Tried and Tired I GIVE UP



  • If you decide to stop that is your choice ... but if it has been helping perhaps a "come back tour" is in order. We all get distracted, we all have "bad days" when we eat things we know we shouldn't. Move on keep going. I know getting an Babe you look great! is confirmation to what we are doing but if you are only doing it to get approval from someone else it will fail.

    Do YOU feel better about your weight/image? if so keep going you have gotten this far why stop now? We often times have to be our own cheerleaders.

    Hope you find something that helps.
    Blessed Be:flowerforyou:
  • Haima
    Haima Posts: 93 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. We all feel that way sometimes, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Ok, your choice, but you're not hurting any of us....only yourself.

    You wrote everything I did over Christmas and New Year. I started pigging out at the beginning of Dec, after a year of gaining weight. I was the heaviest I've ever been last week when I joined MFP
    I read a quote ( I'm not into quotes, but it's good)

    If you keep doing the same things
    You'll keep getting the same results.

    It's not that great, but it's what I keep on doing, so I'm going to try something different. Good luck. xx
  • Hi, I know you don't really believe that God wants you unhappy & overweight. Just remember that we are all human, we all fall off the track. Just like a baby bird that falls from the nest and didn't end up dead ... tries to fly but flutters along the ground, they don't give up, they flutter higher the next day and on and on, cause if the fall from the tree didn't kill them then the Lord makes them stronger and they will fly! Spread your wings and learn to fly :)<3
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I was doing so well..but then the holidays came and I stop logging. This party and that party kept telling myself ""I 'll start over tomorrow " tomorrow always came and went. I've lost my way,lost my will and my drive with not a one single soul to say Hey mom stay focused or hey hunni you're looking great. I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.

    I feel the same way, about the holidays. But, tomorrow's a new day! We were given this opportunity to lose this weight, so let's accept the down falls and challenge ourselves to get over them! Forget about the holidays, and remember tomorrow is Monday, a new start. It is a new day to get it going!!! :) If you look at my diary the last few weeks, it was horrible!! But, come tomorrow, I'm going to ignore that, and push forward. I have 50 more pounds to go... they'll be gone before July 4th... no doubt. Shake it off hun, and let your motivation take over! :)
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    I was doing so well..but then the holidays came and I stop logging. This party and that party kept telling myself ""I 'll start over tomorrow " tomorrow always came and went. I've lost my way,lost my will and my drive with not a one single soul to say Hey mom stay focused or hey hunni you're looking great. I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.
    Hey sweetie don't feel alone & DO NOT GIVE UP !! Most of us have been there more than once. That is why we are here! That is part of what MFP is all about, being there for each other , when you are "up" you reach "down" & help someone "up".. When you are "down" you reach "Up" for someone to help pull you up.
    “Don’t wait for someone to take you under their wing. Find a good wing and climb up underneath it.” ~Frank C. Bucaro
    Hang in there you have a whole bunch of "wings" right here. Keeping close to each other "suit up & show up" everyday is what helps us all I would love to be on your friend list
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.

    I like this; I'll have to remember it!

    But like others have said, don't give up! We all have bad days, or even bad weeks, until it seems pointless to keep going. But it's never pointless! If you want this for yourself, you have to just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and forge on ahead. You already have 6 pages of people on this topic who believe in you! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Don't give up Girlfriend! You are looking great (You know that!) You are feeling better than when you started! ( You know that too!) Maybe your support system at home is not reinforcing your success ( tell them you need that from them!!!!) , but everybody here on this site supports you. If you are looking at this point in your life as a failure, you need to be inspired by a quote from Henry Ford., " Failurue is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." Start again today. You know how you loved that feeling of being "in control" you got from logging the food and exercises each day, seeing the progress, and knowing that you CAN do this!! :smile:
  • jsmiel01
    jsmiel01 Posts: 5 Member
    You mention that God might just intend for you to be "this way." God wants what is best for you ALWAYS. If you feel your best, then you're all set. I'm going to bet, however, this is not how you feel physically or emotionally. All things are possible with God. Have you prayed about this? The Bible verse Joshua 1:9 has gotten me through many a tough time. At times, I say the same thing about God wanting me to be just the way I am. A healthier me could serve him better, though. He gives us free will and sometimes that means I make poor food choices, and give excuses for not exercising. Don't ever give up.
  • crystal479
    crystal479 Posts: 59 Member
    you no you can lose weight now ,so don't give up, just keep going and in a few months you will be pleased you did not quit because you have lost weight
  • God did not invent bad foods did he?

