

  • pammie002
    I turned 50 last July and lost over 40 lbs. with Medifast products but slipped during the holidays. I have decided to try a new approach and see if that won't get me jumpstarted again. Look forward to all the wonderful posts. Needs lots of encouragement being new to this.

    Pam :smile:
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 84 Member
    So here I am AGAIN! I dont have any excuses and I am not going to make any. 2012 I had some good months and some not so good months. Like everyone else I had bumps in the road that nearly made me veer off my path. I am still on my path and still ready to continue on to reach my goals. I would like very much to post more often so if I have any resolution that would be it. I feel this year is going to be awesome!:bigsmile:
  • aenopas
    Seven pounds - that's great!
  • rdplasschaert
    @ MTGWW -- :grin:: Born in Pasadena, CA, live in the LA area. I'm still a Cali girl atm. Perhaps someday, a Hawaii girl, or maybe a plan ol' travel girl. :)

    @ c0c0nn0r (Colleen?) --> Click on "Profile in bar that reads "Home | Goals | Check-In | Mail | Profile etc" -> click on "Edit Photos" -> click on Browse... button and navigate to the picture you want to use in your computer files. Then click on -> "Upload Photo" (this may be late for you, and someone else may have already covered it, but while I'm taking notes so I can post, I'm writing it down. <3 )

    @ exermom WTG belly dancer you! Lovin' hearing that!

    @wessecg Lovely horse. Lovely you too, and great share!

    Hey ho everyone, a quick hello, I'm nodding having just returned and it's time to catch a nap. Looking forward to interacting with each of you at some point! Great to read all of your thoughts.

    There's only so much water I can force down my gullet at this moment, and it's not coming out to 8 cups a day. However, I continue to drink as much as I feel comfortable with on my way to the goal!

    Great community, btw!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :ohwell: I've had one of those days at work today, so many interruptions that I kepy losing track of what I was doing :grumble: I feel as if I have been chasing my tail all day. Hope tomorrow is better.

    :smile: So far so good with eating today. I feel a bit more confident in my food choices, I hope it lasts longer than one day. I almost ate some chocolate (because DD opened a bar) but luckily I was too tired to move :bigsmile: and when I felt a bit more "awake" I talked myself out of eating it. If only I could do that more often !

    :smile: I've started wearing my ped again, I felt I needed to move more. On Sunday I only managed 9,000 + steps but today I've done over 12,000 (went for a short walk at lunchtime).

    Sorry I've not replied to anyone, I took a while to catch up with the posts, then I went very sleepy and had a rest and now it's getting late and I've forgotten who said what, sorry.

    Well time to hit the shower and then go to bed. I'm up early in the morning walking the doggies.

    Night Night :yawn: :yawn:

    Viv (York UK)
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies!

    Enjoying reading the posts! So far, my day has been good. I have managed to avoid the Rum Pound cake that my husband has been enjoying all day! I have planned my whole days foods and it's not on the list:noway: :noway:

    Meg: you SURE you don't want it in your house? Ha!

    Michelle: I tried to open your pool photo on my iPad and couldn't...will try on my computer later!

    Off to chop veggies for dinner and make some hot tea:drinker: Have a nice evening everyone:heart: Kackie
  • wannabethingirl2
    wannabethingirl2 Posts: 9 Member
    :smokin: Happy Monday! ~ It was my first day back to school – students return tomorrow. I liked having today to try to get things situated before they come back. We didn’t have to be there until 8 (usually it’s 7:15) and I was still almost late!! I can’t believe I hit the snooze button as many times as I did. So, I run in with wet hair, no make up spilled diet pepsi down my shirt and pants, and some weird spot on the arm on my sweatshirt that looked like pancake batter!? (Which I didn’t know until my friend pointed it out to me when I sat down! Ha) I sit down moments before the meeting and the principal tells me I need to give a report to the faculty because the person who was supposed to do it was absent. OHHH BOY! The day went pretty well, but I am certainly tired. I wanted to do an exercise video, but opted for 45 on the treadmill instead while watching Dr. Phil.

    :embarassed: Okay this is probably a “bad” question – but I always struggle with being regular (if you know what I mean)..but thought/was hoping that getting in my water and exercising every day would help, but…well, …we are on day 6 with nothing going on here :sick: and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions?? :embarassed:

    :smile: LucyT4Dieting – so sorry to hear about your father in law! That is so difficult on the entire family – I will keep all of you in my prayers! – I’m new at this, but in the past whenever I set myself up to do 3 days of exercise of week I never keep up with it. I just have to do it every day…….let’s hope I can keep up with it because I know if I skip a day…I’m toast.
    Jane in Colorado – I have thought a lot about psychological reasons for my wt. and for me, personally, I feel there is a direct link! Without throwing out TMI, I put on wt. most quickly when I’m fearful or uncertain. When I have been thin before I haven’t felt “protected” (I know – odd), and once I find myself feeling that way I will quickly put wt. back on and then I almost feel relieved to see it back. CRAZY!! :glasses:

    :smile: MTGWW – thanks for the Biblical reference. Paul’s words fit me in so many areas right now! I may have to print that out and paste it everywhere (mirror, check book, refrigerator, mouse pad).

