Anyone here over 50?



  • I am 54 and yes it seems a little harder because our metabolism changes especially if you're going through the menopausal stage as I am. However, stress can play a huge factor in weight gain as it did with me after a divorce. I was never a big dieter and didn't exercise much, but I'm determined now.
  • wolfect
    wolfect Posts: 61 Member
    Wow! I am so pleased to see so many people 50+. I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I signed up earlier today. I'm 57 and couldn't agree more with the challenges of losing post-menopause. It's not just losing though - I find I eat emotionally now and I never did that before. I don't eat poorly - I just eat too much. I'm trying to swap out that trip to the refrigerator for a trip to exercise. I'm pleased to see so many of us here! Good luck everyone!
  • One of the big this as we get older which make it harder to lose the excess weight than when we were younger, aside from the hormonal changes, is that as a whole, the older we get, the less active we are, so with modifications to the eating plan, an increase in exercise is a must. This doesn't have to be at the gym either, it can just be walking if that's all you can do.

    I have lost 52 lbs in 11 months, and the only exercise I did was walking, cycling to work occassionally, and using the stairs instead of the lift - did not step foot inside a gym.

    Of course a gym can be good, but not unless it is firstly accompanied by a change of eating habits.
  • marygettingfit
    marygettingfit Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary and am 59 and working real hard to get back in shape and be healthy again. Take it one day at a time and don't give up. You'll get there and with alot of great support here. Yes it is much harder to lose now but the rewards are so wonderful!!! Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck!!
  • I'm 53 and have been riding the gain it, loose it wagon for awhile now. I am determined to log in and log in my food diary everyday. There are so many inspiring people here!
  • I am over 50 and so far I love this app. I am down 5 pounds. Good Luck:smile:
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I am 49 years old here. Yes it is harder to lose weight when you are older. I am sending you a friend request.

    My name is Gay Lynn and I have at least another 40 pounds to lose.
  • Yahooliz
    Yahooliz Posts: 5 Member
    Turned 50 in September. My youngest daughter (I have three) will be graduating high school in May. Trying to look at the full half of the cup. Decided this week that part of that full half will be concentrating more on my own health. My weight was always ok until 15 years ago when I went through a battle with cancer. My weight shot up after surgery and treatments(after crashing down to almost bones while sick). I have been so busy being a mom, glad I was alive, employee, etc. that I just ignored my weight. But now I want to concentrate on getting to a healthy weight and becoming more active. I have a grandmother that is 93 and my other grandmother lived into her 80's. I have decided cancer or not....I am going to count on having quite a few years left and I want to feel good and be able to enjoy them!!!!! I am NOT a dieter (when I try to diet for some reason it makes me want to eat everything!) and I LOVE Carbs in bread/cake/coookie form. I read about this website online yesterday. Logged my first days meals and exercise. Here is crossing my fingers for success. EATTING WHAT I WANT BUT IN MODERATION.
  • I am 57. The last few years I let stress and my medical problems totally derail my diet and fitness. I'm here to get back on track.
  • slewen
    slewen Posts: 3
    Yes! I'm 59 and was wondering too if there was anyone over 50. I just started this on January 1. I want to lose 75 pounds by October.
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    Yep 58 here. I'm going to have to agree with you. It definitely is harder to shed the pounds as you get older. I'm currently matching my intake and exercise to what I was doing back in 2003 and have only managed to fluctuate between 1 and 3 lbs loss of the last month and a half. Same time period back then I had dropped 10 pounds. It can be pretty frustrating for sure.
  • cheryl529h
    cheryl529h Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, I'm 53, and definitely finding it harder to lose weight as I get older. Part of my problem is that I no longer have the willpower and motivation I had when I was younger. If I could somehow find the willpower / motivation again, I know I'd be successful, but I think it's up and left for good!

    Anyway, I joined MFP yesterday and need to lose around 45-50 lbs. Looking for all the motivation I can find! :)
  • Yep, 52 & have gained 20 lbs in the last 2 years. Used to be able to eat anything & not gain weight but I think those days are long gone!

    At 5'3 1/2" & 136 lbs I don't think my weight is a huge problem just yet. But if i keep gaining 10 lbs a year it quickly will be! So i'm hoping to nip this weight-gain thing in the bud before it spirals out of control.
  • Yes..52, but feeling younger every day! At least trying. Lost 75+ since early March 2012 and expecting to lose the same amount this year (my goal). I am new to MFP, and happy to connect to others. It's been a struggle, but this time I am expecting to complete the journey and make it stick. I also use the Fitbit tracker and Aria scale which have been very useful in keeping me on track with exercise and weigh-ins.
  • ctcds
    ctcds Posts: 1 name is Bonnie and I'm 51 and just join MyFitness Pal. I started putting on the pounds after meeting my husband when I was 37, before we got married, I lost weight and weighed 137lbs (I'm 5ft 1".) Had my son @ 41 and then the pounds started adding up. Joined Jenny Craig and lost 12 lbs before it got to be too expensive. Now I'm up to 192lbs and have a goal to be back down to 130 lbs (would be cool to be back @ 115lbs when I was in my 20's, but will be happy @ 130.)

    I thought I was starting out good by eating Skinnylicious Asian Chicken Salad @ Cheesecake Factory this weekend. Couldn't understand why my fingers were swollen until now. I just looked up the specs on this dish...2,640 Mg of sodium ..seriously, not good when one has high blood pressure!

    How can they call this skinnylicious when the sodium level was so high???

    What is the maximum sodium one should limit when you have high blood pressure?
  • Yep, 56 here. I am trying something new, making new habits small steps that I can consistently achieve. This month it is journalizing my food and exercising 6 days a week. Body change = Life change. Add me if you want this kind of help and motivation.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I will be 51 in February and joined MFP in April of 2012. I have lost 135 lbs. It took me 2 1/2 years to do it~but I did it!!!

    Yes, metabolism slows but it is NOT impossible! Hang in there!!!
  • kagardner61
    kagardner61 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 51 (getting close to 52) and have lost about 60 pounds in the past 6 months. I think the biggest difference at this age is you have to do both the diet AND the exercise. I used to be able to drop pounds just walking more or doing an occasional work-out, but now I feel like I need to get 30-60 minutes of heart pounding exercise in everyday. I started with bike riding in the summer and now go to the YMCA almost everyday. I try to NEVER eat back all the exercise calories.
  • mslilmack
    mslilmack Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I will be 54 in March. Just downloaded MFP today. Hoping to get motivated again. Lost 30lbs last year then managed to gain back 15 when I stopped exercising. Just proved what everyone has been saying that at this stage of the game it is important to exercise along with eating properly. I have a long journey ahead as I need to lose about 145lbs to reach my goal. Here's to success in 2013.
  • I am 81 and have lost 12 pounds so far - this program is great - hang in there.:smile: