Why do guys on MFP do this?



  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    it's because my goal is to have sex with each and everyone of my friends on here, men included ;P
    we are gonna have a giant orgy when I get to my goal weight.
    Not sure if srs

    haha if you thought that was serious then I've lost all faith in humanity.

    Im actually kinda disappointed... I may have paid for the dvd
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Lone_wolf70- While I take responsibility for what happened, I don't think where I went wrong was having my hoodie unzipped a little. I'm wearing a shirt under it and am showing no cleavage. I don't think my profile pic is provocative. Either way, learned a lesson and will grow from it. :)

    Just to let you know, some people get confused and mistake "hoodie ties" with "exposed ovaries."
  • I've heard of guys who pick up women at gyms... they'll find women who've been overweight for a long time and have finally dropped the weight. Pretty much swooping in for the kill at an opportune moment. I would imagine some of the men here have this in mind as their modus operandi, unfortunately.

    hahahahah ...yeah be careful ladies, might actually get some d___!! How awful.

    Emotionally vulnerable women being targeted deliberately... that's what I meant.

    If a woman wants d___ well, she can usually get it. A man rarely gets the goods without the woman wanting it too.

    There are men who hang out in the parkling lot of Weight Watchers and gyms targeting women in the hopes that they have been fat for a long time, have been without it, and are easy lays ... I was informed of these sleaze balls by a man.

    No different than women that hang out in expensive places looking for guys with money.


    Women also do what you say men do....hunt for newly gotten in shape men they deem as vulnerable. And men and women have both been known to go after the opposite sex based on financial gain, social climbing...etc....etc...etc....

    As myOWNInspiration said - women are just as bad as men...

    I don't think she would disagree with that....but the topic was more about what "men" do , not what women do?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Guys here are dangerous, be careful!


    I agree. I got a creepy PM the other day. Some guy asking about who I thought would win in a wrestling match between us. Funny enough, I lift more than him....
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Thank you everyone for your diverse answers. I had no idea MFP did not have a lot of guys.
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103

    I don't think she would disagree with that....but the topic was more about what "men" do , not what women do?

    Exactly. People forget the point of the original argument sometimes :)
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    Lone_wolf70- While I take responsibility for what happened, I don't think where I went wrong was having my hoodie unzipped a little. I'm wearing a shirt under it and am showing no cleavage. I don't think my profile pic is provocative. Either way, learned a lesson and will grow from it. :)

    Just to let you know, some people get confused and mistake "hoodie ties" with "exposed ovaries."

    Clinically speaking they're the same. I am an aOB-gyn.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Guys here are dangerous, be careful!

    Yep we are all crazy lunatics just wanting for an opportunity to strike the helpless females... Not srs.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Because boobs.

    Warm ones only.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Because boobs.

    Warm ones only.

  • Wwhat ever floats there boat. I also know girls on here that have 90% men and are in a relationship.

    True, live and let live. We're here to encourage each other not judge. If a little ego boost from the opposite sex helps your live a more fulfilling healthy life then go for it!
  • I can't say that the case here. I haven't been approached yet and I'm her for support, entertainment and meeting all people.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    There are a lot more women here than men. And a lot more women active on the message boards.

    I have yet to encounter anyone creepy....

    ...maybe because I know which messages to respond to and which to ignore.
  • Because boobs.

    Warm ones only.


    Lighten up...
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member

    I don't think she would disagree with that....but the topic was more about what "men" do , not what women do?

    Exactly. People forget the point of the original argument sometimes :)

    Or they just point out that the other side is doing the same thing. Just in a slightly different fashion.
  • nylphia
    nylphia Posts: 16
    I dont collect ppl...that term is ridiculous

    Yes you do, they are all locked in your basement.

    LOL>>>>>>>>>>>> toooo funny
  • StrongerThanThor
    StrongerThanThor Posts: 544 Member
    Guys here are dangerous, be careful!

    Yep we are all crazy lunatics just wanting for an opportunity to strike the helpless females... Not srs.

    Lol well said!
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm guilty of being one of the "friend list full of females" guys. There's probably many reasons...attention, probably being # 1. Who doesn't like to hear someone of the opposite sex tell you that you are awesome.

    I consider myself to be a manly man that happens to gossip alot (is that even possible) and I tend to have a flirtatious personality (mostly with women, lol) - in real life and here. Being a "manly man", it is not easy/normal for me to talk about weight issues with other guys - it's just not cool, the women I've become friends with are much more encouraging than any guy would be (I think), and probably partially because of feeling competitive with other dudes, it's easier and more enjoyable for me to cheer on a woman.

    I don't think I'm a creep. I try to be nice and supportive. I do have guys on my FL - I think 3 out of 100, maybe 4. :happy:

    Oh yeah....and boobs. Definitely boobs - just keeping it real. :wink:
  • emilykg12
    emilykg12 Posts: 119
    It's the Internet - people are shameless and don't have the same fear of rejection. I bet men would rather hang around beautiful women all day in real life, but that's a BIT more challenging than clicking "add as friend."
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    Lone_wolf70- While I take responsibility for what happened, I don't think where I went wrong was having my hoodie unzipped a little. I'm wearing a shirt under it and am showing no cleavage. I don't think my profile pic is provocative. Either way, learned a lesson and will grow from it. :)

    No lesson to learn, except maybe that creepers happen. And I don't think you should take responsibility for that guy. I know a lot of guys that use the insincere oh my bad to hit on ppl IRL. If their apologizing it makes it harder to shoot them down. It's actually quite clever. BTW I'm sure that girls do this too. Next time just write yes, you offended me. Kthxbai.