    Don't give up - just retrain yourself to accept discipline is a way of life when there is so much rubbish on the shelves!
  • Flintbeats810
    Flintbeats810 Posts: 84 Member
    i been overweight my whole life and I kept saying i was goig to start and then it was like something clicked and i decided enough was a enough, I have a 2 year old son that I want to be able to keep up with and see grow up. I want to feel better I want to look better and be healthy. I will say this. If you don't feel like 100 % ready don't commit to something your not going to follow through with. I wasn't sure how it was going to go for me but i've lost 55 pounds in 4 months and I now feel like QUITIING IS NOT AN OPTION. I feel like i don't have a choice. I have to do it. so I do it and each week i get on that scale I love myself more and more for fighting each day when i don't feel like doing anything. With the right support you can do this, be succesful, be happy and feel good about yourself. Its definately life changing.
  • 1. You've already lost 14lbs , you can definitely do more.
    2. However much you are upset with yourself for what you ate in the holidays , I doubt giving up will make you feel better, I know it;s hard but you've shown that you can do it, just keep at it. Everyone has off times, it's completely natural. I put on a stone in the last week.
    3. keep your chin up, I'm sure you're amazing and I'm sure you don't want to quit or you wouldn't have posted on this message board but just want more motivation.
  • I feel the same way, I'm about ready to give up, I'm starting to think maybe I'm suppose to be fat forever. I can't seem to eat even a normal amount of calories because I am a fat pig. I am surprised how fast my calories build up I don't know how anyone eats healthy, I tried eating less and I was starving. I feel like a complete failure as a person and will never succeed.
  • doesil
    doesil Posts: 1
    Oh hon, we are only human. Put that behind you and just start right now. Its either loose weight for us or plan on going on the needle, with the high cholesterol and everything else... When my 15 year old told me he weighs 260 it was a wake up call. Yep. No choice. Its not a diet, its a change of life style required.

    Together we can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • The holidays got me, too. I was off work for two weeks, hosted three dinners, did alot of baking, went out of town for three days... Too hard to stay on track. It was my first set back since I started 5 months ago. It can be scary when you let yourself go off track, and for me the scale backed that up. Then the old doubts start to creep in...will I find the will power again? Can I get back into that same mindset? But yesterday I woke up and knew it was time to get back to "my new normal". And I did. I ate healthy. I got on the treadmill. Today, the same. And today I am more energized than ever to keep this lifestyle up, to be the best me that I can. We all need to give ourselves a little break every now and then. For me, it made me realize how much better I feel (physically and emotionally) when I am eating healthy and exercising. I have a long way to go yet in my weight loss journey, and am sure there will be more little setbacks, but I also know that I can overcome them. I am in this for the long haul. This is my new normal. And I am finally confident of that!

    WE can do this!
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    For me, it made me realize how much better I feel (physically and emotionally) when I am eating healthy and exercising. I have a long way to go yet in my weight loss journey, and am sure there will be more little setbacks, but I also know that I can overcome them. I am in this for the long haul. This is my new normal. And I am finally confident of that!

    WE can do this!

    Actually i felt a whole lot better. Thanks for the support
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Oh hon, we are only human. Put that behind you and just start right now.

    Together we can do it.:flowerforyou:

    Had a great day today. Thanks for the support