    :bigsmile: Laura80111 – THANKS for the water reminder!!!!

    :happy: MegBlair1 – thanks for the skinnytaste.com info – I need new recipes, too!!

    :heart: KatieLou1022 Pammie002 – I’m new as well – just this week and you will love this group – the people are amazing and the support is continuous and sooo positive! Good Luck!

    :tongue: Strong_Heart – Hi there – my goal is 60 by end of year (hopefully earlier) ha – soooo we have similar goals! Good luck to US!!

    :laugh: RJAdams – Being new, I don’t know the specifics about your work stress, but I can tell they are a constant weight on your shoulders – through no doing of your own! I LOVE though that you said you laughed this morning – because really, it shows you are keeping your mind and heart above the pettiness and unprofessionalism that you are describing – which is SO hard!! I’m sorry you have to face this person every day…..but I’m so very impressed by your handling of it! YAY You!

    :wink: Lavendergirll – Post girl POST!!!

    Have a great evening everyone! I need to work on some school stuff, play with the dog (who somehow managed to toss his favorite purple monkey stuffed animal on top of my porch roof and is JUST soooo heartbroken over it that I need to get the ladder and try to get it down for him) AND get organized so I don't run in to work like I just rolled out of bed (because I just rolled out of bed) like I did today!
  • wannabethingirl2
    wannabethingirl2 Posts: 9 Member
    shoot - forgot to sign my post -

  • dmendel64
    @wannabethin I will take your advice. I am going to weigh in once a week, and if that doesn’t work I am going to blame it on the old batteries / scale LOL

    @positivePower I think that is going to be my new moto “the mind is very powerful and it’s time to get it to help instead of hurt us!”

    @mouth5667 so glad there are women out there who understand the whole image issues.

    @mefblair isn’t it just crazy!! I am so glad to have you wonderful ladies and all the positive support,

    @exermom Thanks.. I know you are right! … and Thank you for posting that recipe.. I am going to try it YUMMY!

    @auntiebk.. Thanks, enjoy the week and the Scottish Country Dance class that sounds like fun!

    @LinCharpentie good luck on those jammies for the grandbabies! I like sewing too.


    Make it a great day
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    shoot - forgot to sign my post -


    RE the going problem, psyllium husk capsules, chia seed, and/or loads of fresh veggies.

    Lin from Central Iowa

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well I had a very good day diet wise. Not enough water because I hardly had any home time. But getting some tonight but won't add up to 8 glasses for sure.

    Never did make it downstairs to my sewing. No exercise other than some walking here and there with my patient this morning. Pedometer says over 6000 but that still is not enough but sitting around drinking coffee with the neighbour don't add up to many steps LOL. Move move move is what I must do.

    So now to fix my food diary according to what I have in tracked in here. Diabetic counselor in the morning. I have pretty good readings to show her. So doing something right.

    Sorry but there's just to many to keep up with.

    Linda C
  • azmiz
    azmiz Posts: 128 Member
    Hello Everyone, I'm new to Myfitnesspal and so glad to find you! I'm 53, weighed 155 on 1/1/13 with a goal weight of 130. Thanks in advance for all the support and inspiration.
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Hi everyone, just sitting here reading everyone's message and enjoying the warm burn in my legs from a good workout today. Feeling so happy that I'm doing something again that is good for me rather than just thinking about it. I also think that just the newness and the fun of reading all these messages has helped distract me from the snacking I usually want to do, every time I have a down moment. I like the feeling of knowing I have made good choices with my food all week. I started out the day feeling a little low as I stepped on the scale and no more weight had come off, meanwhile my hubby is losing a pound a day. But then I was reading while I was drinking my coffee and reminded how blessed I am, and I decided to just throw off that dark feeling and concentrate on the good, and I was able to move on with my day and not let it get me off course.
    I'm not going to be able to respond to everyone today but just sending out best wishes for all of your good to all of you.

    Tigress, thanks for that protein pancake recipe. I'm going to try that soon.

    Lyn, the reason my smoothie recipe is for two, is because I usually make one for my hubby at the same time. I've never tried to freeze one. If I were you I would just cut it in half.

    And Cheryl I agree with everyone else. You and your horse are beautiful together.. I always think riding horses looks so cool.

    Good night to you all.

  • KatieLou1022
    KatieLou1022 Posts: 102 Member
    :heart: KatieLou1022 Pammie002 – I’m new as well – just this week and you will love this group – the people are amazing and the support is continuous and sooo positive! Good Luck!

    Thank you for the welcome. I see on your profile that you lost your husband. I did also. It's been a long, tough journey, hasn't it? I live in the Atlanta, GA area ... work full time ... have a miniature Australian shepherd. She keeps me going. I'm still trying to figure the calorie thing out. I find it hard to understand that I need to eat back the calories that I worked off exercising.

