ANYONE WANTING TO LOSE 70lbs? Or has already lost it?



  • newterri2013
    I want to lose 70lbs this year too! HOPEFULLY by this summer...Id be happy with July. Thats 10lbs a month... little over 2 lbs a week. I just started yesterday. Anyone who wants to add me FEEL FREE!! Lets to do this thing together! WE CAN DO IT!
  • Metspride129
    Metspride129 Posts: 122 Member
    i've dropped aroud 70 thus far, looking to drop another 30 more
  • queenjustine03
    queenjustine03 Posts: 28 Member
    My name is Justine and I'm 19. :)

    Overall, my goal is 70 pounds! I've got 20 down, 50 more to go. Every extra pound makes you feel great! Add me, I'll be your friend! Anyone else as we'll. I'm looking for support! :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I want to lose 75 pounds. But I'm not setting that as my goal now. My goal right now is 20 pounds. Then I will set another one.
  • piloxing26
    Looking to lose that amount myself-right there with you and we will do it together!!! :)
  • mjesuscarra
    i am looking to loose 70 lbs as well
  • mjesuscarra
    wow your storie motives me
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    I need to lose alot still but I've come so far already! I'm very impressed with myself and hopefully I can get to my goal in no time at all!!! :)
  • katydidit79
    katydidit79 Posts: 21 Member
    Im in the same boat. It seems like a lot, but I decided that 5lb increments are best at this time. I get terribly anxious or impatient so.. Hopefully it will finally sink in and stick. I am looking for like minded buddies if anyone wants a partner in crime :)
  • whitesox56
    I dropped close to 90 lbs in a year so it's very possible. Unfortunately in the last year I've gained some of it back but I'm fully committed to getting rid of these last 40 lbs or so for good..I am hoping to do this by July when we are going to L.A. and Vegas.
  • xomorganjc
    xomorganjc Posts: 106 Member
    I definitely want to lose that much, if not more!
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    Looking to lose about 50 (which will bring me to approximately 135), then will see if necessary for more (haven't been under 140 pounds since I was 16!) Would love to get some friends to keep me (and them) motivated!
  • purplejojo73
    purplejojo73 Posts: 1 Member
    I just saw your posting, you look fantastic, im sure you feel incredible,:blushing: have you managed to keep it off? i am looking to loose about 126lbs
  • ajstewart20745
    ajstewart20745 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm on the wagon train to lose for the summer. I've been taking protein shakes , speical K cereal for breakfast, lean cusine meals adding greek yogurt for snacks and lots of water.
  • cardonut
    cardonut Posts: 11 Member
    You look amazing! Thanks for posting the pics - incredibly inspiring.

    I'm looking to lose 70 lbs and am just getting started. Been prepping menus and food the past couple of days and am ready to go.
  • Kab00m_Generation
    I've lost 91lb (6.5 stone) Since last Feb. Anything is possible if you work hard - this included one day a week of eating anything and everything I want. I found it kick started my body again. With the exception of 3 weeks (weigh myself once a week) I lost every time.
    I joined Slimming World (not sure if they have it where you live), but it's the easiest diet I've ever been on, doesn't even feel like you're dieting :)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I haven't lost 70 quite yet, but close. My total goal is to lose 180 lbs. I've lost almost 60 (hope to reach that milestone tomorrow.) I've been dieting and exercising for almost 7 months.

    You can send me a friend request if you want to but I'll be honest, I only want friends that log in daily. (I think this process only works if you are diligent in your logging.) And I also only want positive friends. I can't afford to be surrounded in negativity with such a big goal ahead of me. The whiners and people who wanna quit only bring me down.
    I am good at supporting my friends, I try to comment on your status and connect with my friends.

    About me-
    5'7, 35 years old
    New to running. Did my first 5k Dec 1st, my next one is 1/19/13
    SW 330
    CW 271
    GW 150
    Current goal: to reach 255 (hopefully by Valentines although I try not to set deadlines)
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    This post is just what I needed!! I need to lose this amount to fit into my wedding dress on September 7th so we have the exact same deadline!. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    I am looking to lose 50lbs by september... Is it possible?
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I lost 70 last year, going for my last 10!

    I started couting calories and exercising in march/april, I would have lost more but didnt start working out in january, so you are on time to do that.