

  • ouray12
    ouray12 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, Ladies! Been a crazy few days here. Lots of people sick with the flu, many in the hospital. Also, several cases of RSV in the little ones. Don't think I've ever had so many friends and loved ones sick.

    Glad it's the new year with a new start and outlook. Jane, most emotional eating is learned. Years ago, I started heading to the mexican restaurant where I would soothe my stresses with chips and hotsauce. Feels so great until the stuffed feeling hits and I stepped on the scales. Finally quit doing that. Walking, relaxing or chewing carrot sticks are much better ways to cope! MFP is
    also great as we share and support each other.

    Hope everyone has a great week,
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Tigress & others - have you gone to http://www.diabeticlivingonline.com/? DH is diabetic so I signed up to get their emails and have enjoyed thus far. Great recipes and other info.

    Went to the Y after work, 2.2 miles and did weights as well. Boss was out of the office today so all of us were able to leave at the scheduled time. YAY!

    I had grilled salmon, steamed cauliflower and a baked potato for supper - delicious! We'll test the magical power of the salmon in the morning....

    Have a great evening.

    Gail / metro Atlanta, GA
  • ivmae
    ivmae Posts: 1
    Hi I'm Ivy. My January goal is to check out mfp and start a food diary. I've accomplished both today, so my next goal is keep a food diary for week without any changes in my eating habits.
    Eventually I hope to lose 15 lbs and create a healthier diet (I LOVE chocolate) but at 50, I've got high cholestrol and blood pressure (sigh).
    This is a great board and good luck to everyone in accomplishing your goals.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello dearies!

    Back to school for me today too. My grade 7's were very happy to see each other and moderately happy to see me, so we are back into the routine. PE first thing Monday morning, we began with our " beginning of term" fitness test ( yes, I did it too). I got a grant to buy a class set of heart rate monitors so when those come I'll have lots more fun PE lessons!

    New Years reading includes "Thinner This Year", by the author of the "Younger Next Year" books. It is a really good overview ( lots of science) of the reasons why we should eat well and exercise as well as the "how to". One change for me is to separate my interval workouts from my strength training and add a "long slow" workout 2x a week. That's six days a week, which is OK for me as long as I go straight to the gym from school with no distractions along the way. Once I get home I am done!

    J'boy has the laptop and I am using the iPad so can't do a side-by- side document and reply sensibly to you all.

    Have fun!

    Hasta pronto,

    Nancy from SE British Columbia.
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • audbod63
    audbod63 Posts: 15 Member
    I am so excited to be turning 50 this month. I look forward to following this thread as I begin this weight loss journey. Being 100 pounds overweight seemed insurmountable to me, but your comments encourage me to be able to tackle this excess poundage. Blessings to all in this new year.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Here I am late at night again! I lost 1.2 lbs this week. I'm so excited because I've been stuck for a few weeks.
    Mary Ann - I did the same thing, wrote on my calendar 1/1/12 my weight. This year, I was exactly the same way. What's going on with that! I did have a major surgery that put me down for 6 weeks but that is no excuse.
    Jane in Co - If we could get to the bottom of the emotional eating our weight loss journey would be so much smoother. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad, nervous, etc. What I'm hoping is my good eating choices will become a habit and help me in those occasions.
    Valorie - good luck with your knee surgery. Do the best you can with your exercises but you do have choices when it comes to food. Also, remember to drink your water!
    Katie Lou - Welcome, glad you found the thread. We have about the same amount to lose. I can relate to those 16's need to throw them away
    Denise - love your quotes.
    Paula - Whenever you feel like you're losing your way, jump on the computer and "talk to us"
    Lori - Yea for salmon! You did it. Keep it up.Great loss.
    Gail - if salmon works for you tomorrow, I'm buying some. Let us know
    It's late and I've had a very busy day. We're still harvesting pecans and I worked outside 4 hours today. Got in over 13,000 steps today. Will be back tomorrow. Let's keep on going!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have house guests and I have no time to post, so I just want to say Hi I'm glad you're here.

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Liz - that's wonderful that you got 2 of those pounds off. I know you'll get that last one off, too.

    Lin - you are a good friend to help your friend the way you do. Not everyone would do something like that.

    Positive Power - When I was about 17 or 18, I worked in a fast food place. All that food available to me whenever I worked. And we weren't charged anything to eat it, so eat it I did. To this day, I do not find fast food to be in the least bit appetizing. Even their desserts

    Welcome everyone new.

    Valerie - good luck to you on with your knee.

    Lucy4TDieting - prayers for you and yours. I would say that my exercise secret is 1) force of habit and 2) constantly changing things up so I don't get bored doing the same thing

    I was on here too much this morning and almost forgot to do my yoga, so I did a 15 minute DVD (was planning to do a 30 minute one). Then bought gas, then took the extremepump class. When I got there, there was a sign that the instructor was sick and wouldn't have the class. Fortunately, the other gal who subs for her came to the class so she ran it instead. Tomorrow I'll do a 30 minutes to fitness DVD that I got

    Meg - glad your coworkers sent you home! That's where you should be, taking care of yourself. I would probably get bored having egg omlets every day. But then again, that's me, always wanting to do something different. lol Cheryl's headless horseman....lol

    tammy - I was about to suggest skinnytaste, but I see Meg beat me to it.

