What triggered your journey?



    FORAPURPOSE Posts: 56 Member
    My brother who is, younger than I am has been on dialysis for 8 years. Now he is on life support from breathing complications. Scared the hell out of me.. My mom was on dialysis and she died very early... so now I am fighting to stay off that machine and to stay alive...... I have had two scares where the doctor said my kidney count was down.... but it turned around one time it may not.........so here I am trying to work out more............ and cut down on the calories. Nee to lose this weight.......
  • averyhadleigh
    averyhadleigh Posts: 9 Member
    Holiday family pictures... I really had no idea my thighs were that big.... How did I not know?! Reality is a kick in the teeth! ;)
  • flab2steel
    *Sorry so long I copied this off my about me page.
    My Doctor told me that I had high blood pressure. Was this me? The one that thought he made of steel and cast from iron now overwieght with high blood pressure and told he was obese? Obese? I couldnt believe it, I knew I was overwieght but now obese? Nevermind that for the last 7 years I was promoted to a manager position "a deskjob" living on fast food and dealing with fires day and night 7 days a week. Seemed like I ignored what my eyes saw in the mirror and tricked my mind into thinking I wasnt too bad, yeah right! So the thought of all this led me and my wife to join a gym. I kind of dragged her along because I dont think she really wanted to join it. But she did and she changed her eating habits and lost alot of wieght. She still goes once in a while and eats much better than I do now. You see last year I was doing really good, eating right and going 3-4 sometimes 6 days a week to the gym. Running up to 3 miles a day. I would see all the other people there at the gym working out and it motivated me. I actually lost 35lbs woo-hoo and had 20 more pounds to go. I was on the right track, the right path and in the best shape I had been in the last 15 years. Then I was delt a severe blow that knocked me down and made me lose my way. My will, my motivation seemed to be taken from me as I was given the news that my 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. She had 2 operations and is doing great now and cancer free. Yeah sometimes life just isnt fair! And if that wasn't hard enough my father passed away 1 month later. Since then I have gained back 15 pounds I dont workout or run anymore. I need friends for inspiration. I need friends to keep me on the right track. So "friend me" and tell me what motivates you? Thanks
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    Do this for your daughter!!!!!! my daughter has kidney disease and has neurofibromatosis type one ( basically its a ticking time bomb... she'll eventually get a malignant tumor most likely) but im doing this for them!!! i need to be healthy to care for them!!! we can do this together!!! so glad your daughter is better!!! praying for her!!!
  • FLdreamin
    Stepping on the scales to see a number I have never seen on them before :(
    Same here. This is the most I've ever weighed in my life.
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    What triggered my journey. I guess the simple answer is being overweight ... and being tired of it. My pants when I bought them fit well, but they had "elastic" in the waist. I didn't feel bad because I wasn't "using" the elasticky part ... but I put on about 8 pounds and that used up the elastic. I got downright scared last Easter ... I didn't want to have to be relegated to other stores for only fat people. As it is, my clothing store options have been more limited because clothing styles went to "tight fitting". I couldn't face the option of doing nothing ... I had to lose at least the 8 lbs so my clothes would fit properly ... but it is a wake-up call because I have a whole closet of clothes I would like to wear. I had gotten down to 280 a few years back, and realized I was up a total of 45 lbs above that. It had to stop. I decided to watch things and exercise lots on vacation, but not to overindulge. Then on July 1, I made it an anti New Years resolution ... and I made Jan 1/13 my first goal ... to lose 25 lbs and be under 300. I hit it, including a break for a while. It is changing. Not a fad diet. Not an overnight fix. Long term .... slow ... willing to take breaks ... but needing to change my life. My first "big" goal is getting to 250 ... the weight I was when I moved here 10 1/2 years ago. Then I'd like to get down to 225 ... that's a 100 lb loss ... then down to 200. I'll make new goals at that point.
  • rohshah
    No worries friend as I am in same boat when at school Start with small steps - Exercise- you will make them surprise with new look. All the best.
  • flab2steel
    You are awesome. Thank you for praying for us when you and your family need it now. I pray for you and yours. My daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She was a miracle from birth my wife had placenta previa with her and the doctors told us that if we didn't abort, my wife would eventually rupture and die. So we prayed and many prayed. We went back to the hospital 2-3 weeks later to get more pictures taken.
    (I Can't remember how they were taken). But the doctors were really puzzled and called another doctor in and then another. They looked at the before and after sets. They all stood there really surprised and could not understand how the umbilical attachment site moved to a much lower and safer area. They (the doctors) told us it was a miracle. So see my friend miracles do happen. Keep up the faith!!
  • mammafinn
    I don't fit in a lot of my clothes anymore, and I avoid pictures with my family all the time since I know I will be sad at how I have let myself go. I have low energy and *know* I need to start taking care of myself, for myself!!
  • rohshah
    Well from me it's always been on heavy side from birth and have had no health problem (touch wood) but lately gained more and started seeing minor health issue such as feeling lethargic and no fun with kids. As well for some reason I felt being neglected in corporate culture, there is a saying " if you cannot keep yourself healthy how will you keep team healthy" I guess it's true. So here I am with goal in Mind.