    Katie Lou
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    Hello! I am inexperienced in message boards but I am very glad I have found this one. I just came back to MFP and already I feel so much better. I wish I could just remember this feeling when I start losing my way.
    Have a great night - Paula
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    :smokin: Happy Monday! ~ It was my first day back to school – students return tomorrow. I liked having today to try to get things situated before they come back. We didn’t have to be there until 8 (usually it’s 7:15) and I was still almost late!! I can’t believe I hit the snooze button as many times as I did. So, I run in with wet hair, no make up spilled diet pepsi down my shirt and pants, and some weird spot on the arm on my sweatshirt that looked like pancake batter!? (Which I didn’t know until my friend pointed it out to me when I sat down! Ha) I sit down moments before the meeting and the principal tells me I need to give a report to the faculty because the person who was supposed to do it was absent. OHHH BOY! The day went pretty well, but I am certainly tired. I wanted to do an exercise video, but opted for 45 on the treadmill instead while watching Dr. Phil.

    :embarassed: Okay this is probably a “bad” question – but I always struggle with being regular (if you know what I mean)..but thought/was hoping that getting in my water and exercising every day would help, but…well, …we are on day 6 with nothing going on here :sick: and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions?? :embarassed:

    :smile: LucyT4Dieting – so sorry to hear about your father in law! That is so difficult on the entire family – I will keep all of you in my prayers! – I’m new at this, but in the past whenever I set myself up to do 3 days of exercise of week I never keep up with it. I just have to do it every day…….let’s hope I can keep up with it because I know if I skip a day…I’m toast.
    Jane in Colorado – I have thought a lot about psychological reasons for my wt. and for me, personally, I feel there is a direct link! Without throwing out TMI, I put on wt. most quickly when I’m fearful or uncertain. When I have been thin before I haven’t felt “protected” (I know – odd), and once I find myself feeling that way I will quickly put wt. back on and then I almost feel relieved to see it back. CRAZY!! :glasses:

    :smile: MTGWW – thanks for the Biblical reference. Paul’s words fit me in so many areas right now! I may have to print that out and paste it everywhere (mirror, check book, refrigerator, mouse pad).

    :bigsmile: Laura80111 – THANKS for the water reminder!!!!

    :happy: MegBlair1 – thanks for the skinnytaste.com info – I need new recipes, too!!

    :heart: KatieLou1022 Pammie002 – I’m new as well – just this week and you will love this group – the people are amazing and the support is continuous and sooo positive! Good Luck!

    :tongue: Strong_Heart – Hi there – my goal is 60 by end of year (hopefully earlier) ha – soooo we have similar goals! Good luck to US!!

    :laugh: RJAdams – Being new, I don’t know the specifics about your work stress, but I can tell they are a constant weight on your shoulders – through no doing of your own! I LOVE though that you said you laughed this morning – because really, it shows you are keeping your mind and heart above the pettiness and unprofessionalism that you are describing – which is SO hard!! I’m sorry you have to face this person every day…..but I’m so very impressed by your handling of it! YAY You!

    :wink: Lavendergirll – Post girl POST!!!

    Have a great evening everyone! I need to work on some school stuff, play with the dog (who somehow managed to toss his favorite purple monkey stuffed animal on top of my porch roof and is JUST soooo heartbroken over it that I need to get the ladder and try to get it down for him) AND get organized so I don't run in to work like I just rolled out of bed (because I just rolled out of bed) like I did today!
    Going problem. Medication are a big issue if you are taking any.My doctoer put me on on delcolax. Mine issue is pain meds. Fruits and veggie are good. And lots of water. Hope it resolves itself.
    Joyce SW Washington
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    What's up buttercups??:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Its been a crazy day, but I managed to stick to my new goal of going to the gym and walking for 30 minutes on my lunch hour. I am going to try to do this everyday so that I can get some extra workout time in, in addition to my exercise class I take 4 days a week.

    Amanda, good luck with your CT Scan. I hope everything goes well.

    Welcome to everyone new.

    Keep up the good work to the rest. Post again soon.

    Love ya lots,

  • mouth5667
    For those of you who predicted a weight loss for me because I ate salmon last night, YOU WERE RIGHT! I dropped 1 pound and I am very happy about that.:bigsmile: I may have to start eating salmon everyday!

    Also, I love the MFP app for the I-phone. I didn't realize how much I used it until I didn't have it. I am currently waiting on a replacement phone. :cry: Should arrive tomorrow.

    It's been a long day and I think I am going to go to be early.

    Will check in again tomorrow.

    Lori H.
  • shazzacass
    shazzacass Posts: 13 Member
    Hi girls .. Thank you for directing me onto here BarbiK. TRACKING - I need that work emblazzened on my teeth as when "I'm good, I'm very very good, but when I'm bad ............" you all know the story :)