, a few years ago. I lost over 30 lbs using this site back then, I FELL off the road! ,:sad: My TRIGGER was this Decedmber 2012, when I had my yearly physical, I had hit my largest weight EVER! However, my blood levels were good and I have no medical concerns. I have been blessed, I'm not on any medication! BUT I know, IF I don't make changes NOW, the possibilities are there. I am making these changes for my health. I plan to eat better and exercise regularly. Thanks for Listening! :smile
  • katiebiotch
    katiebiotch Posts: 21 Member
    An overweight lady at work peed on me... We were just having a conversation in the lobby and it came out of no where. It landed on my pants and feet but I just stood there and continued talking because I was so shocked and I didn't want to embarrass her. I never wanted that to happen to me.

    It's such a weird story but it really affected me.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    So many things triggered me to get serious about my weight loss...but the biggest one was going through a series of phone interviews for a job, only to be told I didn't fit the company image (once they saw me in person). OUCH! I've also been having some health issues and HATE having to take medication so rather than continue down that inevitable path of obesity-related illnesses I'm taking charge now!
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I've always had weight/body/food issues but they didn't affect my health. At a drs visit my blood pressure and some of my blood work was nearing unhealthy levels. My weight is affecting my health now and I want to be healthy again. But I also want to be able to have a strong body and not feel jealous of other women for being toned and muscular.
  • claudiasutton775
    claudiasutton775 Posts: 2 Member
    Getting older and fell a few times. My center of gravity is way off due to belly fat and I'm ashamed at letting myself go like this! I want to be around to watch my grand nieces and nephews grow up!!!!
  • mercymarque
    Not wanting to look like my mother... Sad isn't it. My mother is beautiful just obese. She was smaller in her younger days and even had a nice flat stomach after two kids something I never had. As a kid growing up I didn't see her that way. After having the two kids and getting comfortable in her marriage she put on weight. My mom has gone up and down. She lost weight 8 years ago for my wedding and looked great but didn't stick with it. I had a baby three years ago. I came down right away by breast feeding... Got the mirena and didn't see the weight pileing on. I was too busy with the kids, husand working two jobs and going to school to notice. One day my grandmother in-law asked if I was prego. I wasn't. I was fat. A bell went off and I started walking... A sign for Planet Fitness gym was coming... my cousin was like we should join. She also put me on mfp. I for the most part ate pretty well. The weight was coming off of me fast. I took several days for me to lose weight. Once the gym opened I started going every day. I began seeing changes. I did juicing for ten days to get myself out of a plateau... For every five pounds I lose I seem to some losing. I have lost 35 pounds and would love to lose 30 more to be in a healthy BMI.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    My neighbour asked me if I wanted to join them with couch to 5K, she also told me she was doing MFP.

    I believe my exact words were 'hell yes becuase if you get skinny and I am still fat, I will be pissed'

    And here we are today :) My journey started April 2011.
  • DiggaTDawg
    DiggaTDawg Posts: 3 Member
    Realizing that since USMC boot camp, 8 years ago, I have gained 80 lbs! Twenty since 8/12 due to back pain and the inherent sedentary lifestyle that accompanies chronic pain. Also, my 6 yr old said "Daddy, your fat!" Time to make a change. I want to be back at the 165 lbs I was in the Corp, not my current 240 lbs.
  • tigerfrog328
    I no longer fit into any of my jeans/pants anymore. I don't want to have to go out and buy any more. I never thought that i would let myself get to be this big. It's the biggest I have ever been. It's not good, I want to lead by example with my kids. The important for me is to get fit and eat healthier. I have vowed that this will be the new beginning for me.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    being rediagnosed and healthy 9 or so years ago then being rerediagnosed again last year as a diabetic. I am now down appox 60lbs and off all diabetic meds. If i get another normal reading in a couple of months I will be rererediagnosed a not diabetic again!. That was hard to type! LMAO
  • wayneb_02
    My cardiac doctor's instructions and persistent lower back pain triggered my weight loss journey. This picture is when I was at my target weight.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Well it started at the age of 10. But the current 'journey' started at the end of 2011, I was stressed with schoolwork cause it was the last year of high school, I had high ambitions and my family has crazy expectations of me. Other things went wrong, *kitten* happened and so I turned to weight loss as a stress reliever. My cousin decided to start losing weight, I was always the skinnier one and I somehow had to urge to be even skinnier. Everything spiralled after that and my eating disordered symptoms rose :(

    That was just the beginning. A year later, I'm still in recovery. I gained in recovery so the weight loss didn't end up happening. Life is full of challenges, this just happens to be mine, and I'm going to fight it.
  • madison1352
    The prospect of seeing an old boyfriend after 32 years! He sent me a picture and I swear he looks the same. I, on the other hand, am 40 pounds heavier than I was back then. He keeps saying he is just going to show up when I least expect it to say hello - and that is the push I badly needed. Seems harder at 52 but I am determined - hello six pack abs!
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    New Year's resolution.... and the image in the mirror...
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    Self confidence issues. Affected pretty much all aspects of my life. Thankfully the past year i've turned it around. I literally feel like a different person.

    One day I woke up and realized if I keep feeling sorry for myself nothing will change. Seems like everyday that goes on life gets even more promising since getting healthier. I'm going to be 26 this year.... do I wish I started 5-6 years ago? Yea, but I cant keep looking at the past. Time to move forward.
  • mike667grace
    for me, the journey begins with a sense of spirituality and a need to show greater respect for my body, plus desiring to improve my relationships.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    When my clothes started to feel tight I started looking at losing weight very seriously. I still have clothes I wore in HS (I'm 39) and I never had children so I don't have a skewed sense of what my weight should be (It is the same, if not a wee smaller than my 18 y/o body). I think it is dangerous to get rid of all your ideal weight clothes if you don't want to actually gain some weight since then you can't tell if you're gaining. I'm a very disciplined person though so not trying to be judgemental just saying that's what I do.