Did Jillian Michaels Go Too Far on BL?



  • jerryBarbero
    jerryBarbero Posts: 1 Member
    I'll be watching, but I think your comment is spot on. I've never subscribed to the 'you have to hit bottom before you can make progress'. The contestants already consider themselves 'loser' psychologically without Jillian berating that philosophy into them. I thought the other two trainers methods where much better. I can't wait for the episode that shows the contestant that stands up to Jillian. That will be a showdown!
  • tracied22
    tracied22 Posts: 8 Member
    I think they go too far all the time, including their training methods.

    I think the show, while entertaining and motivating, also does a massive disservice to dieters by giving them a horrible idea of what is acceptable and what isn't.

    /gets off soapbox.


    It's the only show I've seen where people get upset that they "only" lost 20lbs their first week. You'll see plenty of posters around here who expect the same results these people on tv are having.

    Plus I don't think you really learn much about a healthy lifestyle if you're taken from your family, home, and job and given a personal trainer and pre-planned meals for a couple months. Losing weight on your own as a part of your regular life is really a better way to go.
    I think it's MUCH better way to go about it, on your own. It's easier and healthier I'm sure.
    I have to say I was really disheartened by a man on the show .... who said he'd been waiting TWO YEARS to get on the show and lose weight.
    All I could think... is if he had found something like MFP and already implemented the changes in his life two years ago.... he wouldn't need the show.
    Totally agree with the 2 year wait...if it was that important for him to lose the weight that should have been his wake up call!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    This. My wife and I were cussing at him quite a bit when we hear how long he's been waiting. Lazy anyone?
    It made me angrier than anything on the show. You are how many pounds overweight? Nearly kill your son in car accident? Make a promise to lose the weight and use the excuse you are waiting on a TV show?

    It literally enraged me.

    Exactly how I felt...if it meant so much to him, he should have been steadily trying to lose , instead of waiting...
    Jillian is tough, but it is a reality show...ratings, ratings, ratings. I quit watching last night because of the puking. I will pick it up next week...
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I watched the program online as I missed the episode, wanted to see what the fuss was over. First time for everything, first time watching The Biggest Loser, probably the last time I watch it too... heh.

    I wasn't very entertained or impressed, I enjoyed the kids part most of all... the trainers were much more motivational with them. I felt Jillian was not as motivational as the two other trainers and I thought that Bob Harper taking her to task about her being too rough was spot on.

    I started working out slowly and paired it with dieting to get results. I was totally unable to just jump right in like that, after years of inactivity. I gradually and consistently ramped it up and doing really well now. But then again, I treated my weight loss goal like a marathon where I planned to take a year at least to lose it all, not a sprint where I could get demotivated about working out and quit. Quitting isn't in the cards for me.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    She treated two other contestants the same and they made different choices.

    What I would like to see is normal weight folks go through the same program. They are achieving goals of world class athletes by the end of the season, not an easy regimen for most.
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    She always goes to far, most of them gain the weight back anyways...I cannot stand her honestly
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    I have very little respect for JM, although I am using her 30 Day Shred video. The more I learn about her and hear the way she treats people the less I want to send my money in her direction by buying her products.
  • KathrynAlex
    KathrynAlex Posts: 11 Member
    I think they go too far all the time, including their training methods.

    I think the show, while entertaining and motivating, also does a massive disservice to dieters by giving them a horrible idea of what is acceptable and what isn't.

    /gets off soapbox.


    Truth be told, if I believed weight loss could only happen if I was humiliated and yelled at, exercising until I puked, and couldn't eat pizza once in a while, I'd never have lost weight.
  • How do you figure they are taking the easy way out? Each person on that show puts in a lot of hard work in working out for hours and learning to eat right with proper portions. They are doing what we all should be doing. I myself have lost 222 pounds so far and yes I still have more to go but the closer I get to my goal weight the more I realize it is getting more and more difficult. I would love to have Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper as my trainer and to show me how I can kick up my workouts even more.

    I don't think Jillian went to far last night at all. If you have ever watched this show you would realize that is how she has ALWAYS done things. It is her way of breaking people of their bad habits. it works for some and doesn't for others. Nikki was really not ready to be there and like she, herself, said, she did not realize on how tough it would be. She pretty much gave up during the first 5 minutes of the first workout.

    Good luck to everyone in your weight loss goals!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    This. My wife and I were cussing at him quite a bit when we hear how long he's been waiting. Lazy anyone?
    It made me angrier than anything on the show. You are how many pounds overweight? Nearly kill your son in car accident? Make a promise to lose the weight and use the excuse you are waiting on a TV show?

    It literally enraged me.

    Exactly how I felt...if it meant so much to him, he should have been steadily trying to lose , instead of waiting...
    Jillian is tough, but it is a reality show...ratings, ratings, ratings. I quit watching last night because of the puking. I will pick it up next week...

    Yea, that peeved me too. I was like, what is wrong with you? You don't need a TV show to lose weight.
  • titi4j
    titi4j Posts: 97 Member
    I think they go too far all the time, including their training methods.

    I think the show, while entertaining and motivating, also does a massive disservice to dieters by giving them a horrible idea of what is acceptable and what isn't.

    /gets off soapbox.
    I personally don't watch the show. I did once years ago and it scared the daylights out of me. I felt there had to be much more going on that we don't see. I so agree that it does a massive disservice to dieters by giving them a horrible idea of what is acceptable and what isn't. As far as someone taking a spot that someone who really wanted it could've had, I don't think people going on the show have any idea what it's going to be like.

