Lose 5 Pounds in January - open group



  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Have only just see this post, but I am in, so here goes:-

    SW: (Starting weight) 17st 9 lbs ( 247 lbs )
    CW: (Current weight)
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 17st 1 lbs ( 239 lbs )

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 17st 9 lbs ( 247 lbs )

    Total weight lost:

    Here's to a lighter 2013 everyone.

  • katchmesue
    katchmesue Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in too please .....altho i was pleased a lost 1LB over the xmas period ....so well pleased with myself
    but want to kick start my weight loss again
  • hafnerbg
    hafnerbg Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to lose 5 pounds per month!! Gotta start somewhere and losing 5/month it's gonna take more than a year......but right now I'm exactly where I was in January of 2012. Past time to just do it!!

    SW 210
    GW 145
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    SW: 205
    CW: 172
    GW: 167

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1: 172
    1/8: 170.4 (weighing in a day early)

    Total weight lost:
  • Can't wait to start losing this weight.
    And I am a week late but rather be late than never.
    Loggin this early b/c I do my weigh ins on Mondays.

    SW: 272
    CW: 272

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 Didn't weight in b/c I just started
    1/8 272 Weighing in a day early

    Total weight lost:

    And to the person above me YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • sw 181

  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm a day late but I'd like to join;

    CW: 139.8
    GW: 125

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/2 139.8
    1/8 136 (weighing in a day early - mostly water weight I feel)

    What is your fitness resolution for 2013? To get to 22% Body Fat
  • Here's what you do:

    SW: 146
    CW: 146
    GW: 140

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 146
    1/8 - 145.2
  • glamouritz64
    glamouritz64 Posts: 85 Member
    SW: 197
    CW: 194
    GW: 189 (Goal weight for the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/8 - ?
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    SW 142
    CW 142
    GW 139 *Feb

    Ultimate goal weight is to get back down to 136-137.
    Fitness goal is to maintain a healthy weight without any exercise related injuries. Sidelined myself w/P90x injuries last fall then lost all motivation and fell off wagon.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    SW: 234.4
    CW: 234.4
    GW: 229

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 234.4

    Total weight lost:
  • Crazyoddball
    Crazyoddball Posts: 21 Member
    SW: (233.6)
    CW: (184.6)
    GW: (178.6)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 184.6
    1/8 -

    Total weight lost:

    New Years Health resolution to get to my GW 160.0
  • jaynita2
    jaynita2 Posts: 53 Member
    SW: 210
    CW: 186
    GW: 140

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1: Late joining, but I'm pretty sure it was 186

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? Reaching and MAINTAINING a healthy BMI!
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Female, 38 years old... I'd like to loose 8 lbs this month, I think and hope it's doable... but difficult... 2lbs a week,,,,
    S.W.: 151
    C.W.: 150.2
    G.W.: 143 ( for end of January)
    F.G.W 128 ( final goal weight, for whenever possible)

    1/1 - 151 quite sure it was this
    1/8 -
    1/25 -
    1/31 -

    Total weight lost........
  • I just currently joined this site all together so I definitely need motiviation. 5lbs shouldn't be hard right? Here it goes:

    SW: (212)
    CW: (212)
    GW: (150)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 212
    1/8 -

    Total weight lost:
  • avargas15
    avargas15 Posts: 26 Member
    I am in, and today is my first WI. I have been wanting to lose 5 lbs for months, but the wanting has not translated into doing. I think this will do the trick! I am looking for a group that motivates and supports each other, and looks like maybe this is it.

    My fitness resolution for 2013? To get off of the diabetes meds, AND the anxiety meds. Which means I need to control my blood sugar by eating right and exercising, and of course losing weight. For the anxiety meds, I need to work on my emotional health, so working out and eating well will help there also.

    For those on the board, I vow to sign in daily and support you, because I need your support, too!

    SW: (194)
    CW: (194)
    GW: (189)

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/7 - 194 (first WI)
    1/8 -
    1/15 -
    1/22 -
    1/31 -

    Total weight lost:
  • swlambert
    swlambert Posts: 2 Member
    Weigh in today 157.9. 1 week down!!! Getting easier
  • avargas15
    avargas15 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, to everyone, but especially those of you who just joined yesterday and today, like me: katchmesue, angelzoya519, jaynita2, hafnerbg, psmith64, 6patch, emmab32, ruth_thomps! We can do this. Let's stick together. 5 lbs is quite doable, I think, maybe. I think I am ready to go, not just think about it. Let's see. What motivated me the most this morning was dmcole3's post... nearly 19lbs in the last 3 months, nice and steady. That's what I want!

    Today I am taking a spinning class orientation with my DH. I hope I like it! I am looking for workouts I enjoy so much I can't wait to do them! And starting southbeach today again, but starting on Phase 2, not Phase 1. Have done Phase 1 many times, and it is not good for me... my glucose levels go too low and I get very sick. My brother, who is a southbeach enthusiast recently suggested I skip Phase 1 and do Phase 2 instead, so I am giving it a try. Well, enough for now. Talk to you all soon!
  • Excited for tomorrow's weigh in and to see if I lost anything in the first week. I'm so dedicate and really hope to lose the goal of 5 pounds this month.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Sorry I'm a bit late to this, but can I join please?

    SW: 210lbs
    CW: 168lbs
    GW: 156lbs

    Weigh in Dates:
    1/1 - 168lbs

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What is your fitness resolution for 2013? To run a 5k race by the end of the year.