What annoys you about others at the gym?



  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Those TRX and Zumba people. Please, go back to the planets you came from...

    (just kidding, sort of)
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    When someone crop dust (fart)!

    That happens way too often. The stress and the exertion sometimes ignites something fierce inside their bellies.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    When someone crop dust (fart)!
    omg lol nasty
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    The lady who was talking LOUDLY on her cell phone while lifting today pissed me off.

    This doesn't piss me off but it confuses me; why do full hair and makeup to go sweat at the gym? :huh:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    The lady who was talking LOUDLY on her cell phone while lifting today pissed me off.

    This doesn't piss me off but it confuses me; why do full hair and makeup to go sweat at the gym? :huh:

    I've had those types. if I can hear you over my head phones, shut up! as for make up and hair, I take mine off if im wearing it, but no issues to people that dont
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    When people don't wipe their machines. I know that they know they are supposed to do it. Lazy! :mad: Also, there is a lady that invades my space. At 4:45 AM the gym is practically empty and there are plenty of machines. She insists on getting the one right next to me and I can feel her staring down the display on my machine. Never Fails! Maybe she wants to be friends, or has some sort of issue with allowing others some personal space. Or maybe I am territorial. ha. but at 4:45 AM I don't need any new friends or a stranger breathing all over me and my machine!
    I might be quirky..but that bugs me!!
    Remind me to jump on the tredmill right next to yours next time Mar! lol love you
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    When people take over the abdominal machine! I wanna use it too!!
  • Wait... you notice other people at the gym?

    Also, how is she in your way if she never gets on a machine? lol....

    It sounds crazy, but it's quite the intricate process.

    I'll give you a personal example from my last experience with what I guess are new year's resolutionists. [side note, great for them to be exercising, NOT GREAT for them to be doing what I'm about to describe]

    at my gym, we have 2 leg lift machines. you know, the ones where you basically hold yourself up by your arms, brace your back against the back-pad..thing..provided, and lift your legs. works your upper thighs and your abs, specifically lower where everyone gets that pooch which is why I personally love it. we have two of them. I went at 11:30pm Friday night to avoid the people who hang out on the machines - generally the ones that come when it's SUPER busy - and two girls were over there. one was standing on one of the bars of one of the machines. no, she didn't use it. not once, actually. not one single time. what was she doing, you ask? texting. her friend was on a stability ball or whatever you call them - the huge bouncy ball that's good for doing crunches and other things. oh, did I mention she was LAYING on the stability ball? oh, and that she was also blocking the other piece of leg lift equipment? good for her for working out though, right? NOT. guess what she was doing! TEXTING. you know how I know? because they were talking loud enough for all 5,000 square feet of this place to hear. they were both talking to the same guy..Justin? Jarred? showing each other their texts with him. giggling. talking. texting. LOUNGING on these machines. were they using the machines? no. one of them was technically "on" it but STILL not using it. I ran a mile and climbed 50 floors before they moved, and trust me - I am NOT a fast runner.

    these are the people that annoy me at the gym.

    as for the old men and their ball flashing tendancies...*gag*
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    bhopejones AMEN
  • Those TRX and Zumba people. Please, go back to the planets you came from...

    (just kidding, sort of)

    what's TRX? and I do zumba! and I definitely am from earth, nor am I Latin. I'm as white as they come. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you mentioned zumba people because they generally are in crazy-bright neon colored outfits?
  • I live in a nice community and we have a great, full-size gym that we go to for free (with our annual dues). It's clean, well-kept and everyone there is really nice.

    My only gripe? The high school set who work out there. Now, the boys are really nice and have never been disrespectful. But, they are teenage boys. They congregate and hover around equipment. They hoard dumbbells - especially those 10-20 lbs weights that naturally...I need! LOL

    But, really - that's my only woe. I guess I'm pretty lucky!! lol
  • Not enough women showing more skin around the elliptical........Yeh yeh....I'm happily married but, here is my point. I want my heart rate increased quicker when I start so I know I'm burning optimal calories. I'm thinking more women showing more skin around the elliptical could improve that. :smokin:

    has anybody noticed this guy? this is the dude who chooses the treadmill right next to you when the whole row is empty. heck, when the whole GYM is empty.

    also, you are not happily married.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Only one thing bugs me at my gym. A chick i know claims to lift heavy, but all she does is bicep curls, tricep extensions, and side bends in the aerobics room. She uses the chest fly machine a bunch as well. Ive never seen her in the free weights section, unless she is picking up a db or two and leaving. Its bothersom because i know her and have known her for a long time. Why lie?
  • girls that wear makeup

    I go to the gym straight from work, so I have my makeup on. I don't feel the need to wash my face before working out. It's not like I get dolled up to go to the gym. Maybe the other girl's you are seeing are in a similar situation? (Sidenote, I don't wear a ton of makeup but do have concealer, eyeliner and mascara on).

    I go to the Ottawa U gym. Its very apparent which girls go there to workout and those that go to hangout. Also, you are right, I may not always be able to tell but I dont notice every girl that walk in with makeup on. Sometimes even in the middle of an intense workout you just happen to notice someone with heavy makeup on and you think "that's going to get messy" but If you are sweating like a crazy person ... no matter what I have respect :P anyways props to you for being able to fit it all in makeup or no makeuo :P
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    when homosexuals stand around and just stare at me work out. i'm not a homophobic but it's just weird and awkward. although i don't blame them for looking.
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    The snarky girlfriend. Girl, I'm NOT after your man. Relax.
  • knotsandloops845
    knotsandloops845 Posts: 13 Member
    Lmao.... really!!
  • knotsandloops845
    knotsandloops845 Posts: 13 Member
    girls that wear makeup

    I go to the gym straight from work, so I have my makeup on. I don't feel the need to wash my face before working out. It's not like I get dolled up to go to the gym. Maybe the other girl's you are seeing are in a similar situation? (Sidenote, I don't wear a ton of makeup but do have concealer, eyeliner and mascara on).

    I go to the Ottawa U gym. Its very apparent which girls go there to workout and those that go to hangout. Also, you are right, I may not always be able to tell but I dont notice every girl that walk in with makeup on. Sometimes even in the middle of an intense workout you just happen to notice someone with heavy makeup on and you think "that's going to get messy" but If you are sweating like a crazy person ... no matter what I have respect :P anyways props to you for being able to fit it all in makeup or no makeuo :P

    The way ilooked today I needed sum make up at the gym :-)
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    Old men (or any men for that matter) wearing bike shorts
    Fat guys who think their fat is muscle
    Fat guys lifting weights instead of getting on the treadmill
    People who make the gym a social gathering
    Old men sitting in the locker room talking while wearing no clothes
    People who do not remove the plates from the equipment when they have finished
    People who wear their sunglasses in the gym
    Guys who wear blue jeans and cowboy boots to workout
  • Kissah
    Kissah Posts: 33 Member
    I hate it when people don't clean up and just walk away like nothing.... Im like really and I bust out with my lysol pack.. lol