    Recently, met close friend who has achieved great deal of knowledge on healthy eating and role salt sugar plays, so now she has become my mentor and helping to shed at least 25 KG. it's been 10 odd days and seeing result already with loss of 2 KG. On top of food control I started walking and Yoga which is boosting my moral and kudos from friend is icing on cake.

    Friends join me in my journey and together we can do wonders.
  • AshDawn34
    Seeing pics of me from this Christmas & actually seeing what others see when they see me "(.. I've always wanted to be back to where I was before I had my little one but I always fall off track.. I just want this more then ever now. I want to be happy in my own skin again!! Just hard to do when you don't have any motivation at home or anyone to push you!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My doctor told me I was obese for the first time. I knew I was getting up there in weight, but the big "o" word had never been used to describe me to my face before.

    I hated it. Then, I went home and weighed myself for the first time in months, and the scale said 218 lbs. I'm 5'8". That was it. The next day, I found MFP on google and committed myself to never being 218 lbs again. It took me over a year to get control over my eating habits and another 6 months afterwards, but I lost 42 lbs. More importantly, I learned that I was capable of self-control on a level I never thought I was. That empowerment has meant so much more than the lbs coming off.
  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    I almost died of cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure on July 1, 2011 because I weighed almost 400 lbs. Like many of you, I used to consume tons of fast food, fried food, and other junk food.

    Not anymore... I can never ever go back to the way I was before July 1, 2011.

    You're my inspiration! I'm a heart attack survivor and I love Zumba too :)
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    Just being so miserable! Got to the point I would miss public functions just to not have to face my closet of clothes that didn't fit anymore! The feeling of being around people and feeling like that we're talking about how much weight I gained. Looking at pictures and not recognizing myself...looking at pictures and seeing how fat I have gotten and saying to. Myself, I just don't feel I'm as fat as I look it hat picture.
  • Csengure
    Csengure Posts: 40 Member
    Went through mortuary school. The first lab we did, the other group had a morbidly obese case. I glanced over at one point and saw the instructor's hand buried past the wrist digging for the femoral artery. While everyone else around me was loudly proclaiming their desire never to eat meat again, I vowed never to get that far gone weight-wise. None of the prep room equipment is built to handle people that large and it is a pain in the *kitten* to deal with.

    Basically I decided I didn't want to have to order an oversized casket for myself.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    Being in your late 20's and feeling like your over at least 40...it's just sad that you don't realize you trap yourself with all the weight gain.
  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh, where do I begin?

    *Being uncomfortable in clothing because it's all tight
    *Heart Attack
    *Uncontrollable diabetes and the underlying issues that will come from it
    *My beautiful, 4 yr old daughter...I don't want her to say I am "fat" or be fat...
    *My loving, beautiful, amazing boyfriend who already thinks I am beautiful
    *CUTE WORKOUT CLOTHES! I want cute workout clothes damn it!

    I want to prove to myself that I can do it!!
  • grizzlywes24
    The thing that triggered mine was the scare I received the day before New Years Eve. Firstly let me state that from being so obese I have developed varicose veins in my legs. With that being said, Late that night I was sitting at home with my mom watching t.v. when my leg started to itch. I leaned down and scratched my leg and upon doing so I hit the vein. The skin was too soft because of the condition and it ruptured. I was rushed to the ER where it took them 3 hours to get the blood to stop gushing out of my leg. My doctor looked at me and asked "How long have you had varicose veins?" "2 years or so" was my reply. When he asked me If I had seen a doctor about them before I answered yes. I then told him that 2 years ago my family doctor told me that I needed to lose weight or I most likely wouldn't live to see 30. I was 22 at the time and still felt invincible. I merely laughed it off and continued my same bad habits. The junk food, the soda, the alcohol, etc. The doctor hung his head and I could tell he was ashamed for me. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. He then asked me how I felt about it now. I was quiet for a few moments not looking him in the eyes. I told him I knew it was a stupid thing to do and that I would fix it. I want to live to be around for my family, my friends, and my beautiful girlfriend and her daughter. So now here I am on this site looking to make a change in my life. One for the better.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Having my daughters wearing my old clothes because I just can't fit them anymore...and some of them were incredibly cute. That hurt my ego more than anything. Oh, and not being able to cross my legs comfortably anymore. Big bummer!
  • oneworkoutatatime
    I was getting dressed one day and I thought someone had switched my clothes or I was being "Punk'd"..and then I looked at some pics of me...