    Robin - your boss must be one very unhappy person. Hope the new cloak works as well as the last one did.

    kackie - you can keep that rum pound cake, thank you very much. So sorry you weren't able to open the pic of the pool. I'm not sure that this'll post the pic. jb - if it doesn't, what am I doing wrong?


    azmiz - your goal sounds very doable, very doable

    Lori - woohoo on the weight loss. Salmon to the rescue every time it seems...lol Isn't it amazing how we miss something so much when we no longer have it? Well, it'll only be for a short time. I know I'd be lost without the app.

    Ivy - I like that you're taking baby steps with your goals. That's the way to do it.

    Nancy - when we go to FL in Feb., I'm planning to take some audiobooks with me from the library. I do hope they have "Thinner This Year and "Younger Next Year". Say, I'll call them in advance so they can get them in in case they're at another branch. Who's the author?

    Had mahjongg at my house tonight.

    Every year the Newcomers has what has been called a gala. Basically, it's had been held at a country club, there was dancing. I was considering running it next year because I wanted to do something different. We've done the same thing at the same place for the past 4 years. Well, the gal who is in charge was here at mahjongg tonight. She wants to do it differently. I'm seriously thinking that I'll be on the committee for one thing because I really want something different and for another thing because it appears that 2 of the ladies who are on the committee are giving her grief that they can't do this week, they can't do that week. It's almost at the point where they can only do it one weekend. I'm thinking that she's going to need backup for doing things differently. Plus, this is exciting me because it's something different.

    Well, gotta get ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Pool party :drinker: at Michele's house - and we'll all be in our new bikini bodies!!!

    @SueB - 1.2 pounds - Yayyy!!! I hope that is me Friday - The pound it said I gained last Friday plus at least .2 :smile:

    Thanks everyone for saying nice things about my horse. Next time I promise not to cut his head off :flowerforyou:
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
    bump :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :bigsmile: The secret to exercise is to find something that you like and make it a priority.......walk whenever you have a chance (in front of the TV, while waiting for your car to be serviced, when you have a surprise 10 minutes)....look for ever opportunity to be active rather than looking for an opportunity to sit down and put your feet up

    :flowerforyou: I meet my friends for a walk not for a meal.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: it's way past my bedtime but I wanted to say hello to the greatest group of friends a person could have.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newcomers:flowerforyou:

    You will love this thread; these ladies are supportive and encouraging. I stay away from threads where I feel beat up and don't respond to any comments that do the same. Log your food daily and post when you can to stay in touch, or lurk if you don't have time to post.

    And remember that every day is a new day! You can do it :flowerforyou:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Bump....I found you and unfortunatly, I have to work in the morning and I need to go to slleep. Catch you all tomorrow

  • HollyWentFishin1
    Hi Everone, Happy New Year 2013!

    A couple of years ago I lost 100 lbs, but 12 crept back on me. Now I've started tracking on MFP, and wow!! This is great! I'm not yet 50 but I will be this year...9 more months of 49. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, idea, tricks, secrets and those things that didn't go so well!
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    omygosh, it's 19 pages already and only the first week of January - I'll never keep up at this rate!

    Just got home from a Council meeting and am a little too tired to go back and respond to everyone I'd like to so will have to give it a pass tonight. That being said the pool picture is amazing Micheel, I love it and am envious (but not of all the hard work you two put in there), and Cheryl, the horse photo just makes me smile.

    Today turned out to be vegetarian day by accident. A friend showed up with lunch (tomato/bocconcini/basil salad) so It was a really nice surprise (and very healthy too). So the turkey soup I took for lunch will be waiting for me tomorrow. And I had a quinoa and bean casserole for dinner before the Council meeting, also healthy. I ended up coming home between work and the meeting and having to shovel a whole lot more snow. We're supposed to get a whole lot more over the next couple of days with a Pacific front coming in so I'd better get used to shovelling for awhile. The dogs think it is great play time and chase the push shovel all over the place. Good exercise but one shoulder kind of hurts a bit. I think I'll do a hot pack on it when I go to bed.

    JaneH - i agree about the emotional eating, I'm pretty sure that when I realized I deserved to look good I started to actively lose weight. Before that it was sort of a protective shell. I wish I'd had that eureka moment about 10 years ago. I'm just very fortunate that my health is excellent so I hope I did no lasting damage to myself.

