i dont get it



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Well this is mildly entertaining.

    tough crowd

  • Patti2Good
    Patti2Good Posts: 14 Member
    well night all i am not going to give her my attention any longer i do wish you well in your life journey and do hope that you dont run across as much people that judge you as you have judged in here..
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    Well this is mildly entertaining.

    tough crowd


    RIGHT?!!! lol
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    How about you worry about your own journey and others will worry about theirs.

    this please
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member

  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    What did I miss?
  • Jokenmit
    Jokenmit Posts: 80 Member
    everything is "bad" for you .... if you over endulge. but schooling people on thier choices to thier personal journey of weight lose is just disrespectful.
  • AussieTrainer
  • Mustaine4Pres
    I like turtles.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I like turtles.


  • AblazeRiver
    AblazeRiver Posts: 47 Member
    somehow my post submitted twice. i blame alcohol and the internet. check my newest post.
  • AblazeRiver
    AblazeRiver Posts: 47 Member
    look, I know this post is getting a lot of unwarranted attention so I'm just going to speak my opinion with no regard to prior posts:


    Yes, you will feel better/retain less water/have less insulin resistance if you stick to "whole foods" or "clean foods" or "only real sugars, and in very very low amounts" etc etc etc but at the end of the day your body works on a very simple math equation, and that's it. If you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight.

    We can get more detailed and say that protein=fullness for a longer amount of time+rebuilds muscle damaged from exercise. Carbs=short term boosts of energy that are awesome for pre-exercise (and fiber--a necessary carbohydrate--keeps you full for longer/keeps you regular) Fats=joint lubrication, lowering cholesterol (in the form of LDLs-Low Density Lipoproteins), and meal satisfaction in the form of complete "umami" flavor experience.

    The point I'm trying to make is that ALL of the macromolecules (protein, fat, and carbohydrates--study some biochemistry if you don't fully understand these compounds) are essential to life, and as long as you incorporate all of them within a good balance and a reasonable calorie limit, you WILL lose weight and you WILL become healthier overall.

    YES, fast foods are linked with cancer. YES, artificial sweeteners are associated with cancer. Want to know what else has toxins with either an equal (or higher) chance of causing cancer/health complications?
    -food dye
    -x rays
    -the air you breathe if you are within 500 miles of an urban area
    -exposure to certain animal dander
    -eating red meat in general
    -over exercising
    -driving a car
    -keeping a cell phone in your pocket (cervical/testicular cancer especially)
    -FM and AM radio waves
    -plasma screens
    -LCD screens
    -bubble baths
    -the Sun
    -burnt food
    -food cooked on a grill
    -food cooked on a gas stove
    -anything related to microwaves
    -aluminum foil
    -most antibiotics
    -coca cola (and all sodas)
    -estrogen/post menoposal therapy
    -oral contraceptives
    -leather dust
    -salted fish
    -silica gel (even when found in packets inside your shoes!)
    -ANYTHING involving body work on cars/bikes/planes/boats/etc
    -Insufficient activity levels
    -hair dye
    -spray-on sunscreen
    -most household cleaning agents (bleach, ammonia, etc)

    I could go on for hours. My point is, everything (in excess) will kill you eventually. eat what you enjoy, pay attention to your calories and macromolecules AND ENJOY WHATEVER THE **** YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT FITS THESE TWO PARAMETERS.

    I encourage everyone who agrees to add me as a friend. I am a nursing major and slightly obsessed with nutrition.

    thank you, MFP. GOODNIGHT.
  • justema
    justema Posts: 4 Member
    but its just crazy how people dont realize that its bad, but justify that its not as bad as something else there for its acceptable. if your not fully committed why even bother?

    Diet Coke is possibly the worst thing you ould ever put into your body!! Coke should be a cleaner and not something consumed by humans! Seems rather hypocritical that you can tell people 'splender' is poison when you consume coke! If the ran tests my bet is coke would be a hell of alo worse for you than what splender would ever be!
  • SheriBethB
    SheriBethB Posts: 159 Member

    YES, fast foods are linked with cancer. YES, artificial sweeteners are associated with cancer. Want to know what else has toxins with either an equal (or higher) chance of causing cancer/health complications?
    -food dye
    -x rays
    -the air you breathe if you are within 500 miles of an urban area
    -exposure to certain animal dander
    -eating red meat in general
    -over exercising
    -driving a car
    -keeping a cell phone in your pocket (cervical/testicular cancer especially)
    -FM and AM radio waves
    -plasma screens
    -LCD screens
    -bubble baths
    -the Sun
    -burnt food
    -food cooked on a grill
    -food cooked on a gas stove
    -anything related to microwaves
    -aluminum foil
    -most antibiotics
    -coca cola (and all sodas)
    -estrogen/post menoposal therapy
    -oral contraceptives
    -leather dust
    -salted fish
    -silica gel (even when found in packets inside your shoes!)
    -ANYTHING involving body work on cars/bikes/planes/boats/etc
    -Insufficient activity levels
    -hair dye
    -spray-on sunscreen
    -most household cleaning agents (bleach, ammonia, etc)

    I could go on for hours. My point is, everything (in excess) will kill you eventually. eat what you enjoy, pay attention to your calories and macromolecules AND ENJOY WHATEVER THE **** YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT FITS THESE TWO PARAMETERS.

    I encourage everyone who agrees to add me as a friend. I am a nursing major and slightly obsessed with nutrition.

    thank you, MFP. GOODNIGHT.

    Welp. I'm screwed. Im going to stop breathing and eating so I live longer...oh wait...
  • kannd86
    kannd86 Posts: 42
    Although I agree for most people this is true, calories are just one facet of weight loss, and sometimes they don't matter that much.



    I think we spend a lot of time counting calories when we should be spending it considering where they come from. It's never as simple as calories in/calories out.
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    Moderation is the key =].

  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    What kind of shampoo did you use today? What about makeup and lotion? Do you know what your shower curtain is made of, how about your floors or the plastic containers you buy your food in. I will bet you that you are surrounded by toxic **** and putting it on your skin, let people worry about what they are eating and you focus on what you are eating.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Pot calling the kettle black, much? The first 4 things on your dairy for just today are poison, and considered so by anyone following the paleo/ancestral eating/primal methodology. You obviously would disagree, but I am 100% positive you're killing yourself with what you eat, just as you would say "splenda eaters" and fast-food eaters" are. Who is to say what is RIGHT? Everyone finds what works for them. I avoid Splenda and fast-food myself, for the most part, but disagree that they are any more poisonous that what you eat.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Although I agree for most people this is true, calories are just one facet of weight loss, and sometimes they don't matter that much.



    I think we spend a lot of time counting calories when we should be spending it considering where they come from. It's never as simple as calories in/calories out.

    Here's another link for you:

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