    I saw a show that three trainers from Biggest Loser were on. Jillian herself said, "we make people workout 6 hours a day and unless you're puking or dead you keep going!" I don't think when someone goes on the show that the understand they will be working out, hard, 6 hours a day. I guess I have no business saying anything since I haven't lost much since coming back to MFP a few months ago. I just know that the show scares me and actually makes me feel worse about myself that I'm not able to "do it".
  • I think they go too far all the time, including their training methods.

    I think the show, while entertaining and motivating, also does a massive disservice to dieters by giving them a horrible idea of what is acceptable and what isn't.

    /gets off soapbox.


    It's the only show I've seen where people get upset that they "only" lost 20lbs their first week. You'll see plenty of posters around here who expect the same results these people on tv are having.

    Plus I don't think you really learn much about a healthy lifestyle if you're taken from your family, home, and job and given a personal trainer and pre-planned meals for a couple months. Losing weight on your own as a part of your regular life is really a better way to go.
    I think it's MUCH better way to go about it, on your own. It's easier and healthier I'm sure.
    I have to say I was really disheartened by a man on the show .... who said he'd been waiting TWO YEARS to get on the show and lose weight.
    All I could think... is if he had found something like MFP and already implemented the changes in his life two years ago.... he wouldn't need the show.
    Totally agree with the 2 year wait...if it was that important for him to lose the weight that should have been his wake up call!
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    I think she went WAY too far! It's like she has a years worth of pent up anger... or may she needs a nap!
  • the guy who "waited two years" also stated that he did try at home before finding out he was on the show and failed to lose the weight he wanted. Obviously you all missed that?! It is a show and can be helpful to those of us watching. Yes, you do have to get off your butt to exercise and get some well needed activity in your life. Being sedentary and eating healthy is not enough to lose the weight you actually have to get up and move and I don't mean to go to the fridge or to go to the bathroom.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    love it.

    no one gets stronger by working around their weaknesses.

  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    THIS! I won't watch it. They use unethical tactics and instead of being motivating, it shows results that are unattainable for most people. Come on... 20+ pounds a week? How is that healthy? And who in the "real world" can be at the gym 8 hours a day?Check out Kai Hibbard of The Biggest Loser Season 3 for what really goes on at the ranch...

    I agree with this 150% It's really REALLY dangerous. When Kai and the other contestant, I can't remember his name, came out and told the truth about what they did to win a weigh-in, that made me lose serious respect for the show and for the trainers that sign on for that. Not cool to be associated with such dangerous tactics.
  • ashRodrigue
    ashRodrigue Posts: 14 Member
    I have mixed emotions about Jillian last night. I thought she was really tough. I mean these guys are literally passing out on the treadmill and she is yelling at them? No compassion at all. Regarding how she was towards Nikki, while I do think she was rough on her- she was right. Nikki was not ready to be there. She wasn't even trying. If I were her and I watched last nights episode I would be embarassed. All these people trying out for the show and she takes a spot of someone who really wanted to be there.

    Yes I will be watching. It is one of the only shows my husband and I watch together.

    Oh and I do think off all the seasons this season has the most attractive. You can see when these people lose weight they are going to look amazing !

    I agree!!!
  • soulie
    soulie Posts: 4 Member
    The way she curses at people and all that rough talk ... I'm not going to watch her show anymore. I've lost a lot of weight in the past with a trainer that had a lot more patience and never once yelled at me. It's unprofessional to me. It's not the NFL

    The patient and gentle method works for you -- but not for everyone. Some people need the "roughness" to move them from complacency. As someone else posted, there are contestants on that show who think that all they had to do was get selected and everything would happen miraculously. Those people probably need to quickly realize that they are not at a "fat melting" farm and they are expected to put in extra work.

    We normally will see an hour of this a week and it is clipped together and edited for maximum impact; we do not see 167 hours of what they are doing each week. Jillian might have sworn twice out of 168 hours but both times get edited into the show; she might have hugged, encouraged, consoled and cried with contestants the rest of the week - but showing that would soften her "drill sargeant" image.

    By the way, you said "this is not the NFL". Coaches and trainers in the NFL come with different temperments too. Some are more like your former trainer, some are more like Jillian and some are a mix - depending on circumstances.
  • kristen49233
    kristen49233 Posts: 385 Member
    I thought Jillian was a bit tough myself, but that’s what people signed up for and as others have stated—this is a show and the producers choose the footage they air. They probably picked the worse of the worse for dramatic affect.

    As far as TC goes, I would like to be the devil’s advocate here. When the show aired his story, I figured he would be one of the season favorites and I was sorry to see him go. I disagree with the other posters that say he is lazy and had two years to lose the weight. People have different ways of dealing with their emotions—one being they set their mind on their goal and work hard towards it. The other is that they use food to numb out their guilt and emotions. My take on TC is that he had a lot of guilty baggage he was trying to deal with. So to say he could have just dieted at home may not be as easy as you think it is.

    If it was just that easy to “diet” at home—then it should be thrown on all of the contestants and not just TC. They all didn’t gain the weight within the past year or two. It’s been ongoing. They all are on BL because they need something that will break them down emotionally and build them back up. It’s a last resort because they couldn’t do it on their own.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    I had mixed feelings about it, but I do think Nikki had problems she needed to deal with outside the show. She wasn't going to get better on the show. It did irritate me that TC ended up getting booted though. Stay tuned....