    Time to crawl into bed, I'm yawning so time to listen to my body.
    Night ladies, sleep tight and wishing you a morning bright.
  • rdplasschaert
    @wannabethingirl2 Marita -- regular movement

    Having enough of constructive fat in my system helps slide things along -- I use coconut oil, olive oil, avocado- eating avocado, yep, there I said it! :love: (for the beneficial fats in them).

    a few moments of physical massage can do wonders for me:

    Laying on your back
    --->bring your hands up your abdomen from the lower right hip to just below the right ribs,
    ---> across the midriff to your left,
    ---> down your left front from below your left ribs to your left hip,
    ---> then across to your right hip. Use the amount of pressure that feels good to you. (light, medium, heavy -- refrain from inducing pain). The object is to love your intestines and their ability to help you release what you don't need in your body.
    --->and of course, massaging a bit any bit of your abdomen within that outer circle you just made at your leisure and with loving nuturance toward your excretory system, without it you wouldn't be alive. :bigsmile:

    Sitting on the side of the bed, or on the loo: reach back and rub your lower back (what you can comfortably reach with your hands).

    Laying on the floor bring your knees up toward your chest (comfortably) and roll from side to side on your hips and lower back.

    You don't need to use your hands, and you can get in some gentle massage that also qualifies as mild stretching on the exercise counter by playing with body movement. A few seconds at a time mounts up if you do it a few times a day.

    Here's one fun Zen Imagery Exercise from Shizuto Masunaga that helps movement (not only in my body, but within my intestines):

    Visual image -- as you begin to awaken, imagine that it is early in spring when everything in nature begins to come alive and animals come out of hibernation, and you are expressing this incipient movement of life with a squirming and wriggling motion of your whole body.

    Physical movement -- Start by pressing your heels and shoulders against the bed or floor (arms stretched out comfortably over head, if possible) move your hips side to side. The distance you move them in the beginning is not as important as the fact that you move them. :grin:: Do it as many times as you feel comfortable with.

    Gotta love the system that lets you release toxins from your body -- it's a cool part of you, and well worth the love!

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    Just a short note as I find that after I have read the posts I have already been sitting too long!
    I need to be up and moving around.:laugh:

    Cheryl-:flowerforyou: Love the picture of you on your horse! I can remember riding as a child and I loved it! You are so lucky to have horses and go and ride.
    Michele :flowerforyou: Wow, love the picture of the pool! You and Vince have done a lot of work! You did a fabulous job! Simply beautiful.
    Meg- Talula has a micro tear of the ACL knee joint. The vet said he could feel a "buttress" and this was typical of this type of injury. Treatment is conservative at first. Pin pills, lose weight and when feeling better 15 min walks/day. She still will not jump up to our high bed. She used to sleep with Mike and I like a baby!:bigsmile: Did you get mu nurses orders? They were ordered STAT!
    JaneH-:flowerforyou: I think I eat due to lack of control of some of the situations in my life. I like to be in control. It is also a way to stuff ones feelings down! It is an ingrained emotional tie that goes back to childhood. My Mother got divorced and I remember her buying us sweets on the way home from our grocery trip to the local Air Force Base. Sweets were cheap and there was no talk about sugar, obesity way back in the 60/70's era. I think once I came to really understand the reasons I was eating, it is easier now to be aware of those cravings and why I want to eat something if I have fed my body nutritionally already! It is complicated and I don't always win the mental mind games!
    Amanda-:flowerforyou: glad that you are able to walk. I hope this means that the back and knees are feeling better! Praying for you and your upcoming test.
    Kackie:flowerforyou: , so glad to see you back on track and on the blog! It has been a long time!
    Barbie- tells us again the name of your pedometer! There was no more room in my brain to remember this! Sorry

    Ladies-:flowerforyou: if you did not know this, cinnamon will help to stabilize your blood sugar. I always put it in my yogurt. The diabetic patients that I talk to use cinnamon to try to help lower their blood sugar. I get hypoglycemic at time's when I don't eat enough or I get a stress induced hypoglycemia this is called reactive hypoglycemia. I usually get this around the time of my menses.

    DeeDee-:flowerforyou: I could not sleep Sunday night either! It has to be hormonal!. Hope you are sleeping better!
    Laura80111-:flowerforyou: So happy to see you back on the blog! Sounds like you had a lovely family holiday!

    I see the hand MD on Jan 17th and I am praying that I am back to work by the end of January! Still have the carpal tunnel when hands are bent is certain positions, but it definitely is not like the first day. The MD told me to take B100 for this!

    See how wonderful vitamins are!! Especially vitamin F! I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT MY VITAMIN F! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Ok, have a wonderful tuesday everyone! :smile:
    Be strong, log, drink and move! Be proud of your accomplishments.:bigsmile:

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    Hugs,:heart: LindaS aka Sundanceb
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    I'm suffering from horse riding and pool envy! You girls are making my green eyes greener.

    Back at the gallery today and lots of work to do. I also need to catch up with some Latin translation this evening. Unfortunately I have to be seated to do the translation - which is not good for my back or knees. Have to make sure I get up and move around every few minutes - but then I lose concentration! Aggh - moan, moan, moan!

    I'll try to get back on later to catch up with you all.

    Amanda x